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[We take time out from our hiatus to post this.]

(The following is a column which appeared on my web site, www.spatulacitybbs.com, on September 11th, 2001.&#160 It is re-posted now in remembrance of then.)

NOTE: This column contains some coarse language. Back out now if such language offends you, please.

I got four hours of sleep last night. I’m fighting the obligatory yearly case of tonsillitis. My throat hurts like Hell ™, my body is racked with soreness, and – not to put too fine a point thereupon – I’m in need of a tube of Prep H.

You get the idea. (sigh)

So here I am on LBJ Freeway in Dallas, plodding my way through traffic, fighting hard the urge to fall asleep at the wheel, literally. I’m listening to our sports-talk/guy-talk station on AM, the Ticket (KTCK 1310), when the sports jocks there suddenly exclaim something to the effect of, “WTF…?!”. Apparently, a heavy jet has veered off course and slammed into one of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City.

“Wow,” I’m thinking, “they’ll likely stay with this one all day”, and I immediately turn over to the news/talk station here, WBAP 820, for all the coverage. Yes, I admit it – I’m fascinated by carnage.

At that point, though, I’m thinking tragic accident. Somebody’s plane lost its hydraulics and careened out of control, and the World Trade Center, unfortunately, was simply in the way.

That was 7:50. At 8:09, my worldview – and that of 280 million Americans, I would bet – changed radically.

At that point, a second jet slammed headfirst into the other tower. At that point, it’s not just a major tragedy. This looks just a weeeee bit too organized to be a coincidence.

It’s 8:20 when I get to the office, and I meet my buddy and old Wingtip Courier dispatcher as he’s driving up. He hasn’t been paying attention to anything. We get inside the office, and I bring him and our other compadre up to speed on things (he wasn’t listening to the radio, either, which was surprising). I go into my office and try pulling up a video stream for any of this. It’s 8:25.

Fifteen minutes later, the message is clear: America is under attack for the first time in 60 years. Yet another heavy jet has crashed – this one into the Pentagon. Reports are coming in about multiple hijackings. I’ve read a report about a worldwide alert issued last Friday concerning our resident international terrorist, Osama bin Laden, Two & two are quickly starting to come together.

(Side note: Don’t let them tell you they had no warning. I’m not kidding about that worldwide alert concerning bin Laden. They knew. Damned right they knew.)

I can’t pull up anything on the ‘Net – and I have a T1 at work. The radio offers some details, but I want to know more. I run across the street to the CompUSSR to scope out the TV images.

And ohmigod – what TV images. I saw the second plane come in behind the first tower, and a plume of fire and deep black smoke explode out the other side. I saw the collapsed side of the Pentagon. I saw both WTC towers collapse – I had to ask someone if they’d collapsed all the way, so incredulous was the scene there. (A third building nearby would collapse six hours later.) I heard reports of yet another plane crash – this one near Pittsburgh. Rumor has it that the plane was headed to Camp David – we’re somewhere around the anniversary of the Camp David accords, so I hear.

Returned to work around 11:00 in a state of near-shock. Twenty minutes later, I received the go-ahead to go home. After a quick stop-off at the school to check on my wife, I arrived home and turned on the TV to Fox.

The images there were even more unbelievable than before. Fox had the direct angle on the second tower hit. They also had better angles on the collapse of both towers – although by that time, there was so much smoke & dust that one could hardly make anything out.

After a quick lunch, I sit down here to gather news stories, and I find this.

That’s right, sports fans. Here are a group of Palestinian squids laughing, dancing and cheering the attack on us, whom they call “the Great Satan”.

Compassionate people, those Palestinians.

Okay, now that I’ve bored you with my day, here’s my analysis: CNN early on was doing everything it could to avoid calling it a terrorist attack. But, Spatulaites & Spatulaettes, it’s too coordinated, too organized to be anything but. These events had to be planned months in advance. Certain people had to be installed at just the right junctures in order to pull this off – our airport security procedures, despite the fact that they’re handled by part-timers making minimum wage, are still way too strict. People who knew how to fly those planes had to arrange for passage on these planes. This would have been a major undertaking for simply one airliner – for four to have been hijacked in this manner and turned into suicide machines screams for the fact that this is more than just a Chinese fire drill.

