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In all the hubbub surrounding the Trayvon Martin-George (Jorge?) Zimmerman brouhaha, there has been (to put it mildly) a lot of noise.

Reports, opinions, accusations, denials, threats – you name it, it’s out there.

I found the following (below the fold) on this thread here.&#160 And before NJ.com scrubs it, I’m presenting it here for you.

The commenter seems to have done a most impressive job of investigating.

DrBID April 01, 2012 at 12:06PM

An Examination of the Trayvon Martin case

Like most people, I first came across this case watching the news in mid to early March. The narrative presented was, “innocent black child (Trayvon Martin) carrying only Skittles and an Ice Tea while walking home hunted down by white racist neighborhood watch leader (George Zimmerman), pleads for help and then is executed in cold blood”.

I was then told that the child was a “A / B student, who never got in trouble, who wanted to be an Aviator”. I was informed that the “White Racist Killer” was previously arrested.

I even saw the pictures of a cute little boy who was the victim, and then shown a mug shot of the heavy set man who executed him.

My first reaction was how terrible, but knowing our lazy liberal media, the story was just too one-sided, even for their standards. I then saw that the Race baiting Al Sharpton was getting involved, and for me, sent smoke signals that something just wasn’t right.

At that point, the liberal outlets like MSNBC, AP, CNN, NBC and others unleashed an all-out onslaught against George Zimmerman. Even our current president, Obama had to “stupidly” get involved. The politics and racialization of this incident has driven this story, more than the actual facts.

On the very first day at looking at this story, what obviously struck me was the mug shot of George Zimmerman. I was told that he was a “white racist”, but after looking at the picture, I was looking at a Hispanic male. Not that it mattered, but it started a trail of half-truths, mistruths, and omissions that have plagued this story.

Next, after being shown a picture of the Trayvon Martin, and being told he was a child, I naturally thought, like most people who got sucked into this story, that he was about 10 to 12 years old. When I found out that he was 17, I started to feel really misled.

As the days proceeded, the race baiting Martin camp would release a new revelation every night. Each and every bit of information that they would present turns of to be completely false or misrepresented.

Many who have been on NJ.com have seen my “Facts” post. This is a compilation of facts that were never presented to the public, however, all of these facts were public information and available for the liberal media to present. They chose not to present it. So outlets like MSNBC, CNN, AP, and the rest of the liberal media have decided to present a ONE-SIDED representation of this story. You may want to ask why…

I am now presenting a new list. This is a list of all the false information that has been presented by the Martin camp, and NOT challenged by the Liberal media. In fact, they promoted this false information.

The goal of this list is for you the reader, to understand how you have been manipulated by a corrupt group of media, race baiters and politicians. If you show any sign of intelligence, you might want to stop and question anything these people ever say again.

You also rethink of voting for politicians who jumped into this fray – like OBAMA!!!

Here is the list. Each item is sourced. If you can challenge anything that I have listed, please do so…

1) Why did they lie to you by portraying that Martin was a Child?
FACT: Martin was 17 years old, a high school Junior.

2) Why did they continue to paint the picture that Martin was a child by showing 5 to 10 year old pictures?
FACT: More recent pictures of the 6’3” Martin show him with Gold teeth and many tattoos. These pictures have been available to the media, so why did they continue to show pictures of Martin as a little child?

3) Why did they say that Martin did NOTHING wrong, but carry “Skittles and an Ice tea”?
FACT: “Nothing wrong” means NOTHING. However, not once in the early stages of this story did they mention a fight. Martin’s father and all the race baiters knew about the facts surrounding Zimmerman’s defense and the eyewitness statements that Martin was hitting Zimmerman. How do we know that, because Martin’s father recently disclosed that the Police provided him the entire details of their investigation, which included that Martin had struck Zimmerman. Again, why did they not reveal that very important part of the story?

4) Why did they lie that it was Trayvon Martin screaming?
FACT: After the 911 tapes were released, some of the tapes caught the screams of someone yelling help. Team Trayvon was quick to claim the screams were of Trayvon. They eve trotted out Trayvon’s mother to say that was her son’s voice. Further, they trotted out a “Witness” who claimed that the voice was the “child” who was screaming. As it turns out, that witness did NOT see anything, she just heard it assumed that it was the voice of a child. Again, not realizing that Trayvon Martin was a young adult and not realizing that Zimmerman had a high pitched voice.

