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Let’s get one thing straight Right Fucking Now&#153.

The right didn’t shoot Gabrielle Giffords.

Sarah Palin didn’t shoot her.

John Boehner didn’t shoot her.

Pat Buchanan didn’t shoot her.

Michelle Malkin didn’t shoot her.

Bill O’Reilly didn’t shoot her.

Sean Hannity didn’t.

Rush Limbaugh didn’t.

Glenn Beck didn’t.

Nor did Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Charles Krauthammer, Mark Davis, Cal Thomas or Williams Murchison.

Not Bob Grant, John Ziegler, John & Ken, Marlin Maddoux, Kerby Anderson, Scott Wilder or Don Imus.

Not Dan Riehl, Doug Powers, Doug Ross, Allahpundit, Pundit and/or Pundette, William Jacobson, Jim Hoft, B.C., Misha, and certainly not Darth Venomous and/or Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant.

No one on the Right shot the congresscritter from Tucson.&#160 Period, end, stop.

In fact, given that two of this cowardly moonbat’s favorite books were the Communist Manifesto&#160 and Mein Kampf, this little boil on the butt of humanity, Loughner, would more comfortably fit in the camp of the pathetic chickenshit Left.

So you Demoscum who want to excoriate Palin and the Right for yesterday’s shooting rampage?&#160 Clean your own house before you come in wanting to dust ours.&#160 After all the shit your homey Bambi has spewed forth, you pussies don’t have a whole lotta room to talk.

If any.


Nice Deb has a good comparison between the recently-founded “moderate” group No Labels&#160 and the now-all-but-defunct failed bit, the Coffee Party.

Basically, No Labels&#160 is Alinsky-ese for “Pweeeze, pweeeeze don’t caww us Wibberals!!!&#160 Pweeeeeeeze?????

If I had any money in my bank account, I’d almost be tempeted to bet it all on there not being 50 conservatives ever in that group of smarmy-assed pisspots.


* Fuck ‘Em.&#160 Just Fuck ‘Em.

UPDATE:&#160 Actually, I can’t take credit for the post title.&#160 Heard it on Rush’s show today.&#160 Credit where it’s due ‘n all that.


Well, seeing as Bambi isn’t doing so well with the press – time to call in the bullpen:

President Obama ushered former President Bill Clinton to the White House briefing room late Friday for an impromptu press session, then abruptly left the wonky and winsome Arkansan at the podium by himself to defend the Obama administration’s tax deal.

“I’ve been keeping the first lady waiting for about half an hour, so I’m going to take off,” Obama said.

Clinton chuckled, joking, “I don’t want to make her mad. Please go,” and then quickly turned back to the microphone and began taking questions from the White House press corps, which had been given no advance notice of the two presidents’ trip to the briefing room.

What is this, 1996?

At the same time on Capitol Hill, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont independent, was in his sixth hour of speaking on the Senate floor in a real life filibuster of the president’s tax deal. He began talking shortly before 10:30 a.m. on Friday and was still speaking at 6 p.m.

“I think that the American people don’t like this agreement,” Sanders said, predicting that if the deal to extend the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for two years were to pass, all cuts – even those for the top brackets, which he opposes – would be “extended long term.”

No, Bernadette, we don’t&#160 like it – but not for the reasons you&#160 think.

We want the tax cuts.&#160 You, of course, Bernadette, want everyone on the government teat.&#160 Along with any number of welfare programs, government subsidies, school breakfast-lunch-dinner programs, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Extremely ad nauseam.


Denizens, remember the bake sales your school would have when you were growing up?&#160 Yer mom would bake a cake, or a pie, or cupcakes, or blueberry muffins, or banana-nut cake, and take it down for you, your schoolmates and their folks to enjoy.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Great.&#160 Now I’m all hungry.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah, I know.&#160 I’ll see if Mrs. Venomous can whip up some muffins for ye.

T-BONE MCMANX:&#160 She’d do that for us?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Sure.&#160 Not like she can do it for me, what with the diabetes & the low-carb diet ‘n all.

MERLIN:&#160 Schweet.

