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(Hat tip RedState.)

This should surprise absolutely no one.

When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.

Under the legislation signed by President Obama in March, most Americans will have to maintain “minimum essential coverage” starting in 2014. Many people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help them pay premiums.

And I will still refuse to pay it.


Item:&#160 Nevada US Senatorial candidate – or, as we’re wont to call them around here, “likely person to depose Dingy Harry” – Sue Lowden postulated bartering as a means to obtain health care in the BambiCare pre-striking-down-by-the-Supreme-Court era:

Item:&#160 Widdle Matilda Yglesias isn’t too impressed

Lowden could very plausibly be representing Nevada in the US Senate a year from now, so it’s worth noting how terrible this would be. Checkups for chickens might work if we were all farmers, but what’s a blogger supposed to do?

In your&#160 case, Matilda?&#160 A leftist, no-talent, whiny hacktard excuse-for-a-blogger like you?

Well…I rather like Worf’s idea:



Item:&#160 A Gallup poll taken the day after the Imperial Socialist Congress™ passed BambiCare seemed to suggest a majority was close to favoring it.

Nearly half of Americans give a thumbs-up to Congress’ passage of a healthcare reform bill last weekend, with 49% calling it “a good thing.” Republicans and Democrats have polar opposite reactions, with independents evenly split.

Item:&#160 Maybe it’s the way they phrased the original question – or perhaps it’s now starting to sink into the minds of the American people just what a PigInAPoke&#153 this is gonna turn out to be.&#160 But they don’t seem to be too enthusiastic about it today.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the health care overhaul signed into law last week costs too much and expands the government’s role in health care too far, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, underscoring an uphill selling job ahead for President Obama and congressional Democrats.

Those surveyed are inclined to fear that the massive legislation will increase their costs and hurt the quality of health care their families receive, although they are more positive about its impact on the nation’s health care system overall.

The GOP still needs to play this right, but the Donks – assuming&#160 there will be elections in November (which is still a ginormous if), are beginning to realize they may have just signed their death warrant.

Schweet.&#160 Just.&#160 Effin’.&#160 Schweet.&#160


(Hat tip Susannah over at Redstate.)

Prior to the Demoscum ripping our rights to shreds Sunday night, Al-Obambi apologist pussy Widdle Davey “Poofter” Plouffe got his ass handed to him by Karl Rove.

We are talking Jim Ross-screamin’ “What an ass-whippin’!!!&#160 What a Texas-sized ass-whippin’!!!” proportions here.&#160 Rove the Magnificent Bastard&#153 was Stone Cold to Poofie’s Eric Bischoff at No Way Out&#160 2002 (for reference’s sake, if you want to see what a squash that was, go here.)

It was a thing of beauty to behold.&#160 So let’s look at it again.&#160


The beautiful & talented Michelle reported late Sunday evening that Marjorie “I Creamed My Panties Over Stupak, Waaaaaaah!!!” Dannenfelcher and the rest of the bitches over at the Susan B. Anthony’s List&#160 responded to the caving of Bartleby Stupid Stupak Stupid’s cave-in to the Ayatollah by…stripping him of his “Defender Of Life” award, which was to be awarded to him this coming Wednesday.

Well.&#160 That’ll show him.

Not that what you’re about to read below the fold had anything to do with it, but once news of the turncoat’s el foldo&#160 act became public knowledge, it hearkened me back to November, when I wrote these words:

But what the pro-life movement has done – if it has anywhere near the influence it claims to have – is to hand over one-sixth of the economy to Jugears McHopenchange and the rest of the Al-Obambi Amer-Islamic Communist regime.

Here’s the thing: By passing the Stupid Stupak amendment, Republicans – no doubt under at least some pressure from Majorie Dannenfelser and the bimbos at SFA – and 64 supposedly pro-life Demoscum gave enough Imperial Socialist Congresscritters sufficient cover to justify voting for the entire HR3962 package.

The bill’s final House margin: Five votes (220-215).

The kicker: Without the Stupak amendment, HR3962 most likely goes down to defeat…and there are some in the know who were of the opinion that had that been the case, socialized medicine would have been dead for the next ten (10) years.

Those of you who know me, know&#160 what’s coming.

So, with the news of Bartlby Stupid’s flip-flop now complete, I just had&#160 to write Marjorie Dannenfelcher and remind&#160 her of what she and her single-issue biz-notches have wrought.

Well, well, well, Dannenfelcher (and no, that’s not a typo).

How about your honeyboy Stupak _now???_ Doesn’t it just give you _warm fuzzies_ that he caved in to Bambi like a fucking _woman?_

And for what? A _promise_ by a known liar named B. Hussein Obama?

We had a chance to kill healthcare back in November, but you bitches over there at SBA had to go creaming your fucking panties for Stupak-Pitts. You had to go screaming to your mailing list “Tell them to vote for it!!! Tell them to vote for it!!!!!”. Had we defeated it _then_ we wouldn’t have had to put up with socialized medicine for at _least_ the next 10 years.

But because you trollops are so damned single minded, you swallowed the poison pill, and now your _hero_ has flipped and turned traitor on you, and us. And I blame you morons one. Hundred. Per. Cent.

