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Oh, shit.

America has lost another icon.&#160 Paul Harvey has died at the age of 90.

Paul Harvey, up until about a few months ago, could be heard three times a day in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex on WBAP/AM 820 – a short, five minute broadcast at 0730, a more robust, 15-minute program anywhere between 1045 and 1200, and his world-renowned “Rest Of The Story” at 1855.

In April 2008, shortly before the passing of his wife Angel, he was hospitalized with pneumonia (according to Wikipedia) and ceased hosting the news spots on a full-time basis.&#160 A slew of folks, from radio legend Ron Chapman to former presidential candidates Mitt Romney & Mike Huckabee to Paul’s own son, Paul Jr, served as guest hosts for Harvey from that point forward; Huckabee’s gig, in fact, led ABC Radio to give him his own news report, and ironically enough that very show replaced Harvey during the 0730 segment on ‘BAP last month.

Harvey’s political outlook was never very much in doubt, which endeared him to conservatives and caused libtards to set their teeth on edge.&#160 Only twice in my memory did he ever stray from the reservation, as it were – during the Vietnam War when he turned against Nixon in much the same way Cronkite turned against Johnson, and in his increasingly unabashed criticism of the Iraq War.&#160 Other than that, his was a comfortable conservative voice to listen to six days a week.

Paul Harvey was Rush Limbaugh before Rush Limbaugh; in fact, Limbaugh owes men like Harvey a great debt for blazing the trail through AM radio.

I and a few hundred million folks will miss him greatly.&#160 Our prayers are with Paul Jr. and the rest of the Harvey clan during this time.


[SCENE:&#160 Realm&#153 spacedock.&#160 ISS Pegasus&#160 has just returned from a shakedown voyage to test its new warp core.

In the bay, 750 kellicams off the port bow sits the Realm’s&#153 newest vessel and soon-to-be flagship, Titanic.]

Yeah, I’ve got a certain flair for the foreboding.&#160 Sue me.&#160

[On the bridge of Pegasus, Admiral Darth Venomous is admiring the Kahless-class Dreadnaught as it fills the forward viewscreen]

VENOMOUS:&#160 As Kirk once said, “My friends, the great experiment”.

MERLIN:&#160 One hopes this vessel fares better than her namesake.

VENOMOUS:&#160 It should, Wizard.&#160 There are no icebergs where we’re taking her.

KORRIOTH:&#160 So you’re saying we’re not going hunting for Algore?


[Suddenly, the ship rocks violently as the lights wink out.&#160 The red-alert klaxon can be heard going off in the background.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 What the f…?!?!

VENOMOUS (towards intercom:&#160 Engineering!&#160 Ozy, what’s going on down there…?!&#160 [No answer.]&#160 OZY!!!!&#160 Korrioth, get down there and–

OZY MCCOOL (over intercom):&#160 Engineering to Bridge!&#160 We’ve got containment field failure down here!&#160 All the power couplings have blown and I have coolant leak everywhere!!!&#160 I estimate three-and-a-half minutes until a warp core breach!!!

VENOMOUS:&#160 Shit!&#160 RED ALERT!!!&#160 All hands to escape pods!!&#160 ABANDON SHIP!!!

(To be continued…)


The Department of Up Is Down, Down Is Up, Etc.&#153 brings us this disturbing little item about a heretofore charming kids’ park that’s about to turn into the Last Chance Effing Saloon.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission administrator Alan Steen on Wednesday signed an order potentially clearing the way for beer sales next month at Six Flags and also at its nearby Hurricane Harbor water park. Three opponents granted party status, including Arlington Mayor Robert Cluck, have 23 days to file a request for another hearing or to allow the alcohol license to be issued.

Sharon Parker, a Six Flags spokeswoman, said she was confident park officials had presented a convincing case.

Oh, I’m ever-so-sure you did, Shari baby.&#160 How better to enhance and magnify the world-renowned Six Flags Experience&#153 than by having potentially two-thirds of the customers good & lathered up, hm?&#160 I know I’ve always wanted to visit the universally-famous amusement park and take in the aroma of cotton candy, hot dogs & lemonade mixed in with that wonderful&#160 stench of beer.

