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I.&#160 DON’T.&#160 MOTHER.&#160 FUCKING.&#160 THINK!!!&#160 SO!!!!

One step closer, Demoscum.

One.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Step.&#160 Closer.



Weep with us now for poor Augusta National.

The PCP (Politically Correct Pussy) Brigade finally got them to cave in:

The home of the Masters now has green jackets for women.

In a historic change at one of the world’s most exclusive golf clubs, Augusta National invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore to become the first female members since the club was founded in 1932.

“This is a joyous occasion,” chairman Billy Payne said Monday.

For a pussy-whipped beta-male like you maybe, Billie.&#160 For those of us who love tradition and don’t feel the need to have female companionship foisted on us 24/7/365, not so much.

For some, it was a long time coming.

Martha Burk and her women’s advocacy group first challenged the club 10 years ago over its all-male membership.

And I think that’s what pisses me off most about this – the vision of that ugly-assed fat pig Burk finally doing her little happy dance.&#160 About as revolting as Roseanne Barr doing the National-Anthem-Crotch-Grab.

The debate returned this year when IBM, one of the top corporate sponsors of the Masters, appointed Virginia Rometty as its chief executive. The previous four CEOs of Big Blue had all been Augusta National members.

Yet another reason not to want anything to do with IBM.

And quite frankly, I don’t give two royal shits that the first one was Condi Rice.&#160 She was a wonderful Secretary of State for this country.&#160 But my estimation of her just went down a notch or two.&#160 Thank Cthulhu Mittens didn’t pick her as his running mate now.

As for Augusta – not that I’d ever get a sniff of membership there, but they couldn’t pay me to be a member now.

I don’t care to give my money to the pussy-whipped.


(Hat tip:&#160 Hoft, as usual.)

And at the other extreme (i.e. the heterophobic pro-sodomite militant leftards) comes this video.

I’m putting it below the fold to give you time to put down all throwables/breakables/shootables, etc.&#160 I guaran-damn-tee you that you’ll have your own personal RCOB&#153 going within fifteen seconds, and by the end will be wanting to print out a picture of this bastard to take to the range with you.

So here we go.&#160 Don’t say I didn’t warn you:

Now, this vid was originally taken down after the asslick got caught in the resulting shitstorm; what you’re watching here is a re-upload. The pussy who actually committed this heinous act of sheer chickenshittery has his YouTube page here.&#160 Do note the overwhelming&#160 display of support he’s receiving.&#160 &#160 (The guy is supposedly some sort of instructor/lecturer, which is the reason this has been added to “Asshattery in Academia”.)

Lord, please don’t ever send me to Arizona.&#160 I don’t think I could get out of there without being arrested for shoving a cattle prod up this prick’s ass and locking it on “high”…

UPDATE(s):&#160 Well, first & foremost, the pusstard appears to have gotten shitcanned for his shit.

Adam Smith, former CFO and treasurer of medical supplies manufacturer Vante, caused quite a stir today when he put up a video of himself bullying a Chick-fil-A drive-thru employee in Tucson on YouTube.

Smith berates the worker about her company in the video, which was initially titled ”Reduce $’s to Chick-Fil-A’s Hate Groups.” It has since been taken down (though others have uploaded it too).


Vante didn’t approve of Smith’s behavior, and he’s no longer working there.

Here’s the press release from Vante announcing that Smith is “no longer an employee of our company,” effective immediately:

TUCSON, AZ–(Marketwire – Aug 2, 2012) – The following is a statement from Vante:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

Oh, and the other update?&#160 If you go to that site of his I linked, you’ll see that he’s put up a cycling video…and taken down all the support.

Aw.&#160 Shucky darn.&#160


Item:&#160 A 24-year-old bastard opens fire at a Batman movie midnight screening.

Item:&#160 Chickenshit cunt Bill Maher…gloats.

Rt wingers luv to tout American Exceptionalism – today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad

The limp-wristed pussy should probably be glad he’s nowhere near me.

For his sake.


Bonnie Fwank and his fellow butt-buddy Jimmi Weady had a ceremony in MassahChewsShits yesterday.