Bet you’re feeling _real_ smart Right About Now™, aren’t you?

Take me off your mailing list. You fucking sluts aren’t ever getting so much as _one penny_ from me, _ever._


For my trouble, I received the standard, “thanks, we got the email” auto-reply.&#160 Ho.&#160 Hum.

Will Dannenfelcher read my screed?&#160 Eh.&#160 I doubt it.&#160 I wish&#160 she would, but I’m a realist here.

But I do&#160 hope this becomes a lesson to her:&#160 There ain’t no such thing as a pro-life Demoscum.





Learn the lesson, SBA List.&#160 Learn it.&#160 Love it.&#160 Live it.

You can’t trust them.&#160 You are foolish to even consider doing so.

Don’t even try.


Denizens, today is the vote in the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 over “mandatory” healthcare coverage.&#160 (And I put it in sneer quotes, because even if it does&#160 pass, I’ve already declared I won’t obey it.)

Not to be too melodramatic about it, but today is a watershed date for our Republic.&#160 We’ll find out today just how close we are to civil war.

I don’t exactly have my hopes up.

UPDATE:&#160 According to Riehl, little Bartie Stupid Stupak, the whole linchpin of our stand to try to kill the bill, has caved on the promise of an executive order from Bambi.

Remember the name, Denizens.&#160 Remember his name, along with Ben “Cornhusker Kickback” Nelson, Mary “Louisana Purchase” Landrieu, Marcy Kaptur and a host of other supposedly “pro-life” Demoscummic sellouts.

Lock and load.*

* Your ballots, of course.&#160


The beautiful & talented Michelle is reporting that the lower chamber of the Imperial Socialist Congress has authorized Shrieker Of The House&#153 San Fran Nan Piglousi to finish ripping the United States Constitution to shreds by employing the Slaughter Solution, aka Demon Pass Deem-and-Pass Demon Pass, to ram the upper chamber’s version of HealthScare down the American People’s collective throat, should it be necessary.

For my part, I do hereby declare, here and now, that I will not comply with this 2,000-page piece-of-excrement excuse-for-a-bill, should Bambi sign it.

But congratulations, Demoscum bastards.&#160 You have just taken one giant step towards the Point Of No Return&#153.

The Can&#153 has been grasped by the handle.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


If I went over the Bret Baier interview with the Ayatollah with a fine-toothed comb, I could probably get a few dozen posts just from the resulting fisking.

But I have neither the time, nor the patience, nor even the attention span for that&#160 (Hey, maybe that’s the ADHD kicking in.&#160 Is that a pre-existing condition?)&#160 So I’m going to take one part of it, and rip it to shreds.&#160 (The transcript of it is here, BTW.)

I’ve got the exact same e-mails, that I could show you, that talk about why haven’t we done something to make sure that I, a small business person, am getting as good a deal as members of Congress are getting, and don’t have my insurance rates jacked up 40 percent? Why is it that I, a mother with a child with a preexisting condition, still can’t get insurance?

Y’know, I’m getting pretty damned tired of this “oh, I’ve got a pre-existing condition I can’t get insurance” whine I keep hearing.

It’s bullshit.&#160 And I’m living proof of it.

As you know, Denizens – that is, if you’re not a member of the Uninitiated&#153 – I contracted type-II diabetes in 1995.&#160 It’s my death sentence – at some point, I will die from some medical complication that can be traced back to this disease.&#160 It’s about as pre-existing a condition as you can possible get – at least, since 1995.

Since I became a diabetic, I have changed jobs five times.&#160 Four of those changes involved companies which offered health insurance to its employees.&#160 (The fifth one was the preceding one from what I have now, and that was as the next step up from being a pure contractor – no bennies whatsoever.)

I have never&#160 had any problem getting health coverage.&#160 Ever.

Nor do I think I’m the exception – otherwise, why have I never even been called for a pre-coverage physical?

Now maybe there are some&#160 medical maladies which insurance companies won’t cover pre-existing – but then, insurance companies are businesses, too.&#160 They have to make money, just like the companies for which you & I slave our asses off.

So you’ll excuse me if I think the meme about “pre-existing conditions” is nothing but a bunch of hooey.&#160 At least partially, anyway.


It would appear as if the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 is poised to give FINGER.TXT to the American people.&#160 (And yes, I’m already experiencing an RCOB&#153 over it.)

Two good articles on possible responses thereto can be found here and here.

That’s your homework assignment for today.&#160 Go.&#160 Shoo.


ITEM:&#160 Well, it appears now as if Bambi is on board with reconciliation on so-called “healthcare reform”

The White House knows if Obama says “reconciliation” in Wednesday’s speech that will become the headline. This will thrust Obama knee-deep into arcane Senate procedures and rules — the last place White House officials want Obama to be.

The administration doesn’t deny Obama is already in the reconciliation soup by inference — it’s his health care bill, after all. But they still see some distance between him and what’s likely to be a contentious Senate tug-of-war over reconciliation.

(And do note I put “healthcare reform” in sneer-quotes (whereas no one else has) because it isn’t, and everyone here understands it won’t reform a damned thing.)

