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Now who here didn’t see this coming?

I mean, good grief Charlie Brown. It’s as honkin’ big as Cyrano De Bergerac’s nose!!! If you miss that, you’re blind (or looking the other way)!!!

Then again, the modus operandi of the previous four years isn’t about to go away because Al-Obambi got re-elected….so of course Bambi’s going to reboot it now. This sort of presidential pisspottery and pot-calling-the-kettle-black crap, with the obligatory aid of the lap-dog lame stream media as willing accomplices, has clearly made the United States government the laughing stock of the globe. Does the Democratic party really think that We The People&#153 are that brainwashed? Yes, obviously those occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue do. Then again they also believe that if you don’t happen to live at that particular address, then you’re just a peon and incapable of rational human thought.

WRONG there Bambi!!!

You’re the fracking arsehole that pushed for the sequestration months ago. Wait, there’s the answer! Al-Obambi is suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s. We’re in luck, that disease is not covered by his all-encompassing “universal” budget-busting “FREE” healthcare bill. Sorry sir, we’ve deemed you untreatable and you’re being voted off the island. Please leave. No, we don’t have any parting prizes for you. Just go.

What’s this? We can’t criticize the anointed one?

Bullshit we can’t! There still is this thing called the FIRST AMENDMENT you fracking arrogant weasels. Yes, that old, crusty document that you and your fracking arrogant weasel buddies are trying to rip to shreds because it’s full of “negative liberties”.

Get over it! It happens to be the LAW OF THE LAND. And also the thing you pledged to uphold in your OATH OF OFFICE!!!

Yes, in case you missed it I am seriously pissed right now. Al-Obmabi, Jay Carney, Nancy Piglousy, Harry “Dick” Reid, and the rest of the progressives in DC are doing nothing more than the equivalent of throwing a two-year old TANTRUM because they can’t get their way. Obambi claims that the GOP is siding with the rich and wealthy by forcing the sequestration to proceed, but plainly forgets that he’s clearly on the Autobahn with the destination of DESTROYING the America we all know and love! He clearly believes it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” he will arrive at the intended destination. And he’s doing so with a rather Adm. Farragut attitude of “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead”.

It’s not getting any prettier around here anytime soon denizens. We here at the Southern Command are prepping, are you?


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