5) Why did they lie that Zimmerman fired two shots?
FACT: This is another interesting part to this case. According to Team Trayvon, they floated the story that Zimmerman hunted down Trayvon, and fired a warning shot which made poor Trayvon stop. Now while at gun point, Trayvon was pleading for help. At that point, Zimmerman fired a second shot, thus executing Trayvon. This fallacy was quickly quelled when the police reported that tests conclusively showed that only one bullet was fired.

6) Why did they lie that all the witnesses complained that the police changed their statements?
FACT: There were 5 witnesses who came forward and made statements the night of the shooting. All the witnesses corroborated Zimmerman’s story the night of the shooting. Some of those witnesses saw more than others, some didn’t see anything. Only two were eyewitnesses, with one being the person who was witnessed the most and was the closest to the incident. His story has NOT changed one iota, and completely finds Zimmerman innocent. One witness has changed her story. See item 7.

7) Why did they lie when they brought forward a “witness” Mary Cutcher who claimed that Trayvon was the person screaming help.
FACT: team Trayvon trotted out Ms. Cutcher during one of their many press conferences. Ms. Cutcher claimed that the police “Blew off” her statements. The truth came out about Ms. Cutcher that she never saw ANYTHING. In her own words, she never saw any part of the incident. She only thought that because the screams she thought were coming from a “CHILD”? Ms. Cutcher, further claimed that she “KNEW this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling… it’s no excuse to kill an unarmed teenager who is half his size.”. I remind you that according to her own statements, she never saw anything!!! If she didn’t see anything, why would she claim that Trayvon was half the size of Zimmerman, which was untrue. This is why the police discounted her statement.

8. Why did they lie that the Zimmerman was twice the size of Martin?
FACT: George Zimmerman was a 28 years old, 5’9″ and 170 lbs. Trayvon Martin was 17 years old, 6’3″ and 160 lbs. They were using the photo imagery to paint this narrative. Again, completely false!!!

9) Why did they say that Trayvon was a “A” student that never got into trouble at school?
FACT: Trayvon Martin had been suspended three times in this school year alone. The last suspension, which is the reason he was visiting his father, was for 10 days. He was suspended from school in October in an incident in which he was found in possession of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary tool”. So much for the “A” student that never got in trouble…

10) Why did they lie that Zimmerman stalked down Martin, and while Martin was pleading for his life, Zimmerman shot him in cold blood?
FACT: Two eyewitnesses reported that the person screaming for their life was MAN wearing a RED top. And that he was being assaulted. The person heard screaming for his life was George Zimmerman because he was the one wearing a RED sweatshirt.

11) Why did they not report that Trayvon’s girlfriend has not cooperated with the Police Investigation?
FACT: As of this writing, Trayvon’s girlfriend continues to refuse to cooperate with Police. Only Team Trayvon and their one-sided representation of what she told them was reported.

12) Why did they lie that Zimmerman was on Patrol when he wasn’t?
FACT: Zimmerman was running a personal errand the night of the incident. He was not on his watch duty. He was licensed to carry a concealed weapon for personal protection. He had been the victim of crime twice before. He was driving home and saw a suspicious person in his neighborhood. He was acting as a private citizen. He has the right to call, get out of his car, walk, run or do anything he wants, WITHOUT THE RISK of being attacked by someone else.

13) Why didn’t they admit that Trayvon was caught pot residue and suspended for 10 days?
FACT: Trayvon Martin was portrayed as the perfect little school child. In the 911 tapes, Zimmerman suggested that the person he was looking at was on drugs. First, Trayvon Martin was far from the picture they painted. Second, we still don’t have toxicology reports on him. Could he have been high when Zimmerman saw him? Also, could of the drug use have contributed to Tryvon’s attack on Zimmerman? More to come…

14) Why haven’t they revealed that Trayvon was caught with what appears to be stolen jewelry and flathead screwdriver in his backpack at school?
FACT: WOW, now this is an interesting revelation. Here, Zimmerman indicated that this person acted suspicious. With this is information, it is definitely not outside the realm of possibility that Trayvon Martin was actually “casing” the neighborhood. I wonder if Obama’s look-a-like son also has the same behavior problems…

15) Why did they lie that George Zimmerman uttered a Racial slur in his 911 call?
FACT: Even liberal CNN had to refute this claim as they had an audio expert try to enhance the audio. The bottom line is the race baiters heard jibberish, and made up whatever they wanted to hear. Just another example of how these people will LIE to sway public opinion.

