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Time for another RCOB moment, Denizens.

The Ninth Socialist Circus Court of Appeals has decided, in its infinite finite extremely finite practically non-existent definitely non-existent wisdom, that our kids don’t belong to us and we have no say in what they’re to be taught.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday against parents who sued their local school district after their elementary-age children were given a sexually charged survey, saying there is “no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children.”

The three-judge panel of the full court further ruled that parents “have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students.”

Six parents sued the Palmdale, Calif., School District after finding out their kids had been asked a series of sexual questions in class. They included asking the children about the frequency of:

Touching my private parts too much

Thinking about having sex

Thinking about touching other people’s private parts

Thinking about sex when I don’t want to

Washing myself because I feel dirty on the inside

Not trusting people because they might want sex

Getting scared or upset when I think about sex

Having sex feelings in my body

Can’t stop thinking about sex

Getting upset when people talk about sex

Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote the opinion for the court. Referring to the fact the parents lost their case at the district-court level, Reinhardt wrote:

We agree [with the previous ruling], and hold that there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children, either independent of their right to direct the upbringing and education of their children or encompassed by it. We also hold that parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students. Finally, we hold that the defendants’ actions were rationally related to a legitimate state purpose. [emphasis Reinhardt’s].

How much longer will it be before Child Protective Abductive Services SS troops begin to take our children from us, simply because we object to what they’re being taught in government schools?&#160 Or for trying to avoid said schools by homeschooling them?

Ropes, lampposts, Ninth Socialist Circus.&#160 Some assembly required.

UPDATE:&#160 As usual, Misha has nailed it on the head and expounded thereupon in a way that I seem to be unable to do lately.

Hm.&#160 Must be the unemployment thing. (shrug)


Reid hates him.&#160 Teddy the Red-Nosed Senator&#153 hates him.&#160 The ACLU, Pisspots for the American Socialist Way and the NAGs are apopletic.

Yeah, I think we have a winner here.


And it’s about fucking time, too.

More as I get it.

UPDATE:&#160 Okay, Denizens – here’s more.&#160 With my comments interspersed, of course. (grin)

Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to be a Supreme Court justice Thursday in the face of stiff opposition and mounting criticism about her qualifications.

President Bush said he reluctantly accepted her decision to withdraw, after weeks of insisting that he did not want her to step down. He blamed her withdrawal on calls in the Senate for the release of internal White House documents that the administration has insisted were protected by executive privilege.

Oh, and I suppose that the ABJECT DESERTION OF HALF YOUR FUCKING CONSERVATIVE BASE had nothing to do with it, eh, President Linguinispine-ya, ya stupid goof?

“It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House – disclosures that would undermine a president’s ability to receive candid counsel,” Bush said.

I think it’s more&#160 clear that you’d be running the extreme risk of sacrificing ’06 and ’08 to the Demoscum.&#160 It’s not like we have&#160 to go to the polls and vote, y’know.

And unless you now nominate someone qualified&#160 for the post, sir&#160 – you still&#160 run that risk.

“Harriet Miers’ decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of the constitutional separation of powers _ and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her.”

More likely it demonstrates her innate ability to read the writing on the wall.&#160 Even she&#160 had a difficult time ignoring the obvious.

Miers told the president she was withdrawing at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. In her letter dated Thursday, Miers said she was concerned that the confirmation process “would create a burden for the White House and our staff that is not in the best interest of the country.”

She noted that members of the Senate had indicated their intention to seek documents about her service in the White House in order to judge whether to support her nomination to the Supreme Court. “I have been informed repeatedly that in lieu of records, I would be expected to testify about my service in the White House to demonstrate my experience and judicial philosophy,” she wrote.

“While I believe that my lengthy career provides sufficient evidence for consideration of my nomination, I am convinced the efforts to obtain Executive Branch materials and information will continue.”

Yeah, Harriet, well – we don’t.&#160 And this is what you get for basically being a Shrubya “trust me” nominee.

Bush wants us to trust him on judicial nominations, when he hasn’t shown us that he can&#160 be trusted on things like this?

The source of our trust in Bush – indeed, the only reason why he won the ’04 election in the first place – is chiefly due to his handling of the War on Terror.&#160 And since the Islamofucktard ragheads are still in Iraq exploding IEDs against our troops almost at will, and he’s never re-opened major combat operations in that theatre like he’s needed&#160 to, his track record there hasn’t engendered as much trust as it should’ve.

