Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

For some of you using Internet Exploder, this place looks decidedly weird RightAboutNow&#153.

Fret not.&#160 I’m pondering the issue EvenAsWeSpeak&#153.

UPDATE:&#160 Figured it out.

Remember where I say at the bottom that the page looks best in IE when you have your display set in 1024×768 1280×1024?

Guess I wasn’t kidding, was I?

Didn’t realize it the other day, but I must have been looking at it in something other than 1280×1024.&#160 Hence, everything shifted over to the left.

Sorta like Charlie Crist.

So, never mind.&#160 Page stays as is, and if it looks funny to you – well, switch to Firefox.&#160 Better browser anyway, and the page looks good in it, no matter what your machine’s resolution.


Denizens, The Six Or Seven Of You&#153 may have noticed that This Fine Blog&#153 looks a little different today than yesterday.

What it boils down to is that I widened the page just a skosh…

KORRIOTH (slightly twisted face, as if he doesn’t understand what I just said):&#160 A “skosh”?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yes, Kor.&#160 A skosh.

KORRIOTH (with a slight dip of his bumpy head):&#160 As you wish, m’lord.


KORRIOTH:&#160 And I happen to like&#160 my head, TendJewBerryMud&#153

[His Rudeness&#153 looks sideways at Merlin]

VENOMOUS:&#160 It’s gonna be OneOfThoseDays&#153, isn’t it?

MERLIN:&#160 Don’t look at me, Purple Eyes.&#160 You&#160 started it.

VENOMOUS (looking resignedly skyward):&#160 Damned non-union labor…


Okay, where were we…?

KORRIOTH:&#160 “Skosh”.

Oh, yeah.&#160 Right.

Anyway, it just looks a little better – and it paves the way for the new banner up at the top there.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Mark Davis been giving you hell about the upside-down flags again?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Mark Davis gives me hell about nothing, Ozy.&#160 At least he – unlike some&#160 fictitious people I know – knows better.

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 Had to remind us that we’re all figments of your imagination again, didn’t you?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Would you all prefer that I exercise my option to lay all your fictitious, non-union asses off?&#160 Economy’s hitting me hard too, y’know.

CREW:&#160 Eep.

Anyway, the banner serves two purposes:&#160 1) it’s new, sort of, and I like the way it looks, and 2) it’s in tribute and ideological solidarity with the folks over at Sipsey Street Irregulars, the link to which you’ll find down there on the left.

Henceforth, let the libtards beware.&#160 We Are Everywhere&#153…heh…heh…heh…&#160


Denizens, it’s come to my attention that certain instances of IE were not displaying This Fine Blog&#153 correctly – IOW, the posts were appearing below the right sidebar, f’rinstance.

Your assignment (and this goes for all you non-libtard visitors, as well – register on the site if you need to) is as follows:&#160 Tell me how it looks on your browser (and (duh) lemme know what you’re using).&#160 Does everything look in place – IOW, are the posts in the middle under the banner; do the sidebars look okay; is the “Local Time Where You’re At” caption underneath the clock, instead of to the side, etc?

Lemme know.&#160 And thanks.


The PFW wrap-up & benediction will come out this weekend.

(Yeah, I know – the Six Or Seven&#153 are clearly hanging on the edge of their seats.&#160 &#160 )


Cthulu willing and the creek don’t rise (grin), a little more regular posting schedule should commence with the latest PFW recap tomorrow morning.

Thanks to General Rayegun and the Chaplain of the Realm&#153, Vicar Hartung (uh, Dave, how does&#160 one address a Vicar?) for their yeoman’s work in keeping the cobwebs off the page.

Good work, guys.


Denizens, I’m back online, but I’m still climbing out from underneath stuff.

Ergo, posts will be a mite delayed – including the PFW recap and this week’s edition (there are only two teams in it this week anyway, and one of those isn’t even a regular).

Rants will begin again shortly.&#160 Hang tight.


Denizens, it’s Moving Day&#153 here at Realm&#153 headquarters.&#160 I’m taking the Big Box&#153 down and won’t be back up until Thursday (thanks for damned near nothing, AT&T U-verse – and, fuck you with a spiked bat full of rusty nails, Time Warner Cable).

I will attempt to post the PFW recap tomorrow from my laptop, but no guarantees.&#160 Probably a good thing if not – anyone who reads it is going to need asbestos skivvies.

David, General, it’s all yours.

See you Thursday.


