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They’re calling this “not a bow”

Yeah, and I’m Brad Pitt.&#160


Denizens, remember back about two weeks before the ’08 general election when then-Senator Hair-Butt-Plugs all but invited the Axis of Evil&#153 world to test them – to “come say it to their faces”, as it were?

Remember this money quote?

“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

Well, lo & behold and saints be praised – for once, Vice-Ayatollah Gaffemeister has, probably to our everlasting detriment, been proven correct:

North Korea appeared to launch a rocket on Sunday, the Japanese government said, defying calls from world leaders to scrap a plan that has caused international alarm.

It was not immediately clear if the launch had been successful, or if it was a long-range version of the rocket.

Y’know, suddenly I feel a helluva&#160 lot less safe.&#160 How ’bout you?

The rocket is supposed to fly over Japan, dropping boosters to its west and east on a path that runs southwest of Hawaii.

The United States, South Korea and Japan say the plan is actually the test of a Taepodong-2 missile, which is designed to carry a warhead as far as Alaska.

Which would mean – depending on the launch vector, of course – it could also&#160 hit Hawaii and the Lower 48&#153.

Now there’s&#160 Change You Can Believe In&#153!!!&#160

The Ayatollah Obambi’s reaction, of course, was extremely predictable.&#160 Assuming, of course, you’re using former President Peanuthead as your template:

North Korea’s development and proliferation of ballistic missile technology pose a threat to the northeast Asian region and to international peace and security. The launch today of a Taepo-dong 2 missile was a clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, which expressly prohibits North Korea from conducting ballistic missile-related activities of any kind. With this provocative act, North Korea has ignored its international obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint, and further isolated itself from the community of nations.

We will immediately consult with our allies in the region, including Japan and the Republic of Korea, and members of the U.N. Security Council to bring this matter before the Council. I urge North Korea to abide fully by the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and to refrain from further provocative actions.

Preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is a high priority for my administration. The United States is fully committed to maintaining security and stability in northeast Asia and we will continue working for the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the Six-Party Talks. The Six-Party Talks provide the forum for achieving denuclearization, reducing tensions, and for resolving other issues of concern between North Korea, its four neighbors, and the United States. North Korea has a pathway to acceptance in the international community, but it will not find that acceptance unless it abandons its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and abides by its international obligations and commitments.

“Stop!&#160 Or we shall wag our fingers and scold you a second time!”

Lemme as you 52-percenter pussies a question:&#160 What good’s it gonna do arguing about the economy or bemoaning the fact that a lot of you people are jobless or bitching that we NEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!&#160 the bailout stimulus package du jour&#160 if we’ve all been reduced to a nation of glass?

So how does “Hope and Change!!!&#153” sound to you now, hmmmmmmm???



In November 2004, I traded in my Ford F-150, which couldn’t get 20 mpg rolling downhill with a tailwind, for a 2005 Chevy Cavalier.

The Cavalier got better gas mileage – which proved to be a good move once gas started going up – but it was always a crapshoot as to whether or not I’d ever get where I was going in it.&#160 When it wasn’t refusing to start, it was trying to pretend it was an automatic (read: the clutch was going out).

So in 2006, I traded the Cav in on a 2007 Cobalt.&#160 Somewhat sturdier, a little better gas mileage, and decidedly faster, even with a four-banger.&#160 As cars go, it’s not bad.

It is the absolute, unequivocal, indisputable, bar none last&#160 General Motors car I will ever buy.

And it is thus because yesterday, the CEO General Motors caved in to the Al-Obambi Taliban and stepped down – in effect, allowing the Ayatollah Obambi to fire him.

President Obama asserted unprecedented government control over the auto industry Monday, rejecting turnaround plans from General Motors and Chrysler and raising the prospect of controlled bankruptcy for either ailing auto giant.


In an extraordinary move, the administration forced the departure of Rick Wagoner as CEO of General Motors over the weekend, and implicit in Obama’s remarks was that the government holds the ability to pull the plug on that company or Chrysler.

All this in return for more bailout money.&#160 They’ve already burned through the $17 billion they got last year, so now they have to go back to Washington with their collective hat in their collective hand.