Mr. President, you have one chance left, in this scribe’s view.&#160 Botch this,&#160 and you run the risk of throwing the Republican Party back into minority status.&#160 For a long time to come.

Get your ass in gear and give us someone like Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown.&#160 Don’t&#160 fuck this up again.

Update the 2nd:&#160 Those of you who question WorldNetDaily and Joseph Farah may want to note that Farah called this two weeks ago.

You guys probably owe Farah an apology.


Denizens, I think I may be coming around on Harriet Miers.

I mean if these assclowns are good enough for the Kansas Not-So Supreme Excuse-For-A Court, then Miers must not be such a bad nominee – right?

The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday unanimously struck down a state law that punished underage sex more severely if it involved homosexual acts, saying “moral disapproval” of such conduct is not enough to justify the different treatment.

And why the Hell&#153 not?&#160 Are these fucksticks on the so-called “high court” of Kansas trying to revive the long-since-debunked meme that “you can’t legislate morality”?&#160 Are they now going to invalidate every fucking law on the books, because they pretty much all involve “moral disapproval” of some kind or other?

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Color Ann Coulter right again – this time, on John Roberts.

Those of you who, like me, are fans of the conservative columnist, will remember that she wasn’t all that fond of the Bush pick to replace Sandy Ditzy O’Bint.

It means nothing that Roberts wrote briefs arguing for the repeal of Roe v. Wade when he worked for Republican administrations. He was arguing on behalf of his client, the United States of America. Roberts has specifically disassociated himself from those cases, dropping a footnote to a 1994 law review article that said:

“In the interest of full disclosure, the author would like to point out that as deputy solicitor general for a portion of the 1992-93 term, he was involved in many of the cases discussed below. In the interest of even fuller disclosure, he would also like to point out that his views as a commentator on those cases do not necessarily reflect his views as an advocate for his former client, the United States.”

This would have been the legal equivalent, after O.J.’s acquittal, of Johnnie Cochran saying, “Hey, I never said the guy was innocent. I was just doing my job.”

Well, Denizens, it’s looking like she was bang-on right about this guy.&#160 Roberts is now saying, in effect, that Roe v. Wade&#160 need not worry.

“Precedent plays an important role in promoting the stability of the legal system,” Roberts wrote. “A sound judicial philosophy should reflect recognition of the fact that the judge operates within a system of rules developed over the years by other judges equally striving to live up to the judicial oath.”

At the same time, Roberts said that “judges must be constantly aware that their role, while important, is limited.”

“They do not have a commission to solve society’s problems, as they see them, but simply to decide cases before them according to the rule of law,” he wrote.

So I guess we can go back to the days of Plessy v. Ferguson,&#160 John-o?&#160 The Dred Scott decision?&#160 Any other bad law you want to revisit on us, Souter-lite?

My apologies, Ann.&#160 After you came out against Roberts, I rather doubted you for a moment.&#160 I figured that, with so many liberal fuckheads screaming about this nomination, Waffleya had finally gotten one right.

Should’ve known better.&#160 This is yet one more wimp-assed nomination by a president who apparently is afraid to nominate a real&#160 conservative to the bench, thus telling the minority&#160 Party of Asses&#153 what they could go do with themselves.

Get ready for more of the same bullshit from the Not-so-supreme Court, guys.&#160 And maybe OneOfTheseDays&#153 we’ll learn not to trust anyone named Bush…

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Yet another One-Legged Man&#153 day, so LC MrSpkr fills in on yet another reason to rejoice at Sandy Ditzy O’Conwoman’s departure.


Sandy Dipshit O’Crapper – sorry, best parody I can come up with at the moment – has retired from the United States Socialist Soprano Court.

All I can say is, “Hallelujah.&#160 Thank God.

She leaves a legacy of being one of President Ronaldus Magnus’ few mistakes.&#160 This bitch should never&#160 have been confirmed to the Supreme Court, and it’s a shame that she will be forever a black mark on President Reagan’s record.

I’ll have more later.


The Department of Instant Karma’s Gonna Get You, we get this report of one of the fuckwitted black-robed tyrants on the US Soprano Court about to be bitten squarely on the ass by his own ruling.

Following a Supreme Court ruling last week that gave local governments power to seize private property, someone has suggested taking over Justice David Souter’s New Hampshire farmhouse and turning it into a hotel.

