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Let’s get one thing straight Right Fucking Now&#153.

The right didn’t shoot Gabrielle Giffords.

Sarah Palin didn’t shoot her.

John Boehner didn’t shoot her.

Pat Buchanan didn’t shoot her.

Michelle Malkin didn’t shoot her.

Bill O’Reilly didn’t shoot her.

Sean Hannity didn’t.

Rush Limbaugh didn’t.

Glenn Beck didn’t.

Nor did Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Charles Krauthammer, Mark Davis, Cal Thomas or Williams Murchison.

Not Bob Grant, John Ziegler, John & Ken, Marlin Maddoux, Kerby Anderson, Scott Wilder or Don Imus.

Not Dan Riehl, Doug Powers, Doug Ross, Allahpundit, Pundit and/or Pundette, William Jacobson, Jim Hoft, B.C., Misha, and certainly not Darth Venomous and/or Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant.

No one on the Right shot the congresscritter from Tucson.&#160 Period, end, stop.

In fact, given that two of this cowardly moonbat’s favorite books were the Communist Manifesto&#160 and Mein Kampf, this little boil on the butt of humanity, Loughner, would more comfortably fit in the camp of the pathetic chickenshit Left.

So you Demoscum who want to excoriate Palin and the Right for yesterday’s shooting rampage?&#160 Clean your own house before you come in wanting to dust ours.&#160 After all the shit your homey Bambi has spewed forth, you pussies don’t have a whole lotta room to talk.

If any.


A commenter on Professor Jacobson’s blog has the definitive analysis on what needs to happen to Julian Ass-mange:

Simple fact of the matter is that if we very publically put a bullet in his brain, whomever he left minding the Wikileaks store will have to find themselves wondering if they might not be next and they might just decide that discretion is the better part of valor.

If we do not, then he will still have that document and WILL publish it at some point. so it is better to go ahead and shoot the bastard and deal with the consequences now than to wait and let the consequences grow.

When you start playing hard ball with the big boys, expect to get hurt. At this level of abstraction there are no laws and no rules except one. win. Assange has managed to grab the Tiger by the tail, but he doesn’t have an effective plan for dealing with the other end of the Tiger. That is a good way to get dead.

This half-assed excuse-for-an-Administration won’t do that, of course – it doesn’t have the cojones.

But calling Ass-mange’s bluff – and sending the pussies at Wikileaks a message – seems the best way to deal with them.&#160 They’re terrorists – and there’s only one way you deal with terrorists.


Item:&#160 Captain Gaffetastic planted his foot in his cockholster again the other day.

Vice President Biden jokingly expressed his frustration toward Republicans on Tuesday, accusing them of having insincere concerns about the budget deficit.

Biden jokingly said that GOP protests about the need for a balanced budget made him want to strangle them, which the vice president quickly clarified was a figure of speech.

“If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Minnesota, according to a pool report. “To the press, that’s a figure of speech.”

Probably a good thing you clarified so quickly, Baron von HairButtPlugs.

Fact is, you wouldn’t have the stones, y’little needle-dicked Douche-o-crat.

Oh, and by-the-by – yeah, you and your Kenyan enabler have&#160 spent us into the poor house, dumb-ass.


(Hat tip to Val over at Babalu Blog.)

And remember, Denizens – this is the Party of Tolerance&#153:

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.

In a Facebook post, Halloran, who describes himself as “an active local citizen and supporter of NH Governor John Lynch,” said of the plane crash, “Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board.”


Halloran isn’t alone among New Hampshire Democratic leaders in wishing ill toward the controversial former Republican Vice Presidential nominee.

Natch Greyes, a staffer for Democratic Rep. and Senate hopeful Paul Hodes tweeted the following on July 21st: “I have to wonder if & or when @sarahpalinusa will learn the meaning of our state motto: “live free or die.”

sNatch, you fucking asswipe, lemme tell you and your fellow chickenshit LaKeitha Halloran something:&#160 When the SHTF, true patriots aren’t going to even consider&#160 giving you the fucking “live free” option.

Let’s just say, pussy, that you’d best keep your distance and continue giving each other those rim jobs underneath the hoop skirts.

Cowardly bastards…


Doug Ross’ wonderful artistic interpretation of Widdle Toni Weenie’s hissy-fit aside…it’s probably a good thing I’m not in the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153.

Had Toni Weenie (D-Romper Room) been screaming at me&#160 like that, it wouldn’t have been just saliva&#160 he was spitting forth.

If you know what I mean.


