Already in poll quicksand, Malicious Malkin’s hand-picked candidate and honeygirl, Michelle Bachmann, all but torpedoed her own campaign over the weekend when she started channeling Pat Robertson, stating that Hurricane Irene was “God’s warning” to Washington, DC.
GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says Hurricane Irene and last week’s earthquake are messages from God to warn politicians to start heeding divine guidance.
Bachmann made the remarks during a campaign stop Sunday in Sarasota, Fla., attended by about 1,000 people, the St. Petersburg Times reported.
“I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians,” the third-term congresswoman from Minnesota said. “We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?'”
Robertson, as you’ll recall, proclamed (among other things), that God wouldn’t protect the town of Dover, PA, over their dumb-assed tossing of intelligent-design advocates in their school board elections.  (Which may or may not be true, but I don’t think I’d be naming names when it comes to something like that, but rather speaking in more general terms, y’know?)
It didn’t help things any that Bachmann was already viewed as a flake – now she’s confirmed it.  And killed any chance she ever thought she might have at the White House.
Now, she did  try walking this dumbshittery back, calling her comments a “joke” – but the damage was already done.
S’long, Michelle, we hardly knew ye.  Now Malicious Malkin is gonna have to find another RINO to kiss up to. 
UPDATE:  Actually, I probably shouldn’t call Bachmann a RINO – her conservative street cred is probably sufficient.
But she is  an idiot.  We knew this when she hired Ed “I Hate Sarah Palin” Rollins to be her campaign coordinator.  Which, nowadays, is like begging Bob Shrum to run it.
So let’s say that Malicious Malkin has to find another fellow idiot to cozy up to, and leave it at that.
Well, if this is the dress rehersal, I’ve one question:  Is Dallas that good, or is Minnehaha that bad?
Dallas 23, at Minnesota 17
Green Bay 24, at Indianapolis 21
at Detroit 34, New England 10
New Orleans 40, at Oakland 20
Da Raiiii-duhs will be able to move the ball this year.  Problem is, so will all their opponents.
You heard it here first:  Watch out for Detroit.  They get into the playoffs this year – and I promise you, effin’ no one  wants to play them.
Stafford’s the real deal (12-14-200), the defense is kicking ass, and Nick Fairley hasn’t even suited up yet.
You wanna try to move the ball on this front seven?  Hell, if I’m Deet’s def-co, I play six  in the box just so I can get an extra DB in my base defense.
Memo to widdle Mikey McCarthy:  Pretty chintzy, dude, going for the onside kick on the last possession.
Yeah, it worked this time – but just try that in the regular season. Would serve you right if someone recovered it and ran it in while you weren’t looking, just like Dallas did to Philthy a couple years back.
Today, Dallas committed a major error, cutting ties with center-guard Andre Gurode, while keeping failed-bit lump o’ lard Montrae Holland, who isn’t fit to block Gurode’s jock.
Third-string center Kevin Kowalski played well enough during the ViQueen game to allow Romo (15-20-141) to complete a few good ones to Dez Bryant.  Some chemistry developing there – it had better, because Miles Austin may turn out to be a walking MASH unit this year.
Gerald Sensabaugh blocked a field goal try leading to one Dallas touchdown, then intercepted a tipped pass from The Universe’s Greatest Ever Quarterback Ever In The Storied History Of Ever, Ever™, Donna McCrabbs, to help lead Dallas to the win.
The PFW will return Thursday, when they start to count for real, and we’ll be looking for the imminent release of Lump-o’-Lard Holland.  The Cowgirlz had best cut him, if they want to be taken seriously.
Denizens, we start the week off with some fantastic news.
Today is the Vicar’s wedding day…plus 31 years. (A little Paul Harvey lingo, there.)
Congrats, bride & groom! 
Denizens, the more astute amongst you will have noticed by now that the name of Michelle Malkin no longer graces the blogroll.
(Not that that fact has any major significance beyond my feeble mind – as I’ve said before, give me at least partial credit for realizing that the world doesn’t revolve around me.  Still.)
There’s a reason for that – this.
