(Hat tip, Twitchy.)
Item:  After an advisory sent by GOP congresscritter types, the NFL, shall we say, politely declined to help HHS director Kathleen Goerling Gosnell Sebelius promote the illegal Bambicare.
Item:  In response, David Asshole-rod Axelrod Asshole-rod went to Twitter to refer to the advisory as…as…well, here – read it for yourself:
David Axelrod ✔ @davidaxelrod
Now threats and intimidation? Appalling how far congressional Rs are willing to go to try and impede success of ACA. http://wapo.st/17IrWPE
7:59 AM – 29 Jun 2013
Yes, he really said that.
Yes.  He.  Really.  Said.  That.
One of the deans of Shit-cago thuggery.  Really.  Said.  That.
Mr. Kettle, there’s a Ms. Pot on line two…
The Mississippi State Bulldogs may not have won the College World Series, but by golly they made it all the way to the final series! This team has made it further than any other Bulldog team in school history! We are proud of them!
Sorry about the delay, but the Generalette and I have been just a WEE bit busy the last few weeks. Between the annual weeklong leave checking in with our cousins Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, et al and the relocation of the General’s residence this past weekend you can see why I’ve been absent.
But some semblance of normality has started to reappear down here at the Southern Command, so I’m back in the War Room finally. Reviewing the radar data and daily status reports from my squadron commanders is occupying most of my time during the day. But if and when something moves into my purview that needs reporting on, I’ll get it shot down….the black helicopters need the target practice!
‘Nuff said, I think.
Denizens, consider this comment from Twitcherite “RUexperienced”.
You are correct.
I have posted on a conservative website (Free Republic) since 1998. And have seen a lot of things come and go. Today conservatives are killing their own movement.
Conservatives have always fought against RINOs like Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Gov’s Weld, Wilson and Whitman etc.
But since 2006, now the RINO list includes Huckabee, Rick Perry and Tim Paulenty. (the last two being a couple of the most credible people we have). And in the last year, the conservatives that are now RINOs are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. And what about conservative governors in Ohio, Florida, Arizona, Michigan, etc who are with us on many issues but are trying to expand medicaid under Obamacare? Do we throw all of them out too?
(Sarah Palin and her crowd plays into this “I am more conservative than you” meme and helps to undercut every conservative that is running for office. You should have seen how her people on C4P treated established conservatives like Perry, Cain, Santorum, Bachman and Paulenty. It was disgraceful.
These “conservatives” are NOT of the same mold as Ronald Reagan, who practiced the proverb: “I would rather get a half a loaf than no loaf at all.”
Now, they’re talking about Der Sarahcuda’s ass-reaming of illegal alien  (THERE, I SAID IT!!!!!) amnesty turncoat Marco “Si, se puede” Rubio.  And “RUconservative” is of the RINO mindset that it’s we conservatives that are torching our own party.
Well, in the first place…it’s not conservatives that are destroying the party – it’s the (do you know how damned difficult it is not to take God’s name in vain here? ) RINOs who are oh-so-happy to lead us off the fucking cliff…just not as fast as the Democrats would.  (I actually had some bastard RINO tell me this at a GOP convention once.)
Secondly…note that last line about Ronaldus Magnus.
As much as I love the last real President this country’s had…he screwed the pooch on the 1986 amnesty.  He approved amnesty for all the illegals here at the time, with a promise  from the Demoscum to reallyreallyreally address border security this time, cross-our-hearts, pinky-finger-swear.
How’d that work out for us, hm?
Let’s get one thing straight, RINO pussies:  Where the GOP’s concerned, you need us a helluva  lot more than we need you.  I no longer feel the compulsion to cast a vote for any  Republican – though I’ll happily throw in with any conservative  that wants to give it a go.
See, there’s a difference.  We’ve been gently trying to tell you that for a long time, yet you still have that predilection to hob-nob on the DC party circuit with the Demoscum and your fellow GOP blue-bloods, with all your laughing at us Great Unwashed™ for being back-asswards hick-types.
And we’ve pretty much had enough.
Suggest you RINO doucherifles utilize the one collective brain cell remaining amongst you, and think about that for awhile.
To the Miami Heat:
Congratulations on your purchase  of another NBA championship.
We trust that this most recent purchase  will further help to soothe the butthurt caused by your inability to beat the Dallas Mavericks for the title two years ago.
Not to mention the fact that you purchased  the title in 2006, too.  They don’t call you the Miami cHeat for nothing, y’know.
So enjoy your purchase, chumps.  Since you sure as Hell™ can’t build  a championship team, we s’pose buying  one is your only recourse.
Have fun with your purchase.
Denizens, remember when I kvetched long & loud about George “I Guarantee It” Zimmer, late of the Men’s Wearhouse?  The bastard that threw in with the Occutards out there in Oakland?
Yeah, that guy.
Well, Men’s Wearhouse isn’t coming right out & saying it, but it looks as if some of our complaints finally  made it up to the ears of the board.  They fired the fuckhead yesterday.
