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I have a dream too, Dr. King.

I dream that someday, your words might actually be heeded by those who should have been heeding them all along.

I dream that someday, whites will stop being referred to as RAAAAACISTS, “honkies”, “crackers”, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

I dream that whites will stop having the race card played upon them simply for disagreeing with those of a different skin pigmentation.

I dream that we’ll quit being castigated simply for wanting the immigration laws of this country enforced as they’re written.

I dream of a day when “affirmative action” will be referred to – by all – as one of the biggest mistakes this country ever made.&#160 And that all humanity will be evaluated on their talents & abilities, rather than their skin color.

I dream of a day when bona fide&#160 racist hucksters like Al Sharpton, Van Jones and the Rev’rnnnnn’d Jack’s’nnnnn&#160 are finally seen for the charlatans they are, and chased out of town – by the very people whose skin color they share.

I dream of a day when the NFL will realize that the so-called “Rooney Rule” is total bullshit.

I dream of a day when morons like “Maxi-Pad” Waters, Eddie Bernie Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee and Chuckie Rangel are turned out of office, because people have finally realized that skin color doesn’t matter, and paid less attention than their lunatic views, which should have disqualified them in the first place.&#160 (I am, however, grateful to South Carolina for making that realization about Alvin Greene.)

That “gangsta rap” will finally be seen by all for what it truly is – racist garbage & hate speech against not just whites, but also blacks, Hispanics, men, women, police, military, government, everyone – masquerading as “music”.

That we can do away with groups like the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Miss Black America Pageant, police, fire and other associations that carry the name of a race in their titles – because we have finally recognized that we are one&#160 race – the human&#160 race.

I dream of a day when I won’t have to write something like this – because people of all stripes will have finally, finally, stopped paying attention to the color of a person’s skin, and started&#160 focusing on the content of that person’s character.



Denizens, I realize youse guys get sick & tired of me ranting and raving all the rime…


MERLIN:&#160 Y’think?!

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 Whatever gave you that&#160 idea, m’lord?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Hush, you.


Anyway, I figured I’d give you guys some good news, just in case this had flown under your radar:&#160 Widdle Mikey Steele is out as GOP chairman.

Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus was elected chair of the Republican National Committee on Friday, defeating four other candidates — including incumbent Michael S. Steele — in seven rounds of voting.

Priebus never trailed in the voting, slowly building on his tally until he surpassed a majority of the 168 voting members.

Steele, the gaffe-prone former lieutenant governor of Maryland who was elected as chairman in January 2009, dropped out of contention after the fourth round of balloting.

Probably the best decision he made during his two years in office.

Don’t know much about Priebus – from what little I’ve read from him, Dan Riehl hates his guts – but he did oversee the defeat of Widdle Russie “Fifi” Feingold…and, even in this recent era of anti-Demoscum-incumbent sentiment, that’s no mean feat.

Time will tell if he’s any sort of improvement, or just a white Mikey Steele.&#160 But I’m willing to give him a chance, at least, on the hope that he’s not as incompetent as Steele.

Besides…he’s not Steele, and that has to count for something.&#160 Right?


His Nastiness and I have exchanged comments in another thread, comments involving the fact that the Left seems to believe that they need to ensure that we make the correct decisions.

Having said that, an announcement is in order. This year’s LCMS Southern District church workers conference will be held here, while en-route to and from the Yucatan Peninsula. I have made the decision that it is meet, right and proper for my wife and I to avail ourselves of this opportunity for professional education and spiritual renewal. Therefore on 31 January at about 1600 lima, we will be waiving goodbye to the folks still on the dock in New Orleans.

its a win win deal. I will actually learn something, have a good time, and do my part to ensure that enough CO2 is emitted to tick off every climate change nut job in the nation! 8)


Item:&#160 Widdle Billie Maher, ABC/HBO’s resident chickenshit pussy, has this to say about gun owners.

