This is not necessarily a defense of Widdle Ricky Santorum, mkay?  I mean, I’m not too fond of the idiot, particularly since he lied through his teeth when he downplayed the role of Newt Gingrich in the 1994 Republican Revolution during the S. Carolina debate.
And I say that with you guys well aware of my honest opinion of Newt.  (Which is to say, it ain’t very good.)
I for one wish the GOP would grow a spine, look the Demoscum in the eye and flat-out state, “Listen, dumbasses, no one wants to ban contraception, the states least of all – even though, thanks to a little something called the Tenth Amendment, they bloody well can if they so choose – so drop the effin’ subject and let’s talk about where you and your honeyboy B. HUSSEIN!!!  Obambi have dropped the ball…namely, the economy and foreign affairs, M”KAY?!?!?!”
But this bullshit about the reaction to Santorum questioning the theology behind Bambi’s policy?  The whining and sniveling that’s  caused?  I mean, here’s “Baghdad Bob” Gibbs bleating that Santorum went over the line for the cardinal  sin of “questioning [Bambi’s] Christian faith?
Hey, Baghdad Bobby?  I’ll do more than question it – I’ll fucking challenge it outright.  The bastard ain’t a Christian.  Certainly not in the traditional sense of the word.  Look at his track record if you don’t believe me.
And Santorum Franklin Graham’s bang-on right about one thing:  Bambi gives more of a shit about Muslims than he does about the Christians the Muslims are killing overseas.  I mean, when was the last time you heard Bambi mention anything about that, hmmmmmmmm?
Santorum’s right about another thing, too:  Satan is targeting this country.  I fucking dare anyone to look at what’s happened to this culture over the last 50 years and deny it.
So you pisstards on the Left can take all your kvetching about what Rick Santorum has said about our culture and shove it back up your pieholes.  You pussies are a big cause of it, so I for one don’t give a shit that you don’t like us pointing it out.
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2 responses to “Santorum:  Truth hurts, doesn’t it, leftards?”
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At Althouse, I’m a uniter, not a divider (emphasis added):
Some people get nervous when folks seeking political office speak of evil as having spiritual origins. Some religious sorts get nervous about folks who speak of evil in purely secular terms, ignoring where it comes from. The point of my Althouse comment is that when it comes to making policy people don’t have to agree on where evil ultimately comes from – they simply have to agree on what evil is.
The bastard (in the truest sense of the word) resident of the WH is not a Christian, he’s an athiest, just like his best buds, Ayers, Dohrn, Wright, and the Chicago Crime Machine.
He figures the enemy (Islam) of my enemy (USA) is a friend.