Anyway, it was a fun thing to do, and usually it benefitted some worthy cause or other – band, choir, a Cub Scout troop, whatever.

Naturally, the Demoscum can’t stand to see Americans enjoying themselves, so here comes the First Wookiee…


…uh, the First Klingon…

[Korrioth uses one massive hand to goozle His Rudeness by the throat.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 Suggest you try again, m’liege.

…(ulp)…uh…the First Nossican?

KORRIOTH, K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 Better, sir.

CHEWBACCA:&#160 …urf, urf, urf…

Ain’t no pleasing some people.

Anyway, Her Wide-Assedness told the Imperial Socalist Congress&#153 to jump, they got on collective knee, kissed her fat ass and asked “How high?”, and this bullshit is the result.

A child nutrition bill on its way to President Barack Obama — and championed by the first lady — gives the government power to limit school bake sales and other fundraisers that health advocates say sometimes replace wholesome meals in the lunchroom.

“This could be a real train wreck for school districts,” Lucy Gettman of the National School Boards Association said Friday, a day after the House cleared the bill. “The federal government should not be in the business of regulating this kind of activity at the local level.”

If Bambi signs this piece-of-shit, it could be a real train wreck for the Demoscum in 2012.&#160 Not bad enough that they’ve moved to throw our economy in the shitter; not bad enough that they want to tell us we have&#160 to buy health insurance – now they wanna tell us we can’t even have bake sales???

The legislation, part of first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to stem childhood obesity, provides more meals at school for needy kids, including dinner

…by which time the little rug-rats ought to be home anyway – but don’t let those inconvenient little facts get in the First Nossican’s way.

and directs the Agriculture Department to write guidelines to make those meals more healthful. The bill would apply to all foods sold in schools during regular class hours, including in the cafeteria line, in vending machines and at fundraisers.

It wouldn’t apply to after-hours events or concession stands at sports events.

Oh, but you just know&#160 they’d either try to find a way around that, or else repeal that little provision within three years.

I would honest-to-Cthulu like to see some dickless little bureaucratic pissweasel with a bad combover just try&#160 to enforce any&#160 of this BS.

The fuckhead had best bring a slew of bodyguards with him.&#160 IYKWIMAITYD.

The RCOB&#153 is in full effect.


Yup, that’s right….we all know Darth has HT’d this writer something close to ad nauseum.  Then again, she is good.  And generally right on target too!

So what’s Michelle Malkin targeting now.  Well, none other than the DREAM Act: Electric Amnesty Boogaloo, Part Deux.

Once again the, democrappers are trying to convince us it’s a really, really, REALLY good idea to grant amnesty to the 20+ something MILLION illegal aliens residing inside our borders. 

Felipe Calderon, white courtesy phone.  Yo dude, fix YOUR government before you go suggesting and subsequently start PUSHING your citizens to enter MY country ILLEGALLY.  Mkay hombre?  You habla????

K. Thx. BuhBye.

Holy WTF is going on here????  The progressive asswipes in the Senate seriously think that trying to disguise an AMNESTY bill as an EDUCATION bill is gonna cut it?  Hello CLUEBAT?   Remember how you just had to pick up yo nappy 7-day shitters off the floor back oh gee, just like what TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS AGO!?!??!?!?!?!  If you really need some more whomp up side yo head with the Ronco Cluebat™ we CAN arrange it.

Come on Michelle, tell us what you REALLY think about this bill…..


Item:&#160 Captain Gaffetastic planted his foot in his cockholster again the other day.

Vice President Biden jokingly expressed his frustration toward Republicans on Tuesday, accusing them of having insincere concerns about the budget deficit.

Biden jokingly said that GOP protests about the need for a balanced budget made him want to strangle them, which the vice president quickly clarified was a figure of speech.

“If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Minnesota, according to a pool report. “To the press, that’s a figure of speech.”

Probably a good thing you clarified so quickly, Baron von HairButtPlugs.

Fact is, you wouldn’t have the stones, y’little needle-dicked Douche-o-crat.

