Those of you who were worried that the Duchess Hilarious was going to shift from a screeching moonbat leftist to a position more towards the center in a vain attempt to fool us into thinking she wasn’t as liberal as we thought…well, you guys can rest easy.  She’s reverted to type.
2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is warning that if President Bush’s Supreme Court appointees succeed in overturning the federal right to an abortion, state governments would likely implement a reverse of China’s one child policy that would instead force women to have five children.
Personally, I don’t see what the Duchess has to worry about.  Given what she  looks like – and given how her offspring turned out (snicker) – I’d think she’s fairly safe from having any more squids…
“There would be many places in the country that would criminalize [abortion],” Clinton says in a new videotaped message posted to her Senate campaign web site.
Yes, there are, Hilarious – because unlike you and the rest of the pro-baby-butchering Nazis, we  think life:  a) begins at conception, and b) is precious and worthy of protection.
“They might even send women and doctors to prison.”
Well, that is  what happens to murderers and their accomplices, isn’t it?
Granted, you’d have a tough time convincing a jury that the woman who submitted herself to an illegal abortion was, in fact, an accomplice…but technically speaking, what else could she be?  She’s holding the baby in place so the doctor can kill it, right?  Isn’t that the technical definition of an accomplice?
The top Democrat painted a stark picture of government bureaucrats forcing women to bear children against their will if the new Bush court has its way.
Yeah, I can see it now:  A Federal Matchmaking Service, where a bureaucratic hack lines up a group of men against one wall and a group of women against the opposite wall – “You – over here!  You – over here!  Now, fuck!!!
“It would go in the direction that I saw in my travels, where, you know, in China they mandated you could only have one child. And in some places, like Romania during the Communist era, they mandated that you must have five children.”
Well, now, don’t you fret, Hilly girl.  You’re likely safe, true – but Der Kaiser still has four to go…and I have a feeling he’d actually welcome  an edict like that.
Clinton’s comments suggest a retreat from her statements earlier this year that were widely interpreted as an attempt to moderate her views on abortion – and instead establish common ground with pro-life voters.
But in her latest message, the former first lady seemed to have abandoned that effort, going so far as to suggest that the right to an abortion was the most important part of the Constitution.
“If privacy in the most intimate areas of your lives doesn’t exist, what do the other constitutional rights mean?” she posited.
You mean the ones you libtards keep getting from “emanations”, “penumbras” and interpretations derived from international law?  Or maybe the rights that are actually enumerated  in the document?  I don’t exactly see you tripping over yourself to defend my right to protest the pro-baby-butchering movement, practice my religious beliefs in schools or own firearms…now do I?
Stupid ditz…
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So does Hillary.
[No, O Fuckheaded One – you don’t get to pollute this blog.  Go pound sand, mkay?  -LSI]