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The Restoring Honor rally back on 8/28 was a perfect example of everything we are NOT that this nutcase says we are, while being an utterly convincing show of everything the progressives ARE.

Gov. Ted Strickland (D – Ohio) whigs out

Yet, they have the audacity to deny the whole shebang when the lapdog lame stream media trollops in.

Guess what governor, we’re not nearly as deaf, dumb, and blind as your pollsters, Rahm, and your clueless leaders are.  Don’t believe me?  Well we’ll just see who has a job after November.

To quote the Church Lady, “Now isn’t that just speeeehhh-shhhhuuuullllllll!”



That’s the problem with Big Dickhead Perry:&#160 Y’just can’t trust the SOB.

Just as he’s riding a wave of popular support and walking a path that would likely have carried him to a third full term as Texas governor, he goes and steps in a pile of dogshit.

Texas Governor Rick Perry say he believes the recent immigration law passed in Arizona would not be the right direction for the Lone Star State.

And I guess that’s ’cause you think they’re just gonna march east to Texas and swear on a stack o’ Aggie calendars that they’re a-gonna vote fer you, don’tcha?

Got news for you, Big Dickhead, ol’ boy.&#160 More on that in a moment.

The Texas Republican says he fully recognizes and supports a state’s right and obligation to protect its citizens, but he has concerns with portions of the Arizona law.

Yeah, like the deportation&#160 part – right, Big Dickhead?

Some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien.

That’s right, BDH, it does.&#160 But since being in this country illegally&#160 is supposed to be, you know, a CRIME, it’s the same damned thing as checking for a criminal record.&#160 Which is what the cops do anyway&#160 during that little period when they take your license from you whilst they check it.

But you didn’t think of that, did you, Big Dickhead?

Perry says the focus must continue to be on the criminal elements involved with conducting criminal acts.

That’s a fuckin’ Aggie for you.&#160 Arizona’s trying to stop the criminal elements&#160 known as illegal aliens from committing the criminal act&#160 of being in the country illegally, and BDHP is trying his damndest to keep Texas from doing the same thing.


Perry adds as the debate over immigration reform intensifies, the focus must remain on border security.

‘Scuse me for saying so, but I thought that’s what Arizona was trying to do, and what Texas needed&#160 to try to do.

Mexico is Texas’ largest trading partner, and they share more than 1,200 miles of border, which is more than any other state.

See, here’s your money quote, right here.&#160 Big Dickhead Perry thinks all those illegales&#160 are going to come here from ‘Zona and vote for him and his hairdo.

News flash, Big Dickhead:&#160 Illegal aliens…wait for it…can’t vote.&#160 That means they can’t vote for you.&#160 But neither can they vote for Billy White, y’know?

We Texas citizens, on the other hand, can&#160 vote.&#160 And we support Arizona.

Better get that past your helmet hair, down into your thick head.&#160 Before we decide you’re not worth our vote.


Initial reports are what we would expect.

The state Senate initially voted 59-0 for removal, a second vote (due to a technical glitch) is occurring now and appears to be running on par with the initial vote.

More as it happens.

(UPDATE #1): Reports show that the recount ended with the same results, 59-0 to remove from office.


Well, well, well.&#160 Not yet two weeks before the Ayatollah’s coronation and already we have a scandal.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson abandoned his nomination to become commerce secretary under pressure of a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to his political donors – an investigation that threatened to embarrass President-elect Barack Obama.

Richardson insisted he would be cleared in the investigation and Obama stood by the governor as an “outstanding public servant.” But both men said it has become clear that a grand jury probe would not be finished in time for Richardson’s confirmation hearings and could keep him from filling the post in a timely matter.

Maybe we shoulda let the Magic Negro&#153 take office early.&#160 That way, this scandal could have officially&#160 happened on his watch.

No worries, though.&#160 Something tells me this is but the first of many.

Had enough, Demoscum?&#160


Oh, wow.&#160 Hold me back.&#160 I can’t stand all the excitement.

Big Dickhead Perry’s running for governor again in Texas.


And true to form, the governor of Texas, Big Dickhead Perry, took one look at all the conservatives who didn’t vote for him this time and figured that the solution was to move left.

Memo to the Big Dickhead:&#160 This is why I didn’t vote for your skanky ass in November.

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