So. Who’s got the capability to pull it off? Who has the money to train these thugs, place them right where they needed to be placed, and then turned loose? And who among them hates us enough to target us? Not to mention, who’s stupid-assed enough to try it?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, go back to school and take a comprehensive reading course. You think about it, there’s really only one man who qualifies: Osama bin Laden.

There can be no question. The mastermind behind the 1993 bombing at the aforementioned World Trade Center is so consumed with hatred for the United States that it sticks in his craw that he failed to bring us down eight years ago. So he decided to try and finish the job, gambling that we’ll be too chicken-shit to do anything about it.

(Second side note: Yeah, the Palestinians and the Taliban in Afghanistan are denying responsibility. Don’t believe the bastards. This is their baby.)

This is where George W. Bush needs to prove him wrong. Take this one to the bank, my friends: The Bush presidency – whether he believes it or not, whether he likes it or not – rides on how he handles this.

America is screaming for justice. More to the point, America is screaming for revenge. This is nothing short of an act of war. Yes, war. There’s been a formally undeclared one on us now, by most of the non-Israeli countries of the Middle East, for several years now. The Muslims hate our guts. The Syrians, the Iraqis, the Iranians – we’re their enemy. “Death To America” has been cruising at #1 on the Middle Eastern Top 40 for several years. They’re getting bolder, too – because they think we’re too cowardly to fight back. They think we’ve forgotten how to fight.

If George Bush has any balls, now’s the time to prove them wrong.

This is your solution, like it or not: Any country harboring terrorists – that would include Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, et. al. – must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Scramble 30 bombers. Five warheads each – six if the plane will hold it. Bomb the shit out of these countries – get rid of these raghead bastards.

So what if you take innocents out, too? This is war, people. They don’t care about killing our innocents; why should we give a shit about theirs??

And that goes for the Palestinians, too. Let’s do Israel a favor and eliminate those sons-of-bitches from the annals of history, as well. They want to laugh and make merry at our misfortune, they need to pay the ultimate price.

Show the world some balls, George W. Teach them that there’s a price for fucking with America. Demonstrate to them that we have not forgotten how to fight!


Further attempting to tie the administration’s hands behind its back, while at the same time exposing herself as yet another tin-plated tyrannical member of the Al-Amok judiciary, a half-assed bench jockey has given President Bush yet another reason to patently ignore the whole lot of ’em.

LOS ANGELES – A federal judge struck down President Bush’s authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutionally vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.

Well, whaddya know?&#160 A tyrannical little leftist tin-horn wants to tell the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military who we can fight and not fight.&#160 In essence, we have a renegade, half-assed excuse-for-a-court, lorded over by a black-robed tyrant, thinking it has a superior right to dictate foreign policy for the United States.

The Humanitarian Law Project had challenged Mr. Bush’s order, which blocked all the assets of groups or individuals he named as “specially designated global terrorists” after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Surprise, surprise.&#160 A group of anti-American, pro-Islamonazi leftards doing anything they can to keep us from winning this war.

And you socialist fucks wonder why we’ve about had it with you.

“This law gave the president unfettered authority to create blacklists,” said David Cole, a lawyer for the Center for Constitutional Rights, which represented the group. “It was reminiscent of the McCarthy era.”

History’s not your strong suit, is it Cole, you dickhead?&#160 McCarthy happened to be right,&#160 and Venona proved it.

Then again, you leftard bastards have a history of siding against America, so why are we not surprised?

The case centered on two groups, the Liberation Tigers, which seeks a separate homeland for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, and Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, a political organization representing the interests of Kurds in Turkey.

U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins enjoined the government from blocking the assets of the two groups.

Why am I not surprised?&#160 This is the same fucktarded bitch who threw out parts of the Patriot Act.

