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If you go down the sidebar a bit, just before you get to the StatCounter, you’ll see this:

That comes from a little something over which the pussified Republicans in Snohomish County, WA, got their panties in a slight bunch.

A controversial three dollar bill may have brought Republicans and Democrats together to agree on something.

The bill, which was sold at the Evergreen State Fair’s Republican Party booth in Snohomis County, Washingotn, features Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama wearing a headdress, propelling a widespread myth that he is Muslim.

Except I’m not so terribly sure that is is&#160 a myth, y’know?

Some call it a joke, but not everyone is laughing.

Which just goes to show you how linguini-spined the Republican party has become in Washington State.&#160 But then, that’s what happens when the only “principle” for which one stands there is “Ooooooh, pwease wike me – pweeeeeze???”

Obama is, in fact, a Christian.

Yeah, well, that’s&#160 eminently open for debate.

Carol Ronken snapped a picture of the bill, and then called the local newspaper. “It’s racist. It’s disgusting,” said Ronken.

Carol, honeybunch, you’re&#160 full of shit, bitchy and repulsive.&#160 So how’s it feel having invective tossed back at you like that, hm?

Republican county chair Geri Modrell said she never approved the bill, but insisted the bills were nothing more than a very bad joke. She has asked volunteers to put them away.

And had I been a volunteer, I’d have told her to go pound sand.&#160 It’s a damn funny novelty item, and it’s sure to piss off Demoscum.

Which, of course, is why it’s now on my sidebar.

Cheri DeShaw, whose booth sat right across from the Republican Party’s at the fair, said she has heard an earful from visitors.

Oh, I’m sure she has.&#160 And I’m equally sure that she’s faced them with puppy-dog eyes, begging for forgiveness for something she didn’t even do.&#160 And then the Washington State GOP wonders why few like them.

To them, I say this:&#160 Lookie here, chumps.&#160 The Constitution guarantees us freedom of speech – even speech that happens to offend folks from time to time.&#160 No one has a right to never be offended, and the quicker you jackasses up there learn that, the better.&#160 Besides, if you whine and whimper apologies to every buttmunch who ever gets “offended” about something, that’s all you’ll ever spend your time doing.

Not terribly productive, if you ask me.

Modrell said she is working to track down the person responsible, but does not plan to conduct an intensive investigation. She said it is tough enough to recruit volunteers and does not want to alienate another.

“It’s not the policy of this party to use that low level sense of humor,” Modrell said.

Yeah, well, Geri, maybe it should be.&#160 And maybe you should re-evaluate your definition of “low level sense of humor”.

Moreover, you should track down the creator of that bill ASAP.

To buy him a beer.

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