The men’s clothier said Wednesday that it fired executive chairman and face of the company George Zimmer, 64, who has appeared in many of its TV commercials with the slogan “You’re going to like the way you look. I guarantee it.”
The company announced the move in a terse statement that gave no reason for the abrupt firing of Zimmer, who built Men’s Wearhouse Inc. from one small Houston store using a cigar box as a cash register to one of North America’s largest men’s clothing sellers with 1,143 locations.
Zimmer said in a written statement that over the past several months he and the board of directors disagreed about the company’s direction.
“Over the last 40 years, I have built The Men’s Wearhouse into a multi-billion dollar company with amazing employees and loyal customers who value the products and service they receive at The Men’s Wearhouse,” he said in a statement. But he noted that “instead of fostering the kind of dialogue in the boardroom that has, in part, contributed to our success, the board has inappropriately chosen to silence my concerns by terminating me as an executive officer.”
Sounds to me like your decision to side with the Occutards finally bit you in your ample ass.
About damned time, too.  I can go shopping for suits again.
That karma, it do be a bee-yotch, don’t it? 
(Hat tip:  Daily Caller.)
Here’s another one of those Booker T-type “She didn’t say that.  Tell me she didn’t just say that” moments.
After lamenting about how Russell Brand asked her for a divorce via text message, Katy Perry had this to say about current shack-up partner/fucktoy John Mayer:
Well, Katherine, m’dear, maybe…just maybe… it has a little something to do with you being a brain-dead, liberal, eyes-grow-wide-and-bustier-drops-at-the-first-sign-of-a-cock skank, y’think?
Glad I could help.
Five cents, please. 
Been trying to keep busy today – working on a laptop for a customer, hanging up laundry when possible, cooking dinner, upgrading the kernels on the two remaining Linux boxes I have online, that sort of thing.
But it’s been at the back of my mind constantly today, and it just now slapped me in the face full force.
Father’s Day.  And yet another one without my son.
Fuck you, Stephanie Dawn Stewart.
(Okay, Denizens, I can’t vouch for the veracity of this – but I got this from here and here.  Even if it’s not  true…it’s still pretty damned funny.)
The Islamic calendar starts at the time of Mohammed went to Mecca so it is year 1434 AH (Year of the Hajji) and nothing happened before.
Apparently, that year happens to have been the Chinese year of the Pig.
Vicars are not line officers, and hence do not have authority to give orders, so I very, very strongly request that all read this.
Now ask yourself why we re-elected our president.
(Hat tip Twitchy.)
Annnnnnnd just when you think that our society’s hit absolute rock bottom…bammo, they whip out a jackhammer.
Denizens…meet “Senhor Testiculo”.
A Brazilian cancer awareness group put themselves in a hairy situation in an effort to teach people about testicular cancer.
Brazil’s Association of Personal Assistance for Cancer has introduced to the world the Mr. Balls mascot, better known in Portuguese as “Senhor Testiculo.”
The mascot has already made friends with both adults and kids despite not being the most visually appealing character, the New York Daily News reported.
Shaped like a scrotum, and with um, quite the bit of hair, the “friendly” Mr. Balls has become somewhat of a star in certain sections of Brazil.
“Both children and adults loved taking pictures with the mascot, a friendly snowman in the shape of [a] testicle,” the non-profit organization’s website said.
While he’s a rather odd figure, the group says “Mr. Ball’s has done his job by helping to propel testicular cancer research into the media spotlight.”
God’s judgement on this planet cannot come soon enough… 
Or is it a political system hostile to our Constitution? This Dutch Politician makes a good case that Islam is more of a hostile political force, than a religion.
If Islam is primarily a religion, then they have a Constitutionally protected right to exercise their religious beliefs in the USA. If Islam is a political system which has as its goal to replace the existing system with Sharia law, then the US government has the responsibility to limit the activities of this group.
At this time, I tend to see Islam as a political force which has as its goal the destruction of our government and society.
As previously mentioned here, the Generalette and myself will commence our annual summer leave/respite/sabbatical/vacation starting at exactly 1700 hours. I leave the Southern Command HQ in the capable hands of Number One.
NUMBER ONE: Thank you sir!
SG RAYEGUN: You know the procedure Number One, just follow it to the letter and I’m confident I will have an office to come back to that will be in one piece. Keep SCG-1 on alert status and I want HALO ONE fueled and fully armed at all times. Understood?
NUMBER ONE: Yessir!!
SG RAYEGUN: Also, make sure the surveillance team watches out for the Excelsior II Vengeance. That damn ship seems to drop out of hyperspace at all the inconvenient times, especially when the Klingon is driving!
NUMBER ONE: Understood sir.
SG RAYEGUN: Dismissed™
And with that I shall do this:
Frank Lautenberg died a couple days ago. He was 89.
Now, my dear, sainted mother always told me that if I couldn’t say anything nice about a lying, cheating, illegally-elected, pro-abort, anti-Second Amendment bastard tyrant wannabe with severe delusions of adequacy…then I shouldn’t say anything.
So I’ll just say that Frank Lautenberg died a couple days ago, and leave it at that.