16) Why is the media making it seem 100% conclusive that the voice screaming for help is not George Zimmerman?
FACT: The Orlando Sentinel claims they worked with two experts to determine that the voice on the 911 is not Zimmerman, as it only matched with a rate of 48%. The expert indicated that he had to enhance, edit, remove portions on the one 911 tape. What they didn’t reveal are some interesting observations. First, there is no way to really now unless you have a comparative analysis with Trayvon Martin’s voice. Wouldn’t be interesting if they found no match with his voice… Second, voices can change under stress because of the surge of adrenaline. Under stress voice pitches can distort sounding higher than normal. Zimmerman’s voice on the 911 call is low and hushed, which in itself is a distortion of his real voice. Under the two extremes, low and hushed and screaming, there is simply no way to say absolutely that the voice on the 911 call is Zimmerman’s but neither can you say with certainty that it’s not. Again, the only real evidence to say it was Zimmerman is “John” the only eye-witness who saw Martin on top of Zimmerman and heard and saw Zimmerman calling for help.

Now, given the propensity of the media to be in the hip pocket of the Libtard Left, and given Sharpton/Jackson/Bambi/Spike Lee’s collective penchant for race-baiting…do you get the feeling we’re being played?

I sure as Hell do.


Dan Riehl has this video over at his site.

“Context”, my lily-white cracker ass.


Everyone seems to be oh-so-fucking-eager to trip over themselves offering Shirley Sherrod compete & total absolution for being a racist sixteen years ago.&#160 Even my own Vicar&#153 has counseled me against jumping to conclusions.&#160 (Perhaps, but it’s the only exercise I get anymore, so…)

Well, before everyone goes & canonizes her and starts calling her St. Shirley, I have an observation or two I’d like to make.&#160 And I’ll make them later on today.

Watch this space.

UPDATE:&#160 Okay, my treatise on Shirley Sherrod is below the fold.

You will note that, while Andrew Breitbart and selected others focus a great deal on the reactions of the NAACP group to whom she was speaking, I focus solely on Sherrod.

There’s a reason for that:&#160 This damn thing is long enough as it is.

Okay, here we go…

Those of you who aren’t&#160 Planet Earth’s version of the Uninitiated&#153 already know the story by now.

Ag Department flunky Shirley Sherrod, in a speech to the National Association for the Ass-Kissing of (Liberal) Coddled People, had herself a Trent Lott-type moment, openly admitting that she didn’t fully & completely help a farmer who came to her, about to lose his farm – because he was white.

Here’s the money quote, taken from the transcript:

The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he — he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help. What he didn’t know — while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me — was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him.

I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So, I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough so that when he — I — I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the — or the Georgia Department of Agriculture. And he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.

So I took him to a white lawyer that we had — that had…attended some of the training that we had provided, ’cause Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farmer. So I figured if I take him to one of them that his own kind would take care of him.

“His own kind”.&#160

Read that again:&#160 “His own kind”.

That, Denizens, is the black equivalent of me, or any other white person saying “you people”.&#160 If the Black Community&#153 considers “you people” to be racist, then tell me why the fuck&#160 the same standard can’t be applied to “his own kind”?

And excuse me for asking – but how does Saint Shirley&#160 Sherrod know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the farmer “was trying to show me he was superior to” her? Is St. Shirley clairvoyant&#160 or something?

Has anyone, y’know, asked&#160 the farmer in question just what he was trying to do in that situation?&#160 For that matter, does anyone even know beyond doubt’s shadow who that farmer is???&#160 I mean, it’s been a subtopic of discussion the last couple of days, but last I checked, no one had positively identified the farmer, though several libtard Lame Stream Media&#153 outlets seem to think they have.


Thought so.

So here comes the blurb that has people cooing “Oooh, she had an epiphany!!!!&#160 She’s not the racist you evil, mean ol’ wascally Weepublicans made her out to be!!!&#160 Truth to power, biznotches!!!!!

That’s when it was revealed to me that, y’all, it’s about poor versus those who have, and not so much about white — it is about white and black, but it’s not — you know, it opened my eyes, ’cause I took him to one of his own and I put him in his hand, and felt okay, I’ve done my job.


