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(Hat tip:&#160 Hoft, as usual.)

And at the other extreme (i.e. the heterophobic pro-sodomite militant leftards) comes this video.

I’m putting it below the fold to give you time to put down all throwables/breakables/shootables, etc.&#160 I guaran-damn-tee you that you’ll have your own personal RCOB&#153 going within fifteen seconds, and by the end will be wanting to print out a picture of this bastard to take to the range with you.

So here we go.&#160 Don’t say I didn’t warn you:

Now, this vid was originally taken down after the asslick got caught in the resulting shitstorm; what you’re watching here is a re-upload. The pussy who actually committed this heinous act of sheer chickenshittery has his YouTube page here.&#160 Do note the overwhelming&#160 display of support he’s receiving.&#160 &#160 (The guy is supposedly some sort of instructor/lecturer, which is the reason this has been added to “Asshattery in Academia”.)

Lord, please don’t ever send me to Arizona.&#160 I don’t think I could get out of there without being arrested for shoving a cattle prod up this prick’s ass and locking it on “high”…

UPDATE(s):&#160 Well, first & foremost, the pusstard appears to have gotten shitcanned for his shit.

Adam Smith, former CFO and treasurer of medical supplies manufacturer Vante, caused quite a stir today when he put up a video of himself bullying a Chick-fil-A drive-thru employee in Tucson on YouTube.

Smith berates the worker about her company in the video, which was initially titled ”Reduce $’s to Chick-Fil-A’s Hate Groups.” It has since been taken down (though others have uploaded it too).


Vante didn’t approve of Smith’s behavior, and he’s no longer working there.

Here’s the press release from Vante announcing that Smith is “no longer an employee of our company,” effective immediately:

TUCSON, AZ–(Marketwire – Aug 2, 2012) – The following is a statement from Vante:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

Oh, and the other update?&#160 If you go to that site of his I linked, you’ll see that he’s put up a cycling video…and taken down all the support.

Aw.&#160 Shucky darn.&#160


This morning, Pennsylvania State University beclowned itself with an act of sacrilege.

The Joe Paterno statue was removed Sunday morning from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium, and it will be stored in an unnamed “secure location,” Penn State president Rodney Erickson announced. Erickson also said the Paterno name will remain on the university’s library.

Well, how absolutely fuckin’ white&#160 of Widdle Wodney.&#160

The decision came 10 days after a scathing report by former FBI director Louis J. Freeh found that Paterno, with three other top Penn State administrators, had concealed allegations of child sexual abuse made against former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky. The Freeh report concluded their motive was to shield the university and its football program from negative publicity.

Lemme tell you something about Louise Freeh.&#160 This dickhead was the FBI director for one Bill “Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister” Clinton.

You guys do&#160 remember Der Kaiser, don’t you?&#160 You know – the half-assed excuse-for-a-President who had a full-blown affair with one Monica Lewinsky (complete with a cigar up her pussy & everything) – then lied about it to the American people?!?!?!?!?!&#160 That&#160 Kaiser Wilhelm?

Louise Freeh was part of one of the lyingest half-assed regimes in American history.&#160 He himself is a lying sack of shit.&#160 If Louise Freeh were to tell me that 2+2=4, I’d damned sure have a calculator & a couple of computers handy.

Joe Paterno was never charged with a crime.&#160 He never had a fair trial.&#160 His attorneys were never – and still&#160 aren’t – allowed to cross-examine witnesses, whom themselves are shielded by their own&#160 attorneys.&#160 Yet we’re expected, nay obligated, to take Louise Freeh’s word as fucking gospel?!

Fuck.&#160 That.

Joe Paterno, like every other American citizen, is innocent until proven guilty.&#160 He, just like all the rest of us, is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.&#160 Nothing less.

Yet Widdle Wodney Ewickson, being the spineless little dickweasel he is, will take the word of the FBI director of a known & proven liar, and further sully the reputation of the man that defined what previously had been the model college football program for nearly the last half century – and&#160 does it after the man has died, thus leaving him unable to defend himself.

Typical leftard scumbaggery.

Fuck you, Rodney Erickson.

Fuck you, Penn State.

