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They’ll try to pound it through your head that today’s the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.&#160 That’s because they’re still trying to link Timmy McVeigh to the conservative movement.&#160 Ideal for these bastards would be to find evidence that a Tea Partier has him for an ancestor, or something.

What they’re not&#160 telling you – hoping, of course, you’ll forget – is that today is also&#160 the seventeenth&#160 anniversary of Waco – when they&#160 were the direct cause of the deaths of some 50 men, women & children in a C4-ignited fire.

“They”, of course, is Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister and his fellow pussified douchebags in Das Klintonreich&#153.

Never let it be forgotten that it was von der CitizenMurderer who gave the approval for Janet El Reño and her minions to torch the Branch Davidian safe house on this date in 1993 – and have been trying to blame the Right for “hate-this”, “hate-that” and “hate-the-other” ever-fucking-since.

Not to worry, motherfuckers.&#160 Justice will prevail at some point.

I just hope I’m around to see it.


The beautiful & talented Michelle is reporting that the lower chamber of the Imperial Socialist Congress has authorized Shrieker Of The House&#153 San Fran Nan Piglousi to finish ripping the United States Constitution to shreds by employing the Slaughter Solution, aka Demon Pass Deem-and-Pass Demon Pass, to ram the upper chamber’s version of HealthScare down the American People’s collective throat, should it be necessary.

For my part, I do hereby declare, here and now, that I will not comply with this 2,000-page piece-of-excrement excuse-for-a-bill, should Bambi sign it.

But congratulations, Demoscum bastards.&#160 You have just taken one giant step towards the Point Of No Return&#153.

The Can&#153 has been grasped by the handle.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


(With a tip o’ da beanie to LC Terrible Troy in Rott chat.)

Just sayin’ – if, by the sheerest of coinky-dinks, I should just happen to have some pyromaniacal Denizens somewhere in the vicinity of Taunton, Somerset, UK, where a certain limp-wristed oxygen-waster just happens to run a Web-europissweasel of a business…

…well, you know…

A BOSS caused outrage by saying he would rather employ a paedophile than former servicemen or women.

Karl Winn, 60, said that “ex-drug dealers, convicts and child molesters” made better employees than war heroes, The Sun reported.

Forces Recruitment Services – which help find jobs for former British military personnel – had emailed Winn inviting him to consider taking on ex-servicemen and women at the Webeurope design company he runs in Taunton, Somerset.

Winn, a former social worker, replied: “Personally, I’d rather recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and even child molesters rather than consider anybody who has been in the pay of the British Government.

Knock yerselves out, guys.


Hate to say it, but tactics like this doesn’t help the IRS’ case against Joseph Stack any.

It was every businessperson’s nightmare.

Arriving at Harv’s Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” says Harv’s owner, Aaron Zeff.

The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff’s on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was … 4 cents.

We sit in our easy chairs and condemn the actions of Stack, who – as you’ll recall – flew a plane into the IRS building in Austin a few weeks back.

And then we see that, yeah…Stack did, indeed, have a point about the taxmen.&#160 I mean, I’m sure that that four cents would’ve been all we needed&#160 to cure our one-point-five trillion dollar deficit.



ITEM:&#160 Well, it appears now as if Bambi is on board with reconciliation on so-called “healthcare reform”

The White House knows if Obama says “reconciliation” in Wednesday’s speech that will become the headline. This will thrust Obama knee-deep into arcane Senate procedures and rules — the last place White House officials want Obama to be.

The administration doesn’t deny Obama is already in the reconciliation soup by inference — it’s his health care bill, after all. But they still see some distance between him and what’s likely to be a contentious Senate tug-of-war over reconciliation.

(And do note I put “healthcare reform” in sneer-quotes (whereas no one else has) because it isn’t, and everyone here understands it won’t reform a damned thing.)