Oh, and by-the-by – yeah, you and your Kenyan enabler have&#160 spent us into the poor house, dumb-ass.


Denizens, trust me, I wish I could find this ad on YouTube.&#160 (Trust me – I did&#160 try.)

SCRIPT: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White: “We believe that federal immigration laws should be enforced. We believe Texans believe that we need federal help in securing that border.

“Rick Perry has been governor for nine-and-a-half years. You would think that he would have been able to get some of the federal resources that he now claims that we needed all these years.

“As governor, I’ll put 1,000 more police officers and deputy sheriffs all along our border, arresting the gang members, the drug dealers and let them know things aren’t safe for them in Texas.

“I’m Bill White. I’m in it for Texas.”

Oh.&#160 My.&#160 Freakin’.&#160 GAWD!!!!ONE!1!!11!

He didn’t just say that.&#160 Tell&#160 me he didn’t just say that.

This is the same Widdle Willie White that ran a “wink wink nudge nudge” sanctuary city in Houston during his time as mayor.

Houston residents asked a divided City Council Tuesday to end an official city policy that forbids local police from rounding up undocumented immigrants for being in the country illegally.

Slightly more than a dozen people appeared before the council in support of Councilman Mark Ellis’ proposal to overturn the policy, which prevents officers from asking about someone’s citizenship status or detaining someone for being in the country illegally.

Houston is not officially a so-called “sanctuary city,” since the policy is not codified in a city ordinance. Ellis’ proposal would rescind the general order that governs the policy and replace it with a city ordinance that would require officers to enforce federal immigration laws.

Hence the “wink wink, nudge nudge”.

Bill White, you dumb son-of-a-bitch.

Don’t give me, or the rest&#160 of the right-thinking intelligents of the great state of Texas any&#160 of this bullshit about wanting to do something about “border security” WHEN IT’S YOU YOUR OWN FUCKING SELF&#160 who did everything you could to undermine it as Houston’s half-assed excuse-for-a-mayor!

Take the fucking mote out of your own&#160 eye before you try taking a peek into Rick Perry’s peeper, eh, you shit-for-brains “Sanctuary City&#153” crapweasel?

Fucking asswipe.


So Christine O’Donnell, prior to finding Christ, “dabbled in witchcraft” (her words) and hung around people who practiced it”?&#160 All this according to libtard doucherifle pussy Widdle Willie Maher (go get your own link; I’m not going to give that little faggot the honor).

Seriously.&#160 Am I supposed to care?

Memo to John Hindenraker and Patterico:&#160 Assclowns, if you’re going to attempt to bury Christine O’Donnell even before the general campaign starts, go join up with the Demoscum.&#160 We conservatives sure as Hell&#153 don’t want or need you&#160 limp-wristed fairies around.



ITEM:&#160 Demoscummic goober-natorial candy-ass-date Wee Willie White thinks term limits for the office of Texas governor is a hell of an idea.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White said Tuesday that Texas governors should be limited to two four-year terms, a change he said would prevent incumbents from amassing too much power.

White is trying to unseat Republican Gov. Rick Perry, who’s seeking an unprecedented third full four-year term in the Nov. 2 election.

White, the former Houston mayor, said there should be a voter referendum on term limits and that he favors a proposed constitutional amendment that would have to be approved by voters.

One may make an educated guess that this is all because Wee Willie isn’t going to be able to unseat Rick Perry in November.

Because, Denizens, this is the same, exact Wee Willie White that also wanted to relax term limits for Houston’s mayor – if not remove them outright.

Mayor Bill White on Wednesday raised the specter of changing the term limits on Houston elected officials, urging City Council members to consider appointing a special commission to examine whether the restriction to three, two-year terms imposed by voters in 1991 has been too stringent.

Term limits are fine for Republicans.&#160 For Demoscum – not so much.

Doesn’t this kinda remind you of the fracas up in Massa-chews-shits whereby the Demoscum-controlled state legislature passed a bill to remove the power of a governor to appoint an interim rep or senator for some poor schmoe who had just bit the bucket while in office, in order to keep then-governor Mitt Romney from appointing a Republican to replace a departed Democrat?&#160 Then voted to reinstate said power for Duval Patrick so that he could appoint a Demoscum to fill in for Teddy “The Swimmer” Kennedy?