Fuck you, Louise Freeh, you cowardly little needle-dicked son-of-a-bitch.



Fox News has just reported that the “individual mandate” portion of Bambicare is constitutional as a tax.&#160 John Roberts sided with the leftist pusstards on the decision.

I say now, and for the record – I WILL NOT OBEY THIS.

I am currently covered under my company’s plan. When it goes away – and I guaran-damn-tee you, it will&#160 go away – I will not get replacement coverage.

Let me say that again:&#160 I will not purchase coverage.

I will not pay any related tax.

I will not pay any penalty.

IRS, you will have to come get me.

If you dare.

Fuck you, Johnita Roberts.

Fuck your wife.

Fuck your kids.

Fuck you, George “Shrubya” Bush, who put the son-of-a-bitch on the Soprano Court in the first&#160 fucking place.

And last but not least – fuck the Hell outta you, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi.

I.&#160 WILL.&#160 NOT.&#160 OBEY!!!!!

UPDATE:&#160 And Denizens, I hate like hell to contradict myself, go hypocritical, make a liar of myself, all that.

But I have no choice.&#160 Apologies to the Vicar, the General, Plett, the Lady, La Reina, Mrs. Venomous – everyone.

But as of now – 0930 hours, 6/28/2012 – I am declaring my intention to vote for Willard Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America.

Because, you see, Obambi – I&#160 know whose ass to kick, you illegal Kenyan son of a slutty crack whore bitch.


(Hat tip:&#160 Hoft.)

ITEM:&#160 A couple days ago, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi accused the Republicans in general (and President Bush in particular of sticking him with a trillion-dollar deficit.

“I love it when these guys talk about debt and deficits,” Obama told supporters in Baltimore. “I inherited a trillion dollar deficit.”


“It’s like somebody goes to a restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, a martini and all that stuff, then just as you’re sitting down they leave and accuse you of running up the tab,” Obama said.

ITEM:&#160 Today, B. HUSSEIN&#160 Obambi…stuck someone else with a bill.

Amid the bustle of President Obama’s surprise stop for barbecue Wednesday the White House apparently overlooked one key detail: the bill.

Celebrating Father’s Day early, the president had lunch with two service members and two local barbers at Kenny’s BBQ on Capitol Hill.

As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.

The bill for the president and his four guests was $55.58, but was left unpaid at the point of sale, according to pool reports.

I’d use my standard line here, but I might be accused of being…wait for it…RAAAAACIST!!!!!!!!!


Besides…it’s down there in the categories anyway.&#160

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. ” ― Margaret Thatcher


And Denizens, in this thread here, wherein Don Rickles is at a Shirley MacLaine roast and makes an allegedly “RAAAAACIST” comment (gotta get those five As in there y’know) about the Ayatollah, a comment demonstrating the average IQ of the Demoscum can be found:

oh is it diffrent when mentally-ill repubs go on shows you HYPOCRITES bush perry michele baucman oh mitt romney did 10 best things on letterman stupid bush pretended to be a war pilot on a ship lying again mission accomplished 10yrs later the mission still is a mission retarded republican with selective memory you forgot lura bush on show too.. let me run along you mutts are really a waste of reality time i’ll leave ya in koo koo for coca puffs land go play with froot loop bird

Ladies & Gentlemen…your average Demoscum.

Pathetic, ain’t it?


Gang, I’m not even sure where to start with this one. RCOB may be a good place….but even THAT doesn’t really come close to describing how entirely peeved I am.

Explosive. Nope, not close either.

Nuclear meltdown. Nope, but getting closer.

Let’s just say I have the ENTIRE base ready to bust outta the gates and deliver some good ol’ fashioned AMERICAN justice to some real PINHEADS over at (P)MSNBupChuck after reading about this over at The Blaze.

MSNBC is not known as a network that sympathizes with the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, but this Memorial Day weekend, rather than put aside their political differences to salute our men and women in uniform, a panel on Chris Hayes’ show instead engaged in a debate over how to refer to our fallen soldiers.

Specifically, the panel debated over using words like “hero” because– in their words– the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan aren’t “worthy” causes.