“The NRA should just change its name to the assassin’s lobby, because that’s what they are” TV personality Bill Maher told Tonight Show host Jay Leno on Tuesday when asked about his take on the Tucson shootings (watch segment in sidebar media player).

“I’m so tired of hearing about the Second Amendment and the Constitution,” he continued.

Same guy who said this:

“You know, they’re talking about 60 votes they need,” Maher said. “Forget this stuff. You can’t get Americans to agree on anything. Sixty-percent? Sixty-percent of people don’t believe in evolution in this country. He just needs to drag them to it. Like I just said, they’re stupid. Just drag them to this.”

He suggested Obama employ Mafia-like tactics straight from “The Godfather” to get Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., to agree to Obama’s plan.

“Get health care done, you know, with or without them,” Maher said. “Make the gang of six an offer they can’t refuse. This Max Baucus guy – he needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern’s head in his bed.”

This gun owner’s response:&#160 Wilhemina, you little pansy-ass, I’m fairly certain you’d rather hear&#160 about it…than be living&#160 it.



Misha put it very well:

So now, after the entire Lame Stream Liberal Media have had their 24 hours of hate, jumping to conclusions all over the place and all but demanded that Sarah Palin and the entire Tea Party be arrested and tried for murder, we’re told that “both sides do it” and it’s “time for everybody to calm down their rhetoric?”

You think? Now that you’ve had your opportunity to spread your blood libel far and wide it’s time for everybody to shut up? “The prosecution rests and insists that the defense shut up and leave the rest to the jury.”

Oh, and do you remember that those same Idiotarian Mediots were the ones who, back when Nidal Goatfucker Hasan ran into a store dressed in mooselimb garb, started yelling “allahu ackbar” and gunning people down left, right and center lectured everybody on how we “mustn’t jump to conclusions” and how it was a mystery, MYSTERY what could possibly have motivated that poor fellow to do something like that?

Notice, Denizens, how it’s almost as if these libtard pussies are now starting to outright beg&#160 for what Juan McRINO calls “comity”?&#160 They kinda remind you of the pseudo-tough-guy-type who, having had about two dozen snootfuls more than he should have and challenged the entire bar to a fight, is only just now realizing that maybe, just maybe, that wasn’t such a hot idea.

Now he’s on his knees, being pulled up by the lapels by the guy who’s just beaten the ever-lovin’ shit out of him and is about to finish him off…and he’s asking the guy to “calm down” and “take a deep breath”.

Such is it with the Donks.

Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland has called on the country to tone down its intense political rhetoric in the wake of the shooting rampage Saturday in Tucson that killed six people and wounded 13 others, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who’s fighting for her life.

Hoyer said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday that he talked to Giffords’ husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, who’s furious over the heated nature of recent political debate, which some have suggested might have pushed suspect Jared Loughner to go on a shooting rampage.

“I talked to Mark Kelly, [Giffords’] husband, who is an astronaut. [He is] very angry, very angry about the level of angry rhetoric that he believes incites people – not only that Loughner targeted [Giffords] in particular, but to target those in authority, whether they be judges, members of Congress, local officials,” Hoyer said.

I’m gonna say this one more time.&#160 It’s not us that came up with the term “extra-chromosome Right”.&#160 It’s not our side that accused the Republican Congress of ’94 of wanting to “poison the water”, “dirty the air”, “throw Grandma down the stairs”, etc.&#160 We’re not the ones throwing around the perjoratives “racist”, “sexist”, “bigot”, “homophobe”, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.&#160 And we’re not the ones who claimed that our idea for a health-care plan was “die quickly”.

Now some libs out there are realizing that they’re a liiiiiiiittle more vulnerable than that with which they’re personally comfortable.&#160 And, like the chickenshits they are, it scares the fuck outta them.

As it should.

No, Demoscum pussies, the rhetoric will not&#160 be toned down.&#160 We still have a First Amendment around these parts, and as long as you want to accuse Sarah Palin of virtually picking up the gun and pulling the trigger herself, we’ll respond in kind and accuse you of being the liars, chickenshits and limpwrists that you are.