The Will Of The People&#153:&#160 Void where Demoscum have anything resembling a say in how things are run.

Wee Willie White, you are a pathetic ass.


(Hat tip to Riehl.)

San Fran Nan Piglousi wants to investigate those of us who oppose Cordoba House – i.e. the Ground Zero mosque:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday morning called for “transparency” in the funding behind a planned Islamic community center and mosque being built blocks from ground zero. But she also said there should be similar openness about the money behind conservative attacks aimed at thwarting the project.


Earlier Wednesday, Pelosi told San Francisco’s KCBS radio that “there is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some.”

“I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded,” she said. “How is this being ginned up?”

The power of the government brought to bear on ordinary, private citizens who believe this travesty to be a slap-in-the-face against Americans and don’t want to see it built at a spot two blocks from Ground Zero.

Libtards, just an advisory:&#160 When our rights under the First Amendment are taken away from us…we’ll just have to go to the next one.


Those of you who aren’t&#160 the Uninitiated&#153 probably already know of this story, where Big Government&#153 descends upon a 7-year-old and her first lemonade stand and demanded tribute of $120 for her to keep operating said stand in what has to be the most offensive shakedown since…well, since Bambi extorted twenty extra-extra-extra-large a couple of months ago from BP.

Turns out that kids’ lemonade stands — those constants of summertime — are supposed to get a permit in Oregon, particularly at big events that happen to be patrolled regularly by county health inspectors.

“I understand the reason behind what they’re doing and it’s a neighborhood event, and they’re trying to generate revenue,” said Jon Kawaguchi, environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department. “But we still need to put the public’s health first.”

That is just so.&#160 Much.&#160 Bullshit.

Yeah, the law&#160 in Sorry-gun may technically&#160 state that all food vendors have to be licensed, but this is a kid’s lemonade stand, for Cthulu’s sake.&#160 Hell – it wasn’t even real&#160 lemonade – just some bottled water & packets of Kool-Aid&#169.&#160 At $.50 a 4-ounce cup, for crying out loud.

After 20 minutes, a “lady with a clipboard” came over and asked for their license. When Fife explained they didn’t have one, the woman told them they would need to leave or possibly face a $500 fine.

At which point, I think I’d’ve gotten nose-to-beak with that Cupid Stunt&#153 and informed her that she was leaving – either voluntarily or by force.

Surprised, Fife started to pack up. The people staffing the booths next to them encouraged the two to stay, telling them the inspectors had no right to kick them out of the neighborhood gathering. They also suggested that they give away the lemonade and accept donations instead and one of them made an announcement to the crowd to support the lemonade stand.

That’s when business really picked up — and two inspectors came back, Fife said. Julie started crying, while her mother packed up and others confronted the inspectors. “It was a very big scene,” Fife said.

And I’d have done the same with these two bastards.&#160 With The Insurance Policy&#153 in my hand.

To others, this may just be an isolated incident involving an overzealous flock of gummint buzzards.&#160 To me, it’s a portend of things to come – at least, economically speaking.

The US economy is about to collapse.&#160 All the signs are there – continued high unemployment (the “jobless recovery”), stagnant economic growth (2.4 percent?&#160 Seriously?!) and a major tax increase looming over the horizon (January 1, 2011, when the Bush tax cuts are set to expire).

If steps are not taken between now and 12/31/10 to boost the private sector – and note that I didn’t&#160 say “boost the economy”; Bambi can crow all he wants about the 250,000 jobs he’s created, but they’re all in the public sector, not on Main St. – if a tax rate hike hits in the middle of such an economy, another recession will result (the “double-dip” recession we’ve all been warned about), and the United States will have a very difficult time surviving it.

At that juncture (and this is my point), the underground economy that’s already out there will gain strength – and Al-Obambi will do its dead-level best to crack down on it.