“The justification for such an eminent domain action is that our hotel will better serve the public interest as it will bring in economic development and higher tax revenue to Weare,” Logan Darrow Clements, of California, wrote in a letter faxed to town officials in Weare, New Hampshire, on Tuesday.

Souter, a longtime Weare resident, joined in the 5-4 court decision allowing governments to seize private property from one owner and turn it over to another if doing so would benefit a community.

And who better to set the example for us than he who would sit in judgement o’er us and propose to tell us how best to dispose of our property, hm?

The letter dubbing the project the “Lost Liberty Hotel” was posted on conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh’s Website. Clements said it would include a dining room called the “Just Desserts Cafe” and a museum focused on the “loss of freedom in America.”

A message seeking comment from Souter was left at his office Wednesday morning. The court has recessed and Souter is still in Washington, one of his secretaries said.

Hiding from those who would take him up on his kind offer to sacrifice his property, no doubt.

A few police cruisers were parked on the edge of Souter’s property Tuesday. `”It was a precaution, just being protective,'” said Lt. Mark Bodanza.

Trust us, Lieutenant – once the American people have decided they’ve been pushed too far, you might consider investing in more than just a “few police cruisers”.

Just sayin’, is all.


And in yet another why-should-this-surprise-anyone moment out of Flori-duhhhhhh, a tin-plated jackoff dictator-in-a-robe has once again his complete lack of morals on a community that doesn’t necessarily want those lack of morals imposed on them.

An excuse-for-a-federal-judge in Jacksonville has decreed that the city of St. Augustine, FL must fly nearly 50 fag flags…

…yeah, I said “fag flags”.&#160 What’s the heterophobic sodomite community think they’re going to fucking do&#160 about it, hm?&#160 Picket me in their fucking pink taffeta?

…on the city’s Bridge of Lions.

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Misha is going on about a story that Bill Quick mentions here.

Apparently, a judge in Indiana is telling a Wiccan couple that they can’t teach their child their religion.

Now, it’s a highly flawed ruling, and most certainly will be overturned on appeal.&#160 I’d say that’s pretty much cut and dried.&#160 The parents have the right to teach their kid what they will – end of story.&#160 Absolutely no argument there.

But for my part, I’m having a hard time being sympathetic towards these guys.&#160 The Wiccans I’ve dealt with over the years, both here and in the old BBS days, have expressed nothing but an abject hatred of Christianity and all things Christian.&#160 They’re the types that scream bloody murder whenever we dare to interject our ideas into the governing of this country.&#160 It’s my opinion that they, along with all the other anti-Christian bigots, would just as soon see us go away. (Not to worry, guys – a lot of us will be, very soon.)

So you’ll pardon me if I’d like to see Christianity be given slightly more respect before I start screaming over the rights of these Wiccans.&#160 When I see the same outrage over the desecration of the Bible that I’ve seen the past couple of weeks over the alleged&#160 (and later debunked) desecration of the Qu’ran…then&#160 we can talk.

Not until.


Noel over at Sharp Knife has once again sliced & diced a Barking Bench Moonbat&#153.

This time, however – that moonbat happens to be one William Rehnquist, Chiefest Moonbat of ’em all (at least, when he sounds like this).

It is well worth your time to read this one.&#160 Go.&#160 Shoo.


(No, not that&#160 Teddy.)

Somebody bring Rod Roddy back from the dead.&#160 We have ourselves another contestant in the “Who Can Be The Next GOP’er To Lose His Spine” game.

Today’s player is former solicitor general Teddy Olson, courtesy of Drudge:

Former solicitor general Theodore Olson writes in the WALL STREET JOURNAL on Thursday: “A prominent member of the Senate leadership recently described a Supreme Court justice as ‘a disgrace.’

That would be Soprano Supreme Soprano Court justice Anthony Kennedy, Teddy, ol’ boy – and yes, he is&#160 a fucking disgrace.&#160 How would you&#160 describe a tin-plated judicial dictator who gives a pass to a 17-year-old murderer but allows an innocent Terri Schiavo to die?

(crickets chirping)

What’s that, Theodore???&#160&#160 I can’t heeeeeeeear&#160 you!!!

An equally prominent member of the leadership of the House of Representatives on the other side of the political aisle has characterized another justice’s approach to adjudication as ‘incredibly outrageous.’