Don’t like it?&#160 Take to the streets with your sticks, rocks and candles and do something about it.&#160 Start the “revolution” that you’ve been braying about for lo these many years.

And see what it gets you.

I wanna live in peace as much as the next guy.&#160 Honestly, I do.

But I will live as a free man, do you understand?&#160 A free man.&#160 I will not live on my knees for you, or for anyone else.

And if you think you can force that out of me…you’re in for a helluva shock.

You can stop this, liberals.&#160 You can ensure that we live in a calm, peaceful society.

An apology to Sarah Palin – and the rest of us for the impugning of our character – would be a good start.


Is coming from who???

Darth, I know you’re probably going to start your twitching (if you haven’t already)….so be warned.

None other than Texas governor Rick Perry, said so here.

Gov. Rick Perry has just designated two issues as emergencies for the Legislature: Abolishing sanctuary cities in Texas and protecting private property rights in eminent domain cases.

I see someone has been trying to clue in Mr. Governor about that “WE THE PEOPLE” tidbit that’s been going around for oh gee….something like 230+ years now. Darth, I’m sure you’ll agree that this is just a start and that it’s ONLY a start. About as obvious of a start as Korrioth’s bouldered and creviced forehead, wouldn’t you say???

KORRIOTH: You realize I’ve killed for much less than that General?

SG RAYEGUN: Really??? Gosh I never knew you were so tender-hearted and puppy-like Korrioth!!!!

KORRIOTH: … {Sorry folks, we’ve had to edit redact spin depoliticize Korrioth’s response. Once his reply has cleared our editors censors spinmeisters translators we’ll be sure to publicize it RSN mkay?!!}

Anyways…..if you take the time to read some of the comments that have been posted in the Statesman article you’ll get a good laugh at the progressives in and around Austin trying to bash each other.  It’s really kind of funny. 

Until you realize these people have nary a CLUE. 

What is the old cliché?  Ah yes, ignorance is bliss.

And that’s just what the progressives have been thinking WE THE PEOPLE are for the past hundred years or so.  Ain’t it nice to build that brick wall and watch them ram right into it every time?



If Gary Patterson doesn’t get fooled by a Smurf Turf Eff-head State fake punt a year ago, this is TCU v. Auburn we’re watching tonight.


What do you think? Think that this would give the bad guys a reason to leave?


Let’s get one thing straight Right Fucking Now&#153.

The right didn’t shoot Gabrielle Giffords.

Sarah Palin didn’t shoot her.

John Boehner didn’t shoot her.

Pat Buchanan didn’t shoot her.

Michelle Malkin didn’t shoot her.

Bill O’Reilly didn’t shoot her.

Sean Hannity didn’t.

Rush Limbaugh didn’t.

Glenn Beck didn’t.

Nor did Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Charles Krauthammer, Mark Davis, Cal Thomas or Williams Murchison.

Not Bob Grant, John Ziegler, John & Ken, Marlin Maddoux, Kerby Anderson, Scott Wilder or Don Imus.

Not Dan Riehl, Doug Powers, Doug Ross, Allahpundit, Pundit and/or Pundette, William Jacobson, Jim Hoft, B.C., Misha, and certainly not Darth Venomous and/or Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant.

No one on the Right shot the congresscritter from Tucson.&#160 Period, end, stop.

In fact, given that two of this cowardly moonbat’s favorite books were the Communist Manifesto&#160 and Mein Kampf, this little boil on the butt of humanity, Loughner, would more comfortably fit in the camp of the pathetic chickenshit Left.

So you Demoscum who want to excoriate Palin and the Right for yesterday’s shooting rampage?&#160 Clean your own house before you come in wanting to dust ours.&#160 After all the shit your homey Bambi has spewed forth, you pussies don’t have a whole lotta room to talk.

If any.


