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You guys have heard, no doubt, about the Moron.org pussy that bit off the finger of the 65-year-old man at the Bambicare protest.

I doubt he’d have gotten that far with me.&#160 Pussy like that gets in my&#160 face, he ain’t gonna have teeth with which to do any biting.


And so it begins.

Union thugs & goons attacked senior citizens and other protestors last night at townhall meetings in Tampa & St. Louis.

This comes on the heels of Al-Obambi encouraging their brownshirts to “punch back twice as hard” against America’s citizens during these meetings.

You people who’ve wrung your hands in angst every time one of us mentions a second civil war?&#160 Think this all can be resolved sans&#160 bloodshed and violence now?

War is coming, people.&#160 Bank on it, and prepare.


(Grudging hat tip to Politico, via Michelle.)

Just come try it, Lanny, you needle-dicked, cocksucking little coward.

Let’s have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniues. And let’s find an investigative journalist – are there many left – to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid.


But then again, that’s what we’ve come to expect from the Cowardly Left&#153, isn’t it?

@michellemalkin was in dallas tonight and i didn’t go shoot a firework into her skull. Epic fail on my part.

Come on over here to Arlington and try it with me, bitch.&#160 Let’s see what it gets you.

If you think you have the stones, that is.


Denizens, one thing that pisses the snot outta me about libtards – indeed, one thing that damn near puts an RCOB&#153 around all our eyes is the snot-nosed, elitist notion that, not only are they more intelligent than you, more feeling and caring than you, more thenthitive sensitive&#160 than you – they also believe that they’re more sophisticate, more nuanced – yea, better&#160 than you.&#160 When in fact, of course, all they really are is far & away more pussified and estrogenatified&#160 (a little Shrubya lingo, there) than we on the right ever thought about being.

It is with that in mind that the aforementioned RCOB&#153 falls over my eyes when I read a column appearing in the political department of a site called 411mania.com.

411mania.com, you may be interested in knowing, is a site dedicated to writing about different & myriad things – among them, politics, music, entertainment gossip, professional wrestling, and posting the occasional pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ample ass.&#160 Which is to say, the only halfway-decent pieces of shit to come out of this particular website are the wrestling writing and the pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ample ass.

Everything else is just abject pussified bullshit.&#160 Such as this column written by a douchebag named “Enrique” who maintains that, yes, waterboarding is torture and anyone who doesn’t agree simply isn’t worthy of being heard.

As the debate over waterboarding-as-torture has unfolded over the last few years, several brave souls/attention whores have voluntarily subjected themselves to the procedure, including the likes of writer/bon vivant Christopher Hitchens and Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan.

Harrigan I don’t know – not that I’d care about him if I did&#160 know him.

Hitchens, though, I’d personally plant in a foxhole in Afghanistan for 48 hours, then bring him up just to see to whom he was praying.&#160 Just for shits & giggles, you understand.

On Friday, Matthew “Mancow” Muller became the latest willing waterboard victim during a segment on his popular radio program.

Ex-squeeze me?&#160 Baking powder?&#160 There’s a radio program hosted by someone named Mancow?

Actually, I tend to like what Guest #1613 had to say in comments about that:

since when does mancow have a popular radio show? Doesn’t it actually have to be played in major markets to be popular?

Preach it, brother.

After only a few seconds and less than a gallon of water, the shivering rightwing talker had to admit waterboarding is “absolutely torture.”

Yeah, well – when he becomes a bona fide&#160 expert on what constitutes “torture” and what doesn’t, maybe he might gain a little street cred.

For now, though, it’s gonna take more than the word of someone who goes by the name “Mancow” to convince me that what they were doing to Khalid Sheikh Mohammad constituted “torture”.

C’mon, “Enrique”.&#160 I’ll wait.

And excuse me for asking, but since when was “Mancow” ever considered a conservative?&#160 We got anything to back that up?

Two points: First, according to publicly available information, no more than three alleged terrorists in U.S. custody have been waterboarded, meaning that several more people have waterboarded themselves recreationally

And of course, we won’t talk about the scores of military personnel who undergo this type of treatment as part of their combat training.&#160 I guess they don’t count, you see.

Certainly they don’t to the Pussified Left&#153.

than were waterboarded as part of the so-called Global War on Terror.

Excuse me, “Enrique”?&#160 “So-called” Global War on Terror?&#160 Have you not been paying attention during the last eight years or so?&#160 Or do you supposed we can just make nicey-nice to those poor, old misunderstood ragheads Arabs and see – just see&#160 what it is they want, hm?