Tends to make us wonder whose payroll this twat’s really&#160 on.

Both groups consider the Nov. 21 ruling a victory; both had been designated by the U.S. as foreign terrorist organizations.

Mr. Cole said the judge’s ruling does not invalidate the hundreds of other designated terrorist groups on the list but “calls them into question.”

Naturally.&#160 Anything you can do to make the US more vulnerable, y’know.&#160 Fucking asshat.

Charles Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice, said, “We are currently reviewing the decision, and we have made no determination what the government’s next step will be.”

If I were the government, I’d tell this bitch Collins to go fuck herself.

Or maybe she could play the role of the goat for David Cole and his merry little band of terrorist sympathizers.&#160 They must get awfully&#160 lonely.



You can dress it up, but it still looks and smells like a pig.

“At this time I wish also to add that I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg

Bennie, ol’ boy, perhaps you could tell us Great Unwashed (a little Blackie Sherrod lingo, there) just exactly why&#160 you’re sorry for any aspect whatsoever of what you said?&#160 The text or&#160 the reaction?

which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims,” the pope said Sunday.

Well, there’s&#160 an oxymoron.

Bennie, ol’ chap – I think you wanted the word sensitivities.

Mooselimbs don’t have&#160 sensibilities.&#160 If they did, they never would have fucked with America in the first place.

Suggest you find yourself a new wordsmith, mkay?

And don’t worry about offending the ragheads’ so-called “sensitivities”.&#160 Hell – even the sodomite community isn’t that&#160 sensitive.

Just sayin’, is all.


(The following is a column which appeared on my web site, www.spatulacitybbs.com, on September 11th, 2001.&#160 It is re-posted now in remembrance of then.)

NOTE: This column contains some coarse language. Back out now if such language offends you, please.

I got four hours of sleep last night. I’m fighting the obligatory yearly case of tonsillitis. My throat hurts like Hell ™, my body is racked with soreness, and – not to put too fine a point thereupon – I’m in need of a tube of Prep H.

You get the idea. (sigh)

So here I am on LBJ Freeway in Dallas, plodding my way through traffic, fighting hard the urge to fall asleep at the wheel, literally. I’m listening to our sports-talk/guy-talk station on AM, the Ticket (KTCK 1310), when the sports jocks there suddenly exclaim something to the effect of, “WTF…?!”. Apparently, a heavy jet has veered off course and slammed into one of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City.

“Wow,” I’m thinking, “they’ll likely stay with this one all day”, and I immediately turn over to the news/talk station here, WBAP 820, for all the coverage. Yes, I admit it – I’m fascinated by carnage.

At that point, though, I’m thinking tragic accident. Somebody’s plane lost its hydraulics and careened out of control, and the World Trade Center, unfortunately, was simply in the way.

That was 7:50. At 8:09, my worldview – and that of 280 million Americans, I would bet – changed radically.

At that point, a second jet slammed headfirst into the other tower. At that point, it’s not just a major tragedy. This looks just a weeeee bit too organized to be a coincidence.

It’s 8:20 when I get to the office, and I meet my buddy and old Wingtip Courier dispatcher as he’s driving up. He hasn’t been paying attention to anything. We get inside the office, and I bring him and our other compadre up to speed on things (he wasn’t listening to the radio, either, which was surprising). I go into my office and try pulling up a video stream for any of this. It’s 8:25.

Fifteen minutes later, the message is clear: America is under attack for the first time in 60 years. Yet another heavy jet has crashed – this one into the Pentagon. Reports are coming in about multiple hijackings. I’ve read a report about a worldwide alert issued last Friday concerning our resident international terrorist, Osama bin Laden, Two & two are quickly starting to come together.

(Side note: Don’t let them tell you they had no warning. I’m not kidding about that worldwide alert concerning bin Laden. They knew. Damned right they knew.)

I can’t pull up anything on the ‘Net – and I have a T1 at work. The radio offers some details, but I want to know more. I run across the street to the CompUSSR to scope out the TV images.