Drudge and many others (including Michelle) are reporting that Democrat US Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot at point-blank range at a local event in Tuscon.&#160 There are conflicting reports as of this writing on her medical status, i.e. whether or not she is still alive.&#160 Anywhere from four to six others are reported dead in the event.

48-hour rule in effect, and our prayers go out.

UPDATE:&#160 The attending surgeon just stated in a news conference broadcast on Fox News that Representative Giffords is, repeat is, alive and in critical condition in ICU at the Tuscon hospital where she was transported after being shot in the head.&#160 Currently, we have one dead (a young boy girl) at the hospital (making a total of six (corrections?)), five more in surgery.

Thanks be to God, and condolences to the families of the young girl.

UPDATE the 2nd:&#160 Shep Smith at Fox News is now quoting the death toll at five.

UPDATE the 3rd:&#160 CNN & Fox have confirmed that one of the dead is United States District Court Judge John Roll.&#160 He was a Bush (41) appointee back in 1991.


(h/t to Southern Command Senior Radar Technologist Lt. Marky Mark via FB)

The entire Battle Staff has been replaying this video for the past hour or so almost constantly. It’s getting funnier every time!!



The Dullest Moaning Snooze regrettably announced the other day that they were comitting suicide.

The Dallas Morning News plans to launch a new digital strategy on Jan. 18, and it will begin charging for online and mobile access to some of its content on Feb. 15.

The initiatives include an iPad application; an updated iPhone app; and a new design and streamlined navigation for the newspaper’s website, dallasnews.com.

The comprehensive digital package only – including the electronic edition of The News and subscriber content on dallasnews.com, iPad and iPhone applications, but excluding the print newspaper – will cost $16.95 per month. Access to The News’ content on just one of those digital products will cost less.

Subscriber content will include proprietary news and information produced by The News. Headlines, breaking news, most blogs, obituaries, classifieds and nonproprietary content such as syndicated wire stories will remain free.

As I noted in their comments in the story, this “proprietary news and information” includes whiny-assed, angst-ridden hand-wringer Steve Blow (go here to read his attack on Christmas – and Stevie, what’s this we&#160 Christians BS, paleface?), Maureen Dowd-wannabe Jacquelynn Floyd (one of her&#160 whine-fests can be found here).

Then there’s Gromer Jeffers, who acts & writes like he’s on the Dallas County Demoscum payroll.&#160 (Don’t believe me?&#160 This is who little Gromie hangs out with.)

Plus, the site has technical issues which I won’t get into here.

And for all this, they want $17 a month.

Not only no, but fuckin’ hell no!!!!!&#160 The site itself is substandard, a lot of content comes from Assphyxiated Piss and what they call “wire services” (actually, a good chunk of it comes from their next-door neighbor, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram), and the comments contained in any given news article usually contain a goodly amount of spam…and they want money for this.

They want money for something I can get for free through RSS.

S’long, Moaning Snooze.&#160 Instead of trying to raise rates on folks who already think you’re not that good, how about raising the quality of your product, hm?

Or would that be too much, y’know, work?

RIP to what used to be a damn good newspaper.


This just in from the estate of Elizabeth Edwards:

“All of my furniture, furnishings, household goods, jewelry, china, silverware and personal effects and any automobiles owned by me at the time of my death, I give and bequeath to my children,” the will stated.

There was no mention of her husband in the five-page document.

You can bet the Breck Boy ain’t feelin’ the love no mo.

And while we’re on the subject of a good laugh, check out this video.  It’ll give you Crackberry addicts a new perspective on your electronic leash.



Gee, you’d think some one is having a bad day….. could this be evidence or maybe this video below is the cause of it all??

Yeah, I’m thinking the video has got her peeved pretty much.

Then again, this probably has got her fairly torqued off. (Note: be sure to check out Rep. Wasserman’s facial expression in the lead photo…gotta love it!)



New Year’s Day. Our society’s “Reset” button. Our culture – or what’s left of it, anyway – reboots, reloads and starts over.