I’m far less aggravated by Gov. Perry’s injudicious toss-off remarks than I am by his profoundly troubling, liberty-curtailing actions in office and his fresh batch of specious rationalizations for them. My syndicated column today dissects Perry’s recent, so-called “walk backs” of his odious Gardasil vaccine mandate for children. I’ve written and reported on vaccine bullies in the schools and on informed parental authority over vaccines previously. But as you’ll see from my column below, Perry defenders who dismiss critics as “single-issue” activists are willfully blind to the Gardasil disgrace’s multiple layers of rottenness.
Yeah, well, I’m  far less pissed off about Shelley’s knee-jerk (emphasis on that last part) leap to conclusions than I am about the fact that she seems overly eager to do the work of the Lame Stream Media™ for them.  The RCOB™ is also intensified by the fact that, just as we finally have the candidate that will undoubtedly kick B. HUSSEIN!!!  Obambi’s skanky Kenyan ass out of the White House, along comes the self-named, self-important moral arbiter  of all things conservative, to loudly, screechingly proclaim to the GOP masses that Rick Perry just isn’t conservative  enough for her tastes.
Now, a lot of this bitch’s ass-kissing sycophants will call, and have been calling, this whole rip job of hers a “vetting”.  As if he’s supposed to just stand there, bend over & take it up the ass from all the Torquemadas of the Right, the so-called guardians  of conservative purity, and be effin’ grateful for the privilege!  (“Thank you, sir, may I have another?”)
This is a vetting.  A dispassionate, logically presented, fair & balanced analysis on all the points against Rick Perry, with a corresponding link to positive things being said about the governor and the reader invited to make up his or her own mind.
If Shelley the Asian Bimbette™ were the slightest bit interested in a fair, balanced, dispassionate “vetting”, would she have published this picture on top of the post?
Almost as if to imply (if not state outright) that Rick Perry is the Merck Antichrist.
And as if that  weren’t bad enough – and, by Gawd, dont’cha think it oughta be? – her little unflattering photoshop job on the guv comes on the heels of her kvetching…of stupid photo tricks the leftard media pulls on her honeygirl Michelle Bachmann (among others):
Sigh. Seriously, Tina Brown?
Yes, I’m talking about you, Oxford University-educated Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown.
You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged “crazy eyes?” Really?
Who’s in charge of Newsweek cover graphics now — a Media Matters Soros Monkey? A random Daily Kos commenter? Keith Olbermann’s intern’s intern?
Rep. Bachmann is unabashedly conservative, willing to take both parties’ leaders to task, passionate about her work, popular with grass-roots activists on the Right, committed to reining in the size, scope, and power of government, and yes, expressive. For all this, she must be destroyed.
No doubt the editors and photog will deny doing anything to make Bachmann look bad.
Kinda like the liberties you  took with Rick Perry, Shelley babe?  PotKettleBlack™ much, you little shit-for-brains media whore?
It should be clear to anyone who thinks with the head on their shoulders (as opposed to the other one) that you clearly hate Rick Perry and will stop short of very little (if anything) to see that he doesn’t get the GOP nomination.  This wasn’t a “vetting” – it was a fucking hit piece, a smear designed to injure Rick Perry’s (and the GOP’s) chances for the White House.  Thereby ensuring another four years of Al-Obambi – because if anyone thinks that Mittens, Bachmann, etc, have a Snowball’s Chance™ of beating Bambi in 2012, I have a bridge I wanna sell ya.
In fact, Shelleyslut, you were apprised of Peskytruth’s analysis.  And here’s what you had to say about that:
Nonsense. Where does that post “debunk” Perry’s trampling of the deliberative process, human shield demagoguery, any of the FACTS included in my column about fed CDC chairman’s own opposition to mandating Gardasil for school enrollment, key difference between communicable diseases like measles vs. STDS, or the disingenuousness of Perry’s so-called walkbacks.
That post doesn’t “debunk.” It makes excuses.
Bullshit.  It offers an analysis of Perry’s record without any of the screeching hatred you’ve developed for him.  That the CDC chair-critter opposed any sort of mandate is completely irrelavant.  That Gardasil themselves didn’t recommend it doesn’t mean a damned thing.  If they were that  doubtful about it, why’d they even submit it to the FDA for approval?
No, Shelley, you little bimboid harpy, you hate Rick Perry.  So much so that you’re willing to even violate your own standards in order to see him defeated.  You bitch when it’s done to Bachmann, but you’re willing to do far worse to Perry.  You’re no fucking better than the lame-assed media whores you bitch about.