Second, any suggestion that waterboarding isn’t torture simply isn’t serious.

What, “Enrique”, because you&#160 say so?.&#160 The Ultamate Moral Authority&#153 on all our lives?&#160 He Who Can Tell Us What To Think Or Believe At Will&#153?&#160 You don’t want to call us “serious” because we happen to think you’re a dumb fuck when it comes to the definition of “torture”?

Would you like to “seriously” try saying that to a military man’s face, for example?&#160 See how “serious” he or she thinks it really it?

Hell, I think I’d pay real money&#160 to see that.

Although waterboarding doesn’t appear to cause lasting physical damage, it obviously falls under any reasonable person’s definition of torture.

Because, of course, it doesn’t cause lasting physical damage.&#160 Unlike beheading, connecting an auto battery to the nipples, lashes across the back with a whip/cane/what have you, which our pussy “Enrique” here apparently doesn’t&#160 consider “torture”.

Conservatives might conceivably be able to argue that such low-impact torture should be legal in certain circumstances (even if those circumstances are extraordinarily unlikely to ever occur)

You’re damned right we can make that argument, dumbass.&#160 Just ask the aforementioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who gave up information after undergoing waterboarding that prevented potentially several thousand Americans from being hurt or killed.

Oh, but you can’t make the case for extended interrogation techniques.&#160 Doesn’t work, after all.&#160

But anyone who claims waterboarding is not torture – such as Liz Cheney did on Good Morning America – should be politely dismissed from the realm of civil discourse.

And any limp-wristed, pansy-assed douchebag pussy named “Enrique” who seriously thinks that should be taken out back and had the shit beaten out of him for wanting to deny us our right to express our opinion.

Get the motherfucker within five feet of me and I’ll be happy to volunteer.

Dumbshit little fucknozzle.&#160


And yet another famous offspring shames his parents – or he would, were they alive.

Limbaugh hasn’t had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think he’s compensating for something? Now, I wouldn’t pick on him for any of this stuff, not his blubbiness, not his man-boobs, not his inability to have a natural erection — none of that stuff — to me, off limits until! until! — Mr. Limbaugh, you turn that sort of gun on somebody else — once you start doing that, you’re fair game, fat boy. Absolutely, you jiggly pile of mess. You’re just fair game, and you’re going to get it, too. [Laughs] You’d better watch what you say, Limbaugh, because it can come back the other way.

At least Limbaugh gets them over women, Veronica, you Cupid Stunt&#153.&#160 A helluva&#160 lot more than we can say for you.

Junior also strangely claimed that Pelosi looks pretty good for a grandma, but Limbaugh looks like “the unholy spawn of Tony Soprano and the Michelin Man.”

He also jumped all over CNN analyst Alex Castellanos joking that “If Speaker Pelosi were still capable of human facial expression, she’d be embarrassed” by the “Nixon-like position” she’s in. He said “This from a guy who looks like he just stepped out of a road production of [the Harvey Fierstein drag-queen musical] La Cage Aux Folles.”

This from the pansy-ass douchebag that looks more like the love child of Tom D’asshole and the aforementioned Piglousi.

Perhaps you should stick to ballet dancing, Veronica.&#160 At least when you do that, we don’t have to listen to you bleat.


(Hat tip Gateway Pundit.)

Yet more of the Tolerant Left&#153.

I could only make it through the first minute before the Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153 set in.&#160 Perhaps you’ll have better luck.

It’s a damned good thing I wasn’t there at the Correspondents’ Dinner.&#160 There would have been some guaran-damn-teed Ass Kickage-ery&#153 going down – starting with that female impersonator who greeted the Rumsfelds at the door and going from there.

And no – I’m not&#160 kidding, nor am I practicing hyperbole.&#160 That ass-clownish bitch would have hit the floor with a broken jaw two seconds after opening her skanky piehole.

Code Pinko and the rest of you Short-Bus leftards, take heed:&#160 You’re running out of room to push us before the Shit Hits The Fan&#153.

Trust me – you don’t&#160 want that to happen.


Uh…they did?

President Barack Obama’s army of canvassers fanned out across the nation over the weekend to drum up support for his $3.55 trillion budget, but they had no noticeable impact on members of Congress, who on Monday said they were largely unaware of the effort.

That would make about 290,000,000 of us, Dogface.

Gee, you’d think that the Al-Obambi goon squad would make more of a splash than that.&#160 If this is the best they can do, then the Ayatollah’s BrownShirts&#153 aren’t going to be that terribly hard to handle, y’know?&#160

“News to me,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, a House Budget Committee member, of the canvassing. Later, his staff said that his office had heard from about 100 voters.

