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Memo to the National Association for the Ass-Kissing of (Liberal) Coddled People:

I do not ever – and I fucking mean EVER!!!! – want to hear your crybaby asses whining & sniveling about RAAAAACISM ever again, do you hear me?

This means you, the-uh Rrrrrrrrev’rn’d uh-Jack’s’nnnnnnnnnnn, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton, John Whiney Price, Al Lipscomb, Diane Ragsdale, Maxine “Vote For The Candidate Who Looks Like You” Thornton-Reese, Maxi-Pad Waters, the Head-up-his-Ass Rev. Jack-ass-i-miah Wrong, and especially those two pussies Malik Shabazz & King Samir Shabazz from the Phucka-delphia New Black Pansy-asses Panthers.

You can take your accusations of RAAAAACISM – and shove it all up your pathetic, methane-overloaded, skanky asses.

We’ve always known you race pimps were full of shit.

Now we have proof.

Undeniable, incontrovertible, un-spinnable proof.

Sucks being you bastards, doesn’t it?

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One response to “PotKettleBlack, Part the 1,765,911th”

  1. David Hartung says:

    One always hates to point out to his nastiness that he may be mistaken, but he may wish to take a look at this. The pertinent part begins at about 17 minutes and runs to the end.

    The racist and race baiting activities of the NAACP are well known, but this issue is more about an attempt to smear by lying. Someone edited the video to make it seem as if Ms Sherrod was saying something other than what she was actually saying. Sort of like what the Lame Stream Media has been doing to conservatives for many years.

    My sympathy for Ms Sherrod is real, She was merely trying to relate to others an experience which had changed her life. My sympathy for those in the media who will now cry foul is nonexistent.

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