And with every New Year’s Day – well, every New Year’s Day where I have something resembling half a nanosecond of spare time – comes two things in this household: New Year’s Reminiscing, and New Year’s Resolutions. A look back, and a look forward, as it were.

2010 was the Year of the Tea Party&#153.&#160 In February 2009, CNBC business editor Rick Santelli suggested holding a tea party for traders after Al-Obambi announced a failed-bit plan to have the government re-finance home mortgages.&#160 Drudge posted the video to his site, and it went viral, creating the movement.&#160 A Seattle, WA blogger, Keli Carender, helped organize some of the first Tea Party protests.&#160 Fox News & Michelle Malkin picked up on it, and the movement gained strength.

This year, the Tea Party helped engineer the Republican takeover of the House side of the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153.&#160 Sixty-three Demoscum got thrown from office in the midterms, leaving the Donktards with under 200 House members for the very first time, part of nearly 700 nationwide offices that changed party hands.&#160 Names like Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Bill Flores, Ron Johnson, Daniel Webster, Dan Coats & John Boozman helped yank the House gavel out of the witchy clutches of the soon-to-be-ex-Shrieker of the House, San Fran Nan Piglousi.&#160 The Imperial Senate, while not flipping to GOP control, nevertheless realized modest gains, cutting into the heretofore-filibuster-proof 60-vote Demoscum majority.

And Republicans captured a majority of the nation’s governorships, giving the GOP a critical advantage in the redistricting battles for 2011.

2010 was the year that Ayatollah B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi followed up his record $1.4 extra-extra-super-duper-large (that’s trillion&#160 to those of you in the Church of the SubTarded) deficit…with another $1.3 extra-extra-super-duper-large one.&#160 It was just one of a myriad of epic failures by the Ayatollah in 2010.

2010 was the year that combat troops officially left Iraq.&#160 And Al-Qaida swooped in, beginning an aggressive bombing campaign to overthrow the new Iraqi government, thus laying waste to the efforts of George W. Bush & the United States’ efforts there.

And in Afghanistan, a troop surge modeled in part after Bush’s successful Iraq surge…didn’t do a whole lot.&#160 Military efforts there are resulting in a lot of spun wheel-age.&#160 The Taliban is still fairly-well entrenched, and a sizable chunk of the country is still unsafe for travel.&#160 Al-Obambi says&#160 it has the Taliban on the run there – but, given their propensity for lying through their teeth, do you belive them?

2010 was also the Year of the Oil Spill, as British Petroleum had Deepwater Horizon oil rig explode in the Gulf of Mexico in April, and the resulting oil spill measured between 53,000 & 62,000 barrels per day until its capping in July.

2010 was the year that the environ-mental cases finally were exposed as the frauds they are, and so-called “global warming” was exposed as a hoax, and Michael “Hide the Decline” Mann was exposed as a douchebaggy jackass.

2010 was the year that ragheaded Muslim bastards tried to rub our noses in 9/11 – by threatening to build a mosque two blocks from the former World Trade Center site.&#160 The concept has sparked massive criticism from conservatives (libtards, true to form have donned the kneepads for the ragheads).&#160 The mosque remains unbuilt as of this writing.

2010 was a flat year for the US economy.&#160 The Dow gained 2,100 points, but unemployment remained above 9.5% all year, and is at this moment closer to 10 percent than 9.5.&#160 The economy has only been adding between 50,000 & 100,000 jobs per month, as opposed to the 800,000 monthly required to bring the unemployment rate down.&#160 (And that’s just the U2 rate – those who are actively seeking employment.&#160 The U6 rate – the U2 rate plus those who have given up looking – runs closer to 18 percent.)&#160 Housing prices continue to drop, and foreclosures continue to rise, as do bankruptcies.&#160 Oil is now up around $90/barrel and rising, and gas is now over $3/gallon in Texas.

