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Damn, and to think this almost slipped past us, Denizens.


WWF’s Earth Hour is a simple idea that’s quickly turned into a global phenomenon. Hundreds of millions of people turning off their lights for one hour, on the same night, all across the planet. It’s about appreciating the brilliant world we all share – and how we need to protect it. Not just for an hour a year, but every day.

Okay, guyz, here we go.

At 20:30 hours, your time, turn on every single fucking electrical device in your domicile.&#160 Crank the A/C (or heat, depending on where you might be) to maximum – or at least to a temperature that guarantees it’ll run for an hour straight – and overload the fuckin’ grid if you can.

And if any Gaia-humping tree-huggers so much as emit a peep…&#160

UPDATE:&#160 And in that vein, we have this Cupid Stunt&#153 who thinks that we have a disease that needs to be “recognized and treated” (hat tip:&#160 Andrea Ryan, guest-blogging at Hoft’s)…

“We find a profound misfit between dire scientific predictions of ongoing and future climate changes and scientific assessments of needed emissions reductions on the one hand, and weak political, social or policy response on the other,” Norgaard said. Serious discussions about solutions, she added, are mired in cultural inertia “that exists across spheres of the individual, social interaction, culture and institutions.”

“Climate change poses a massive threat to our present social, economic and political order. From a sociological perspective, resistance to change is to be expected,” she said. “People are individually and collectively habituated to the ways we act and think. This habituation must be recognized and simultaneously addressed at the individual, cultural and societal level — how we think the world works and how we think it should work.”

This is along the lines of the bullshit spewed by Richard “Big Dickhead” Glover, the cowardly little douchenozzle who wants us “climate-change deniers” to have our heresy “forcibly tattooed on [our] bodies” (you’ll remember what I had to say about it at the time).

Ever notice that they never want to come and actually try&#160 any of that forcible-tattooing, or “treatment”, as it were?&#160 They talk a good game until it’s time to actually do something.

They they tend to shut up & shrink back a bit when they realize that it just might be a weeeeeeeeeee&#160 bit harder to do than they thought.

But anytime, Herr Glover & Norgaard.&#160 Grow a set & come try it.

I’ll even make you a deal:&#160 The cattle prods we shove up your skanky asses?

Only set to half-intensity.&#160

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