These utterly clueless pinheads (borrowing a phrase most commonly used by Bill O’Reilly), well unpatriotic former citizens actually would be a better description, wouldn’t have any idea what constitutes: 1) a “hero”, 2) what is “worthy”, and 3) anything about America history. Apparently these arsewipes forget little things like……

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

That you oh so clueless talking pieholes is what we AMERICANS call the Preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Remember, that dusty old document that separated us from a tyrannical government and which very shortly later gave us THIS Preamble:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You remember the Constitution right? That document that all those “heroes” defended and DIED for in order to PROTECT! That document you so ungraciously are choosing to THROW IN THE TRASH because it’s “too old” and “too rigid” or “outdated”. I take it you would prefer say a government like the NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY had during the 30s and 40s in Germany? Or, let me guess, you’d really like to have the great system under the COMMUNIST PARTY of the Stalin era? And I’m sure you’d just jump for joy to have a police state where organizations like the SS or Gestapo, or say the KGB would be the real controlling power. You’ like that wouldn’t you?

Someone please get me my emergency pallet of duct tape before my head EXPLODES!!!!

To second what David already posted earlier, certainly let’s all on this Memorial Day thank all those men and women who are currently defending our freedom and the Constitution but also pause to remember those who gave their life defending that Constitution and our freedoms. Not to mention those Founding Fathers who gave supremely because they had the conviction to stand up to a king and his tyrannical government and separate themselves from that destitution in order to form what we now live in.

If anyone else watched the Indianapolis 500 or the Coca-Cola 600 races yesterday, THOSE folks understand why and what our military sacrifice for. Just like David stated, I as well am proud to have served in our nation’s military. It was an honor and privilege I will never forget. Obviously it’s something no one over at the Pinhead Television Network has a clue about where to begin to comprehend something that the rest of us have readily praised and understood for a very long time now.

Honestly, the 21-gun salute, playing of Taps, or even the missing man aerial fly-by — while deserved — sometimes just isn’t enough to adequately portray the thankfulness and respect that each and every one of those who have gone before us defending our nation rightfully require.



Denizens, your homework assignment for the weekend is to read this treatise by Zilla of the Resistance.&#160 (It’s a long read, which is why you have all weekend.)&#160 Additional information can also be obtained here and here.

(Yes, that last one is a link to Malicious Malkin’s column, but there’s a reason for it.&#160 Don’t get ahead of me, mkay?)

Today is “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day” in the Blogosphere.&#160 This chickenshit needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is, and together we can all play a part in doing so.

Oh, and Kimberlin?&#160 Fuck you, you pussified douchetard.&#160 Try coming after me or mine, and I’ll see to it you don’t go after anyone else.

Bank on that, chickenshit.


Denizens, as you know, I’ve remained decidedly mega-underwhelmed with the campaign of one Willard Mittens Romerrhoid for the office of President of the United States.&#160 And it’s not a state secret that I’ve declared my intent to bypass the presidential election in November.

That may be about to change.&#160 And this is why.

Businessman Frank Vandersloot, the CEO of Melaleuca, has been targeted by the Obama campaign after donating money to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. “Three weeks ago, an Obama campaign website, ‘Keeping GOP Honest,’ took the extraordinary step of publicly naming and assailing eight private citizens backing Mr. Romney,” Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal reported. “Titled ‘Behind the curtain: a brief history of Romney’s donors,’ the post accused the eight of being ‘wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records.’ Mr. VanderSloot was one of the eight, smeared particularly as being ‘litigious, combative and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement.'”

The attacks are working. Vandersloot revealed in an interview on Fox News that his business practice is being hurt by the attacks from the Obama team.

“Those people that I know well weren’t affected by this [attack],” said Vandersloot. “But for people who didn’t know me, who are members of our business or customers, and they were reading this, then we got a barrage of phone calls of people cancelling their customer memberships with us.”

“Really?,” the Fox News host asked. “How many did that?”

“A couple hundred that we can track,” Vandersloot replied.

Vandersloot has also claimed (believably so) that these same chickenshits are stalking his children, calling them, demanding interviews with them, etc.

So what we have here is basically this:&#160 you donate or show any other types of material support to the Romney campaign, you get a target painted on your back and you get put on the intimidation list.&#160 Smears, rumors, harassment.&#160 All because you committed the CAPITAL FUCKING CRIME&#160 of daring to oppose Al-Obambi.

