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Denizens, this pre-season&#160 edition of the Perfect Football Weekend&#153…

(Happy now, SpatulaGoddess?)



Anyway, it begins with a lawsuit.&#160 Seems Oklahoma State coach Mike “I’M A MAN!!! I’M FORTY!!!” Gundy was having some work done on his home, and he hired a contractor to do the work.

And said contractor showed up…wearing an OU t-shirt.

Brent Loveland of Choctaw, Okla., said he arrived early in the morning March 21 wearing a gray “Oklahoma Baseball” T-shirt with the university’s name in red block letters. He and two others began to unload their equipment.

According to the lawsuit, Gundy arrived at the house at 9:30 a.m. and spotted Loveland’s shirt. “How dare you come into my house and offend my wife,” Gundy allegedly said.

Gundy then allegedly used profanity as he told the contractor to get off his property. He called Loveland a “stupid idiot” for wearing the shirt on “OSU soil,” and refused Loveland’s apologies. The contractor offered to turn his shirt inside-out but was refused, according to the lawsuit.

Now, I’m not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV.&#160 Seems to me, though, that with Oklahoma being a right-to-work state (someone correct me there?), an employer can hire and/or fire for any reason, or for no reason.&#160 Don’t really see what case the kid has here.

Nevertheless, the moral of the story is clear:

A carpenter said he has learned his lesson: Don’t wear rival colors to Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy’s house.

True dat.

On to the football.&#160 Our Heroes, the Dallas C’boyz, are home again Sunday night for Preseason Game Number Two&#153 against the San Di-e-go…(Super) Chargersssss…

(Sorry…channeling a little Chris Berman, there.)

Romo & Phil Rivers will likely play about a quarter or so, then SD’s subs will likely outplay the ones in blue & silver.&#160 Oh well…it’s preseason.

Other games on the boob toob will include Pittsburgh-Miami Heat Philthydelphia, New England-Tampa Bay, the New York J-E-T-S-JetsJetsJets!!! visiting Houston, and Detroit-Cleveland.&#160 (Let’s see how widdle Coltie McCoy likes getting thrown around by Ndamukong Suh again.)

We’ll be back Monday for the recap.


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