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You know things are really sad over at Air Scaremerica when they virtually can’t even give away their advertising:

A California radio station is pleading for advertisers to sponsor the liberal programming of the Air America shows it broadcasts, while noting the conservative Rush Limbaugh show is virtually sold out on its sister station.

“For liberal programming to continue … you need to support it,” said an ad by KOMY station owner Michael Zwerling, according to the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Great Honkin’ Cthulu&#153, have the Lunatic Leftard Laughingstocks&#153 discovered…capitalism???&#160 I mean, whatever happened to “from each according to his ability”, etc?&#160 Have they figured out…(gasp, arrrrrrgh)…the law of supply and demand???

Be still, my beating heart…

“You can’t be coy in this business,” said Zwerling. “You have to spell it out, especially in Santa Cruz where everybody thinks they deserve everything.”

Uh, Zwerling, m’boy…that’s not just in Santa Cruz.&#160 Go look at that Bush Country map again.&#160 Whereever you see blue, you’re likely to find that particular attitude.&#160 It’s called “entitlement syndrome”.

Zwerling brought Air America to the Central Coast region of California in July, and during initial negotiations, he says network executives refused to allow Al Franken to share a dial with syndicated radio host Michael Savage, known for statements such as “liberalism is a mental disorder.”

“As soon as I said Michael Savage, the door slammed shut,” Zwerling said.

I’m not surprised.&#160 The mindset over at Air Scaremerica tends to be one of an open wound, and Michael Savage is the salt.

Though there has been some letters and calls of appreciation for airing the liberal content, not a single business has purchased air time during Air America’s slot since its debut.

And that’s not surprising, either.&#160 Businesses trying to make money know their target demographic.&#160 And they have a good idea what that demographic likes to listen to.

And it ain’t Air Scaremerica.


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