Paul Krugman of the NY Slimes&#160 says:

I’m Gonna Haul Out The Next Guy Who Calls Me “Crude” And Punch Him In The Kisser

Okay, Captain Crude, you pansy-assed douchebag pussy.&#160 Come to Arlington, Texas – that is, assuming you can pull yourself out of that 4×6 cubicle where you cower every day – and come take your shot.

Just a warning, though, chickenshit:&#160 Not only do I defend myself – sometimes I do it pre-emptively.

Just sayin’.


(Hat tip:&#160 Dan Riehl.)

So help me Cthulu, I don’t know whether to laugh my ass off or issue a CSITMF&#153.

KORRIOTH:&#160 That depends.&#160 Do you want a horde of Secret Service agents at your door?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Guess it’s time to roll on the floor, huh?

MERLIN:&#160 We’d say so, m’liege.

Here, Denizens, come have a look at this:

Ex-fuckin’-scuse me?&#160 “Whose ass to kick”?!?!?!?!?!?!

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Does seem a little out of place, doesn’t it, Admiral?

VENOMOUS:&#160 “Whose ass&#160 to kick”?????

KORRIOTH:&#160 I perceive you’re having some difficulty getting past that part of the interview.

VENOMOUS:&#160 “Whose ass&#160 to kick”?!?!!!1!!ONE!1!ELEVENTEENTY!?!

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 He’s having trouble with it.

Let’s be clear about one thing, sports fans.&#160 Bambi is, without any doubt or question whatsoever, the biggest pussy&#160 ever to occupy the White House – and yes, I’m including Jimmuh “Peanuthead” Carter in that group.&#160 This wussbag wouldn’t last five minutes against my dear, sainted grandmother (God rest her soul).&#160 This pansy-ass would not only hit&#160 like a girl, he’d slap-fight&#160 like a girl, too.

And he’s going to (snx)…to…(snnnnick)…to…(mmmmmf)…“kick some ass”


(Sorry, Denizens.&#160 I’m gonna be out of pocket for a few hours.&#160 Anyone got some oxygen?)



They’ll try to pound it through your head that today’s the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.&#160 That’s because they’re still trying to link Timmy McVeigh to the conservative movement.&#160 Ideal for these bastards would be to find evidence that a Tea Partier has him for an ancestor, or something.

What they’re not&#160 telling you – hoping, of course, you’ll forget – is that today is also&#160 the seventeenth&#160 anniversary of Waco – when they&#160 were the direct cause of the deaths of some 50 men, women & children in a C4-ignited fire.

“They”, of course, is Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister and his fellow pussified douchebags in Das Klintonreich&#153.

Never let it be forgotten that it was von der CitizenMurderer who gave the approval for Janet El Reño and her minions to torch the Branch Davidian safe house on this date in 1993 – and have been trying to blame the Right for “hate-this”, “hate-that” and “hate-the-other” ever-fucking-since.

Not to worry, motherfuckers.&#160 Justice will prevail at some point.

I just hope I’m around to see it.


Denizens, for those of you who read the Rott on a regular basis, this is old news for you, so bear with me.

Me, being the CSITMF guy that I am, I haven’t been quite certain how to respond to this guy (and by “this guy”, I mean Gene Gene the Turn-Tail-and-Running Machine&#153, and not his mewling sycophants Andrew, Brian or Juliette) because – as he’s in India and I’m halfway around the world from him, it makes even less sense to issue The Challenge&#153 than usual – not only is he a craven coward, but he has zero way of making it over here.

Unless, of course, he’s planning on coming in this:

Eh.&#160 Maybe not.

But it does&#160 behoove me to address what he said.&#160 Which was this:

What do you do when patient petitioning, protest marches and court orders fail? What do you do when all the protocols and cheat codes of democracy fail? This is what you do: you reclaim the language of democracy from the twisted bunch that have hijacked, cannibalized and subverted it.

Funny you should mention that, Jeannie baby, because most of the folks I&#160 am honored enough to call “friends” feel just the same way.

Only it’s gonna be a shock for you and your honeyboys when you see what we&#160 do about it.

Pressuring politicians on climate change is not working. We saw that in Copenhagen.

That’s because the politicians have seen that what you’re peddling is abject bullshit.&#160 We saw that&#160 in East Anglia.&#160 “Hide the decline”, y’know.

We need to shift targets and go after the real termites that hollowed out and imploded Copenhagen.

Hmmmm.&#160 Sounds to me like you’re wanting to target me and mine – since it was us that exposed your claptrap in the first place.

So we’re your “targets” now, are we?&#160 How would it grab you to know the feeling’s mutual?

We need to hit them where it hurts most, by any means necessary: through the power of our votes, our taxes, our wallets, and more.