REACTION:&#160 From commenter happyscrapper on Michelle’s blog:

Get ready to fight, folks. This is it. This bill is the shot heard round the world and we will be at war as soon as it passes. I am serious. We are at war against our own progessive government. They must be stopped from their agenda of total destruction!! Lawsuits must be filed in every state!! We must defend the Constitution. If this is allowed to pass, we will no longer have a Constitution to defend. When that goes, our freedom and liberty are gone with it. This.cannot.stand!!

Are we, indeed, ready to fight?&#160 Collectively, that is?

I tend to think not.&#160 Not enough of us are, anyway.&#160 There are only a few who could be counted on, and the rest of us are either out of practice, out of shape (or both), or too ensonced in the latest “Bachelor” controversy about how Jakie tried to hit on his ex the day he got engaged to Vienna.&#160 (Gasp!&#160 Arrgh!&#160 SCANDAL!!1!ONE!!1!)

I wonder if we ever will&#160 be ready, quite honestly.


Denizens, you’re well aware of my personal opinion of a certain doublewide redheaded bimboid about 120 miles east of here.

That said, I would still come to her defense were I to see her becoming a victim of this.&#160 This is just…wrong.

It was tough being a red head recently for students at a middle school in Calabasas, Calif., where dozens of students attacked their red-headed classmates — apparently inspired by an episode of the television show “South Park,” and a Facebook group.

The attacks happened on “Kick a Ginger Day” at the school, apparently inspired by a “South Park” episode titled “Ginger Kids,” which used red-heads as a satire on racism. That apparently led to the Facebook group “Natioinal Kick A Ginger Day,” which includes message encouraging attacks on red heads.

And another thing:&#160 If you haven’t recently, take another gander at that pic of my son down there on the sidebar.

See the hair?

I’d damn well best never see shit like this being done to my son.&#160 Bastards who do that will be well&#160 ventilated by the time all is said & done.


Denizens, the time-honored Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153 has once again draped over the eyes of your obdt. svt. (a little Blackie Sherrod lingo, there – and since tomorrow is his 90th birthday, it seemed fitting to make note).

This time…are you sitting down?…at the pro-life movement.&#160 Or rather, at the sheer idiocy thereof.

Specifically, towards one Marjorie Dannenfelser and the dumbshits over at something called the Susan B. Anthony List, which can be found here.

Some background:&#160 Yesterday, during San Fran Nan Piglousi’s chickenshit attempt to ram socialized health care down the American people’s throats while no one was looking (really, who would be paying attention to shit like that on a Saturday, right?), an amendment was offered to HR 3962 by Bart Stupak (Demoscum-MI) and Joey Pitts (RINO-PA).&#160 The amendment

would bar the new government insurance plan from covering abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is in danger. The Democrats’ original health care bill would have allowed the government plan to cover abortions.

The amendment passed, 240-194.

And I got this rah-rah email early this morning from the aforementioned shit-for-brains Dannenfelser.&#160 It, and my response, are below the fold.&#160 It’s gonna be long – continue at yer own risk.

Dear Steve,

All of your letters and calls paid off!

Tonight the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Stupak-Pitts Amendment to H.R. 3962, by a vote of 240 to 194, with 64 Democratic members voting in favor of the amendment to ban federal funding of abortion in the health care bill.

This is a great victory for the pro-life movement and for all SBA List members who so diligently contacted their Representatives leading up to the vote. With the adoption of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, the House of Representatives made a principled and sound decision to continue our nation’s longstanding policy of protecting taxpayers’ conscience in the area of abortion funding.

In the coming weeks, we will remain vigilant and shift our efforts to the Senate to ensure that these same pro-life protections are included in the Senate bill. We fully expect that pro-abortion leaders will still try to find ways to sneak abortion funding into health care.

For now though, let’s celebrate this great victory for unborn children and women. Thank you for all of your efforts in defense of Life. Together we can save countless unborn lives.

God bless,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

After which, she (and they) had the ummitigated gall&#160 to ask me for money:

P.S. Tonight we had a great victory for the pro-life movement, but we still have much work to do to keep abortion of health care reform. Please go here if you can give a small gift to support our efforts.

Okay, for those of you who haven’t the foggiest idea where I’m going with this, stick with me.&#160 It’ll become sickeningly clear in moments.