Don’t believe me?&#160 When was the last time Donks openly talked about not raising taxes when nothing was standing in their way over it?

Bottom line, Denizens:&#160 Lock & load.&#160 They’re coming…and as Jefferson said, resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.


Doug Ross’ wonderful artistic interpretation of Widdle Toni Weenie’s hissy-fit aside…it’s probably a good thing I’m not in the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153.

Had Toni Weenie (D-Romper Room) been screaming at me&#160 like that, it wouldn’t have been just saliva&#160 he was spitting forth.

If you know what I mean.


(Hat tip RedState.)

This should surprise absolutely no one.

When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.

Under the legislation signed by President Obama in March, most Americans will have to maintain “minimum essential coverage” starting in 2014. Many people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help them pay premiums.

And I will still refuse to pay it.


Elena Kagan, back when she was one of the minions of Das Klintonreich&#153, back before The Entire Civilized World&#153 was told that she’s eminently qualified for the Supreme Court because she plays softball, bah Gawd!!!!&#160 (a little Jim Ross lingo, there), wrote a memo directly opposing the American College of Obstreticians & Gynecologists when they said there was no medical reason for a woman to have a partial-birth abortion:

During the heat of the debate in the 1990s, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said an expert panel it commissioned could find no medical reason why the partial-birth abortion procedure would ever be used to protect a woman’s life or health.

Still, Clinton said he would not sign a ban on the three-day-long abortion procedure that involves the partial birth of an unborn child and the gruesome destruction of the baby’s life by jabbing medical scissors into its skull unless it contained a health exception for women.

Kagan, in a December 14, 1996 memo, appeared to be upset that ACOG couldn’t find any justification for Clinton’s position.

“This, of course, would be disaster — not the less so (in fact, the more so) because ACOG continues to oppose the legislation,” she said of the inability to discern a medical reason for the second-trimester abortion procedure.

Kagan also appears to suggest manipulating ACOG’s statement to support Clinton’s position.

Notes in Kagan’s handwriting list “suggested options” for modifying the ACOG position statement including having the Clinton administration claiming a partial-birth abortion “may be the best or most appropriate” option.

That language made its way in the final version of the ACOG statement released about the ban along with the original language found by the panel of medical experts.

Read the whole thing, then come back here.&#160 I’ll wait.

Okay.&#160 During confirmation hearings today to decide on the nomination of this little fat Klintonista toadie to the highest court in the land, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) questioned her on the memo (hat tip:&#160 Patterico).&#160 Here’s that part of the questioning:

“Did you write that memo?” Hatch asked.

“Senator, with respect,” Kagan began, “I don’t think that that’s what happened — ”

“Did you write that memo?”

“I’m sorry — the memo which is?”

“The memo that caused them to go back to the language of ‘medically necessary,’ which was the big issue to begin with — ”

“Yes, well, I’ve seen the document — ”

“But did you write it?”

“The document is certainly in my handwriting.”

Oh, Great Honkin’ Cthulu.&#160 “The document is certainly in my handwriting”?!?!?!&#160 Hell, why not just say, “And yes, Senator, the pen that wrote it certainly has my fingerprints on it.&#160 But I think it was the butler in the drawing room with the hammer.”

Thanks, but I think I would’ve rather had Harriet Miers.


Apparently it really hasn’t been a good day to be a SCOTUS nominee.  Unless you happen to be the rest of the country NOT sitting in front of the Senate confirmation panel.  Take for instance this tidbit.  Seems that the current SCOTUS wanna-be (like so many of the glow-bull warmining scientists) decided that the results of a partial-birth abortion ban study didn’t fit her (or the Progressive) agenda….so she just rewrote it to fit her needs.  National Review has the details here.  Or you can go here for another verison from the Houston Chronicle.

And then for Strike 2, we see here from Politico that Kagan believes that the government knows better than even each on of us when it comes to the food we put in our bodies.  The hell they do!!  When the government can’t get Fannie, Freddie, the Post Office, Amtrac, et al fiscally sound do you REALLY expect me to listen when they say that I can’t have my dead Angus slabs???????

One more strike and she’s gone.



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