Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

(This’ll stay up top the rest of the day.&#160 Check below for new posts.&#160 -LSI)

Denizens, I found out last evening that one of my better friends in this thing we call the Blogosphere&#153 – Delftsman, the Emigr&#233 with a Digital Cluebat – was admitted to the emergency room last night with what they think is a case of congestive heart failure.

I’ve got him, his sweet wife Mama Montezz and their wonderful prodigy Anna in my prayers at the moment – and the order from On High&#153 here is that you do the same, please.

Thanks.&#160 Thatisall&#153.


Guyz, Denizen David Hartung reports that his wife is in the hospital, having possibly suffered a minor stroke.

Your prayers would be appreciated.&#160 For sure that family has mine.


Unbeknownst to me while I was running through my mp3 collection, unique visitor number 40,000 to this site came by around 8:05.

As I did about 10,000 visitors ago, let me pause once again to thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by.&#160 Without you…well, this blog would still exist, but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.

Thanks, Denizens.


The Realm&#153 joins with the Rottweiler Empire this morning in praying for the city of Houston and its citizens.

May the God of Heaven be with those folks south of here as they face this trial, and may He wrap His arms around them during this unpleasant time.


UPDATE:&#160 Don’t construe that to mean we’re not praying for N’awlins, as well.

We are, and have been ever since Katrina hit.


Denizen David Hartung reports that his uncle passed last evening after a 30 year battle with Parkinson’s.

Prayers to the entire Hartung family, and our condolences.


So where was I yesterday?

Well, after getting a few groceries, I met up with Emperor Misha and Sir George of the Rott (George is in town on a project), and we proceeded to partake of some fine Cajun cuisine at Razzoo’s (if you’ve never been, go – it’s good stuff).

(Memo to the SpatulaGoddess:&#160 Misha finally has his ale.&#160 Yeah, I know – it took long enough.&#160 Sue me. (grin))

Now, Denizens, a heads-up:&#160 I’m on vacation this week.&#160 As you guys should know by now, the planned evacuation of Bent Tree Forest in lieu of new digs is Thursday, and I’m in the final stages of packing and staging my stuff for the movers.&#160 (Yes, movers.&#160 I’ll be forty-freakin’-two years old in November, and I’m getting too damned old to be hauling this crap around on my lonesome.)

As a result, the light posting I’ve been threatening for the last month is finally going to come to pass.&#160 We’ll have the PFW recap tomorrow, and Shitcan the Shee-hag has once again open her skanky piehole and uttered verbal flatulence worthy of fisking, so I’ll probably have that sometime later today.&#160 Maybe.

Stay tuned.


Denizen and semi-regular contributor to this blog Lady Heather advises us of some difficulties she and her family are facing.

While I’m not at liberty to discuss most of it, part has to do with the fact that they’re right in the path of Hurricane Katrina – which would be the third hurricane they’ve endured in the past year.

She and her family are in need of your prayers.&#160 This writer is sending his posthaste.


UPDATE:&#160 Have since been given permission to share the details.

Lady Heather’s hubby went to see a cardiologist today; he’d been having chest pain and heartburn symptoms.&#160 They were to put a catheter in him and see what they could find, although previous tests have all turned up negative.

Stay tuned.&#160 And pray.

Update the 2nd:&#160 The results are back, and hubby’s coronaries are clean.&#160 He’ll be home tomorrow.


Sorry, guys – yesterday was a beast as far as workload went.

Today doesn’t look all that much better, either. (sigh)

And on top of it all – Comcast threw up again&#160 last night, leaving me with bupkis in the way of a connection.&#160 I’m really starting to develop an unhealthy dislike for those people… (grrrrr)


Johnnie Cochran, OJ Simpson’s criminal attorney, died today at his home in Los Angeles.&#160 He was 67.

There’s nothing I feel like saying about him that won’t sound incredibly snarky, so I’ll just leave it at that.


Last night’s Texas Blogfest soire&#233&#160 at Humperdink’s was an unqualified smashing success.&#160 Had between 15 and 20 folks at any one time, the beer flowed freely and the opinions even more so. (grin)

Today is lunch at…all together now…

5330 Bent Tree Forest Dr, #712
Dallas, TX

…just to prove to you fuckwitted trolls that my address does&#160 exist. (snicker)

(Side note:&#160 Yes, that’s Misha right by the “712”.&#160 Yes, we lured him here with promises of booze and Cubanas. (grin))

UPDATE:&#160 From left to right – BOTTOM ROW:&#160 My dog, Pup-Pup, Humble DevilDog, Imperial Serving Wench (and co-organizer) Beth, me, ZiPpo the Pirate (Arrrrrrr!), Delftsman.&#160 TOP ROW:&#160 Eric (Denita’s husband and the father of the cutest little boy (next to mine, of course (grin))), El Capitan, Denita and the aforementioned toddler, Emperor Darth Misha I, Random Numbers and the Random Spouse, Mama Montezz.


Denizens, for the next three days or so, you may or may not hear a lot from me.

I and the SpatulaGoddess will be hosting Texas Blogfest 2005, a gathering of bloggers and blog-readers from Wisconsin to Indiana and beyond.

Tonight, we’ll be at the Humperdink’s on Belt Line Rd in Addison. We’ll have a webcam and chat room set up so you can see what’s going on (to a point) and talk back to us.

Saturday night, we’ll all be at Billy Bob’s for some boot-scootin’, and Sunday will be target-practice at the DFW Gun Range.

So if you don’t hear much from me until Monday or Tuesday, that’s why.



Aye, ‘n before ye have yer furst green beer o’ the day, ‘ere be an Irish – well, with a wee bit of Gaelic in dere, too – blessing from yours ‘n truly, Lord McSpatula:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
may the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven a half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.

Happy St. Patrick’s day, guys, from the half-Irish (Mumford) part of me.


No, there’s nothing wrong with your video card.&#160 No need to go tweak your CRT.

Much to the chagrin of Cian “Real Chickenshit” Tierney, yours truly is half Irish (mom’s side), and I felt like getting into the spirit.

Besides, any time I can tweak a cowardly asshat like our 2nd favorite Michigan asswipe, this is a Good Thing&#153.


Today was a very&#160 happy day in the Realm&#153.

For the most beautiful woman in all the Blogosphere – with all due respect to the SpatulaGoddess – Michelle Malkin herself has taken notice of His Rudeness.

The post below actually generated a mention from her, which left me dancing a jig pretty much all day long. (grin)

Now, Michelle, blogroll me and I figure I’ll be set…

Guys, I am&#160 writing on the weekends now.&#160 The policy of taking Saturday & Sunday off has been officially revoked.

In addition, look below the top post for more stuff before you guyz go traipsing off somewhere.&#160 The one-post-per-day policy has also pretty much been revoked.

Like the Doritos commercial – Read all you want.&#160 I’ll post more. (grin)


UPDATE:&#160 Put a big “maybe” in front of that last blurb.&#160 This week is already shaping up to be extremely&#160 busy, as I pack up my lab in the warehouse and prepare to move across town to new digs in a business office.

After which I will likely finally be forced to maintain that phenomonon known as “bankers’ hours”.&#160 Which means that days will now start for me at 5:00 a.m, like it or not.


As some of you may know, time seems to be growing short for Acidman’s mom.

They could both use your prayers right about now.&#160 They have mine.


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