That would be House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and he was bang-on right-on-the-money right.&#160 When federal judges blatantly ignore Congressional orders to review a life-and-death case de novo,&#160 it ain’t exactly tea-and-friggin’-crumpets, Teddy.

But then, I wouldn’t expect someone with linguini where his spine should be to have the courage to stand up to judicial tyrants and speak truth to their power.&#160 That would require something you’ve apparantly lost, Theodore:&#160 Balls.

These excoriations follow other examples of personalized attacks on members of the judiciary by senior political figures.

That’s right – and those&#160 followed the same type of personalized attacks by the consitutents those political figures represent.

Try to remember, just once,&#160 who used to pay your salary, will you, Teddy?

So it is time to take a deep breath, step back

Oh, and would you please&#160 spare us the Duchess Hilarious bullshit about “take a deep breath”, sir?&#160 It didn’t work when she&#160 spewed that line; it’s not going to work for you, either.

and inject a little perspective into the recent heated rhetoric about judges and the courts.

Okay, here’s some “perspective” for you, Teddy.&#160 These Bastards In Black Robes&#153 seem to think that they can legislate from the bench, set public policy from the bench, dictate whom and what we must be forced to tolerate from the bench, generally tell us how we can live our lives from the bench and what we can and cannot do from the bench.&#160 They’ve told the Massachusetts Legislature what laws to write, how to write them and when to write them, and they’ve made a President and a governor bow before them in supplication.

They set themselves up as the branch of our federal government just a little more “equal” than the other two, and you&#160 want us to put them in “perspective”???

May I kindly invite you to kiss my lily-white cracker ass, Mister&#160 Olsen???

We might start by getting a firm grip on the reality that our independent judiciary is the most respected branch of our government, and the envy of the world.

Uh, not after the Schiavo travesty it isn’t, Teddy, you fucking moron.&#160 Not after a convicted murder who bragged that he’d get off because of his age, did exactly that.&#160 And no court system that allows that to happen is deserving of the tiniest smidgen of respect.

We expect dignity, wisdom, decency, civility, integrity and restraint from our judges.

And we haven’t gotten it.&#160 We have time and time again received the equivalent of the finger from these Jism-guzzling Jurist Jackals&#153, and the people are finally starting to have had enough.&#160 And it’s been too long in coming, if you ask me.

It is time to exercise those same characteristics in our dealings with, and commentary on, those same judges — from their appointment and confirmation, to their decision-making once they take office.”

Bite me, Olson.&#160 If and when these whoremongers of injustice begin to again demonstrate that they’re worthy of my respect, I’ll consider throwing some their way.&#160 If and when, but not before.

Until then, they – and you – can go fuck yourselves.


Read this.&#160 Then tell me Terri Schiavo’s in a “persistent vegetative state”.

When she put a washcloth in Terri’s hands to keep her fingers from curling together, Iyer said, “Michael saw it and made me take it out, saying that was therapy” that he had forbidden.

Ask yourself why Widdle Mikey Shitstain would forbid treatment on his wife.&#160 Think maybe it was because he didn’t want her to get better?

“Throughout my time at Palm Gardens, Michael Schiavo was focused on Terri’s death,” the RN noted. “Michael would say ‘When is she going to die?’ ‘Has she died yet?’ and ‘When is that bitch gonna die?'”

Excuse me.&#160 I think I’m going to have an RCOB moment


Okay, picture this:&#160 Your spouse is driving home late at night, and is stopped at a red light.

Without warning, a 16- or 17-year-old snot-nosed punk-ass high on crack or whatever rips open your spouse’s door, shoots and kills him/her and takes your car.

You had best catch and kill that bastard before the cops get to him.&#160 Otherwise, once the judicial system gets hold of him, he’s going to be pampered for the rest of his life.

The not-so-Supreme Court just said so.

“The age of 18 is the point where society draws the line for many purposes between childhood and adulthood. It is, we conclude, the age at which the line for death eligibility ought to rest,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote.

Right now, across the country, hordes of Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings and various other gangs are hoisting beers in honor of you, InJustice Kennedy.

And pray tell, you dumb son-of-a-bitch, just what portion of the Constitution compelled you to decide that you and four other bastards on that rotted-from-the-inside bench knew better about how to punish those who trespass against us than we do, eh?

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