ESAD, you stupid-assed skank.
Oh, and one other thing…
As for the ridiculous idea that scrutinizing Perry’s much-bragged-out gubernatorial record is tantamount to “smearing” him, toughen up, buttercups. This is just the beginning of 2012 campaign heat. Limited government activists already know Perry’s ready, willing, and able to dish it out against them. If Perry can’t take it from supposed allies and friends on his own side of the aisle, why should he be trusted as the GOP contender against our Democratic enemies?
This from the retarded little Filipina trollop who’s always the first to whine & snivel about the hate mail she gets.
Real piece of work, ain’t ya, dumbass?
But anytime you’re feeling froggy and wanna come down here to Texas and call me “buttercup”, little chickenshit-ette, have at it.
Let’s see what it gets you, bitch.
(Crossposted to the Rott – this was just too damned good not to share.)
(Hat tip Drudge – although I tend to wonder if he’d really want it, y’know?)
They use the corner of their huts as personal toilets.
They wipe their asses…with their hands.
They view women as less valuable than farm animals – in fact, they’d rather have sex with the animals.
They are the Most Offensive Creatures On The Face Of The Earth™
And they are offended…when they hear you fart.
(No, I’m not making this up. Or to be more succinct – I shit you not.)
So here’s the news: audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it offends the Afghans.
I know there are many things in the Afghan culture that don’t seem normal to Americans and it’s hard to spend seven months working in someone else’s back yard. Still, the Marines I saw downrange are doing a pretty good job at trying to do the right thing around the Afghans.
They’re not supposed to cuss because it could be misunderstood (that one goes out the window a lot). And they stay away from talking about politics, religion or girls because those topics could escalate into major disagreements (they can’t communicate anyway because of the language barrier).
But farting? That’s practically a sport. Ok, it’s not soccer, but a good contest could open the door for cross-cultural exchanges, jokes and other gallows humor.
So, for all Marines getting ready to go downwind, I mean downrange, be forewarned — you may have to hold it in… at least until you get back to your hooch where you can loudly crop dust your friends.
Doesn’t that just rip you a new one?
OTOH, I think we’ve found a way to rid ourselves of Bawney Fwank…
Guys, this episode of the Perfect Football Weekend™ opens with some kvetching about yet another new NFL rule for the 2011 season.
We’ve already chronicled the one about a play being declared dead when the ball carrier gets his helmet yanked off (and I’m still  waiting for the explanation on why that’s not an automatic 15-yard penalty).  Here is yet another stupid rule that purportedly make the game safer  (), but also a helluva lot more boring.
Years ago, football (not just the NFL, either – colleges did this, as well) moved the kickoff back five yards, to a team’s 30-yard-line.  This year, in a half-assedhearted attempt to avoid concussions during runbacks, the spot has been moved back to the 35.  In addition, no member of the kicking team can line up more than five yards away from the ball; the theory is that the player’s momentum will be lessened, thus making impacts with opposing players less concussion-threatening.
(It also has the effect of making touchbacks pretty damned much automatic.  Unless, of course, you have Rayegun kicking for you.)
Never mind that a player is pretty much up to full speed after 15 yards anyway, so that prevailing theorem is about as useless as a screen door on a submarine (hat tip:  the late, great Rich Mullins).
Anyway, the Chicago Bears – one of the teams to vote against this rule change – has been, during this preseason, thumbing its nose at Roger Goodfella and the NFL mafiosos.
In their Saturday preseason opener against the Buffalo Bills at Chicago’s Soldier Field, the Bears refused to accept the new rule, and instead lined up their first two kickoffs at their 30, as had been in the past. Apparently, the officials on site didn’t catch it, because no penalties were called and it took a call from vice president of officiating Carl Johnson(notes) to “put a stop to it,” according to the Twitter account of Johnson’s predecessor, current FOX Sports analyst Mike Pereira.
Bears head coach Lovie Smith, who’s had return teams among the league’s best for a number of years, seemed unaffected by the violations and any potential fallout. In other words, it wasn’t a mistake.
“[Bears kicker] Robbie Gould(notes) … we can put it on the 35 and he can kick it out each time,” Smith said. ”We’re not really getting a good evaluation of what we can do coverage-wise on some of our players. That’s what we were trying to do with it.”