Denizens, I need some help here, and you’re the only ones who can do this.

(If you’ve never registered here, and you’re passing by, or just bored or whatever, feel free to register and offer your views, too.)

Take a look at that Rolex© watch face over there on the right sidebar.

Question:&#160 Do you see a white background surrounding the watch?

Here’s the deal:&#160 I saw the watch in a white square the other day while on another machine running Internet Exploder.

However, I can’t reproduce the effect on my machine, but I don’t trust my weird-assed color scheme.&#160 This is where you come in.

If you’ll do me the honor of telling me what you’re seeing, I’d be most grateful.

Thanks in advance.&#160 (And thanks for reading this blog, too, while I’m thinking about it.)

UPDATE:&#160 Actually, I think I like this clock with the starfield background better.

Still, if you see anything there but the black page b/g, lemme know if you would.


Denizens, obviously (that is, if you’re paying attention it’s obvious) I’m testing out some new features to put on This Fine Blog&#153.&#160 Your patience is most appreciated.

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 As if they had any choice.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Hush, you.

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 (smirk)

Not sure if we’re gonna keep any of these, or if they’ll even work if/when we decide to upgrade the WordPress version.

RAYEGUN:&#160 You’re actually gonna do that?

VENOMOUS:&#160 When I’m damned good ‘n ready, awright?!

RAYEGUN:&#160 It was just a question, geeze.

MERLIN:&#160 Little touchy this morning, are we?

MRS. VENOMOUS:&#160 He’s still p.o.’d about the Cowgirls.

MERLIN:&#160 Ah.

MRS. VENOMOUS:&#160 Hey, be glad you’re just on staff.&#160 I&#160 have to live with him 24/7.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Our condolences, ma’am.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Would you all PUT A CORK IN IT?!?!?!

This is what happens when I hire non-union help.



Anyway, keep yer eyes peeled for more of this stuff.&#160 ThatIsAll&#153.


Denizens, you may have noticed my associates, Mr. Hartung & General Rayegun, have penned three of the last four entries.

There’s a reason for that.&#160 There’s a problem over here at Chez Venomous, and free time for the next three or four weeks is going to be at a premium.

When all is said and done, I’ll deliver the after-action report.&#160 Until then, if there are days when this blog is silent, fret not.

MERLIN:&#160 I doubt The Six Or Seven&#153 are wringing their hands in angst, y’know?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah, I know.&#160 But there are some&#160 out there who will enjoy the schadenfreude.

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 (snort!)

Anyway, watch this space.


As Mondays go, this one is a Monday From Hell&#153.

I have the PFW recap mostly done, but it needs a bit of polishing.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Isn’t that true of most of your turds?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Oh shut up, Adirondack Head.


Anyway, I’ll have it up tonight.&#160 ThatIsAll&#153.


Due to unforeseen familial entanglements…

T-BONE MCMANX:&#160 Brother asked you to come work on his computer again, hm?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah.&#160 Needed it, too – found about half a dozen virii on his network.

MERLIN:&#160 Ew.

…the PFW recap will be Monday, as usual.



You may have noticed a slight change to the port sidebar.

Nice, huh?&#160

Thanks to the kind folks over at Clearspring.com for thinking this one up.


I am advised that Denizen & fellow blogger Alan K. Henderson will not be seeing the Star Trek&#160 movie until this weekend.

As the “Klingon Missing” vignette is based in large part on a scene from that movie, I will be postponing said vignette until Alan’s had a chance to go see the flick.



VENOMOUS:&#160 (/i)(/blockquote)

MERLIN:&#160 Ahhhhh!!!

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Unnnnhh!!!

KORRIOTH:&#160 Dammit, put it back!&#160 I was just starting to feel good again!

Trust the Klingon.

Sorry about the extended italicization, guys.&#160


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This blog is best viewed with your eyes. 
It helps, though, if you have Microsoft Internet Explorer  set about 1024x768 1280x1024 with your Favorites window activated on the left deactivated.  (At least until I can get a better handle on how WordPress works.)

(KORRIOTH:  Oh, great.  More wormholes.)

Mozilla Firefox doesn't do too badly, either; in fact, it's His Rudeness' browser of choice.
You can  use Nutscrape,  if you so desire - but why in blazes would you want to use a browser from a company that had to hide behind Janet El Reño's skirt to be successful?

And don't even  get me started on Opera or Chrome.  I'm not about  to trust any browser that won't let me change its color scheme.
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