(Not to mention the resulting Rancid Reek O’ Retch-ery&#153 when someone who’s tipped a few too many tries to ride the Shock Wave, but we’ll try not to think about that, will we?)

Yeah, I’m sure’s Hell&#153 convinced, alrighty.&#160

“Our sister park in San Antonio as well as other entertainment venues throughout the state of Texas have proven that you can serve beer – and in some cases other mixed beverages – and still provide a family-friendly atmosphere,” she said.

I call bullshit.&#160 For starters, I’d like to see just how many times your police “security personnel” were called in to give a little “attitude adjustment” to a someone soused up on Sam Adams.&#160 How many times the park gendarmes&#160 had to deal with a pickled patron who’d pounded one too many Pabsts.

Unless you’d like to show me&#160 those spreadsheets, Shari baby, I think I’ll remain a little dubious about your so-called “family-friendly” bullshit, mkay?

Glad we could clear that up.

Those opposed to beer sales said mixing alcohol with an environment filled with children was a bad idea and could lead to more injuries inside the park and more drunken driving accidents on nearby roads.

Oh, “could”, my lily-white cracker ass.&#160 This half-assed decision by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission absolutely will&#160 lead to more of that.&#160 Count on it.

Incidentally, you might be interested in knowing that this is the same TABC that a couple weeks ago stripped Silver City Caberet in Dallas (pun definitely intended) of its liquor license.

The state of Texas is declaring victory over what it calls one of the most problematic topless clubs in the state.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission agents have stripped Silver City Cabaret in Dallas of its license to serve alcohol after trying for five years.

So, essentially, what you’ve got is that a bunch of fuckheaded, loose-assed dorkwads in Austin say that you can’t have beer at an adults-only strip club, but you can have beer in front of the kiddies at Six Flags.

Nice.&#160 Real fuckin’ nice.&#160


[SCENE:&#160 Engineering section of ISS Pegasus.&#160 The ship has, once again, been subject to a series of wormholes from attempting to enter warp after assurances from Captain Korrioth and Lieutenant Cmdr. Ozymandias McCool that the intermix formula for the new warp core had been properly calibrated and was in perfect balance.&#160 Korrioth & McCool have just picked themselves up off the deck.

The Engineering doors slide open.&#160 Through the doorway strides a hooded figure, headed straight for the duo.&#160 Under the hood, one sees two blazing mini-stars where eyes would normally be.

The figure closes to within ten feet of Korrioth & McCool, then makes a sweeping gesture to his right.&#160 Both McCool and the Klingon-Vulcan hybrid are catapulted into the nearest bulkhead with considerably significant force.&#160 They crumple to the floor and do not move.

Without waiting to see the effect of the gesture, the hooded figure stretches out his hand.

From the belt of the robe, a long cylindrical object jumps to the outstretched hand.&#160 As the hand closes around the tubular object, a long, bright energy projection, purple in color, exudes from one end.

The figure takes two steps to his left, towards the Jawa on McCool’s crew and swings this sword of light.&#160 The beam catches the unfortunate Jawa at the neck and beheads him.

The remainder of the conscious Engineering crew dives for cover, leaving the hooded figure standing alone.&#160 The being looks from side to side and around behind him, then raises the sword to a salute and touches a control on the hilt.&#160 The purple beam disappears back into the tube.

Only then does the figure remove his hood to reveal Lord Darth Venomous, whose face is still contorted into a ferocious rage.&#160 He turns to glare at the still-unconscious Korrioth & McCool, then strides towards a computer control panel near the newly-installed warp core.

Another gesture, and the panel cover underneath flies off, revealing several banks of isolinear chips.&#160 Venomous studies the panel for a long moment, then closes his eyes & extends his hands.&#160 They move slowly, silently, as if the Sith Lord’s fingertips are actually touching the chips.

Abruptly, the hands stop.&#160 Venomous, his eyes still closed, cocks his head slightly; his mood & facial expression have changed significantly.