Normally, I would be the first one to cheer for anything prolife-based passing any legislative body – even that of the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153.&#160 And I do subscribe to a theory I heard many years ago when I was first starting out in the online world – you can get a good handle on a politician’s worldview by how he treats the abortion issue.&#160 While this isn’t true for every politician on every issue, it does encompass a great many of them – find out what they think about life, and you can make a good educated guess as to what they think on other issues.

If you think that makes me a single-issue voter, so be it.&#160 Your problem, not mine.

But what the pro-life movement has done – if it has anywhere near&#160 the influence it claims to have – is to hand over one-sixth of the economy to Jugears McHopenchange and the rest of the Al-Obambi Amer-Islamic Communist regime.

Here’s the thing:&#160 By passing the Stupid Stupak amendment, Republicans – no doubt under at least some pressure from Majorie Dannenfelser and the bimbos at SFA – and 64 supposedly pro-life Demoscum gave enough Imperial Socialist Congresscritters sufficient cover to justify voting for the entire HR3962 package.

The bill’s final House margin:&#160 Five votes (220-215).

The kicker:&#160 Without the Stupak amendment, HR3962 most likely goes down to defeat…and there are some in the know who were of the opinion that had that been the case, socialized medicine would have been dead for the next ten (10) years.

Chew on that for a second.&#160 Ten years&#160 of not having to put up with this socialist bullshit.&#160 And probably longer, given this:&#160 The rathole that is the Al-Obambi excuse-for-government will very likely kill Demoscummic chances for anything remotely resembling power for at least the next generation, as no Demoscum will be able to win the White House for the next five election cycles, assuming Bambi stays on his current destructive course (and there’s nothing right now to suggest he won’t).

Thus, it would have been a very&#160 long time before we had to dick around with the concept of government-run healthcare.&#160 A very&#160 long time.

And the pro-life movement just handed it back to them on a fucking silver platter.

In grabbing hold of the good, we on the pro-life side have sacrificed, probably forever, the great.&#160 We have grabbed the all-day sucker that the Left offered us, without bothering to realize that the damned thing was laced chock-full of strychnine.

So, to Marjorie Dannenfelser and the rest of the bimboids at SFA, I have only this to say:

You fools.&#160 You.&#160 Fucking.&#160 IDIOTS!!!!!

FUCK&#160 each and every last one of you Dithering Dumbassed Dolts&#153!!!!!&#160 Because you bastards couldn’t see the forest for the fuckin’ trees, 300 million Americans are gonna eventually be stuck with government-run healthcare!&#160 Multiple millions of Americans stand to lose their jobs over this disasterous piece-of-shit proposed law; many may even go to fuckin’ jail&#160 for it if San Fran Nan Piglousi gets her fuckin’ way, AND FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!&#160 So you shitheads could have your little “no federal funding of abortions” lollipop and go home from the dentist thinking you’d actually gotten&#160 something?!?!?!


I never thought I would hear myself say this – but for the first time in my life I’m actually sorry to be associated with the pro-life movement.&#160 If it, as a whole, is not smart enough to figure out that we could have had our cake and eaten it too, had we played our cards right – that we could have resisted the poison-pill amendment and killed the abortion bill outright on the House floor, likely for years to come – then the leaders of this so-called “movement” need to get the fuck out of the way and let more intelligent people take their places.

The fact is, we just got suckered by the Demoscum, big time – and pro-life “leaders” should be exceedingly embarrassed and ashamed at this moment.

With “intelligence” like this on the Right, no fucking wonder&#160 we’re in the minority.


Maybe I’m suffering from a case of blog burnout, or whatever.

But words are failing me over the mass murder at Fort Hood today.

A military mental health doctor facing deployment overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, setting off on a rampage that killed 11 other people and left 31 wounded. Authorities killed the gunman, and the violence was believed to be the worst mass shooting in history at a U.S. military base.


A law enforcement official identified the shooting suspect as Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

Publicly or not, didja’ll notice what was left out of the little needle-dick’s description?