Oope.&#160 Make that “go back again“.&#160 Seems Teh Ayatollah&#153 sneered at their first attempt.

The Obama administration has forced the longtime head of General Motors to resign and said yesterday that it would withhold additional federal aid to the auto industry unless the ailing companies undertake changes they so far have been unwilling or unable to make.

The administration effectively rejected as untenable the business plans that GM and Chrysler had submitted to restructure their companies, saying that neither had fulfilled the terms of the federal loans the companies received in December.

GM’s only viable alternative now is the one they should’ve undertaken in the first place, before wasting billions & billions of our tax dollars:&#160 File for bankruptcy, dissolve the union contracts that have them hamstrung and force the thugs back to the negotiating table.

But that won’t happen now, will it?&#160 No, the DC Taliban will take more of your money and more of my money, and give it to GM to prop up a failing business, and then put the fucking union thugs in control of the company.

And I, and a few million other Americans, will have purchased our last Government Motors vehicle.

Enjoy it while it lasts, GM.&#160 Welcome your new socialist overlords – and say goodbye to your customers.

UPDATE:&#160 Oh, by the way, did I mention the…uh…the direct effect Obambi’s takeover of GM had on stocks?

U.S. stocks dropped Monday amid uncertainty about the struggling U.S. auto industry and other concerns about the economy.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 254.16 points down, to 7,522.22. The S&P 500-stock Index closed 28.41 points down, to 787.53. The NASDAQ lost 43.40 points, closing at 1,501.80.

President Obama on Monday morning rejected Chrysler and General Motors restructuring plans, which resulted in fears of bankruptcy.

You can set your clocks by it.&#160 When Jugears McHopenchange shuts his ugly piehole, the Dow rises.&#160 When the Ayatollah (or one of his lackeys – Timmy-boy Geithner, call your office)…

MERLIN:&#160 He can’t.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Why not?

KORRIOTH:&#160 No one there to answer.&#160 Jackass still doesn’t have any staff.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Hm.&#160 Point.

Anyway, when one of ’em says or does something – bammo.

Maybe they’ll learn.&#160 Eventually.&#160 OneOfTheseDays&#153.&#160 Maybe.

But I doubt it.


Denizens, y’wanna know the difference between B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi and those who participate in the Special Olympics?

The Special Olympians are far more intelligent.


We have an economy swirling down the drain, an excuse-for-a-Cabinet full of fuckin’ tax cheats, a pisspot excuse-for-an-Attorney General threatening to release terrorists into our general population (when he’s not practicing his projection skills by calling us “cowards”), allies who no longer have all that much respect for us, thanks to who the 52’ers put in office…and what does the Ayatollah Obambi focus on?

Why, the NCAA brackets, of course.&#160 Duh.&#160 (/snark)

What leadership&#160


It’s beginning.&#160 Little by little, people are beginning to wake up to the fact that the Ayatollah is not&#160 the Messiah&#153.

Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama’s net presidential approval rating — which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve — is just six, his lowest rating to date.

Overall, Rasmussen Reports shows a 56%-43% approval, with a third strongly disapproving of the president’s performance. This is a substantial degree of polarization so early in the administration. Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative.

And never mind that the Dow had its best week since last November.&#160 Although this story details Obambi talking out his ass today, he did the same thing yesterday – and at the time, the dow dropped to 70 down from previous day’s close.

The simple fact of the matter is that every time the Ayatollah Obambi opens his skanky piehole, the economy slides.&#160 One wonders if he’s sufficiently intelligent to eventually put two and two together.

Personally, I doubt it.&#160 And more & more, other Americans are beginning to doubt it, too.


Denizens, this should make for some nice reading for you guys until tonight, when we shall bring the airlock controls online and have ourselves a public “execution”.

(In other words, Douchebag Jackoff, I’ve denied your request at clemency, and I’m throwing your skanky ass off my site this evening.&#160 And I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth, and enjoy every last fucking minute of it.&#160 &#160 )



This is starting to get boring.&#160 Yippee.&#160 Ha-ha.&#160 Whee.

Yet Another Obambi Nominee Tax Cheat&#153.&#160 If this doesn’t fucking stop, I’m going to give it its own category.