Well, working with him made me see that it’s really about those who have versus those who don’t, you know. And they could be black, and they could be white; they could be Hispanic. And it made me realize then that I needed to work to help poor people — those who don’t have access the way others have.

Uh huh.&#160 Riiiiiight.

“Those who have versus those who don’t”.&#160 The haves&#160 vs. the have-nots.

Denizens, ask yourselves:&#160 Who, in St. Shirley Sherrod’s mind, are the haves?????

Well, let’s put it this way:&#160 Remember the flap between Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert and the Rev’rnnnnnn’d Jack’s’nnnnnnn a couple weeks back?

Gilbert ripped into LeBron James for ditching his hometown Cavs for the Miami Heat.&#160 The Rev’rnnnnn’d Jack’s’nnnnnnn promptly ripped into Gilbert, calling his outlook – and I’m quoting here – that of “a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave.”&#160 Never mind that King James is a multi-millionaire in his own right – the Revvvvv’r’nnnnnd Jack’s’nnnnnn obviously thinks Gilbert’s the “have” and LeBron’s the “have-not” here.

The bottom line here:&#160 St. Shirley Sherrod is using what the NAA(L)CP themselves have referred to as “code words”.&#160 “Haves vs. have-nots” basically means most whites vs. the overwhelming majority of blacks & Hispanics, plus maybe a few token whites.

St. Shirley further confirms what she really thinks, 16 years later, in this paragraph:

You know, I haven’t seen such a mean-spirited people as I’ve seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn’t it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bush’s and we didn’t do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black President.

In the first place, that’a a fucking lie, but that’s another topic for another post.

But she accuses Republicans of objecting to socialized medicine, and the resulting increased costs, ruination of Medicare, leaving of the industry by doctors and&#160 the death panels (no, no “sneer quotes” – they’re there, and only libtard damnfools will try to pretend otherwise) – all because Bambi is black.

No, Denizens.&#160 She’s had no epiphany.&#160 St. Shirley Sherrod is every fucking&#160 bit as raci…uh, ‘scuse me, RAAAAACIST – as she was 16 years ago.

She doesn’t deserve to be the town dogcatcher, much less a high-ranking flunky in the United States Department of Agriculture.&#160 And if they do&#160 take her back, as is being rumored…white farmers everywhere had damned well best watch out.&#160 As should all Americans, if for no other reason than the presence of Al-Obambi running Washington DC.

But an apology?&#160 Not only no, but FUCKING HELL NO!!!


Memo to the National Association for the Ass-Kissing of (Liberal) Coddled People:

I do not ever – and I fucking mean EVER!!!! – want to hear your crybaby asses whining & sniveling about RAAAAACISM ever again, do you hear me?

This means you, the-uh Rrrrrrrrev’rn’d uh-Jack’s’nnnnnnnnnnn, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton, John Whiney Price, Al Lipscomb, Diane Ragsdale, Maxine “Vote For The Candidate Who Looks Like You” Thornton-Reese, Maxi-Pad Waters, the Head-up-his-Ass Rev. Jack-ass-i-miah Wrong, and especially those two pussies Malik Shabazz & King Samir Shabazz from the Phucka-delphia New Black Pansy-asses Panthers.

You can take your accusations of RAAAAACISM – and shove it all up your pathetic, methane-overloaded, skanky asses.

We’ve always known you race pimps were full of shit.

Now we have proof.

Undeniable, incontrovertible, un-spinnable proof.

Sucks being you bastards, doesn’t it?


Nothing I really wanna write about tonight, Denizens, so we’ll reach into the Grab-Bag&#153 for a Rott comment from angrywebmaster:

I posted this on my web site. I got it from the Author Tom Kratman.

The Left’s 20 Rules of Racism:

1. If you believe that general intelligence exists, is heritable and at all testable for, you’re a racist.

2. If you point out that liberal philosophies and programs intended to have a good impact have had a disproportionately bad impact on the ethnicities targeted by liberals, you’re a racist.

3. If you notice that other cultures have some problems, you’re a racist.

4. If you notice your own culture has had some successes, you’re a racist.

5. If you try to identify subcultural problems, you’re a racist. If the problems existed or got worse under liberalism, see item 2, above.

6. If you’re mainstream American culture, and don’t hate that culture, you’re a racist.

7. If you’re capable of noting unpleasant facts about subcultures and discussing them without your brain fogging, you’re a racist.