Yeah, that’s right.&#160 His religion.&#160 Specifically, that of the Religion of Piss&#153.&#160 A cocksucker of the pedophile Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him).&#160 A devotee of Numero Uno Raghead-o (a little Meskin lingo, there).

In short, a (hack, spit) Muslim&#160 (hack, spit).

For my part, I think the pussy got the ultimate punishment he was seeking:&#160 The death penalty.&#160 He probably died thinking he was going to get his 72 raisins.

My problem with that is this:&#160 He got his punishment too damned soon.&#160 Douchebags like Nidal Malik Hasan deserve to be royally disciplined before meeting their ultimate fate.&#160 Nipple clamps, car batteries and a puddle of water would be a good start.

The Realm&#153 sends its prayers to the town of Killeen, Fort Hood and all the families down there.&#160 We love you guys.

UPDATE:&#160 According to the Weekly Standard, Hasan is not&#160 dead, after all.

I gather that he’ll soon wish he were.


The Department of Brain-Dead InJustices&#153 weighs in with this story about Phelching Phred Phelps getting away with another one.

A federal appeals court on Thursday tossed out a $5 million verdict against protesters who carried signs with inflammatory messages like “Thank God for dead soldiers” outside the Maryland funeral of a U.S. Marine killed in Iraq.

For which the phuckheaded little phaggot and his phat-assed phucknozzles should probably have been beaten within an inch of their pathetic little lives – but I digress.

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the signs contained “imaginative and hyperbolic rhetoric” protected by the First Amendment. Such messages are intended to spark debate and cannot be reasonably read as factual assertions about an individual, the court said.

Oh?&#160 So if I said something to the effect of “all former community organizers should be properly ventilated”, I could skate in federal court?&#160 Are the Black-Robed Tyannical Bench Jockeys&#153 certain&#160 they wanna set that kind of precedent?

A jury in Baltimore had awarded Albert Snyder damages for emotional distress and invasion of privacy. The 2006 funeral of Snyder’s son, Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder in Westminster, Md., was among many military funerals that have been picketed by members of the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas.

Albert Snyder’s attorney, Sean E. Summers, said he and his client were disappointed.

“The most troubling fact is it leaves these grieving families helpless,” Summers said. “If you can’t use the civil process, you have no recourse.”

Actually, Mr. Summers, your client – as well as all his Patriot Guard Rider friends – do&#160 have one recourse left to them.&#160 That is, if&#160 they’re willing to exercise that option.

Like the song says…the First Amendment protects you from the government


I’ve said this before, and likely I’ll say it again.

As a Christian, I’m supposed to show love to someone like this, yea even pray for her.&#160 And in a perfect world, that’s exactly what I’d do.

But I’m sorry.&#160 Compassion fails me in favor of the Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153.&#160 I cannot for the life of me help but want to take my .380 and put a slug through this stupid-assed little bitch’s skull.

A heartless kitty killer hissed angrily at animal rights activists Wednesday, grinning widely as she took credit for stuffing the helpless pet into a 500-degree oven.

“It’s dead, bitch!” snapped an unrepentant Cheyenne Cherry, sticking her tongue out after a plea bargain that will put her behind bars for a year in the May 6 killing of tiny Tiger Lily.

A year.&#160 That’s all the trampy little piece o’ shit whore gets.&#160 A fucking year.&#160 (Of course, if it were a baby&#160 she had done that to, she’d be a fucking hero – right, NARAL?)

You’ll forgive me if I want to do things to her involving a forklift battery, cables, a big tub of water and whatever she’s got that passes for nipples.

Gonorrheic ape.


Former Houston Oiler/Tennesee Titan quarterback Steve McNair was found shot to death today in downtown Nashville.&#160 McNair was 36.

A female was also found shot dead near McNair.&#160 Looks like it might have been a mob hit, but can’t be certain at this time.


(Hat tip Michelle.)

Shades of Rodney King.

In a perfect world, Zen Master Philicia and his little band of merry men (including Thug Kobe) would be banned from the NBA playoffs for the next five years, regardless of record.