Ex-squeeze me?&#160 Baking powder?&#160 Just what is this “more” you’re proposing?

Be verrrrrrrrry&#160 careful how you answer that, pussy.&#160 Something tells me that – to paraphrase a certain movie character – you don’t wanna ride that&#160 train.

The proper channels have failed. It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.

If you’re one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us. Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.

If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:

We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.

And we be many, but you be few.

Ah.&#160 The money quote, despite the scared little bleatings of Juliette, Brian & Andrew.&#160 They&#160 may say you don’t intend violence, but those of us who have our heads screwed on straight know just a little bit better.

Bring it on, Jeannie, you pansified little asswipe.&#160 Bring your vegan, Gaia-worshipping, tree-humping butt-buddies, if you’d like.

We’re ready to rumble any.&#160 Time.&#160 You.&#160 Grow.&#160 A.&#160 Set.

Let’s see whatcha got, chickenshit.


(Via the Business Insider, via Redstate off a buzzworthy link from Michelle.)

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one – given that a huge-assed humiliating defeat was staring the Pussified Pro-Abort Porker&#153 square in his fugly face – Bartleby Stupid has decided to cut and run.

Rep. Bart Stupak plans to announce his retirement today, top Democrats briefed on his decision say.

In other words, “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin”.

Was it worth it, Bartleby?&#160 I mean, the GOP is going to take over Congress, and either repeal BambiCare outright, or possibly defund it – and you will have gotten nothing, and federally-funded baby-butchering will become the law of the land.

And as if that weren’t enough – and, Bah Gawd&#153 don’tcha think it oughta be? – you will forever be known in history as one of the most cowardly Congresscritters ever.

Or, as Doug Ross so succinctly put it:

Brave Sir Stupak ran away. Bravely ran away, away.
When a tough vote reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Stupak turned about, He gallantly chickened out.



(Hat tip to the beautiful & talented Michelle.)

So help me Cthulu, I would Damned Near Pay Real Money&#153 if these pussies would try this in Texas.

A group of homeless people and housing activists took over a privately owned Mission District duplex on Sunday in what served as the climax of a protest designed to promote use of San Francisco’s vacant buildings as shelters for the needy.

But the owner of the property – who was targeted over his eviction of a tenant – said the demonstration was nothing more than breaking and entering.

“It’s not actually vacant. I use it for my own personal uses,” Ara Tehlirian of Daly City said in an interview, adding that he was in contact with the San Francisco Police Department. “I know nothing other than my property was apparently broken into.”

But that’s not the half of it, Denizens.

When the police were called, they did exactly…dick.

More than a dozen police officers were on hand, most standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Asked earlier whether they would take action if protesters occupied the property, officers declined to comment. One said, “We’ll see.”

By 3 p.m., all had left but one, who stayed to ensure that “nobody is out of hand,” said a police official, Sgt. William Escobar. No arrests had been made.

Memo to you “Homes Not Jails” douchebag cowards out in San Transexual.

Come here to Texas and try to pull that shit.&#160 I guar-an-fuckin’-damn-tee&#160 you that none of you will survive the attempt.

We have answers for chickenshits like you, and they come in various calibers, IYKWIMAITYD.


Awright, so I’m reading everything I can about all the post-Constitution shredding (when I’m not coughing up a lung and Mrs. Venomous isn’t&#160 issuing loud sighs trying to prod me to go to bed at this un-Cthulu-y hour (2:45 am as I write this)), and I come upon this analysis by J.E. Dyer over at HotAir.

What faces us come Monday is the question of what to do about the historic decision that, to all appearances, will go the wrong way this weekend.


It’s essential to be disciplined and non-violent, but I’m not really worried about that. The people who are galvanized now are America’s already-disciplined core: the hardworking people who spend no time complaining about what’s not being done for them, because they spend most of their time making America go. I have no fear that we are an unruly mob. (emphasis mine)

And I start thinking, “Why the hell not?&#160 Our Constitution has been openly pissed on&#160 by Communist bastards who don’t even give a shit any longer about trying to conceal who & what they are, our freedoms are in the most danger, possibly since the origins of our great nation – and you, Dyer, are still wringing your hands in quivering angst about civility?!?!?!

Then I dive into the comments and I get this snot-nose-in-air rejoinder in response from some Caspar-Milquetoast named Cylor:

Thank you for observing this, it’s an extremely vital and welcome change of focus from the kind of moral-equivalency lecturing too many on our side seem to reflexively indulge in.

Good.&#160 Gawd.&#160 Almighty.&#160 Great.&#160 Honkin’.&#160 Cthulu.