Two fingers motion towards the panel, and two isolinear chips – one from near the top and one at the bottom – slip out of their respective ports, cross and land in those of their counterparts’ slots.

Venomous opens his eyes, steps towards a keypad on the panel, and touches one key.

The effect is instaneous.&#160 The warp core, heretofore emitting a dull glow, springs to life with a nearly blinding light.&#160 The Dark Jedi touches another control and the intense light recedes somewhat.&#160 Venomous looks at the still-unconscious forms of Korrioth & McCool.]

LSIK&T:&#160 Next time you need my help, p’tahkmey, ask me!!!!!

Took a little bit, but the new solid-state hard drive is online and humming along nicely.

This is a nice piece of technology-ery.&#160 &#160 It’s like having a 32-gigabyte flash drive running your system.&#160 Way faster than a standard IDE or SCSI drive, and probably more durable as well, seeing as there are no moving parts.&#160 Already the latency which was a problem on the old SCSI system drive has disappeared.

Only bad thing is that it’s only a 32-gig drive instead of the 64 that I wanted, but that’s only a minor annoyance.&#160 Once I get a second one for the swap file, this system, already screaming, will run at near transwarp speeds.&#160

Next step: SSDs for the rest of the systems in my network.&#160 Stay tuned.


Rupert Murdoch, without even realizing it, has hit the nail on the head.

Media baron Rupert Murdoch issued an urgent internal communication late Monday, warning his staff: “We are in the midst of a phase of history in which nations will be redefined and their futures fundamentally altered.”

The dramatic call comes as markets continue their plunge and the future of media becomes increasingly muddled.

I hate to say it, but the guy has absolutely no idea how bang-on right he is.


Yes, you might call this a bit of flogging of the room-temperature equine.

That’s fine.&#160 Bush got no less from the libtards, didn’t he?

Dow’s down to 7100 now.

Wall Street’s really responding to Al-Obambi’s handling of the economy, isn’t it?


[SCENE:&#160 Realm&#153 spacedock, where ISS Pegasus&#160 floats quietly in a maintenance hangar.

Cut to interior view:&#160 Engineering.&#160 Lieutenant Cmdr. Ozymandias McCool and his engineering staff – which consist primarily of an overworked Jawa, three Ewoks and two pair of Bynars – are putting the finishing touches on installation of a new warp core.

The Engineering doors open and we see Admiral Darth Venomous and Captain Korrioth stride in, making a beeline for McCool.]

OZY MCCOOL (loudly):&#160 ADMIRAL ON DECK!!!

VENOMOUS:&#160 At ease.&#160 McCool, report.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Installation of warp core complete, m’lord; we’re performing the final quality checks now.&#160 We will begin testing and calibration in three hours.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Excellent, Commander, excellent.&#160 Submit a timetable for testing the new transwarp drive to the captain upon completion.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 (nods) Aye, sir.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Korrioth, you will render whatever assistance the commander needs with fine-tuning the intermix settings.&#160 I went through enough wormholes the last time, understood?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Understood clearly, Admiral.&#160 (throwing a wolfish grin McCool’s way)

VENOMOUS:&#160 Without&#160 the painstick, Captain.

[The look of extreme disappointment & angst is written all over Korrioth’s face.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

Denizens, I’ll be taking the Big Box&#153 down shortly to install a new SATA-type solid-state hard drive.&#160 Not that you guys will notice anything, but I’ll be slightly more incommunicado than usual.



If you jump back here, Darth has the original post on this pissue. Now it seems that while the ILLEGALS didn’t get the $32 MILLION (holding pinky to cheek) they wanted, as for right now the judge has awarded them just over $78k for:

The rancher was held liable for limited damages involving assault and emotional distress. Two illegal aliens were given $1,000 plus $10,000 in punitive damages each. Two more received $7,500, plus $20,000 in punitive damages each.

Also, two of the plaintiffs received $1,400, and two were awarded $1 each for assault. The term “assault” is legally applied when a person has simply put someone in fear of a harmful contact.

On the good side:

Barnett’s attorney, David Hardy, said the judge completely dismissed the cases against Barbara and Donald after the illegals claimed conspiracy.