The message is clear:&#160 “Nice life you got there.&#160 Shame if anything were to happen to it…”

Might be time to make a donation, eh what…?


Item:&#160 Cher’s having a bad day

Reaction:&#160 Fine with me, Cupid Stunt&#153.&#160 Off yourself.&#160 (And take that…that…that whatever-you-gave-birth-to…with you while you’re at it.)

It’s not like anyone with so much as a quarter of a brain is gonna miss your skanky ass, anyway, y’know?


ITEM:&#160 After Rush Limbaugh told the truth, then wussed out, about Sandra “Slut” Fluke…

(Yeah, that’s right, Sandy baby – I called you a slut, you’re also a prostitute, and there ain’t no apology coming from me, ever)

…the pusstard Demoscum launched the shit-for-brains meme that Republicans had launched a so-called “war on women”.

“We’re making an issue over the whole Republican war against women,” said Maggie Davidson, president of the Democratic Women’s Club of Northeast Broward. “We’re going to try to bring a lot of attention to what’s been going on in the state legislatures and in Congress.”

Specifically, the notion that conservatives like me & you are out to destroy women because we’re sick & tired of our tax monies going for them to fuck like minxes (minxes?) and abort damn the consequences.

But that’s another post for another time.

ITEM:&#160 One of Al-Obambi’s designated methane-spewing propaganda mouthpieces, Hitlary Hilary Rosen, late of the we-don’t-want-you-to-record-our-music (hack, spit)&#160 RIAA (hack, spit), had this to say about Ann Romney (hat tip:&#160 Hoft):

“Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life,” said Rosen, who was being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper about the war on women.

Same Al-Obambi that pays its female employees 18% less than men.

PotKettleBlack&#153 much, Jugears?

MERLIN:&#160 Ooooooh, RAAAAACIST!!!!

VENOMOUS:&#160 Bite me, Wizard.



In all the hubbub surrounding the Trayvon Martin-George (Jorge?) Zimmerman brouhaha, there has been (to put it mildly) a lot of noise.

Reports, opinions, accusations, denials, threats – you name it, it’s out there.

I found the following (below the fold) on this thread here.&#160 And before NJ.com scrubs it, I’m presenting it here for you.

The commenter seems to have done a most impressive job of investigating.

DrBID April 01, 2012 at 12:06PM

An Examination of the Trayvon Martin case

Like most people, I first came across this case watching the news in mid to early March. The narrative presented was, “innocent black child (Trayvon Martin) carrying only Skittles and an Ice Tea while walking home hunted down by white racist neighborhood watch leader (George Zimmerman), pleads for help and then is executed in cold blood”.

I was then told that the child was a “A / B student, who never got in trouble, who wanted to be an Aviator”. I was informed that the “White Racist Killer” was previously arrested.

I even saw the pictures of a cute little boy who was the victim, and then shown a mug shot of the heavy set man who executed him.

My first reaction was how terrible, but knowing our lazy liberal media, the story was just too one-sided, even for their standards. I then saw that the Race baiting Al Sharpton was getting involved, and for me, sent smoke signals that something just wasn’t right.

At that point, the liberal outlets like MSNBC, AP, CNN, NBC and others unleashed an all-out onslaught against George Zimmerman. Even our current president, Obama had to “stupidly” get involved. The politics and racialization of this incident has driven this story, more than the actual facts.

On the very first day at looking at this story, what obviously struck me was the mug shot of George Zimmerman. I was told that he was a “white racist”, but after looking at the picture, I was looking at a Hispanic male. Not that it mattered, but it started a trail of half-truths, mistruths, and omissions that have plagued this story.

Next, after being shown a picture of the Trayvon Martin, and being told he was a child, I naturally thought, like most people who got sucked into this story, that he was about 10 to 12 years old. When I found out that he was 17, I started to feel really misled.

As the days proceeded, the race baiting Martin camp would release a new revelation every night. Each and every bit of information that they would present turns of to be completely false or misrepresented.