We’re all about to become subjects&#160 as opposed to citizens – at least those of us who aren’t going to become enemies-of-the-fucking-state, and all you pussies&#160 can think about is keeping a stiff fucking upper lip?!?!?!

The Demoscum have brought tire irons to kneecap all 300 million of us, and all you fucking little douchebags can do is whimper “Please, sir, don’t hurt us too badly”?!?!


Keep me out of your little tea-party (small “t” and small “p”).

I aim to misbehave, and I aim to disobey.

Better to die on our feet than live on our knees.

Get ready, Denizens.&#160 It gets bumpy from here.


The Department of Wasted Oxygen brings us this report on how the former Mr. Madonna Louise Ciccone is a mite peeved that folks are picking on his BFF, Widdle Hugetito Chavez.

If Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn had his way, any journalist who called Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a dictator would quickly find himself behind bars.

Penn, appearing on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday, defended Chavez during a segment in which he detailed his work with the JP Haitian Relief Organization, which he co-founded.

“Every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it, and accept it” said Penn, winner of two Best Actor Academy Awards. “And this is mainstream media, who should — truly, there should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies.”

O RLY?!&#160 ‘Zat so, buttercup?

Hey, Shawna!&#160 Your boy Hugetito is not only a dictator, he’s a fat little pussy to boot!

Come ‘n try to get me, chumpette.&#160 Unlike the spineless little pissweasel paparazzi you like to beat up on to demonstrate your manhood, I&#160 fight back.


Got this off the lovely & gracious Michelle’s site.

Below the fold so I can swipe appropriate post and comment on more of it.&#160

From: Noah T. Winer, MoveOn.org Civic Action moveon-help@list.moveon.org
Subject: Stay off FOX
[Recipient name redacted]
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 2:05 PM

Dear MoveOn member,

All year, FOX has worked 24/7 to block President Obama’s agenda—repeating lies about “death panels,” promoting Tea Party protests, and whipping up fake political scandals.1

Now, President Obama is fighting back. The White House communications director said FOX is a “wing of the Republican Party…let’s not pretend they’re a news network.”2 To draw attention to its biased coverage, President Obama will not appear on FOX for the rest of this year.3

It’s about time Democrats stood up to FOX! Can you sign this petition asking Democrats to support President Obama’s stance by staying off FOX as long as he does? We’ll deliver it to Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Menendez. Clicking here will add your name:


The petition says: “Democrats should support President Obama’s effort to call out FOX. Please stay off FOX for as long as he does.”

Feel free to go read the rest.&#160 Essentially, it boils down to this:&#160 Bambi will meet with Ahmadinnerjacket, Kim Jong “Mentally” Il, et. al. – but he and the rest of the Demoscum are too chickenshit to go on Fox News.

But that’s what happens when you’re a pansy-assed Demoscum, isn’t it?


Last week, I posted a little blurb on the St. Louis Rams being bid upon to purchase by a group including a fellow named Limbaugh.

This afternoon, in the wake of the biggest pile of bullshit spewed by retarded leftist pussies (outside the Demoscummic Party) in quite some time, Rush was dropped from that group.

And while it’s not quite enough to compel me to tell the NFL to go piss up a rope & pound sand, my estimation for commissioner Roger Goodfella Goodell and the rest of the chickenshits populating that league, ESPN, Fox Sports, et. al, has dropped a minimum of 20 notches.

Not to mention the RCOB&#153 that’s down around my eyes right now at the thought of the aforementioned leftard pussies.

Congratulations, needle-dicked pissweasels.&#160 That’s one more step.&#160 Not too many more to go before your own personal Armageddon of a backlash hits.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, douchebags.

UPDATE:&#160 And welcome to readers of the asshat not-ready-to-make-nice (&#160 &#160 ) blog A Chicken Is Not Pillage.

All two of you.

Poor widdle Poodlegar whines thusly – after admonishing against whining on others’ part in his rules – about having been “threatened” (again, I’m not giving this dipshit the honor – if you want it that bad, lemme know):

‘You’ll get yours, intolerant liberal darky lovers!’

…he bleated, directly linking here.

Not surprising that a libtard dickweed would quote me as saying something I’ve never said.&#160 Guess I know how Rush feels now.

Anyway, Poodleboy, I’d not worry so much about some guy down in Texas.&#160 You have quite a few more problems up there in Montana – or rather, you will&#160 when finally the Shit Hits The Fan&#153 up there.

But who knows?&#160 Maybe you can get one of your moose boyfriends to help shield you.

Just remember:&#160 “Against all enemies, foreign and&#160 domestic”.


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