All together, the illegals received only $77,804 of the $32 million they requested – and Hardy believes that award will be thrown out in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

“It was 95 percent victory for us,” he said. “What they really wanted were the first two civil rights claims because if they got those, they got attorney’s fees. With nine attorneys working on the case, I’m sure their fees were $500,000 to $1 million.”

Remember denizens, the wacko Ninth Circuit Court is in San Franpelousy’s neck of the woods so we can’t be totally sure an appeal would be won by Hardy and the rancher. Clearly though, this appeal should be a open-and-shut deal where the damages are rescinded and the ILLEGALS are forced to not only pay THEIR lawyers fees, but Hardy’s fees and all the court costs.

The complete article can be found here.

Keep the comm channels open for future developments.



Boy howdy, how ’bout that Al-Obambi economy, hm?

The Dow took yet another beating Thursday.&#160 Not quite the 300-point bath of Tuesday, but still a significant near-90-point drop.

Significant because it dropped the Dow below 7500 – the lowest level since the bottoming out of the last bear market six-and-a-half years ago, a year after 9/11.

The move below that level dashed hopes that the doldrums of November would mark the ending point of a long slump in the market, which is now nearly halfway below the peak levels reached in October 2007.

The market’s inability to rally also signals that investors see no immediate end for the recession, which is already 14 months old and one of the most severe in decades. Investors also haven’t been impressed with two major economic initiatives from the Obama administration this week, an economic stimulus package and a mortgage relief plan.

“It is definitely, definitely a blow to psychology,” said Quincy Krosby, chief investment strategist at The Hartford. “There is more pessimism in the market as to when the economy is going to pick up steam.”

But…but…but…but I thought the coronation of THE MESSIAH!!!&#160 was supposed to bring HOPE AND CHAYYYYYNNNNNNNGGEE-UHHHH!!!&#160 to us poor, derelict, destitute Americans!!!&#160 The seas&#160 were going to part, the LIGHT&#160 was going to shine down and we were all going to bask in UNFATHOMABLE, ORGASMIC ECSTASY!!!!!

Mheh.&#160 Welcome to Real World 101, B. HUSSEIN&#160 Obambi.&#160 Lot easier to talk&#160 about it than it is to actually do&#160 it, ain’t it?&#160

Thomas Sowell said it best in his column today:

Nothing in the amateurish way the current administration has begun suggests that they have mastered even the mechanics of governing, much less the complexities of the huge national problems looming ahead, at home and abroad.

In the final analysis, Denizens, that’s all these sorry pukes really are – amateurs.&#160 And it’s like we conservatives tried to warn everyone before the election – we couldn’t afford to have these incompetents undergo on-the-job training.&#160 Now we’re seeing the results of our collective (socialist pun not necessarily intended, but it fits) shortsightedness.&#160 With far worse to come.

Protect the powder, guys.&#160 I get the feeling it’s going to be needed sooner rather than later.


Another day, another instance where the Al-Obambi government shows its skanky ass, another RCOB Moment&#153 for yours truly.

This time, it’s the Ayatollah’s sorry-assed excuse-for-an-attorney general, Eric “Cock” Holder.

Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues.

So we have us a spineless, needle-dicked, son-of-a-crabs-infested-crack-whore-bitch chickenshit pussy calling us a nation of cowards.&#160 This is the same dickweed that sent in his stormtrooper thugs to kidnap Elian Gonzalez – and he&#160 has the gall to call us&#160 “cowards”.

“Mr. Pot, there’s a Ms. Kettle on line two.”

In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month

A month which is, in and of itself, racist to the core.

Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.

Oh, so now he purports to tell me whom I can associate with in my free time?

Tell me, Erica, you ass-spelunking sitzpinkler, just when are you planning on trying to make that law?&#160 Hell, you and your ilk are already planning on trashing the rest of Article I of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution – why not this part of it, too?

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,” said Holder, nation’s first black attorney general.

Lemme tell you something, Erica, you goat-humping crapweasel:&#160 Anytime you wanna come down to Texas and trying calling me that to my face, I’ll be happy to receive you.