8. If you won’t kowtow and grovel as soon as someone accuses you of racism for one of the reasons above or below, you’re a hopeless racist.

9. If you do not believe that mankind is a tabula rasa for liberals to make whatever they think would be good to make of man, this week, you’re a racist.

10. If you don’t take personal responsibility for all the evils of slavery, you’re a racist. This is true even if you only arrived from Poland last week.

11. If you’re white, you’re a racist.

12. If you’re white and just arrived from Poland last week and don’t accept that you’re a racist, you’re a racist.

13. If you try to interject logical thought into a discussion of culture, you’re a racist.

14. If you refuse to admit culture is a racial matter, and a liberal wants to conflate the two, you’re a racist.

15. If you believe that race and culture are indistinguishable and a liberal decides that you shouldn’t conflate the two, you’re a racist.

16. If you believe that black or Hispanic girls who are paid by liberal inspired programs from the age of 13 to have babies will have babies, you’re a racist.

17. If you believe that _any_ girls of whatever color who are paid to have babies will then have babies but then, insensitively, observe that a smaller percentage of white girls do, certainly because they haven’t been targeted for as much “help” from liberals, you’re a racist.

18. If it doesn’t bother you that the truth offends liberals, you’re a racist.

19. If your name is Tom Kratman and you write and in your writing your heroes and heroines tend to be from minorities while your villains are white liberals, you’re still a racist.

20. If you read The Bell Curve, you’re a racist. On the other hand, if you didn’t read it but wrote a scathing review on Amazon anyway you might not be a racist provided you take personal responsibility for 300 years of slavery even if you just arrived from Poland last week.

So there you have it. The Left’s 20 rules of Racism.

Many thanks, sir…even if I did&#160 swipe it.&#160


Riddle me this, Batman:&#160 When is a black guy, not&#160 a black guy?

Why, when he’s legally open-carrying a gun & a rifle at one of Bambi’s health-care townhalls circle-jerks, of course.

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: “A man at a pro-health care reform rally…wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip….there are questions about whether this has racial overtones….white people showing up with guns.” Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.


CONTESSA BREWER: Yeah, we are closely following here, Dylan, town halls and other events around the country today to see who shows up and what they bring with them. More than 20 town halls scheduled from east-to-west, Virginia to Washington state. Yesterday, as President Obama addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Phoenix. A man at a pro-health care reform rally just outside, wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip. The Associated Press reports about a dozen people in all at that event were visible carrying firearms. And if the scene looks familiar, that’s because it should, last week a guy stood outside Obama’s health care town hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with a gun strapped to his leg and police arrested a 62-year-old before that New Hampshire event for carrying unlicensed loaded gun. And the reason we’re talking about this, a lot of talk here, Dylan, because people feel like, yes, there are Second Amendment rights for sure but also there are questions about whether this has racial overtones. I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists or to their legs.
(Emphasis added.&#160 -DV)

Not to put too fine a point on it, here are a couple pictures of the guy:

Yeah, that’s some pasty-faced racist cracka, alright.&#160

And (P)MSNBC wonders why it’s hemorraging viewers.


Anyone wanna bet that this case ends up in a mistrial?

A Dallas County judge ruled Thursday that Dallas County prosecutors unfairly struck minorities in seating an all-white jury to decide the fate of a black man facing the death penalty.

State District Judge Mike Snipes ordered that a black man that prosecutors bumped be placed back on the jury.

So now we have to have a jury that “looks like America”.&#160 ‘Course, if this turns out to be anything like the Zoe Baird fiasco, the wheels of justice in Dall-ass County are about to come grinding to an extremely noisy halt.

The judge’s decision is rich with irony.

Dallas County prosecutors have historically and notoriously struck jurors because of race. The district attorney’s office of decades past even sent out memos ordering prosecutors to not pick jurors because of their race.

But now Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins is the first elected black DA in the state. The lead prosecutor in the case, David Alex, is also black. The defense attorneys, Brad Lollar and Doug Parks, are white. So is the judge.

Hmmm.&#160 Given Watkins’ penchant for using DNA to get all his homies off scot-free, one wonders if the jackass will work as hard for conviction as he would for a cracker, hm?