And ohmigod – what TV images. I saw the second plane come in behind the first tower, and a plume of fire and deep black smoke explode out the other side. I saw the collapsed side of the Pentagon. I saw both WTC towers collapse – I had to ask someone if they’d collapsed all the way, so incredulous was the scene there. (A third building nearby would collapse six hours later.) I heard reports of yet another plane crash – this one near Pittsburgh. Rumor has it that the plane was headed to Camp David – we’re somewhere around the anniversary of the Camp David accords, so I hear.

Returned to work around 11:00 in a state of near-shock. Twenty minutes later, I received the go-ahead to go home. After a quick stop-off at the school to check on my wife, I arrived home and turned on the TV to Fox.

The images there were even more unbelievable than before. Fox had the direct angle on the second tower hit. They also had better angles on the collapse of both towers – although by that time, there was so much smoke & dust that one could hardly make anything out.

After a quick lunch, I sit down here to gather news stories, and I find this.

That’s right, sports fans. Here are a group of Palestinian squids laughing, dancing and cheering the attack on us, whom they call “the Great Satan”.

Compassionate people, those Palestinians.

Okay, now that I’ve bored you with my day, here’s my analysis: CNN early on was doing everything it could to avoid calling it a terrorist attack. But, Spatulaites & Spatulaettes, it’s too coordinated, too organized to be anything but. These events had to be planned months in advance. Certain people had to be installed at just the right junctures in order to pull this off – our airport security procedures, despite the fact that they’re handled by part-timers making minimum wage, are still way too strict. People who knew how to fly those planes had to arrange for passage on these planes. This would have been a major undertaking for simply one airliner – for four to have been hijacked in this manner and turned into suicide machines screams for the fact that this is more than just a Chinese fire drill.

So. Who’s got the capability to pull it off? Who has the money to train these thugs, place them right where they needed to be placed, and then turned loose? And who among them hates us enough to target us? Not to mention, who’s stupid-assed enough to try it?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, go back to school and take a comprehensive reading course. You think about it, there’s really only one man who qualifies: Osama bin Laden.

There can be no question. The mastermind behind the 1993 bombing at the aforementioned World Trade Center is so consumed with hatred for the United States that it sticks in his craw that he failed to bring us down eight years ago. So he decided to try and finish the job, gambling that we’ll be too chicken-shit to do anything about it.

(Second side note: Yeah, the Palestinians and the Taliban in Afghanistan are denying responsibility. Don’t believe the bastards. This is their baby.)

This is where George W. Bush needs to prove him wrong. Take this one to the bank, my friends: The Bush presidency – whether he believes it or not, whether he likes it or not – rides on how he handles this.

America is screaming for justice. More to the point, America is screaming for revenge. This is nothing short of an act of war. Yes, war. There’s been a formally undeclared one on us now, by most of the non-Israeli countries of the Middle East, for several years now. The Muslims hate our guts. The Syrians, the Iraqis, the Iranians – we’re their enemy. “Death To America” has been cruising at #1 on the Middle Eastern Top 40 for several years. They’re getting bolder, too – because they think we’re too cowardly to fight back. They think we’ve forgotten how to fight.

If George Bush has any balls, now’s the time to prove them wrong.

This is your solution, like it or not: Any country harboring terrorists – that would include Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, et. al. – must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Scramble 30 bombers. Five warheads each – six if the plane will hold it. Bomb the shit out of these countries – get rid of these raghead bastards.

So what if you take innocents out, too? This is war, people. They don’t care about killing our innocents; why should we give a shit about theirs??

And that goes for the Palestinians, too. Let’s do Israel a favor and eliminate those sons-of-bitches from the annals of history, as well. They want to laugh and make merry at our misfortune, they need to pay the ultimate price.

Show the world some balls, George W. Teach them that there’s a price for fucking with America. Demonstrate to them that we have not forgotten how to fight!


(Hat tip to the SpatulaGoddess.)

