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Denizens, we have the Great State Fair Of Texas&#153 coming up – which, if you’ve ever been to one of these shindigs, means lots of rides, lots of “pin-the-tail-on-the-Demoscum” -donkey” type games, ferris wheels, whirly-gigs, turkey legs, sausage-on-a-stick, corn dogs…and everyone’s favorite:&#160 Fried you-name-it-we’ve-got-it.

No.&#160 I’m not kidding.

We’re talking fried Twinkies&#169 (I blogged on that once, just can’t find it now), fried chili, fried Popsicles&#169, fried Oreos&#169…you get the idea.

This year’s GSFoT&#153 features, among other things, Texas Fried Frito Pie, fried lemonade and fried chocolate.

But you knew it was coming, didn’t you?&#160 How did the saying go? “For every moment of pleasure, there must be an equal moment of pain”?&#160 Well – here comes your pain:&#160 A fucking busybody that just has&#160 to spoil your fun by wringing his hands in angst and wondering if all these deep-fried fat grams, sugar grams and calories is (gasp, argh!) Gooooood Forrrrrrr Usssssss??!!?!!!!ONE?!

The top eight new State Fair foods — including Texas Fried Frito Pie, Fried Lemonade, Fried Chocolate, oh my — sure sound good.

But are they good for you?

I think you know the answer.

We conducted a nutritional analysis of the top new foods that debut later this week when the State Fair opens Friday. Here’s a look at our findings — this story ran on the front page of today’s Dallas Morning News.

And here’s a nifty chart highlighting the eight foods, with more nutrition details.

Y’know, I don’t s’pose it’s ever occured&#160 to this dumb little turd of a tool that maybe – JUST EFFIN’ MAYBE – the people of the great state of Texas…oh, I dunno…DON’T GIVE A ROYAL FUCKING SHIT ABOUT WHETHER FAIR FOOD IS GOOD FOR US OR NOT?!?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously.&#160 You’re at the freakin’ State Fair.&#160 All a State Fair is&#160 is rides, attractions and food.&#160 And most of the food is deep-fried.

And we’re supposed to rend our clothing and wear sackcloth & ashes because we ATE TOO MANY SUGAR AND FAT GRAMS AT A PLACE WHERE THAT’S PRETTY MUCH ALL THERE IS?!

Great Honkin’ Cthulu&#153, what a maroon.&#160


So Christine O’Donnell, prior to finding Christ, “dabbled in witchcraft” (her words) and hung around people who practiced it”?&#160 All this according to libtard doucherifle pussy Widdle Willie Maher (go get your own link; I’m not going to give that little faggot the honor).

Seriously.&#160 Am I supposed to care?

Memo to John Hindenraker and Patterico:&#160 Assclowns, if you’re going to attempt to bury Christine O’Donnell even before the general campaign starts, go join up with the Demoscum.&#160 We conservatives sure as Hell&#153 don’t want or need you&#160 limp-wristed fairies around.



More later when I have time, but for the moment, please read this.


After giving more thought to the Shirley Sherrod episode, and also considering other actions of our current elected leadership, I have concluded that the Obama administration best resembles a community of simians performing unnatural procreational activities upon an ellipsoid pigskin bladder.

It now appears that the Obama administration wants Ms Sherrod back so badly that they have created a job especially for her. That they are willing to go to such lengths is an indication of just how much egg the Obama clowns have on their faces.

It is to laugh!


ITEM:&#160 Couple weeks back, the son of the new Dallas police chief got somewhat bent out of shape and wound up killing a cop.&#160 Over & above the angst about that was the absolute outrage sparked when one of the deputy chiefs in charge of the traffic division issued an order that, in effect, granted the perp a funeral procession.&#160 (And in answer to your unspoken next question, yes – the perp did die in the subsequent exchange.)

The Lame Stream Media&#153 reaction was probably what you would hope for – it ripped everyone involved in the making of that decision, and rightly approving of a subsequent probe into the matter.

ITEM:&#160 Couple days ago, the mayor of a Dallas suburb, Coppell, killed her 19-year-old daughter before taking her own life.

The media reaction to this is…ah…somewhat more restrained.

My question:&#160 Why?&#160 Two murderers, one properly condemned, the other…not?&#160 One black, the other…white.

Something smells damned fishy in Denmark, IYAM.


…doing exactly what they’ve been doing since November 2008. Nothing. Zip. Zilcho. Not. A. Damn. Thing.

Because IF they were doing their job, more outlets outside of some blogs and Fox would be reporting on this. But, since it doesn’t fit in the progressive agenda it’s not news as far as places like the LA Grimes, the New Jerk Slimes, or the Chicannery “We’ll Never Do” Times. But as the facts start making the light of day in the DoJ case dumping, people are starting to notice.

So why did the DoJ drop the case against the New Black Panthers? Would it REALLY surprise any of you to know that the case was dropped because the NAACP pulled a Capone and said “Youse gonna drop that case, see?” Read all about it and more here.