“David Alex [Lead prosecutor -DV] and all the attorneys that picked that jury were not thinking about race,” Watkins said. “We have an element of race in our system. It’s played a role before. That doesn’t mean it’s played a role today.”

Last month, the DA’s office added to its employee handbook a section about race and jury selection. Prosecutors were told that if a challenge based on jury selection was upheld, there would be an internal investigation.

Watkins said jury selection in the Broadnax case would also be investigated. But Watkins added he doubted there would be a problem because Snipes did not find fault with the DA’s office and because prosecutors had already examined the decisions.

But Katy-bar-the-door if it were Watkins’ predecessor – who just happened to be white.&#160 They’d have to pull Sharpton, Jesse and&#160 Bambi down here to protest that!

Alex said that prosecutors had valid reasons for dismissing him.

“We would be putting him on because of his race,” Alex said during the hearing. He said that seating the juror would tell white jurors “we don’t trust you because you’re white.”

That’s what the black community thinks already, Mr. Alex.&#160 Didn’t you get the memo?

Count on a few hundred thousand dollars wasted on this case when the mistrial is called.


(Hat tip:&#160 Patterico.)

Looks like the Hahvahd Racist&#153 is now adopting the tried & true Demoscummic line:&#160 “Let’s move on.”

Black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. says he’s ready to move on from his arrest by a white police officer, hoping to use the encounter to improve fairness in the criminal justice system

Because, as we all know, if the criminal justice system is to be fair, no black man is to ever be arrested, ever.&#160 Even if he’s there at the scene, holding the murder weapon, the victim’s blood dripping from his hand.

Because to do so, y’know – well, that would be RAAAAAAAAAAAAAACISSSSSSST!!!!!

and saying “in the end, this is not about me at all.”

Rule Of Thumb&#153 number 35,269:&#160 If they say it’s not about them, trust me – it’s about them.

After a phone call from President Barack Obama urging calm in the aftermath of his arrest last week, Gates said he would accept Obama’s invitation to the White House for a beer with him and Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley.

In a statement posted Friday on The Root, a Web site Gates oversees, the scholar said he told Obama he’d be happy to meet with Crowley, whom Gates had accused of racial profiling.

“I told the president that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative,” Gates said. “I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sergeant Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige.”

Interesting change of tone here.&#160 Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that, after he laid down this pile of shitty behavior, he then proceeded to step in it?

Gates: I would love to meet with Sgt Crowley …

King: Really?

Gates: I would love for him to look me in the eye and say ‘Professor Gates, I am sorry. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I am sorry for the fabrications I..I had to put in that report. And if he’s sincere, I would forgive him as a human being.

So what we now have, sportz fanz, is not only did that son-of-a-bitch Gates accuse Sgt. Crowley of racism, he’s now&#160 accused him of being a liar, to boot.

If I were Crowley, I’d stay as far away from that “meeting” as humanly possible.&#160 (I’d also change my registration to Republican, but that’s another post.)&#160 Then, when asked about it, I’d say, “Sorry, I don’t drink with assclowns who call me a liar.”

But that’s just me.


Feel like crap tonight, so I wasn’t gonna post anything.&#160 But I do&#160 have one question:

Who the fuck is Henry Louis Gates?

By now you guys know the story:&#160 Cop responds to call about break-in, finds black man trying to jimmy a door that, apparently, had been jimmied once before.

(Which raises the question “so why did it have to be jimmied again?”, but that’s another post.)

Cop proceeds to question black man, who – it turns out – is the legal resident.&#160 (Not the owner, just the legal resident.)&#160 Black man becomes belligerent & disorderly, which interferes with the cop’s ability to properly handle the situation.&#160 Cop proceeds to arrest the black man; black man keeps screaming “RACISMRACISMRACISM!!!!!&#153” like the fifth little piggie squealing all the way home.

The Grand Ayatollah, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi, goes out of his way during a failed press conference about health care to criticize the Cambridge, MA police department, calling them “stupid” in the process.&#160 Obambi alienates all the cops in America in so doing.

And he says this DESPITE&#160 admitting at the beginning of his answer that he didn’t have all the facts.

Which is, presumably, the exact reason Jugears McHopenchange opened his skanky piehole in the first place.

What a national embarassment.&#160 I never thought we’d find anyone worse than Peanuthead, but damned if he didn’t just spill in our laps like a barrel of toxic waste.

Dumb son-of-a-bitch.


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