The president’s lieutenants tried to open a new front in the “Obama revolution,” the grassroots mobilization that propelled the once little-known Illinois senator to the White House last year. David Plouffe, who ran Obama’s campaign, now runs “Organizing for America” out of the Democratic National Committee. It uses the same Web-based tactics that won the presidency to mobilize public opinion behind Obama’s initiatives in a bid to redefine “business as usual” in Washington.

Well, given that there are more than just a few fidgety Texans with itchy fingers (IYKWIM), and Jugears McHopenchange wasn’t all that popular around these parts anyway, I can see why the Goonies&#153 might have been a little…”hesitant”…to make waves down this way.

I mean, I was out quite a bit this past weekend, and I saw nary a one.&#160


Denizens, one of our trolls is back.

The Aussie pussy known as “dj” (not to be confused with DJ Allyn, the American&#160 pussy who majored in Coffee Brewing 101 at Seattle Community College) – or, as I like to refer to her, “Douchebag Jackslurper” – has come and left three little turds on our nice carpet here.

(And I do mean little&#160 – hell, this crapweasel’s not even as good as ol’ Radical Redneck‘s impersonation of Um Yeah a couple years back.)

Question:&#160 Do y’all want a crack at her, or should the dipshit be tossed out the airlock?


Oh, and Douchebag, you little dickweed – the original offer still stands:&#160 Try being a man for once and come say it to my face.

I’ll make your ass-whipping long & painful, promise.&#160


Another day, another instance where the Al-Obambi government shows its skanky ass, another RCOB Moment&#153 for yours truly.

This time, it’s the Ayatollah’s sorry-assed excuse-for-an-attorney general, Eric “Cock” Holder.

Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues.

So we have us a spineless, needle-dicked, son-of-a-crabs-infested-crack-whore-bitch chickenshit pussy calling us a nation of cowards.&#160 This is the same dickweed that sent in his stormtrooper thugs to kidnap Elian Gonzalez – and he&#160 has the gall to call us&#160 “cowards”.

“Mr. Pot, there’s a Ms. Kettle on line two.”

In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month

A month which is, in and of itself, racist to the core.

Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.

Oh, so now he purports to tell me whom I can associate with in my free time?

Tell me, Erica, you ass-spelunking sitzpinkler, just when are you planning on trying to make that law?&#160 Hell, you and your ilk are already planning on trashing the rest of Article I of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution – why not this part of it, too?

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,” said Holder, nation’s first black attorney general.

Lemme tell you something, Erica, you goat-humping crapweasel:&#160 Anytime you wanna come down to Texas and trying calling me that to my face, I’ll be happy to receive you.

Make sure InJustice has good medical.

Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, Holder said, but “we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.”

Y’don’t say?&#160 Could that be because:&#160 a) most of us right-thinkers not only don’t give a royal shit about race, we never have, or b) we’re damned fucking sick and tired of having the issue thrown in our faces on a nano-second-ly basis?

In fact, it seems to me that it’s generally RACISTS SUCH AS YOURSELF, ERICA, YOU COCK-SUCKING SHIT-FOR-BRAINS, that keep bringing up the issue time after time after time after time, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam magnum???

I mean, you bastards are such Johnny-one-notes, is it any wonder we’re tuning your racist asses out?

He urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for frank talk about racial matters.

Actually, we could get off to a good start by abolishing this so-called “Black History Month” altogether.

But don’t take my word for it.&#160 Listen to what this guy has to say on the topic:

“It is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation’s history, this is in some ways understandable,” Holder said. “If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us.”

The only things dividing us, Erica, you dumb fuck, are racists such as yourself, the Rev’rnnnnnnn’d Jac’k’snnnnnnnnn, Al “Bullhorn” Sharpton, et. al, who keep throwing all this shit back in our faces and calling us RAAAAAAAAAAAACIST without any proof whatsoever to back up their bullshit.

Projection much, assclown?

Then again, that’s Standard Operating Procedure&#153 nowadays for Demoscum, isn’t it?

He told Justice Department employees they have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding.

The only thing they have a “special responsibility” to do, Erica, you pathetic racist motherfucker, is to stay the hell out of my business and let me decide with whom I wanna associate, AS THE CONSTITUTION DEMANDS YOU EFFIN’ DO, FUCKFACE!!!

Racist asshole.&#160


(Hat tip:&#160 Englishqueen01 over at Malkin’s.)