Shame we can’t put generic Paleoswinians on Emperor Misha’s dead pool, else he’d be cleaning up RightAboutNow&#153:

QUETTA, Pakistan — A suicide bomber was killed early Sunday in southwestern Pakistan when the explosives belt he was wearing exploded prematurely, police said.

No one else was injured in the blast in Hub, an industrial town in Baluchistan province, local police official Munir Hussain said.

“This man was riding a cycle. He had strapped explosives to his body for a suicide attack and they exploded,” Hussain said of the blast in Hub’s Zehri Street neighborhood.



The guys over at Two-by-Four pulled this off of CNN:

“Iran, under a pending UN Security Council resolution, will have until August 31st in which to freeze its uranium enrichment program, or face, at that time, a major discussion here, and maybe imposition of economic diplomatic sanctions. The full Security Council is discussing the resolution now. Potential vote, Monday morning. Wolf…”

Oh, that’ll&#160 show ’em.&#160 Can’tcha just see ’em shaking in their sandals RightAboutNow&#153…?


LC, honorary Denizen (and now IB) Jackboot makes his triumphant first entry into the Blogosphere with this little gem.

Driving home from my day’s assignment, I noticed a bumper sticker with “Old Glory” flying. Ahhh… I always enjoy seeing those and this one seemed nice n’ new like. But wait a sec….what does the rest of it say? *movin’ in for a peek*

“These colors DON’T rule the World”

It was right next to the “Ned Lamont for Senate” and topped with another displaying “Coexist” cleverly written with pagan symbols.

The sooper-sekret spy Moonbat Alarm display instantly alerted me to the situation. Sorry, I can’t reveal the manufacturer of this little gem or how it functions (I’d have to kill you afterwards) but suffice it say it works similar to TCAS for progressives, socialists and smelly hippies. I have the option of maneuver to avoid or engaging my weapons targeting package. Hey, I’m aggressive as the next guy, but it was hot, I’m tired from a full shift so I picked the maneuver to avoid option.

But I couldn’t get that concept out of my head. Utterly correct on one level, yet massively incorrect in it’s context.

I disagree with his premise only slightly, however.&#160 If we don’t rule the world, then why the Hell&#153 are the hoity-toity of the world coming to us&#160 and begging us to put a stop to the Israel-Hezbollah/Hamas/Iran/Syria war?

Moreover, why does the US seem to be accepting the role???

The US is giving Israel a window of a week to inflict maximum damage on Hizbullah before weighing in behind international calls for a ceasefire in Lebanon, according to British, European and Israeli sources.

The Bush administration, backed by Britain, has blocked efforts for an immediate halt to the fighting initiated at the UN security council, the G8 summit in St Petersburg and the European foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels.

“It’s clear the Americans have given the Israelis the green light. They [the Israeli attacks] will be allowed to go on longer, perhaps for another week,” a senior European official said yesterday. Diplomatic sources said there was a clear time limit, partly dictated by fears that a prolonged conflict could spin out of control.

Memo to Shrimpya:&#160 Seems to me that the Israelis are big boys and can “handle up” on their own business.&#160 (For the moment, I’ll not delve into how they seem to be doing a better job of handling a bunch of ragheaded Islamofascist terrorist fucks than we are.)

You might consider just backing off and admiring the Israelis’ fine work.

That’s&#160 how you fight a war – with brass knucks instead of kid gloves.



Awright, Denizens, I think&#160 I’m “tanned, rested & ready” as they used to say about Nixon.