Johnny Olson (RIP), who’s our next contestant today to come down the tax-evading pike?&#160 Why, it’s our old enemy, Ron “You Go To Hell” Kirk The Jerk.

Add former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk to the list of Obama Cabinet picks with tax problems.

The Senate Finance Committee says he underpaid by $9,975 in the last three years.

Senate aides uncovered the shortfall during weeks of vetting, and Kirk – the administration’s designated point person on trade — has promised to pay the Internal Revenue Service in full.

One of Malkin’s commenters had it bang-on:&#160 If you wanna collect on all the back taxes owed to the US gummint, all ya has t’ do is nominate ’em to serve in Al-Obambi.

Would probably make a huge-assed dent in our deficit right there.&#160


Al-Obambi signed the Porkulus bill earlier today. Get ready for the floor to drop out from under us all…..

UPDATE: Looks like the stock market clued in pretty damn fast. The DOW closed down THREE HUNDRED POINTS today, closing at a new low not seen in nearly a decade. Which was when boys and girls???? Can you say “Kaiser Wilhelm Von Slickmeister” and the previous reigning administration of deceit and lies???? I knew you could.

Talk about a lie….the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” as we all know is just a swindler’s way of saying “tax and spend”, which we all know is the modus operandi of the Demonscum since FDR. Not only that, but by signing the bill, Al-Obambi has broken YET ANOTHER campaign promise (certainly won’t be the last you can bet). Need further information on just how BAD this pork is and the lies, check out some of these tidbits from this article by Joseph Farah:

“When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what’s in it before I sign it,” he said. His campaign called the idea the “sunshine before signing promise.”

…exactly one business day after the approval of the bill, Obama has signaled he will sign it.

You might want to sit down for this…….

* Before this bill is signed, actual federal obligations are already $65.5 trillion – exceeding the gross domestic product of the entire world.

* The Obama administration economic stimulus package is going to force the Treasury to borrow approximately $2.5 trillion in 2009 and another $4 trillion in 2010, with the result of increasing the current $10 trillion national debt by 65 percent in just two years. If the Obama administration increases the national debt by 65 percent every two years, the debt will be $16.5 trillion in 2010 and $27.225 trillion by 2012, the year of the next presidential election.

* If you had gone into business on the day Jesus was born, and your business lost a million dollars a day, 365 days a year, it would take you until October 2737 to lose $1 trillion.

* $1 trillion dollars divided by 300 million Americans comes out to $3,333 per person.

* One trillion $1 bills stacked one on top of the other would reach nearly 68,000 miles into the sky, about a third of the way from the Earth to the moon.

* Earth’s home galaxy, the Milky Way, is estimated to contain about 200 billion stars. So, if each star cost $1, $1 trillion would buy five Milky Way galaxies full of stars.

If you’re not sick yet, you will be once this payable starts going for your wallet.

Methinks it’s time to start the secession petitions folks. I for one certainly want off this donktard bus….cause it “fo’ shure” ain’t goin’ in the right direction…..

Obligatory RCOB in 5…4….3………..


(Hat tip to the Emperor.)

How many times have we heard over the last couple of months that “if we didn’t pass this stimulus package NOW, DAMMIT, RIGHT EFFIN’ NOW!!!!!,&#160 that there was a-gonna be HELL TO PAY, BAH GAWD!!!!!!&#153?&#160 Hm?

So, okay.&#160 Congress gets it passed.&#160 Over the objections of a majority of the American people and most of the Republicans in the Imperial Socialist Congress, this bastard of a bill gets passed.

So, seeing as THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!&#160 – Obambi signed it immediately, right?


Erm…not so much.

After pushing Congress for weeks to hurry up and pass the massive $787 billion stimulus bill, President Obama promptly took off for a three-day holiday getaway.

Obama arrived at his home in Chicago on Friday, and treated wife Michelle to a Valentine’s Day dinner downtown last night. The couple was spotted leaving upscale Table Fifty-Two, which specializes in Southern cuisine, with the first lady toting what appeared to be a doggie bag.