Fat-assed has-been excuse-for-a-comedienne/singer/human being Roseanne Barr seems to think those of us who don’t support heterophobia should be sent to the gulags.

Let’s expose these evil doctors accountants dentists business owners, pastors who hate the united states of america and seek to overthrow its guarantees of equality and rights to all of its citizens. these disgusting supporters of hatred should not be hired, or socialized with or not allowed to enjoy life in this country which they despise!!!! These people should be forced to emigrate to the soviet union where they will be more comfortable with other totalitarians that hate freedom!!!

Hey, Rosey, you fat-assed chickenshit!&#160 How about you come try that with me, hm?

C’mon, let’s see what it gets ya, Cupid Stunt&#153.

Stupid, fat-assed chickenshit.


(Hat tip to the SpatulaGoddess – long may she exude, etc, etc.&#160 )

I’m always loathe to quote Politico – but I think this is Damn Fine Stuff&#153 – even if it is&#160 by Benji “Lips Firmly Planted On Obambi’s ass” Smith.

House minority leader John Boehner’s spokesman confirms the accuracy of this quote, from an Ohio student newspaper:

“Now, listen, I’ve voted ‘present’ two or three times in my entire 25-year political career, where there might have been a conflict of interest and I didn’t feel like I should vote,” Boehner said. “In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means ‘yes,’ red means ‘no,’ and yellow means you’re a chicken s***.

“And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.”

My only question is:&#160 Where the Hell&#153 was this three months ago when we needed it?&#160


Ace is reporting (through Cold Fury) that ’70s reject Erica “Fear of Thinking” Jong is threatening riots if B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi loses on Tuesday.

I got four words:

Bring.&#160 It.&#160 On.&#160 Bee-yotches.&#160


And we thought Das Klintonreich went after its enemies.

The goons of B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi, in their daily roles of governmental flunkies & hacks, have been poring over more of Joe The Plumber&#153’s records than was first thought.

A state agency has revealed that its checks of computer systems for potential information on “Joe the Plumber” were more extensive than it first acknowledged.

Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, disclosed today that computer inquiries on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher were not restricted to a child-support system.

The agency also checked Wurzelbacher in its computer systems to determine whether he was receiving welfare assistance or owed unemployment compensation taxes, she wrote.

Gee, such prurient – and unconstitutional, I might add – interest in a private citizen.&#160 It’s almost like he dared point out the the emperor had no clothes.

Oh, wait…

Jones-Kelley made the revelations in a letter to Ohio Senate President Bill M. Harris, R-Ashland, who demanded answers on why state officials checked out Wurzelbacher.

Harris called the multiple records checks “questionable” and said he awaits more answers. “It’s kind of like Big Brother is looking in your pocket,” he said.

If state employees run checks on every person listed in newspaper stories as buying a business, “it must take a lot of people a lot of time to run these checks,” he said. “Where do you draw the line?”

Offhand, I’d say they draw it at people who dare call Flopears McHopenchange what he is – that being a pussified, ball-less, dickless wonder of a socialist.

Which reminds me:&#160 Hey, ObamaNazis!!!&#160 I’m still waiting for you chickenshits to get “in my face” like your Messiah wants you to!

Hurry up, pansy-asses!&#160 I ain’t got all day!

Wurzelbacher became a household name when Republican presidential hopeful John McCain frequently referred to “Joe the Plumber” during his Oct. 15 debate with Democrat nominee Barack Obama. The checks began the next day.

Wurzelbacher, who has endorsed and campaigned for McCain, had been caught on videotape challenging Obama about his tax proposals during a campaign visit to “Joe’s” neighborhood in the Toledo suburb of Holland.

Republicans have painted the checks on Wurzelbacher as a politically motivated bid by Democrats to dig up dirt and discredit the McCain ally. The Obama campaign has said it has no ties to the checks and supports investigations.

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit.

You’ve now proven, Obambi, that you’re nothing more than a lying skank bitch.&#160 Had a Demoscum went and challeneged McCain, I’ll bet you your so-called “tax cuts” that not only would nothing have happened to him, he’d have been praised as a “Hero to the Fatherland”.

Which would be appropriate, given your nature and that of your campaign.

This is how the pussy intends to govern, sports fans.&#160 Just like Hitler.

And we all remember how that&#160 turned out, don’t we?


Y’know, Denizens, I tend to think that if this SUV had parked outside my residence looking like that, I’d’ve been tempted to give it a car wash.

A .380-caliber car wash, if you catch my meaning.


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