Many who have been on NJ.com have seen my “Facts” post. This is a compilation of facts that were never presented to the public, however, all of these facts were public information and available for the liberal media to present. They chose not to present it. So outlets like MSNBC, CNN, AP, and the rest of the liberal media have decided to present a ONE-SIDED representation of this story. You may want to ask why…

I am now presenting a new list. This is a list of all the false information that has been presented by the Martin camp, and NOT challenged by the Liberal media. In fact, they promoted this false information.

The goal of this list is for you the reader, to understand how you have been manipulated by a corrupt group of media, race baiters and politicians. If you show any sign of intelligence, you might want to stop and question anything these people ever say again.

You also rethink of voting for politicians who jumped into this fray – like OBAMA!!!

Here is the list. Each item is sourced. If you can challenge anything that I have listed, please do so…

1) Why did they lie to you by portraying that Martin was a Child?
FACT: Martin was 17 years old, a high school Junior.

2) Why did they continue to paint the picture that Martin was a child by showing 5 to 10 year old pictures?
FACT: More recent pictures of the 6’3” Martin show him with Gold teeth and many tattoos. These pictures have been available to the media, so why did they continue to show pictures of Martin as a little child?

3) Why did they say that Martin did NOTHING wrong, but carry “Skittles and an Ice tea”?
FACT: “Nothing wrong” means NOTHING. However, not once in the early stages of this story did they mention a fight. Martin’s father and all the race baiters knew about the facts surrounding Zimmerman’s defense and the eyewitness statements that Martin was hitting Zimmerman. How do we know that, because Martin’s father recently disclosed that the Police provided him the entire details of their investigation, which included that Martin had struck Zimmerman. Again, why did they not reveal that very important part of the story?

4) Why did they lie that it was Trayvon Martin screaming?
FACT: After the 911 tapes were released, some of the tapes caught the screams of someone yelling help. Team Trayvon was quick to claim the screams were of Trayvon. They eve trotted out Trayvon’s mother to say that was her son’s voice. Further, they trotted out a “Witness” who claimed that the voice was the “child” who was screaming. As it turns out, that witness did NOT see anything, she just heard it assumed that it was the voice of a child. Again, not realizing that Trayvon Martin was a young adult and not realizing that Zimmerman had a high pitched voice.

5) Why did they lie that Zimmerman fired two shots?
FACT: This is another interesting part to this case. According to Team Trayvon, they floated the story that Zimmerman hunted down Trayvon, and fired a warning shot which made poor Trayvon stop. Now while at gun point, Trayvon was pleading for help. At that point, Zimmerman fired a second shot, thus executing Trayvon. This fallacy was quickly quelled when the police reported that tests conclusively showed that only one bullet was fired.

6) Why did they lie that all the witnesses complained that the police changed their statements?
FACT: There were 5 witnesses who came forward and made statements the night of the shooting. All the witnesses corroborated Zimmerman’s story the night of the shooting. Some of those witnesses saw more than others, some didn’t see anything. Only two were eyewitnesses, with one being the person who was witnessed the most and was the closest to the incident. His story has NOT changed one iota, and completely finds Zimmerman innocent. One witness has changed her story. See item 7.

7) Why did they lie when they brought forward a “witness” Mary Cutcher who claimed that Trayvon was the person screaming help.
FACT: team Trayvon trotted out Ms. Cutcher during one of their many press conferences. Ms. Cutcher claimed that the police “Blew off” her statements. The truth came out about Ms. Cutcher that she never saw ANYTHING. In her own words, she never saw any part of the incident. She only thought that because the screams she thought were coming from a “CHILD”? Ms. Cutcher, further claimed that she “KNEW this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling… it’s no excuse to kill an unarmed teenager who is half his size.”. I remind you that according to her own statements, she never saw anything!!! If she didn’t see anything, why would she claim that Trayvon was half the size of Zimmerman, which was untrue. This is why the police discounted her statement.

8. Why did they lie that the Zimmerman was twice the size of Martin?
FACT: George Zimmerman was a 28 years old, 5’9″ and 170 lbs. Trayvon Martin was 17 years old, 6’3″ and 160 lbs. They were using the photo imagery to paint this narrative. Again, completely false!!!