Certainly I’m back to being royally pissed off at the way things are going around here.&#160 The Yankees just made mincemeat of the Texas stRangerS so-called “improved pitching” (not that I’m particularly fond of Tom Hicks half-assed attempts to run a franchise – I just hate the Yankees), the Dallas Mavericks lost their best chance to steal a game in Saint Eva-ville San Antonio, the Dallas Stars pissed away the best chance for a Stanley Cup they’ve had in years (another Tom Hicks folly)…

And on top of that, they managed to find twelve more&#160 pussies in Alexandria, VA besides Mykki Chickenshit.&#160 (The guess from here is that they’re&#160 members of the Church of the Subtarded, too.) If this ragheaded bastard didn’t deserve to die, then what the Hell&#153 do we have the Fifth Amendment for, anyway?&#160 This dick-sucking follower of Muhammed (Bees Pee Upon Him) clearly demonstrated his willingness to kill more Americans – anytime, anywhere, any way.&#160 He has demonstrated, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he’s a threat to this country.&#160 And we gave him a fucking pass?!?!?!

Gonna be a lot of range time over this one.&#160 Perhaps some of these twelve limp-wristed asswipes would like to volunteer as targets…?

F.E.T.E., as the Imperial Torturer would say…


The Quote of the Day&#153 comes from LC New Mexican, who has this tagline over at the Famous Idiot site:

Deep down, Muslims are good people too…Six feet, to be exact.

Damned straight…


Well, I never thought I’d hear myself saying this, but I think it’s time:

Get the troops out of Afghanistan.&#160 As in, yesterday.

And I say that because, if this is the way they’re going to thank us, an ostensibly Christian nation, for saving their ragheaded asses from the Taliban…then it’s long past time to get our troops out.

So we can nuke that shithole back to Hell™.

Despite an international outcry over the prospect of “liberated” Afghanistan executing a former Muslim for converting to Christianity, a judge dealing with the case today said his nation’s judiciary will ignore outside pressure and act “independently.”

Why do I get the feeling this Islamoprick’s been listening to a little too much Sandy Ditz O’Bint?

Yesterday, hopes were rising that 42-year-old Abdul Rahman would be spared, amid widespread reports Afghanistan’s government was attempting to find a face-saving way to free the man facing a death penalty.

Afghan prosecutors reportedly claimed Rahman – facing death for converting 16 years ago from Islam to Christianity – might be “mad,” and therefore not prosecutable.

Take a good, long look, Denizens.&#160 “Mad”.

What you’re looking at is Christianity’s future in this country, and not nearly as far down the road as you might think.&#160 The day is coming when this ragheaded colostomy bag’s views will be pretty much de rigueur&#160 in this country.

Rahman is charged with rejecting Islam, a crime under Afghanistan’s Shariah-based laws.

“We think he could be mad. He is not a normal person. He doesn’t talk like a normal person,” prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari told the Associated Press.

No.&#160 He actually sounds like an average American.&#160 You know – the Christians&#160 who saved your sorry Islamonazi asses?

“Doctors must examine him,” Moayuddin Baluch, a religious adviser to President Hamid Karzai, said according to the same report. “If he is mentally unfit, definitely Islam has no claim to punish him. He must be forgiven. The case must be dropped.”

The case needs to be dropped anyway,&#160 you fucking Seventh Century rejects.

But today, Afghan Supreme Court judge Ansarullah Mawlavizada said, “Afghanistan is an Islamic country and its judiciary will act independently and neutrally,” according to a Reuters report. “No other policy will be accepted apart from Islamic orders and what our constitution says,” Mawlavizada added.

Suggest you rethink that policy, raghead.&#160 Especially in light of the fact that the people who saved your sorry asses could&#160 find something else to do…say, on the Mexican border.&#160 Be a damned shame if some Ba’athist terrorists came knocking on the doors there and found no one home but you burqa’d bastards.

Then again, you might just welcome them in with a hearty “hail fellow, well met”…

Dammit, now I need to go to the range…


Good for Dubai.&#160 Maybe.

Looks like Dubai Ports World is pulling its management out of those US ports.

Bowing to ferocious opposition in Congress, a Dubai-owned company signaled surrender Thursday in its quest to take over operations at U.S. ports.

“DP World will transfer fully the U.S. operations … to a United States entity,” the firm’s top executive, H. Edward Bilkey, said in an announcement that capped weeks of controversy.