So let’s play a round of Convicts Court.  You’re the judge.  The case before you is one where ordinary citizens are attempting to exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL right to vote but Defendant #1 is coersively preventing said same citizens from exercising that rights with racial slurs and has on record said the following:

I hate white people — all of them. Every last iota of a cracker — I hate him. Because we’re still in this condition.

We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore (expletive) on our arms.

You want freedom? You’re going to have to kill some crackers. You’re going to have to kill some of their babies. Let us get our act together.

Now, would you in good conscience just flat out DROP the case?  Well it seems the DoJ would.  Because the marching orders were delivered by the NAACP to do so in order to ensure a certain highly essential voting block would still vote the correct way in the upcoming mid-term elections.

As far as the DoJ is concerned, it’s not about that word that is what their whole EXISTENCE is about….nope, it’s about ensuring the popular vote goes the proper way thereby ensuring that they and the rest of the progressives in DC remain in power.  So they can continue to expand government to the point of the utter corruption of America.

Are you to the point of endlessly puking your guts out?  I am.  The mid-term elections need to be more than just an anthem to a one-hit Twisted Sister tune.  No, rather it’s about telling DC that WE THE PEOPLE can and will take OUR country back. 

Are you prepared?


Paul Krugman of the NY Slimes&#160 says:

I’m Gonna Haul Out The Next Guy Who Calls Me “Crude” And Punch Him In The Kisser

Okay, Captain Crude, you pansy-assed douchebag pussy.&#160 Come to Arlington, Texas – that is, assuming you can pull yourself out of that 4×6 cubicle where you cower every day – and come take your shot.

Just a warning, though, chickenshit:&#160 Not only do I defend myself – sometimes I do it pre-emptively.

Just sayin’.



Item:&#160 The SeaHag of the media, Helen Tom-ass Thomas, opened her skanky piehole the other day and let slip what we’d all known for a while that the Demoscum thought about the Jooooooooooos:

(It’s below the fold – I do have at least a little&#160 compassion for youse guys.)

Item:&#160 Ol’ SeaHag issued an apology today on her website (helenthomas.org – go put it in yourself; she’s not worthy of a SpatulaLink):

Helen Thomas issued the following statement today: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Well, if it’s forgiveness&#160 for which you’re asking, Hag, I suppose we can do that.&#160 We are&#160 commanded to by our Lord & Savior, after all.

But forgiveness is not pardon, you old, senile-assed bimbo.&#160 Hearst won’t do it, but I’d fire your ass on the spot with not a dime’s worth of severance.

Let your libtard groupies support you going forward after that.&#160 If they can raise any money selling patchouli oil, that is.

UPDATE:&#160 And, rather than face the music, aka the expected firing in disgrace by Hearst News Services, the SeaHag has seen her personal “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” and decided to get out while the gettin’s good (hat tip:&#160 The Laughing Man on the Rott).

Good.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Riddance.


Folks, by now all have likely heard of the dust-up off the coast of the Gaza strip. As we all know, the lame stream media is making Israel out to be a bunch of criminal thugs. Checking with Fox, it seems that all is not as some would have us to believe.

It appears that our Palestinian friends were more interested in the confrontation, than in getting the supplies into Gaza. This makes their claims against the IDF even more suspect than normal.


Well, it’s not the excoriation Bush received for Katrina – but all things considered, it still ain’t bad:

The New York Times Saturday made it clear that it is willing to fault the Obama administration for its response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

On top of the editorial previously reviewed by NewsBusters, the Gray Lady published a front page piece largely critical of the White House.

Too little too late for the Senile Gray Lady&#153, which keep hemorrhaging readers at an alarming rate.

But what the hell.&#160 For the time being, it’s theatre.


The Dullest Moaning Snooze&#160 is giving itself a pat on the back for winning a Pulitzer.

The Dallas Morning News today won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing for its “relentless editorials deploring the stark social and economic disparity between the city’s better-off northern half and distressed southern half.”

Robert W. Mong Jr., editor of The News, hailed the project, now in its third year, as a towering example of sustained reporting on a subject.

“Very few newspaper projects go beyond one year,” Mong said. “This one will continue. It has been an extremely ambitious, substantive project that’s beginning to get a lot of results.”

Translation:&#160 they’re trying to shame North Dallas into redistributing some of its money down south.

Given that:&#160 1) that whole series was nothing more than a “waaaaaaaah!” piece about North Dallas was just a bunch of racist good ol’ boys, and how po’ ol’ Sout’ Dalla’ couldn’t buy a break (never mind that former-mayor-now-turned-convict Don Hill bought fuckin’ plenty&#160 of breaks for himself South Dallas) and 2) the excuse-for-a-paper keeps hemorrhaging readership at a substantial rate, this just goes to show that Pulitzers are about as valuable nowadays as Nobel peace prizes.

Except they don’t pay as much.