9) Why did they say that Trayvon was a “A” student that never got into trouble at school?
FACT: Trayvon Martin had been suspended three times in this school year alone. The last suspension, which is the reason he was visiting his father, was for 10 days. He was suspended from school in October in an incident in which he was found in possession of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary tool”. So much for the “A” student that never got in trouble…

10) Why did they lie that Zimmerman stalked down Martin, and while Martin was pleading for his life, Zimmerman shot him in cold blood?
FACT: Two eyewitnesses reported that the person screaming for their life was MAN wearing a RED top. And that he was being assaulted. The person heard screaming for his life was George Zimmerman because he was the one wearing a RED sweatshirt.

11) Why did they not report that Trayvon’s girlfriend has not cooperated with the Police Investigation?
FACT: As of this writing, Trayvon’s girlfriend continues to refuse to cooperate with Police. Only Team Trayvon and their one-sided representation of what she told them was reported.

12) Why did they lie that Zimmerman was on Patrol when he wasn’t?
FACT: Zimmerman was running a personal errand the night of the incident. He was not on his watch duty. He was licensed to carry a concealed weapon for personal protection. He had been the victim of crime twice before. He was driving home and saw a suspicious person in his neighborhood. He was acting as a private citizen. He has the right to call, get out of his car, walk, run or do anything he wants, WITHOUT THE RISK of being attacked by someone else.

13) Why didn’t they admit that Trayvon was caught pot residue and suspended for 10 days?
FACT: Trayvon Martin was portrayed as the perfect little school child. In the 911 tapes, Zimmerman suggested that the person he was looking at was on drugs. First, Trayvon Martin was far from the picture they painted. Second, we still don’t have toxicology reports on him. Could he have been high when Zimmerman saw him? Also, could of the drug use have contributed to Tryvon’s attack on Zimmerman? More to come…

14) Why haven’t they revealed that Trayvon was caught with what appears to be stolen jewelry and flathead screwdriver in his backpack at school?
FACT: WOW, now this is an interesting revelation. Here, Zimmerman indicated that this person acted suspicious. With this is information, it is definitely not outside the realm of possibility that Trayvon Martin was actually “casing” the neighborhood. I wonder if Obama’s look-a-like son also has the same behavior problems…

15) Why did they lie that George Zimmerman uttered a Racial slur in his 911 call?
FACT: Even liberal CNN had to refute this claim as they had an audio expert try to enhance the audio. The bottom line is the race baiters heard jibberish, and made up whatever they wanted to hear. Just another example of how these people will LIE to sway public opinion.

16) Why is the media making it seem 100% conclusive that the voice screaming for help is not George Zimmerman?
FACT: The Orlando Sentinel claims they worked with two experts to determine that the voice on the 911 is not Zimmerman, as it only matched with a rate of 48%. The expert indicated that he had to enhance, edit, remove portions on the one 911 tape. What they didn’t reveal are some interesting observations. First, there is no way to really now unless you have a comparative analysis with Trayvon Martin’s voice. Wouldn’t be interesting if they found no match with his voice… Second, voices can change under stress because of the surge of adrenaline. Under stress voice pitches can distort sounding higher than normal. Zimmerman’s voice on the 911 call is low and hushed, which in itself is a distortion of his real voice. Under the two extremes, low and hushed and screaming, there is simply no way to say absolutely that the voice on the 911 call is Zimmerman’s but neither can you say with certainty that it’s not. Again, the only real evidence to say it was Zimmerman is “John” the only eye-witness who saw Martin on top of Zimmerman and heard and saw Zimmerman calling for help.

Now, given the propensity of the media to be in the hip pocket of the Libtard Left, and given Sharpton/Jackson/Bambi/Spike Lee’s collective penchant for race-baiting…do you get the feeling we’re being played?

I sure as Hell do.


This is not necessarily a defense of Widdle Ricky Santorum, mkay?&#160 I mean, I’m not too fond of the idiot, particularly since he lied through his teeth when he downplayed the role of Newt Gingrich in the 1994 Republican Revolution during the S. Carolina debate.

And I say that with you guys well aware of my honest opinion of Newt.&#160 (Which is to say, it ain’t very good.)

