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Item:&#160 During this refreshing period when at least part&#160 of gummint isn’t busy siphoning non-essential money out of our pockets, US Senator Ted Cruz (R Conservative-TX) is pledging to donate his salary to charity.

Good man.

Item:&#160 Wisconsin Demoscum rep Gwen Moore…isn’t.

Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore has vowed that she will not give up her $174,000 congressional salary during the government shutdown.

A large number of members from the Wisconsin delegation who have either refused to draw their federal salary or who have pledged to donate their salary to charity: U.S. Senators Ron Johnson (R) and Tammy Baldwin (D) as well as Congressional Representatives Ron Kind (D-WI-03), Reid Ribble (R-WI-08) Tom Petri (R-WI-06), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI-05), Sean Duffy (R-WI-07) and Paul Ryan (R-WI-01).

However, Moore is standing firm — and collecting a paycheck.

“Approximately 800,000 federal government employees have either been forced into furlough leave or are working without pay.” she said in a statement obtained by TMJ4. ”Federal government employees who rely on their paychecks to feed their families deserve a salary. That’s why I am coming to work every day and keeping both my district office in Milwaukee and my Washington, D.C. offices open and fully operational. I am speaking, voting and working diligently to help my constituents through the shutdown and speak on their behalf in Washington to reopen the government. I will not be donating or forgoing my salary.”

And this, Denizens, is the difference between humanity…and sub-humanity.

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