Truth to power, yeah!    Keep it up, Lovie, you guys are gonna find yourself in the PFW.
But for now, we have to settle for the Dallas Cowgirlz, who are in Minne-haha this week to take on the ViQueens.  With Brettina Farve having been Stergered (Stergered?) out of the league for all practical purposes, their new quarterback is – surprise! – Donna McCrabbs, the Universe’s Greatest Quarterback Ever In The History Of Ever, Ever, For All Time!™  (We say “universe” now because – at the rate he’s going – he’s gonna wind up having played for every team in  the universe before he’s done.)
We’ll probably see both him & Romo for about a half or so, then the ViQueens’ reserves will kick the Cowgirlz’ reserves’ asses for the second half. (Stop me if you’ve heard this before, I know – but it’s true, isn’t it?)
We’ll have other game to look at, such as Carolina-Cincy, NEPansies-Detroit (Mr. Brady?  Meet Mr. Suh.  Can we fit you for that flak jacket now?), J-E-T-S-JetsJetsJets-Douchebags, and Houston-San Transexual.
We’re back Monday or so with the recap.  In the meantime, it’s interesting to note that it’s “Week Zero” in Texas “hah skrewl” (a little Rush lingo, there) football and my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets…have the week off.  Yawn.
[SCENE:  On the bridge of ISS Poseidon, the Realm’s new Federation-class prototype.  Admiral Darth Venomous is still mired away in Facebook Hell™, and the bridge is empty, save for a couple of technicians named (ironically enough) Berkeley & Zhamno.
Zhamno is fiddling around with the Ops controls.  Berkeley is egging him on.]
BERKELEY:  Yeah, yeah!  Do it!  C’mon!
[Zhamno touches one last control.  On the viewscreen, the picture changes.]
ZHAMNO:  Schweet!
[At that moment, the turbolift doors fly open, revealing Supreme General Rayegun, who isn’t the happiest of campers right at that moment.]
RAYEGUN:  What in the name of Fek’lhr  are you two doing?!?!
RAYEGUN:  Never mind that.  Quit playing with the effing tractor beam and prep this bridge!  We launch in fifteen minutes!
BERKELEY:  Uh…sir?
RAYEGUN:  We’ve located the Admiral.  We’re going to assist Mrs. Venomous in rescue operations.
ZHAMNO:  But…but, sir…what about your ship?
RAYEGUN:  The Generalette took it.  Something called a “girls’ night out”.  Don’t ask, just move!!!
BERKELEY, ZHAMNO:  Yes, sir, aye aye, sir!!!  {They scurry as Rayegun exits.]
Prayers & well wishes for the quake area.
Phillip Tanner, who do you think you are?  Jason Witten?
at Dallas 7 San Diego 20
at NY Jets 27, Cincinnati 7
Washington 16, at Indianapolis 3
at NY Football Douchebags 41, Chicago 13
Memo to Brandi Jackoff and the rest of the NY Football Douchebags:  You.  Ain’t.  That.  Good.
‘Nuff said.
To:  Peyton Manning
From:  Indy fans
Hurry back?
They say – well, there was a NextGen episode that said, anyway – that every moment of pleasure must be paid for with an equal moment of pain.
Poor Andy Dalton.
Going 8-19-86 with 2 picks isn’t gonna make anyone forget Carson Palmer.  In fact, expect the “Miss Me Yet” billboards to be going up after Week Two.
Sure you didn’t lie about your age, Andy?  And that you’re one year younger than you’re actually saying?  Apparently Pachall isn’t making anyone forget you down here.
Seems like you can’t have a Romo start without a Romo pick.  And you can’t have a Romo pick without it leading to an opponent’s score.
We got both – the pick one of three Cowgirl turnovers for the night – as the Chargers basically showed Dallas they’re nowhere even near  even being average.
Not to worry, it’ll get there – Rob Ryan’s defense shows flashes; the secondary doesn’t stink too  much without Newman & Jenkins, and the line’s even blocking better sans  Davis & Colombo.
In fact, the veteran purge may not yet be over.  Take a look at this:
(Incidentally, that’s a stupid-assed rule.  You don’t have the Jason Witten catch-and-run vs. Philthy if you have that rule.  Fucking NFL front-office pussies.
