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Y’know, all of a sudden I feel a helluva lot better about John McCain.

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8 responses to “BREAKING:&#160 Palin!”

  1. David Hartung says:

    Interestingly, Mrs. Palin has more actual leadership experience than Obama, Clinton, Biden and McCain combined.

  2. HDD says:


    That wasn’t a fair comparison, David, since McVain has more leadership experience that the other three combined, as well.

    All counted up, on the McVain/Palin ticket, we have roughly a couple of decades of leadership experience, and on the Obama/Biden ticket, we have a candidate who will run his mouth long enough to put his foot in it, and Obama.

    Plus, all the hot chicks are on the McVain/Palin ticket.

  3. Alan K. Henderson says:

    McCain has guaranteed that the first female president of the United States won’t be someone who combines the worst qualities of Richard Nixon and Stella Mudd.

  4. David Hartung says:

    “That wasn’t a fair comparison, David, since McVain has more leadership experience that the other three combined, as well.”

    I thought that was understood.

  5. Alan K. Henderson says:

    “She is a mother of five and achurchgoer who says her favourite meal is moose stew.”


    I like her.

  6. RobertHuntingdon says:

    Heh I really like the “Palin/whasisname” sticker Misha came up with! 🙂

    She was a good choice. Some of the reasons she will help aren’t really good ones. People should not be voting for a particular candidate because of their race or gender. Of course we all know that already, but far too many people in this country don’t, and for those who are stupid enough to vote for her *merely* because she’s a woman, well, at least in this case they won’t be hurting the country by doing so. And the reason they won’t be, and the reason I (and many other conservatives) like her, is that she’s a conservative, intelligent, HONEST woman whose made her career on fighting corruption. Just what the country needs. About the only way it could be better is if McCain ends up not running again in 2012 and she is able to step up to POTUS as a result.

    Well, and it would help if she had a conservative congress/senate to work with too… but that isn’t terribly likely… yet at least. Who knows, stranger things HAVE happened…


  7. Alan K. Henderson says:

    Quote of the day, from commenter Sissy Willis:

    “Obama, like the proverbial deer — moose? — in the headlights, obviously didn’t see it coming either.”

    Hey Rocky, watch me pull a vice presidential nominee out of my hat…

  8. Hmmmm, what’s that squealing noise you say?

    Why that’s Obambi, Blinden, Shrillary, and Piglousy et al whining cause they see the trough they’ve been feeding from for the longest time starting to show signs of emptying out.

    Which is a good thing for all of us.

    Here’s to hoping the Obambi’s spinsters are working on the first draft of a concession speech.

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