REACTION:&#160 From commenter happyscrapper on Michelle’s blog:

Get ready to fight, folks. This is it. This bill is the shot heard round the world and we will be at war as soon as it passes. I am serious. We are at war against our own progessive government. They must be stopped from their agenda of total destruction!! Lawsuits must be filed in every state!! We must defend the Constitution. If this is allowed to pass, we will no longer have a Constitution to defend. When that goes, our freedom and liberty are gone with it. This.cannot.stand!!

Are we, indeed, ready to fight?&#160 Collectively, that is?

I tend to think not.&#160 Not enough of us are, anyway.&#160 There are only a few who could be counted on, and the rest of us are either out of practice, out of shape (or both), or too ensonced in the latest “Bachelor” controversy about how Jakie tried to hit on his ex the day he got engaged to Vienna.&#160 (Gasp!&#160 Arrgh!&#160 SCANDAL!!1!ONE!!1!)

I wonder if we ever will&#160 be ready, quite honestly.


The next time some libtard bleats unendingly to you extolling the supposed virtues of the Canadian health-care system – point out to said libtard that their vaunted version of socialized medicine wasn’t even capable of saving one of their own high muckety-mucks.

The premier of Canada’s east coast province is undergoing heart surgery in the United States this week because the treatment he is seeking was not available in his home province.

The announcement about of Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams’ plans has triggered a debate since Canada prides itself on its universal health care system.

Not so much now, I’d think.

And Bambi actually wants us to emulate&#160 them?


Yeah, the temptation after you read this will be to call me a misogynistic troglodyte of a femiphobe.&#160 Or something.

Be my guest.&#160 See if I give a shit.

But this right here is People’s Exhibit Numero Uno&#153 (a little Spanish lingo, there) of why we’d have been a helluva lot better off had women never been given the vote.

A female Democratic lawmaker in footage released Sunday said Congress could pass healthcare if female lawmakers “sent the men home.”

Yeah?&#160 Well, we could balance the frickin’ budget&#160 – if we sent the bimbos&#160 home.&#160 How about that?

(We could also win the war in both&#160 theatres if we could just send the pussified Donks home – but that’s another post.)

Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) said that both Republican and Democratic women members of Congress understand how to care for relatives and thus want the healthcare system to change.

“We go to the ladies room and the Republican women and the Democratic women and we just roll our eyes,” she said. “And the Republican women said when we were fighting over the healthcare bill, if we sent the men home…” at which point she was interrupted by loud applause.

I call bullshit here.&#160 I’m willing to wager here that it wasn’t applause – it was that fucking annoying “Awwwk, Awwwk!!!” crap we get outta this landfill of a TV talk show.

The IQ level sounds just about right.

“You know why? I’m not trying to diss the men

The fuck&#160 you’re not, trollop.

but I’m telling you it’s the truth that every single woman there has been responsible for taking care of a [relatives] and so we think we can find a common ground there,” she said.

Yeah, well, lemme tell you&#160 something, you stupid bint.&#160 The Sibling Unit&#153 and I took care of our Dear Sainted Grandmother&#153 for a helluva&#160 long time without any fucking female&#160 help, knowwhutAhmeanVern?&#160 Not a one of you pissweaselettes ever so much as asked&#160 if you could lift a finger to help, so don’t even&#160 give me this “responsible for taking care of [relatives]” shit.&#160 You can take that&#160 little bit o’ queef and shove it back where it came from, cap&#237ce???

The New Hampshire lawmaker’s comments come as Democratic leaders are debating alternative ways to pass the healthcare overhaul. Republican Scott Brown’s victory in the Massachusetts Senate primary has stalled the debate.

Awwwwwwwwww, did’ums we deny oo another widdle member for your widdle Nor’eastern quilting bee?&#160 Awwwwwwwwww.&#160 Po’ widdle buttercup.

Po’ widdle stupid cunt&#160 of a buttercup, that is.&#160


This clown simply does not get it. In this piece, Brother Obama tells us that he will never stop “fighting for us”. A large part of our nation’s problem is that we have far to many hack politicians “fighting for us”.

I have a proposal. Let’s make it a policy that any politician who says that he will “fight for us”, is removed from office at the next election, to be replaced with someone who will actually leave us alone!


The Mothergoose from Denton (long may she provide me with devastatingly good BBQ rib recip&#233s ) has brought this Ray Stevens instant classic to our attention:

Spew alert – all levels.


This has the potential to be very interesting:

There seem to be two major aspects to this case, the first is that the Federal Government may not have had the authority to do what they did in the GM and Chrysler bailouts. The other is that since Obama’s father never became a US citizen, he does not meet the Constitutional definition of a natural born citizen, and is therefore not eligible to serve as President. If he is ineligible to be president, any legislation he signed is null and void.

Personally I believe the challenges to Obama’s constitutional qualifications to be without merit. The challenge to the bailouts, on the other hand, will have legs. While we won’t know how the courts will rule, and the final ruling is likely years away, I have always believed the bailouts of GM and Chrysler to be unconstitutional.


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