After the ceremony, both Bonnie & Jimmi were still single men excuses-for-men.

ESAD, heterophobes.&#160 You pussies can have as many “ceremonies” as you want, with as much flowery shit, rose petals, sickly organ music (pun not really intended, but still), excuses-for-preachers, etc, as you like – but in God’s eyes, my eyes and those of the right-thinkers of this society, you are not, and never will be married.

Go fuck yourselves if you don’t like that.&#160 (Then again, that’s what this is all about, isn’t it?)


Roseanne Barr Arnold Barr The Fat-Ass Broad is at it again:

Roseanne Barr

* ✔


no more all male priestclass will b allowed tax credits4 imposing suffering& punishment onto women or abuse victims. #yeaimgoingthere
1 Jul 12

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This from Ms. Avoirdupois Ass, the same skanky bitch who kept grabbing her crotch whilst screeching the National Anthem.

If that ain’t abuse, I’m not sure I’d wanna know what would qualify.


ITEM:&#160 Fox News the other day ran this video on “Fox & Friends”:

Oh, and that didn’t set well with Bambi’s college-frat-boy-mouthpiece.&#160 Not at all (hat tip:&#160 Hoft, as usual):

White House press secretary Jay Carney made an “angry phone call” to a Fox News executive after the network aired a scathing video review last month of President Barack Obama’s first three years in office, the New York Times reported.

According to the Times, Carney told Michael Clemente, Fox News’ senior vice president for news, that the video had crossed the line even for “Fox & Friends,” the morning show where it aired. Two unnamed Democrats reportedly told the newspaper about the call, described as a “private conversation.”

Hoft continues:

** MSNBC created its own anti-Romney ad in February. Of course, the White House was OK with their ad.

Of course.

The PotKettleBlack&#153 is strong in this dickweed, my padawans.


I had hoped to be a part of the Texas state GOP convention.&#160 Alas, they had already had the local caucuses (caucii?) by the time I went to vote in the primary back at the end of May.

Shows you what I get for missing staff meetings.

Now that I find out about part of what went on, I wonder if I even want to vote&#160 in the general.

Texas Republicans are touting their success in bringing the factions of their party together last week in Fort Worth to approve a new plank in the party platform aimed at effective changes in immigration policy.

They call their guest worker program the “Texas solution” and say it offers answers instead of “another litany of problems,” said Brad Bailey, a member of the platform subcommittee that drafted the plan.

The proposal would provide a way for illegal immigrants to have legal status — and possibly more important to the party right now, it could pull into Republican ranks conservative Hispanic voters who could not abide the harsh deportation policies of former Republican state platforms.

Under the new, gentler proposal, “We no longer call it ‘illegal immigration,'” said Norman Adams, a Houston insurance broker who co-founded Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy a decade ago. “For the first time, the Republican Party actually offers a solution. In the past our only solution was for them to leave.”

But it’s much&#160 easier now!&#160 Now that we’ve caved in, that is.

Just think – the Texas Gaggle Of Pusstards have fallen in lockstep with Der Ayatollaher and as much as told a million illegals (for now – five will get you 10 million it’ll be more) “hell, yeah, c’mon in!&#160 We’ll find ya jobs!&#160 Those tens of millions of unemployed/underemployed American citizens?!?!?!&#160 Screw ’em”

If this is how the GOP “stands up” to the Donks, what the Hell’s the point?


Okay, so last week Bambi suffered the absolute ignominy&#160 of actually being ASKED AN ACTUAL QUESTION!!!!!!&#160 at a press conference.

Boo.&#160 Hoo.&#160 Fuckin’.&#160 Hoo.

And we got the obligatory wringing-of-the-hands-in-mock-angst from none other than Samantha Donaldson, who was notorious for doing it himself to Republican presidents.

Responding to the incident in which a Daily Caller reporter shouted a question to President Obama, former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson told the Huffington Post Saturday that conservatives oppose Obama because of race.

“Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices and political view but for who he is, an African American,” Donaldson told the Huffington Post in an email.

