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What was it Voltaire said?&#160 “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”?

Funny thing about becoming a Soprano Supreme Soprano Court justice – you tend to let it go to your head.&#160 Lifetime appointments to the bench seem to be shortly followed by delusions of grandeur.

Witness, for example, the Mostest Firstest Female-type Bimbo&#153 ever to serve on the Court – Sandy Ditz O’Bint.&#160 Now that she’s off the bench, she’s wasting no time showing us all what a slut of a tyrant-ette she was on&#160 it.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has warned that the U.S. is in danger of moving toward “dictatorship” if Republican leaders continue to attack the judiciary for liberal bias.

You mean, Sandy baby, as opposed to the dictatorship you and those other four bastards – Stevens, Souter, Ginsberg and Kennedy – tried to establish while you were there?

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