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Mary Jo Kopechne has, at long last, been avenged.

The fat, drunken swine who murdered her, Edward M. “Teddy the Red-Nosed Senator” Kennedy, finally received what was coming to him, 40 years after he deliberately refused to attempt the rescue of the young Miss Kopechne and allowed her to suffocate in his submerged car at Chappaquiddick, then tried to cover up his crime.&#160 Reports that he was cheating on his wife with the comely Mary Jo remain unsubstantiated, but very likely.

For the part of This Fine Blog&#153, we will treat this in the same exact way that the leftard blogs regarded the deaths of Ronaldus Magnus, Tony Snow, Paul Weyrich, Richard Nixon and just about every other famous conservative in recent times:

With much hoopla and rejoicing.&#160

Yes, I know the old adage about “if you can’t say something nice”, etc.&#160 Frankly, in this instance, I don’t give two royal shits.


The simple fact of the matter is this:&#160 you liberal pieces of shit rubbed our faces in it when Ronald Reagan, et. al, shuffled off this mortal coil, and you did so with gleeful abandon.&#160 You’ve publically wished long and/or painful deaths on Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, both Bushes, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, for years now, and given us a royal when we so much as raised an eyebrow.

All I’m doing here is observing the Golden Rule&#153 in reverse.&#160 We on the right, whether or not we choose to admit it publically, have long waited for justice to come to that Piggish Piece o’ Pusillanamous Putridity&#153 – and it’s finally come…and damn!!!&#160 it feels good.

And if you leftist pussies don’t like it, you’ve known what you can do about it for almost seven years now:&#160 Come Say It To My Face&#153.

That.&#160 Is.&#160 All.

Hot damn!!!&#160

UPDATE:&#160 Misha has extended an olive branch of sorts and written a treatise which is well worth your time to go and read.

It is a noble sentiment, and one with which we here can agree.&#160 And so we do.

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6 responses to “Finally. (UPDATED)”

  1. What a huge non-surprise…..the Communist News Network is literally TRIPPING over itself silly as reporters, reporterettes, and interviewees slobber over themselves in an attempt to out-lovefest each other. I wanted to grab any 120mm Howitzer within reach and enjoy an hour or so of free firing!

    Folks, this is the distraction that the donktards were looking for. As everyone in the District of Crack is SUPPOSED to be mourning the loss of the fat drunkard murderer…watch out that Al-Obambi and the Brown Shirts try to have things like the ‘Stimulus II: Electric Boogaaloo’ and ‘Health Dis-Care’ bills “Rahmed” through and signed under the cover of darkness. Don’t think that they AREN’T scheming it….cause THEY ARE!

  2. Don’t think that they AREN’T scheming it….cause THEY ARE!

    Precisely, General.&#160 As Rahmbo himself says, never let a good crisis go to waste.

  3. David Hartung says:

    This may not mean much to a lot of folks, but this scum will be laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. If there is a list of those who do not deserve such an honor, Turgid Teddy would be on it.

    I have called my Congress Critter and Senator, but don’t expect it to do any good.

  4. David,

    It is quite likely that the plot at Arlington for the drunken murderer was BOUGHT with good ol’ fashioned Kennedy Clan pesos (possibly even just OUR tax dollars). And clearly not something that was EARNED like the rest of the TRUE heroes that are buried within those hallowed fields.

    I agree, your calls to the congress critters will likely go unheralded.

  5. HDD says:

    As a US Senator, Kennedy is entitled to be buried in Arlington, no matter what we think of him or his service. It’s a perk that comes with the position, and not really a commentary on his politics.

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