“These people and perhaps even certain news organizations (certainly the right wing talkers like Limbaugh) encourage disrespect for this president. That is both regrettable and adds, in this case, to the general dislike of the press on the part of the general public,” he added.

Typical shit-for-brains libtard.&#160 Pretend to read the minds of conservatives rather than try to find out whatever happened to the one-third brain cell he&#160 was alleged to have.&#160 (Not that that was ever proven, you understand – just alleged.)

But what pisses me off about this sequence is that you have supposedly conservative&#160 bloggers – whom you’d think&#160 would know better – agreeing with him her.&#160 (hat tip:&#160 Hoft, of course.)

Conservative bloggers at the RightOnline conference on Saturday assailed the Daily Caller’s Neil Munro for interrupting President Barack Obama during remarks at the White House — but tempered their criticism by arguing that such tactics wouldn’t be necessary if the president regularly took questions from the press and the media asked tough ones.

“I found it embarrassing. I like the Daily Caller, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to interrupt the president during a speech,” said Jon Fleischman, who writes the FlashReport on California politics. “It diminishes the stature of the office of the president of the United States, and Obama does that well enough for himself.”


Trent Seibert, who works for TexasWatchdog.org, said, “When I first heard of this, I found it offensive. Believe me, I don’t trust any of these politicians, but you should let them have them say. That’s how it works — they get to speak, then you get to pepper them with questions.”

“Is this guy going to start a new trend for journalists to interrupt?” asked Seibert.

I guess that depends, Seibert, you dumbfuck:&#160 Is Bambi – for whom, apparently, you want to don the pseudo-presidential kneepads – going to start a trend of individuals who happen to stand at that particular dais handing down impreial decrees from Mt. Olympus, then walking off without giving the press even a remote chance of doing their jobs?!?!

You know…like Bambi’s doing more & more of himself nowadays?

And you, Fleischman, you dickwad:&#160 Whyn’t you just admit that you want to take it up the ass from the Ayatollah, hm?&#160 At least you could squeal in orgasmic ecstasy about “respecting the office” with the possibility of being halfway believed.

Seriously, O Pseudo-Presidential Cockgobblers:&#160 Whose the hell side are you bitches on, anyway?


(Hat tip:&#160 Hoft.)

ITEM:&#160 A couple days ago, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi accused the Republicans in general (and President Bush in particular of sticking him with a trillion-dollar deficit.

“I love it when these guys talk about debt and deficits,” Obama told supporters in Baltimore. “I inherited a trillion dollar deficit.”


“It’s like somebody goes to a restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, a martini and all that stuff, then just as you’re sitting down they leave and accuse you of running up the tab,” Obama said.

ITEM:&#160 Today, B. HUSSEIN&#160 Obambi…stuck someone else with a bill.

Amid the bustle of President Obama’s surprise stop for barbecue Wednesday the White House apparently overlooked one key detail: the bill.

Celebrating Father’s Day early, the president had lunch with two service members and two local barbers at Kenny’s BBQ on Capitol Hill.

As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.

The bill for the president and his four guests was $55.58, but was left unpaid at the point of sale, according to pool reports.

I’d use my standard line here, but I might be accused of being…wait for it…RAAAAACIST!!!!!!!!!


Besides…it’s down there in the categories anyway.&#160

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. ” ― Margaret Thatcher


And the last word on the glorious Scott Walker victory in Wisconsin comes from this whiny little nadless, needle-dicked pusstard.

“We’re not just disappointed, this is the end of democracy. We just got outspent $34 million to $4 million.

“And because we couldn’t embezzle dues from Repukelican union members for our boy Barrett like we used to, it’s the END OF DEMOCRACY!!!!&#160 UNFAIR!!!!!&#160 (sob!!!)”

This was the biggest election in America

“…and we just got our socialist asses handed to us!&#160 WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!”

and I hope he keep me on tonight because this hurts us all

“…and I need to cement my reputation as the face of the crybaby Demoscum party before my 15 minuts of fame are totally up, dude!!!&#160 14:41, 14:42, 14:43…”

Every single one of you out there in the nation, if you’re watching, democracy died tonight,” an emotional proponent of Scott Walker’s recall told a CNN correspondent in Wisconsin on Tuesday night.