Which is probably what should have been done in the first place.&#160 Why those ports aren’t already&#160 under American control in that fashion is beyond this scribe.

Relieved Republicans in Congress said the firm had pledged full divestiture, a decision that one senator said had been approved personally by the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates.

Translation:&#160 “Good.&#160 Now maybe we can save our political asses come November.&#160 With any luck, the voters’ memories will prove to be short on this one, as well.”

“The devil is in the details,” said Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, reflecting a sentiment expressed by numerous critics of the deal.

The devil is always&#160 in the details, O Dingy One.&#160 You’re just pissed because you’re afraid you won’t be able to use it against the GOP in the midterms.

The announcement appeared to indicate an end to a politically tinged controversy that brought President Bush and Republicans in Congress to the brink of an election-year veto battle on a terrorism-related issue. The White House expressed satisfaction with the outcome.

“It does provide a way forward and resolve the matter,” presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Scotty.&#160 Mark my words – Bush has finally given the Donktards something with which to beat him about the head & shoulders.

You guys just watch and see if this doesn’t become W’s “read my lips” moment – the issue that, combined with his seeming lack of concern for our borders, does him and the Republican Party in.

With any luck, it’ll wake up the conservative base of the GOP, and ensure that no one named Bush ever&#160 gets a chance to occupy the White House again.


(Hat tip to LC, IB and sometimes-Realm-correspondent Lady Heather.)

Denizens, I was&#160 gonna blog on how Power Line had an excellent take on the so-called Asphyxiated Piss “gotcha” video they think they have on President Bush.

Fact of the matter is that most of right-thinking America sees this for what it is – yet another attempt by the Mangy Muttfucking Media&#153 to throw the DULY-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, YOU FUCKHEADED LEFTARDS…

…uh, where was I?

Ah yes…under the bus.

Anyway, I was gonna write about how I hadn’t seen the video, and about how I didn’t want&#160 to see it, because I just can’t give a flying fuck about anything the Demoscummic mouthpieces mutter anymore.

Then…I saw this.

And immdiately found myself staring through a Red Curtain of Blood&#153.

It’s not enough that these ragheaded Islamofucks want to kill the Danish cartoonists for drawing their pictures of the sorry excuse-for-a-prophet Mo-ham-med (piss be all over his goat-humping, pedophlic ass).&#160 Now&#160 they want to try and “get to” one of the artists’ daughters.

Then again, this is precisely what you’d expect from a group of turbned tumblefucks like these sons-of-bitches.&#160 Naaaah, don’t go confront the cartoonists directly – that’d take something you Islamonazi dickheads don’t have a trace of:&#160 Balls.

No, go stalk their children!!!&#160 Yeah, that’ll show ’em!!!&#160 That’ll&#160 get you your 72 raisins!!!

Pansy-assed towelheaded chickenshits.

I think I need me a good deal of range time on this one…


In an AIM chat recently concluded, LC MVK Merr hit the nail squarely on the head when he opined on the Moose-limb cartoon riots:

To think that chaos occurs because of cartoons it makes me wonder why some were concerned that our actions would create more terrorists and that Iraq is the reason for Bali and the like if they get into a mob riot at the sight of cartoons which were reverted and placed in the controversial spot by a Muslim, himself.

One wonders, indeed.&#160 Does kinda beg the question, “Why all the resulting angst and hand-wringing over Abu Ghraib, et. al.?”

The ragheaded fucksticks are going to hate us anyway, and they don’t need a reason, other than the fact that we support Israel.&#160 Time to stop pussyfooting around the goat-fuckers, stop giving a fat rat’s ass what they think and kick their collective ass.

And then we can draw some pictures of that.


Yer prescribed treatment of all things Qu’ran can be found here, through the courtesy of Misha.


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You can  use Nutscrape,  if you so desire - but why in blazes would you want to use a browser from a company that had to hide behind Janet El Reño's skirt to be successful?

And don't even  get me started on Opera or Chrome.  I'm not about  to trust any browser that won't let me change its color scheme.
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