Over at MSLSD, they have their panties in a bunch over the fact that Todd Palin – husband of Our Beloved Sarahcuda&#153 – wielded just a tad bit of power as a chief executive’s spouse.

Nearly 3,000 pages of e-mails that Todd Palin exchanged with state officials, which were released to msnbc.com and NBC News by the state of Alaska under its public records law, draw a picture of a Palin administration where the governor’s husband got involved in a judicial appointment, monitored contract negotiations with public employee unions, received background checks on a corporate CEO, added his approval or disapproval to state board appointments and passed financial information marked “confidential” from his oil company employer to a state attorney.


So, I guess they’re going to royally condemn the Baroness Hilarious’ meddling in Das Klintonreich&#153 and her attempts to hijack one-sixth of the American economy back in 1993-94…oh, Any Day Now&#153.&#160 Right?



Well, surely&#160 they’ll at least raise an eyebrow over the First Wookiee’s&#153 elevated profile in Al-Obambi, won’t they?


Hello???&#160 Bueller?

(more crickets)



Tom Brookshier passed away Saturday night at the age of 78.&#160 Those of The Six Or Seven&#153 who have followed football for any length of time will remember that, before John Madden, Pat Summerall teamed with Brookshier to form CBS’ #1 broadcast team during the 1970s – back when CBS had the rights to the NFC, including the Dallas C’boys.

Brookshier had a memorable interview, speaking of the ‘Boys, with Dallas running back/enigma Duane Thomas, who answered only one of Brookshier’s questions, and that with only one word – “Evidently” (when asked if Thomas really was as fast as advertised).

Which is, of course, why the Dullest Moaning Snooze&#160 elected to focus on the interview, rather than on Brookshier.

Tom Brookshier, who died Friday night at the age of 78, was a two-time Pro Bowl cornerback for the Philadelphia Eagles. But he was perhaps most recognized as an NFL commentator.

Usually teamed with Pat Summerall, Brookshier was the lead commentator on CBS’ NFL games for almost two decades.

One of the signature moments in his broadcasting career came courtesy of a former Dallas Cowboys running back – Duane Thomas, who had a strained relationship with the media.

Thomas had refused to talk to the media in the week leading up to Dallas’ 24-3 win over Miami in Super Bowl VI. After the Cowboys’ win, Brookshier stood next to the running back, talking about his speed and building up to this question: “Are you that fast?”

“Evidently,” Thomas replied.

But there was another Thomas gem from that week. Asked just before the game if the Super Bowl is the ultimate game, Thomas replied with a question: “If it’s the ultimate game, how come they’re playing it again next year?”

Thomas scored the first touchdown at Texas Stadium in 1971. He played just two seasons in Dallas, rushing for 803 yards as a rookie and 793 the following year.

He was known more for his feud with management over contract disputes and his run-ins with head coach Tom Landry.

He scored a touchdown in the Cowboys’ 16-13 loss to the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl V and was involved in a controversial play in that game, fumbling at the 1-yard line. Though the Cowboys appeared to come away with the ball after the fumble, official ruled the Colts had recovered.


It’s been a damned good week to be a conservative, y’know?

First, we had Scott Brown’s unlikely win in the Massachusetts Senate race on Tuesday.

Then Thursday, the Supreme Court pretty much eviscerated McRINO-Feingold.

The decision reverses a 1990 ruling by the court that allowed the government to bar corporations and unions from spending general treasury funds on ads expressly urging a candidate’s election or defeat. And it overruled part of a 2003 decision that upheld restrictions on independent corporate expenditures enacted the preceding year in the seminal campaign finance overhaul act known as McCain-Feingold.

Naturally, the libtards are bitching – which is why it’s a good thing.

Fred Wertheimer, a longtime advocate of McCain-Feingold, called today’s ruling “the most radical and destructive campaign finance decision in Supreme Court history” and said the court’s majority had “abandoned longstanding judicial principles, judicial precedents and judicial restraint.”

The authors of the law, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), expressed disappointment in the ruling, with Feingold calling it “a terrible mistake.”

“Ah.&#160 Victory.&#160 It has a sweet&#160 taste.”&#160 -Trelane

And to top it all off…Air Scaremerica had the proverbial fork stuck in ’em.

Air America Radio, a radio network that was launched in 2004 as a liberal alternative to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, on Thursday shut down abruptly due to financial woes.

The network once boasted hosts such as Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, but struggled from the outset, including multiple management shake-ups, a bankruptcy in 2006 and sale for $4.25 million the following year.

Air America ceased airing new programs Thursday afternoon and said it will soon file to be liquidated under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It began broadcasting reruns of programs and would end those as well Monday night.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of turds, eh?

Wasn’t too long ago that the Left was crowing about the impending implosion & extinction of the Right.&#160 “Nobody likes you”, they were saying.&#160 “A regional, backwoods party, only viable in the racist South”, they were bleating.

Funny thing about crow.&#160 Lot more fun to do it than it is to eat&#160 it.&#160


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