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Denizens, the more astute amongst you will have noticed by now that the name of Michelle Malkin no longer graces the blogroll.

(Not that that fact has any major significance beyond my feeble mind – as I’ve said before, give me at least partial credit for realizing that the world doesn’t revolve around me.&#160 Still.)

There’s a reason for that – this.

I’m far less aggravated by Gov. Perry’s injudicious toss-off remarks than I am by his profoundly troubling, liberty-curtailing actions in office and his fresh batch of specious rationalizations for them. My syndicated column today dissects Perry’s recent, so-called “walk backs” of his odious Gardasil vaccine mandate for children. I’ve written and reported on vaccine bullies in the schools and on informed parental authority over vaccines previously. But as you’ll see from my column below, Perry defenders who dismiss critics as “single-issue” activists are willfully blind to the Gardasil disgrace’s multiple layers of rottenness.

Yeah, well, I’m&#160 far less pissed off about Shelley’s knee-jerk (emphasis on that last part) leap to conclusions than I am about the fact that she seems overly eager to do the work of the Lame Stream Media&#153 for them.&#160 The RCOB&#153 is also intensified by the fact that, just as we finally have the candidate that will undoubtedly kick B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi’s skanky Kenyan ass out of the White House, along comes the self-named, self-important moral arbiter&#160 of all things conservative, to loudly, screechingly proclaim to the GOP masses that Rick Perry just isn’t conservative&#160 enough for her tastes.

Now, a lot of this bitch’s ass-kissing sycophants will call, and have been calling, this whole rip job of hers a “vetting”.&#160 As if he’s supposed to just stand there, bend over & take it up the ass from all the Torquemadas of the Right, the so-called guardians&#160 of conservative purity, and be effin’ grateful for the privilege!&#160 (“Thank you, sir, may I have another?”)


This is a vetting.&#160 A dispassionate, logically presented, fair & balanced analysis on all the points against Rick Perry, with a corresponding link to positive things being said about the governor and the reader invited to make up his or her own mind.

If Shelley the Asian Bimbette&#153 were the slightest bit interested in a fair, balanced, dispassionate “vetting”, would she have published this picture on top of the post?

Almost as if to imply (if not state outright) that Rick Perry is the Merck Antichrist.

And as if that&#160 weren’t bad enough – and, by Gawd, dont’cha think it oughta be? – her little unflattering photoshop job on the guv comes on the heels of her kvetching…of stupid photo tricks the leftard media pulls on her honeygirl Michelle Bachmann (among others):

Sigh. Seriously, Tina Brown?

Yes, I’m talking about you, Oxford University-educated Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown.

You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged “crazy eyes?” Really?

Who’s in charge of Newsweek cover graphics now — a Media Matters Soros Monkey? A random Daily Kos commenter? Keith Olbermann’s intern’s intern?


Rep. Bachmann is unabashedly conservative, willing to take both parties’ leaders to task, passionate about her work, popular with grass-roots activists on the Right, committed to reining in the size, scope, and power of government, and yes, expressive. For all this, she must be destroyed.

No doubt the editors and photog will deny doing anything to make Bachmann look bad.

Kinda like the liberties you&#160 took with Rick Perry, Shelley babe?&#160 PotKettleBlack&#153 much, you little shit-for-brains media whore?

It should be clear to anyone who thinks with the head on their shoulders (as opposed to the other one) that you clearly hate Rick Perry and will stop short of very little (if anything) to see that he doesn’t get the GOP nomination.&#160 This wasn’t a “vetting” – it was a fucking hit piece, a smear designed to injure Rick Perry’s (and the GOP’s) chances for the White House.&#160 Thereby ensuring another four years of Al-Obambi – because if anyone thinks that Mittens, Bachmann, etc, have a Snowball’s Chance&#153 of beating Bambi in 2012, I have a bridge I wanna sell ya.

In fact, Shelleyslut, you were apprised of Peskytruth’s analysis.&#160 And here’s what you had to say about that:

Nonsense. Where does that post “debunk” Perry’s trampling of the deliberative process, human shield demagoguery, any of the FACTS included in my column about fed CDC chairman’s own opposition to mandating Gardasil for school enrollment, key difference between communicable diseases like measles vs. STDS, or the disingenuousness of Perry’s so-called walkbacks.

That post doesn’t “debunk.” It makes excuses.

Bullshit.&#160 It offers an analysis of Perry’s record without any of the screeching hatred you’ve developed for him.&#160 That the CDC chair-critter opposed any sort of mandate is completely irrelavant.&#160 That Gardasil themselves didn’t recommend it doesn’t mean a damned thing.&#160 If they were that&#160 doubtful about it, why’d they even submit it to the FDA for approval?

No, Shelley, you little bimboid harpy, you hate Rick Perry.&#160 So much so that you’re willing to even violate your own standards in order to see him defeated.&#160 You bitch when it’s done to Bachmann, but you’re willing to do far worse to Perry.&#160 You’re no fucking better than the lame-assed media whores you bitch about.

ESAD, you stupid-assed skank.

Oh, and one other thing…

As for the ridiculous idea that scrutinizing Perry’s much-bragged-out gubernatorial record is tantamount to “smearing” him, toughen up, buttercups. This is just the beginning of 2012 campaign heat. Limited government activists already know Perry’s ready, willing, and able to dish it out against them. If Perry can’t take it from supposed allies and friends on his own side of the aisle, why should he be trusted as the GOP contender against our Democratic enemies?

This from the retarded little Filipina trollop who’s always the first to whine & snivel about the hate mail she gets.

Real piece of work, ain’t ya, dumbass?

But anytime you’re feeling froggy and wanna come down here to Texas and call me “buttercup”, little chickenshit-ette, have at it.

Let’s see what it gets you, bitch.


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