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Ron Paul-the-Tard (not to be confused with a Ron Paultard) has stated that he would not ordered SEAL Team Six to kill Osama bin Laden.

G’night Ronni, m’girl – sorry to see you kill your Presidential aspirations before you’d even announced.

Well, not really – but still…uh…no, not really.


Via the loverly and gracious Michelle Malkin. See this.




Thanks to the refusal of our President to do his constitutional duty, the subject of same sex “marriage” has once again heated up in our society. Unfortunately, over the past twenty or so years, more and more of our fellow citizens have bought into this idea that homosexuals should rightly be able to legally wed.

As a result, I fully expect to see same sex marriage fully legal in all fifty states within the next five years or so. While I am not so melodramatic as to claim that this will be the straw which breaks the camels back and sends our nation down the tubes, that camel is carrying a very heavy load.

Here is a very good video by one of our Lutheran pastors on what marriage is, and why a same sex couple cannot truly be “married.”

More to come.


Those of you who have been with me here for a while now, know what time of year this is, know what the next holiday on the calendar is and know our current proximity thereto…probably pretty much know the meaning and ramifications of the next thing to emanate from this keyboard:



And it came from this Patterico thread:

The SEALs killed Bin Laden and we got the 72 versions.

Oh.&#160 Emm.&#160 Eff.&#160 Gee.&#160


(Hat tip to a friend of mine at work.)

Well, you can’t run Windoze on this baby – but then again, maybe that isn’t such a bad thing.

KPexEA writes with this excerpt from geek.com:

“[Game developer David] Braben has developed a tiny USB stick PC that has an HDMI port on one end and a USB port on the other. You plug it into an HDMI socket and then connect a keyboard via the USB port, giving you a fully functioning machine running a version of Linux.

The cost? $25.

The hardware being offered is no slouch either. It uses a 700MHz ARM11 processor coupled with 128MB of RAM and runs OpenGL ES 2.0, allowing for decent graphics performance with 1080p output confirmed. … We can expect it to run a range of Linux distributions, but it looks like Ubuntu may be the distro it ships with. That means it will handle web browsing, run office applications, and give the user a fully functional computer to play with as soon as it’s plugged in.

All that and it can be carried in your pocket or on a key chain.”

What gets me is that this thing still has more processing power & disk capacity than the box that ran Realm&#153 v1.0 all those years ago.

Damn.&#160 Just, damn.


In this Patterico thread today, this Rule 5 picture showed up.

The observation:&#160 More cleavage-y.&#160 Less Hagman-y.


One of my favorite things to say about fellow blogger & Denizen Alan K. Henderson is that he Does Not Have Enough To Do&#153.

And he proves it again here.

Hie thee hence to readeth.&#160 Spew warnings.&#160


Gary Johnson said tonight, in the GOP presidential candidate debate, that he was opposed to going into Iraq from the get-go.&#160 (He also stated that he would not support waterboarding in any circumstances – a practice that helped us kill Osama bin Laden.)

Say goodnight, Gary.


Here is what one of our Lutheran pastors had to say on the death of the world’s most wanted terrorist.

It is a good article, but this is the important part:

Do we rejoice in the death of a wicked man, who from every human perspective, is facing now nothing but eternal torment and punishment in hell? No, of course not. Do we however rejoice that justice was carried out and a man who wished to kill us all is now dead? Yes, of course we do. This “no” and “yes” response is incapable of being understood without the doctrine of vocation and the two kingdoms clearly in view.


You guys seen this Jewelry Exchange commercial yet?

This has pissed me off ever since the first time I saw it.

She does that to me, I yank the ring outta her hand and go give it to my other&#160 girlfriend.

MRS. LSIK&T (with titanium cluebat):&#160 Your WHAT?!?!?!

LSIK&T:&#160 Shut up & take the hint.

MRS. LSIK&T (with titanium cluebat):&#160 Hmf.

Gimme a grateful woman every time.&#160 Preferably a hawt one.

MRS. LSIK&T (with titanium cluebat):&#160 KA-BONNNNNNNNNG!!!!!!

…uh, ow.&#160




Reports are coming in that the 21:30 CT Presidential speech is going to report that Osama Bin Laden has been killed.

UPDATE 21:47 CT — Pentagon officials via Fox News are stating that the Al Queda leader was killed one week ago in a US military bombing. DNA testing on the body is what was the delay in confirmation was for. No news if he was killed in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

UPDATE 22:10 CT — AP reports that he was killed in a compound in Islamabad, Pakistan.

UPDATE 22:28 CT — Reports on Fox News are saying that it was a covert US ground operation in Pakistan that took out Bin Laden and that’s how the body was retrieved for DNA testing.

What should this tell the rest of the world? Plain and simple. We.WILL.FIND.YOU!!!!!

UPDATE 22:35 CT — President is now commenting on the news.

UPDATE 10:00 5/2/2011 — Please continue to pray for those members of our military all across the globe, but especially those still in harms way in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As you can imagine, this is GOING to cause retaliation strikes by just about every extremist anti-American group in the region.


Yeah, the same ones who were laughing at the Dallas Mavericks & their fans after the Spurs beat the higher-seeded Mavs last year in the playoffs…?

How’s it feel, chumps?!?!?!&#160


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