Make sure InJustice has good medical.

Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, Holder said, but “we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.”

Y’don’t say?&#160 Could that be because:&#160 a) most of us right-thinkers not only don’t give a royal shit about race, we never have, or b) we’re damned fucking sick and tired of having the issue thrown in our faces on a nano-second-ly basis?

In fact, it seems to me that it’s generally RACISTS SUCH AS YOURSELF, ERICA, YOU COCK-SUCKING SHIT-FOR-BRAINS, that keep bringing up the issue time after time after time after time, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam magnum???

I mean, you bastards are such Johnny-one-notes, is it any wonder we’re tuning your racist asses out?

He urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for frank talk about racial matters.

Actually, we could get off to a good start by abolishing this so-called “Black History Month” altogether.

But don’t take my word for it.&#160 Listen to what this guy has to say on the topic:

“It is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation’s history, this is in some ways understandable,” Holder said. “If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us.”

The only things dividing us, Erica, you dumb fuck, are racists such as yourself, the Rev’rnnnnnnn’d Jac’k’snnnnnnnnn, Al “Bullhorn” Sharpton, et. al, who keep throwing all this shit back in our faces and calling us RAAAAAAAAAAAACIST without any proof whatsoever to back up their bullshit.

Projection much, assclown?

Then again, that’s Standard Operating Procedure&#153 nowadays for Demoscum, isn’t it?

He told Justice Department employees they have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding.

The only thing they have a “special responsibility” to do, Erica, you pathetic racist motherfucker, is to stay the hell out of my business and let me decide with whom I wanna associate, AS THE CONSTITUTION DEMANDS YOU EFFIN’ DO, FUCKFACE!!!

Racist asshole.&#160


Denizens, amidst all the ranting & raving you see here, there’s occasionally got to be some Good News&#153 thrown in for measure.

It is with that in mind that I’m especially pleased to bring you this blurb from the Department of Up Yours, Biased Arsewipe!&#153.

Despite facing threats of disqualification, a 12-year-old girl took first place in a speech contest when she eloquently argued for the rights of unborn children – after an offended judge quit.

“What if I told you that right now, someone was choosing if you were going to live or die?” the seventh-grader begins in a video recording of her speech on YouTube. “What if I told you that this choice wasn’t based on what you could or couldn’t do, what you’d done in the past or what you would do in the future? And what if I told you, you could do nothing about it?”

The girl, a student at a Toronto school identified only as “Lia,” continued:

“Fellow students and teachers, thousands of children are right now in that very situation. Someone is choosing without even knowing them whether they are going to live or die.

“That someone is their mother. And that choice is abortion.”

Out of the mouths of babes.

Damn.&#160 Just, damn.

The school principal and teachers called Lia’s presentation the “obvious winner” – but the judges suddenly disqualified her the following day “because of the topic and her position on abortion,” her mother said.

Lia’s father later revealed that the judges had a “big disagreement.” One was offended by the speech and voluntarily stepped down while the others reversed their earlier decision – declaring her the winner.

Because she wouldn’t back down, she was successful.

This is what it’s going to take, Denizens.&#160 People of good conscience who are unafraid of the potential consequences.

As the saying goes, “Fortune favors the bold”.&#160 We are not called to be successful, only faithful.

Do right, and fear no one.

God bless you, Lia, sweet fearless warrior.&#160


Al-Obambi signed the Porkulus bill earlier today. Get ready for the floor to drop out from under us all…..

UPDATE: Looks like the stock market clued in pretty damn fast. The DOW closed down THREE HUNDRED POINTS today, closing at a new low not seen in nearly a decade. Which was when boys and girls???? Can you say “Kaiser Wilhelm Von Slickmeister” and the previous reigning administration of deceit and lies???? I knew you could.

Talk about a lie….the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” as we all know is just a swindler’s way of saying “tax and spend”, which we all know is the modus operandi of the Demonscum since FDR. Not only that, but by signing the bill, Al-Obambi has broken YET ANOTHER campaign promise (certainly won’t be the last you can bet). Need further information on just how BAD this pork is and the lies, check out some of these tidbits from this article by Joseph Farah:

“When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what’s in it before I sign it,” he said. His campaign called the idea the “sunshine before signing promise.”