And would someone like to tell me why there was no facemask penalty called?  It’s the same damned thing, just about.)
That back is a rookie by the name of Phillip Tanner out of Middle Tennesee (yep, that  Middle Tennessee – formerly MidTenn State, the school that produced Ed “Too Tall” Jones) by way of Dallas Skyline.
The kid’s been impressive all preseason; he ripped off several good runs in the Denver game, as well.
Now, combine that with the fact that Dallas drafted DeMarco Murray.  And they also still have Lonyae Miller, whom they like a lot.
Tashard “I can haz autograf, Mizter Vick?” Choice – your days here are so  numbered.
The PFW will return in a couple days with thoughts on another stupid new NFL rule.
Sure, we all know that a 5.8 quake hit Mineral, VA CAUSE ALL THE DAMN MEDIA IS FLAGGELATING ON IT!!!
But were you aware of the fact that the “Largest Colorado quake since 1973 shakes homes” occurred yesterday? And that quake was a 5.3 (some reports stated 5.5).
Minor aftershocks continued Tuesday in the relatively sparsely populated area that the USGS says is not known for major quakes or active faults…
Hell, all the flaggelation has dumped the Libya debacle to below the fold status on most of the sites I was perusing… And it completely eliminated the Maxine Waters’ “the TEA Party can go to hell!”
{You first BEEZATCH}
antics from the radar screen. Anyone wanna take bets on how long it takes the Goreacle to say this was all due to Glow-bull Wormening™???
Sooooo glad to see that the media still can’t figure out how to get their collective heads outta their collective gigantic arse. {that’s sarcasm for you folks in Rio Linda that didn’t see it}
Denizens, this pre-season  edition of the Perfect Football Weekend™…
(Happy now, SpatulaGoddess?)
Anyway, it begins with a lawsuit.  Seems Oklahoma State coach Mike “I’M A MAN!!! I’M FORTY!!!” Gundy was having some work done on his home, and he hired a contractor to do the work.
And said contractor showed up…wearing an OU t-shirt.
Brent Loveland of Choctaw, Okla., said he arrived early in the morning March 21 wearing a gray “Oklahoma Baseball” T-shirt with the university’s name in red block letters. He and two others began to unload their equipment.
According to the lawsuit, Gundy arrived at the house at 9:30 a.m. and spotted Loveland’s shirt. “How dare you come into my house and offend my wife,” Gundy allegedly said.
Gundy then allegedly used profanity as he told the contractor to get off his property. He called Loveland a “stupid idiot” for wearing the shirt on “OSU soil,” and refused Loveland’s apologies. The contractor offered to turn his shirt inside-out but was refused, according to the lawsuit.
Now, I’m not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV.  Seems to me, though, that with Oklahoma being a right-to-work state (someone correct me there?), an employer can hire and/or fire for any reason, or for no reason.  Don’t really see what case the kid has here.
Nevertheless, the moral of the story is clear:
A carpenter said he has learned his lesson: Don’t wear rival colors to Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy’s house.
True dat.
On to the football.  Our Heroes, the Dallas C’boyz, are home again Sunday night for Preseason Game Number Two™ against the San Di-e-go…(Super) Chargersssss…
(Sorry…channeling a little Chris Berman, there.)
Romo & Phil Rivers will likely play about a quarter or so, then SD’s subs will likely outplay the ones in blue & silver.  Oh well…it’s preseason.
Other games on the boob toob will include Pittsburgh-Miami Heat Philthydelphia, New England-Tampa Bay, the New York J-E-T-S-JetsJetsJets!!! visiting Houston, and Detroit-Cleveland.  (Let’s see how widdle Coltie McCoy likes getting thrown around by Ndamukong Suh again.)
We’ll be back Monday for the recap.
Got this from Denizen & fellow blogger Alan K. Henderson:
Proving yet again that Alan Does Not Have Enough To Do™. 
So here are Leo Hindery and Warren Buffet, supposed “patriotic billionaires” who want Al-Obambi to hike taxes on “the rich” .  (Of course, these two morons are Demoscum, and as we all know, Demoscum think you’re rich if you make as little as $36,000 a year.)
Memo to Mssrs. Hindery & Buffet:  You want the “rich” to pay more in taxes, dumbasses?  You want your taxes to go up?
