Okay, so let me see if I have this right:
We’ve got BambiCare causing all manner of folks to lose insurance they wanted to keep, and to pay more & more to replace it.
Vladimir Putin has invaded the Ukraine.
We have some 270 folks missing that were on a Malaysian Airlines plane.  No evidence of a crash or anything, the plane just went missing.
The Second Civil War™ may be just about to start.
And folks are getting the vapors over…thigh gap?!?!?!
It’s been OK to Photoshop since the invention of Photoshop, and perhaps no one has taken more advantage of it than the fashion and modeling industries. But Target’s apparent attempt to give a bikini model a fashionable thigh gap was such a hack job as to elicit a series of apologies from the company.
We.  Are.  So.  Fucking.  Screwed.
Let God’s judgement come.  We’ve fucking earned  it.
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One response to “They’re obsessing over what  again…???”
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Knew nothing about this until you mentioned it.