…exactly one business day after the approval of the bill, Obama has signaled he will sign it.

You might want to sit down for this…….

* Before this bill is signed, actual federal obligations are already $65.5 trillion – exceeding the gross domestic product of the entire world.

* The Obama administration economic stimulus package is going to force the Treasury to borrow approximately $2.5 trillion in 2009 and another $4 trillion in 2010, with the result of increasing the current $10 trillion national debt by 65 percent in just two years. If the Obama administration increases the national debt by 65 percent every two years, the debt will be $16.5 trillion in 2010 and $27.225 trillion by 2012, the year of the next presidential election.

* If you had gone into business on the day Jesus was born, and your business lost a million dollars a day, 365 days a year, it would take you until October 2737 to lose $1 trillion.

* $1 trillion dollars divided by 300 million Americans comes out to $3,333 per person.

* One trillion $1 bills stacked one on top of the other would reach nearly 68,000 miles into the sky, about a third of the way from the Earth to the moon.

* Earth’s home galaxy, the Milky Way, is estimated to contain about 200 billion stars. So, if each star cost $1, $1 trillion would buy five Milky Way galaxies full of stars.

If you’re not sick yet, you will be once this payable starts going for your wallet.

Methinks it’s time to start the secession petitions folks. I for one certainly want off this donktard bus….cause it “fo’ shure” ain’t goin’ in the right direction…..

Obligatory RCOB in 5…4….3………..


(Hat tip to the Emperor.)

How many times have we heard over the last couple of months that “if we didn’t pass this stimulus package NOW, DAMMIT, RIGHT EFFIN’ NOW!!!!!,&#160 that there was a-gonna be HELL TO PAY, BAH GAWD!!!!!!&#153?&#160 Hm?

So, okay.&#160 Congress gets it passed.&#160 Over the objections of a majority of the American people and most of the Republicans in the Imperial Socialist Congress, this bastard of a bill gets passed.

So, seeing as THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!&#160 – Obambi signed it immediately, right?


Erm…not so much.

After pushing Congress for weeks to hurry up and pass the massive $787 billion stimulus bill, President Obama promptly took off for a three-day holiday getaway.

Obama arrived at his home in Chicago on Friday, and treated wife Michelle to a Valentine’s Day dinner downtown last night. The couple was spotted leaving upscale Table Fifty-Two, which specializes in Southern cuisine, with the first lady toting what appeared to be a doggie bag.

The president plans to spend the Presidents’ Day weekend in the Windy City, and is not expected to sign the bill until Tuesday, when he travels to Denver to discuss his economic plan.

So much for “do it now, do it fucking NOW!!!,&#160 eh what?

Incompetent fucktard.


Is there even so much as one&#160 honest politician anywhere in the state of Ill-noise?

Just as Illinois was moving past the agony and embarrassment of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s ousting, the fellow Democrat whom Blagojevich appointed to the U.S. Senate was hearing calls for his own resignation Sunday amid allegations he lied to legislators.

Freshman Sen. Roland Burris released an affidavit on Saturday that contradicts his statements last month to a House committee investigating Blagojevich’s impeachment.

“I can’t believe anything that comes out of Mr. Burris at this point,” Rep. Jim Durkin, the impeachment committee’s ranking Republican, said at a news conference Sunday. “I think it would be in the best interest of the state if he resigned because I don’t think the state can stand this anymore.”

But an adamant and sometimes emotional Burris told reporters in Chicago later Sunday that he hadn’t done anything wrong and never misled anyone.

“I’ve always conducted myself with honor and integrity,” he said. “At no time did I ever make any inconsistent statement.”

How can you tell an Ill-noise pol is lying out his skank ass?&#160 His lips are moving.



I’ve added this fine blog to the Realm&#153 blogroll, thanks to a tip from a Malkin poster on something completely unrelated.

The Force is strong with this one.

Five stars.&#160 Joe Bob says check ‘er out.&#160


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