I for one wish the GOP would grow a spine, look the Demoscum in the eye and flat-out state, “Listen, dumbasses, no one wants to ban contraception, the states least of all – even though, thanks to a little something called the Tenth Amendment, they bloody well can if they so choose – so drop the effin’ subject and let’s talk about where you and your honeyboy B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi have dropped the ball…namely, the economy and foreign affairs, M”KAY?!?!?!”

But this bullshit about the reaction to Santorum questioning the theology behind Bambi’s policy?&#160 The whining and sniveling that’s&#160 caused?&#160 I mean, here’s “Baghdad Bob” Gibbs bleating that Santorum went over the line for the cardinal&#160 sin of “questioning [Bambi’s] Christian faith?

Hey, Baghdad Bobby?&#160 I’ll do more than question it – I’ll fucking challenge it outright.&#160 The bastard ain’t a Christian.&#160 Certainly not in the traditional sense of the word.&#160 Look at his track record if you don’t believe me.

And Santorum Franklin Graham’s bang-on right about one thing:&#160 Bambi gives more of a shit about Muslims than he does about the Christians the Muslims are killing overseas.&#160 I mean, when was the last time you heard Bambi mention anything about that, hmmmmmmmm?

Santorum’s right about another thing, too:&#160 Satan is targeting this country.&#160 I fucking dare anyone to look at what’s happened to this culture over the last 50 years and deny it.

So you pisstards on the Left can take all your kvetching about what Rick Santorum has said about our culture and shove it back up your pieholes.&#160 You pussies are a big cause of it, so I for one don’t give a shit that you don’t like us pointing it out.


Most of you who know me very well know that I’ve come to detest dressing up.&#160 Last suit I owned was one bought for me by My Dear Sainted Mother&#153, a powder blue vested number that actually still fit as little as five years ago.&#160 Did buy a jacket and matching slack that passed for a suit once – and should I ever get back down to around 200, that might fit again.

(Don’t laugh – I’ve lost about five pounds in the last week or so.)

Anyway, the point of all this is a little outfit called Men’s Wearhouse.&#160 You know – the outfit (pun partially intended) owned by a toothy little fella, one George “I Guarantee It” Zimmer.

Whom, it’s just been discovered, has thrown in with the bastard Occupussies.

Over the years, I’ve spent quite a bit of money at Mens Wearhouse, in the low four figures. They generally have a good selection of clothing at pretty good prices, and in the Twin Cities have conveniently-located stores. Overall I’ve been a pretty satisfied customer. After this week, though, they won’t see a dime from me, thanks to their support of the anti-free market mobs in Oakland that ravaged the city over the last couple of weeks.

“Read it all”, as our old frenemy Straight Up With Sherri might say.

I’ve been in a Men’s Wearhouse a time or two in my life.

Never again.&#160 I guarantee it.


Proving once again that she’s good for one thing, and one thing only

President Obama’s job approval is down with many Americans – but not with Eva Longoria.


Longoria, who told Kimmel she knows Obama well from her advocacy work on Latino issues, said she took advantage of her time with the President to tell him that he has her support.

“He’s been governing in, like, a state of emergency since the time he went into office,” said Longoria, who added that “we haven’t really seen him do what he can do.”

She also took the opportunity to slam what she called “an extremist movement happening” that threatens to derail the commander-in-chief.

Longoria called the movement “very dangerous because it’s not the character of America.”

The actress didn’t mention the Tea Party by name but when Kimmel asked her specifically about the conservative group she said she can see how it might be “a source for good comedy.”

Yeah, just like we can see how you might be good for – oh, I dunno – porn…?

Cupid Stunt&#153.


So here are Leo Hindery and Warren Buffet, supposed “patriotic billionaires” who want Al-Obambi to hike taxes on “the rich” .&#160 (Of course, these two morons are Demoscum, and as we all know, Demoscum think you’re rich if you make as little as $36,000 a year.)

Memo to Mssrs. Hindery & Buffet:&#160 You want the “rich” to pay more in taxes, dumbasses?&#160 You want your taxes to go up?

Set the example, fuckheads:&#160 Cut a check already.&#160 The gummint ain’t too proud to beg – lead the way and pony up.



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