“Because we didn’t get our cookie!!!.&#160 BOO HOO HOO HOOO…!!!!

“I’m very emotional because we all had invested in this. This was it. If we didn’t win tonight, the end of the U.S. as we know it just happened. This is it. We just got outspent $34 million to $4 million. And we don’t have any more resource left but the people you see here behind me. And if the people you see here behind me can’t get it done tonight, it’s done. Democracy’s dead,” the man said.

Shorter:&#160 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!1!1!ONE!!!!ELEVENTYTEENQUADRILLION!!!!!!!!&#160 (schnuffle)

Great Honkin’ Cthulhu, how I do&#160 lurrrrve the smell of patchouli-fried libtard crybaby in the morning…&#160


And Denizens, in this thread here, wherein Don Rickles is at a Shirley MacLaine roast and makes an allegedly “RAAAAACIST” comment (gotta get those five As in there y’know) about the Ayatollah, a comment demonstrating the average IQ of the Demoscum can be found:

oh is it diffrent when mentally-ill repubs go on shows you HYPOCRITES bush perry michele baucman oh mitt romney did 10 best things on letterman stupid bush pretended to be a war pilot on a ship lying again mission accomplished 10yrs later the mission still is a mission retarded republican with selective memory you forgot lura bush on show too.. let me run along you mutts are really a waste of reality time i’ll leave ya in koo koo for coca puffs land go play with froot loop bird

Ladies & Gentlemen…your average Demoscum.

Pathetic, ain’t it?


The comic strips Funky Winkerbean&#160 and Crankshaft&#160 are written (or, in the case of Crankshaft, partially written) by a shit-for-brains named Tom Batiuk (rhymes with “attic”).&#160 His strips run in dozens (if not hundreds) of birdcage liners newspapers across the country…on comics pages which are very easily accessible to kids 3 years & up.

The last couple of weeks, this jackwagon Batiuk has been writing a storyline in Winkerbean&#160 where two heterophobic boys plan to go to a prom together.&#160 Naturally, Batiuk the douchetard is ridiculing those who would object and portraying them in the worst possible light:

Today, in a school assembly, Batiuk the pissweasel reveals his take on what he calls “intolerance” – which, not surprisingly, is the exact same as the rest of the heterophobe/Demoscum community:

Unless, of course, you rightly oppose homosexuality, and having it taught to/practiced by impressionable kids, who see it condoned in society (where only 30 short years ago it was rightly decried and treated as the perversion it is) and want to try it themselves.

In which case, they practice their intolerance towards you.

And the print media industry, which will happily accept this bullshit from Batiuk the heterophobe and run it in their comics pages, will then wring its collective hands in extreme angst and wonder why their many subscriber bases are steadily dwindling away, their readers having long ago decided that they were increasingly tired of being preached to and paying good money to have values they didn’t share shoved down their throats by a group of liberal assclowns.

It’s leftist pussies like you, Tommi Batiuk, that are slowly killing the newspaper industry.&#160 And when we stop giving you our hard-earned money, you bitch at us for being “intolerant”.

ESAD, widdle Tommi.&#160 I imagine you’ve lost a goodly portion of your readers the last couple of weeks.

“F.E.T.E.”, as the Imperial Torturer would be wont to say.


Cthulu help me, I do so&#160 feel sorry for the dad in that family.&#160 Had that been me, I’d’ve left a long&#160 time ago.

MRS. VENOMOUS (with cast-iron skillet):&#160 WHAT?!?!?!?!

VENOMOUS:&#160 Take the hint, woman.

MRS. VENOMOUS (sheepishly):&#160 Yes, honey.

Seriously, Verizon.&#160 First “Susie” and her worldwide universal lemonade conglomerate, where there’s not so much as a sniff&#160 of parentage within a thousand miles (and why isn’t the precious little darling mini-diva in SCHOOL, anyway, hm?), and now this?

You douchetards really don’t&#160 want my business, do you?


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