Set the example, fuckheads:  Cut a check already.  The gummint ain’t too proud to beg – lead the way and pony up.
I wouldn’t give two shits for how Stephen McGee looks as an NFL quarterback.
But he does  get the job done.
at Dallas 24, Denver 23
at Chicago 10, Buffalo 3
at Detroit 34, Cincinnati 3
Tampa Bay 25, at Kansas City 0
at Cleveland 27, Green Bay 17
S’long, Todd Haley.  Been nice knowing ya.
If that’s what the Chief offense is gonna look like this year, forget it.
According to the Bears’ broadcast, Roy “Clank” Williams was brought in (once Dallas finally saw the light & cut his ass) to be…and I swear I’m not making this up…the “Bears’ No. 1 receiver”.
Prediction:  There will be at least one offense that’s actually worse than the Cowgirlz this year.
On the other hand, Marion Barber looked pretty good, getting 45 yards on seven carries in limited action.  Almost as if the offensive line really was  the problem in Dallas. 
The Buffalo Bills have finally done away with The NFL’s Butt-Ugliest Uniforms™.  The Uniform Czar™ is well-pleased.
Maybe now they’ll start playing  like an NFL team.
Andy Dalton’s TCU debut resulted in a 27-0 shutout of Baylor four years ago.
But then, they  didn’t have Nick Fairley or Ndomakong Suh in their line.
Dalton was 11-15-69 in his Cincinnati debut, plus 1 pick.  Backup Bruce Gradkowski wasn’t much better, going 6-11-53.
It’ll be a loooooooong  year for the Bengals.
Line fails to block for Romo?  Check.
Porous defense?  Check.
Stephen McGee throwing the game-winning touchdown in the last minute?  Check.
Yep, just another day at the office for Your Dallas Cowboys™.
The O-line will be better this year  We just don’t know when.  Until then, Romo gets to keep running in fear for his life.  He went 3-5-33, and didn’t really look all that good in doing so.
Rob Ryan’s first play as defensive coordinator…was to run the Flex defense.  Seriously.  Right down to a number 54 (linebacker Kenwin Cummings, who looked pretty damn good last night otherwise) dropping into a four-point stance about two yards off the line of scrimmage, a la  Randy White.
McGee played the final two-plus quarters, running the offense efficiently enough (and accounting for all three Dallas touchdowns, plus the winning two-point conversion).  And rookie Dwayne Harris (East Carolina) not only stated his case for a roster spot, but also to be the third receiver on the team.
Kevin Ogletree, watch out.  Harris was you three years ago, and just as you beat out a veteran for a roster spot, the same thing’s about to happen to you.  (Shame, too – you had a ton of potential.)
The PFW will return on Thursday (assuming there’s a game on that night), when we’ll extoll the virtues of not  wearing the wrong shirt in enemy territory.
(Hat tip:  Hot Air via Michelle.)
Not sure why it’s taken this long, but the Ayatollah’s approval rating (according to Gallup – everyone else’s mileage may vary ‘n all that) has finally crashed through the 40% barrier to settle at 39%.
Translation:  He’s lost all the independents, and is now beginning to lose part of the base.  (You can figure out for yourselves which part of it.  It ain’t the 99%-ers, that’s for damned sure.)
At this rate – assuming the GOP nominates the right candidate (and that’s by no means a given) – the only question will be whether it’s a 49- or 50-state landslide.
…he’s out.
With Michelle Bachmann & Ron “Crazy Uncle In The Attic” Paul finishing one-two in yesterday’s not-really-all-that-scientific Iowa straw poll – one in which neither GOP front-runners Rick Perry nor Mittens the Mormon bothered to even participate – former Minne-haha governor Tim Pawlenty has seen his own personal “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin”.
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination on Sunday, hours after finishing a disappointing third in the Iowa straw poll.
“I wish it would have been different, but obviously the pathway forward for me doesn’t exist so we are going to end the campaign,” Pawlenty said on ABC’s “This Week” from Iowa.
The low-key Midwesterner, who had struggled to gain traction in a state he had said he must win, had told supporters on a conference call shortly before the broadcast interview that he was ending his White House bid.
Thanks for playing, T-Paw, g’bye.
Probably coulda told you this day would come, but, oh well.