The president plans to spend the Presidents’ Day weekend in the Windy City, and is not expected to sign the bill until Tuesday, when he travels to Denver to discuss his economic plan.

So much for “do it now, do it fucking NOW!!!,&#160 eh what?

Incompetent fucktard.


The Ayatollah doesn’t have as much influence as he thought he did.&#160

In a hearty “fuck you” to the hajiis&#160 at Al-Obambi, a number of television stations are going ahead with plans to end all broadcast analog signals on February 17, as the original schedule called for, defying Al-Obambi’s wishes (and the Imperial Socialist Congress’ directive) in the matter.

More than a quarter of major U.S. TV stations intend to shut down their analog broadcasts on Feb. 17, sticking to the original date despite the wish of the Obama administration that they wait until June.


San Diego will be the largest city to lose analog broadcasts of three networks: CBS, ABC and Fox.

Smaller cities losing most or all of their major analog network broadcasts include Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Okla.; Charleston and Greenville, S.C.; Dayton, Ohio; Springfield, Ill.; Burlington, Vt.; Bakersfield, Calif.; Binghamton, N.Y.; Casper, Wyo.; Lincoln, Neb.; Lubbock, Texas; Mobile, Ala.; and Sioux Falls, S.D.

Good on ya, guys.&#160 Jugears McHopeychangey ain’t the boss of you, and it’s good that you’re telling him what he can go do with himself.



Believe it or not, I don’t have a dog in this fight.

I have reasons to hate both the Steelers & Cardinals, seeing as how both of them beat the C’girlz this year.&#160 I s’pose I lean a little away from Pittsburgh getting that sixth Lombardi Trophy, but it’s eventually gonna happen, whether or not they win today.

But truth be told, I like a coaches like Ken Whisenhunt & Mike Tomlin – they’re both no-nonsense, gritty coaches who won’t take shit off anyone.&#160 Kinda like what I wish we had here.

And I like both Benny Roethelisberger & Kurt Warner, though I want to see Warner get the second ring of which the New England Pansies (and the fucking zebras) denied him five years ago.

But I really don’t have a preference for who wins.&#160 Except…

That little pussy the Ayatollah Obambi is pulling for the Steelers.

Go Cards.


(Hat tip LC Horrabin, via Grouchy Old Cripple.)

This is good stuff.

UPDATE:&#160 Careful.&#160 About four, four-and-a-half minutes in, it gets positively gross.&#160 I.&#160 Am.&#160 Not.&#160 Kidding.

Don’t watch it if you have a weak stomach, or have just eaten, or both.


Hmmmm.&#160 Seems the Ayatollah has a grossly overinflated opinion of himself.

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning – but he also left no doubt about who’s in charge of these negotiations. “I won,” Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

Let’s get one thing straight, you jugeared little needle-dicked fuckface:

You stole an election.&#160 You had your thuggish little ball-less goons at ACORN throw up thousands upon thousands of illegal voter registrations and got help from the illegal alien voting bloc.&#160 You did not&#160 win this election, you fucking stole&#160 it.

And that’s not even taking into account that you’ve failed to prove that you’re even eligible to serve in the damned office to begin&#160 with.

So get off your fucking high horse, asshole.&#160 You’re nothing but an empty-suit Chicago machine politician who doesn’t even have the majority of cojones&#160 in his own family.

Got that, skank-boy?


All of us are patently aware that there’s more and more month at the end of the money these days. We’re also aware that banks, mortgage lenders, and potentially the automakers are getting a bailout — which ends up coming out of our (as in yours and mine) pockets…..emptier as they’re getting.

But when you read this article, prepare for a RCOB moment (as Darth is so famous for using) or at least keep a roll of duct tape handy to keep thy noggin’ from ‘splodin.

Today taxpayers are supporting our former presidents to the tune of more than $2.9 million. Their yearly salary pension is $191,000. Aside from that, each gets a staff; that staff costs you, the taxpayer, $96,000 per president.

Yeah, ain’t that just speh-shulllllll to quote the Church Lady from SNL.

But it should come as no surprise as to who the greediest bastard is when expecting us to pay for his “bills” is. Read and prepare for the RCOB. Duct tape is optional.

You have been warned.


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