Just sayin’.

(Yeah, I know the Clippers are there, as well.&#160 Like they ever make the playoffs?&#160 &#160 )


…only seem&#160 more stupid-assed than they were when we were growing up?

Guys, I’m busy packing, so I’m going to leave you to read the most sickening thing I’ve seen in a while.

It’ll be below the fold for those of you who are brave enough.

Here you go.

Stupid-assed kid…


(Hat tip to Denizen & fellow blogger David Hartung.)

It isn’t bad enough that Al-Obambi forced Chrysler into bankruptcy under its terms.&#160 It isn’t bad enough that hundreds of dealerships are being forced to close against their will.&#160 Not bad enough that thousands of people are having their jobs forcibly taken from them by B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi.

If that hasn’t already pulled an RCOB&#153 over your eyes by now…then this will.

As part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chrysler is terminating one-fourth of its franchises – but some say its catalog of doomed dealerships looks more like a hit list that specifically seeks to put Republican donors out of business.


President Obama has said the bankruptcy will give the company “a new lease on life,” after his administration spearheaded a plan requiring the company sell to Italian automaker Fiat. Chrysler’s stronger operations will be owned by Fiat, labor and the U.S. and Canadian governments. The sale could close as early as this Friday.


“The necessary steps have been taken to give one of America’s most storied automakers, Chrysler, a new lease on life,” Obama said. “This is not a sign of weakness.”

But WND reviewed the list of 789 closing franchises and databases of political donors and found that of dealership majority owners making contributions in the November 2008 election, less than 10 percent gifted to Democrats while 90 percent gave substantial sums to Republican candidates.


Many of the majority owners who donated to Republican campaigns last year also contributed additional thousands to George W. Bush’s presidential campaign in 2004 and to help elect GOP representatives.

Y’get that, Denizens?&#160 The retarded bastard fucks on the Left have squealed for nearly four decades about Nixon’s so-called “enemies list” – but Nixon had nothing on this son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch in the White House.

How much longer, Denizens?&#160 How much longer are we going to put up with this before we pick up the watering can?


I found this interesting little tidbit about the Dallas County jail a couple days ago.

A potentially dangerous situation in the Dallas County jail was averted in February after a young boy wandered away from his mother and wound up in a secure area where prisoners were working.

On Feb. 16 around 9 pm, a group of inmates in the Lew Sterrett Justice Center kitchen told sheriff’s jail staff that a child was standing in a hallway unattended, according to sheriff’s reports I finally got my hands on.


A malfunctioning elevator appears to be the culprit, although the reports don’t make it very clear. It looks like you need a key to take the elevator from the visitors area down to the kitchen below. But this child somehow managed to do it. A work order was issued for the elevator, according to the reports.

This would be the same Dallas County jail that, the very next month, failed a state inspection.&#160 For the seventh straight time, I might add.

Inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards briefed county commissioners Friday morning about the results of their four-day evaluation of the four jails now operating.

They detailed broken toilets, dirty and “severely clogged” air vents, remote-controlled doors that wouldn’t open or close properly, broken intercoms, slow response to fire drills, inadequate smoke detection and removal systems, inadequate staffing, improper mixing of high- and low-security inmates and numerous plumbing problems.

The county jail system – the nation’s seventh-largest – hasn’t passed a state inspection since 2003. In addition, the jails remain under a federal court order to improve medical and mental health care, sanitation and fire safety systems.

Curious, no?

Oh.&#160 Did I mention that the jail is run by the county sheriff?&#160 And did I mention that the sheriff is a lezbo Demoscum?&#160 In a county full of abject incompetents just like her?

And did I mention that the lezbo bitch has had four fuckin’ years to fix the problems at the county lockup, and hasn’t???&#160 And that things have deteriorated to the point where a small child can wander into prisoner territory?&#160 And that at least a few of those prisoner have probably been busted on child sex charges (don’t know this for a fact, but it stands to reason)?

Well, now you know.

Your tax dollars at work, Dallas County.

I’m counting the days until I’m no longer a resident of this hellhole.


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