In sports, the Tex-ass stRangerS finally won the franchise’s first American League championship (before spitting the bit in the World Series vs. the San Transexual Giants).&#160 The New Orleans Saints played in – and won – their first Super Bowl against the Indianapolis Colts.&#160 And Phil Jackson once again proved that he can coach a talented NBA team to an NBA championship.&#160 Yawn.&#160 (I’m still waiting for proof that he could coach the Clippers.)&#160 And the Shit-cago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup in nearly 50 years.&#160 Their reward was to be burdened with excuse-for-a-goaltender Marty Turco for the 2010-11 season.&#160 &#160 And Alabama won the BCS football championship, beating the Texas University Shortdicks T-sips Longhorns.

The Dallas Mavericks pulled another one-and-done to an inferior San Antonio Spurs team.&#160 Whereupon the Spurs got their asses handed to them by the Phoenix Suns.

The Dallas Cowboys actually won a playoff game in 2010 – the first one in 13 years.&#160 They promptly got their asses handed to them by the Minne-haha ViQueens, and they continued that suckage through this season, thankfully costing Wade Phillips his job.

The Dallas Stars…meh.&#160 (And, seeing as Donna Don Donna Fehr is now the chief negotiator for the NHL players’ union, pro hockey will continue to be…meh.

In 2010, we lost folks like Teddy Pendergrass, Corey Haim, Peter Graves, John Forsythe, Dixie Carter, Lynn and Carin Redgrave, Lena Horne, Gary Coleman, Dennis Hopper, Rue McClanahan, Eddie Fisher, Gloria Stuart, Tony Curtis, Barbara Billingsley, Tom Bosley, Jill Clayburgh, Leslie Nielsen, Steve Landesberg, Teena Marie, J.D. Salinger, Fess Parker, Robert Culp, Malcolm McLaren, Ronnie James Dio, Art Linkletter, Patricia Neal and Blake Edwards.

Personally…well…I’m still here.&#160 I actually made it through a marriage for a year (&#160 &#160), and I’m still gainfully employed (&#160).&#160 Finances suck, but at least we’re not yet homeless.

Weight’s still a problem (when is it not?), but at least I have it back on a downward trend.&#160 With any luck, when we convene here next year for the 2011 YiR, I’ll be back in my trusty ol’ 38s.

Which brings us to the Resolutions&#153.&#160 I make ’em, you make ’em, we all&#160 make ’em.&#160 Keeping&#160 ’em is another matter – but that’s another topic for another post.

So with that in mind, here are mine for the year:

(If these look familiar, they should – I got ’em from 2008, but they still apply today.)

1. Try to be more personable.&#160 I’m not exactly what you’d call a social butterfly, when I very well could be – the potential is there.&#160 Efforts will be undertaken this year to smile more, frown less.

2. Go to church more.&#160 This is something that always seems to get neglected, especially when I’m living by myself.&#160 IOW, it’s easy to go when a wife is dragging you along; in solo mode, not so much.&#160 I can afford to go a little more often – and I think Our Lord and Savior would probably appreciate the effort to come to His house.

3. Try not to declare bankruptcy.&#160 Unfortunately, it’s looking like this will be one of the first ones broken.&#160 That’s how bad the finances are.&#160 Maybe if I win a lottery…

4. Continue other traditions.&#160 Such as being the only red-blooded American heterosexual male who is not impressed with either Pamela Anderson, Angelina Jolie, Tila “Tila Tequila” Nguyen, Megan Fox, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus or Eva Longoria.

And finally…

5. Continue to piss off liberals everywhere I go.&#160 You knew that&#160 one was coming, didn’t you?&#160

6. Finally upgrade the version of WordPress that’s running This Fine Blog&#153.&#160 (Certain Supreme Generals will appreciate that.)

Most of all, I resolve to thank all of you once again for making this blog a part of your day.&#160 Without you guys, I’m doing nothing more than screaming into the wind.&#160 I’m most grateful for each one of you.&#160 Even if there really are only six or seven of you.&#160

Happy New Year 2011.&#160 Let’s go kick some leftist ass!&#160


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