Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

Yes, I know. It’s been a queen’s age or some such cliché like that.

Life as they say, happens. (Yes, I know….another old cliché)

Needless to say the Generalette and I have been busy trying to fend off the zombie horde….and a few hunnert of them there leftards too!

Now as the Silly Season&#153 approacheth, we are not getting much in the way of rest. After all my duties as the General, I get to come home to performing a pair of computer core upgrades (with the commiserate hardware upgrades as well), purchasing a few needed upgrades to a household appliance or three, and then on Friday we are getting our roof replaced (thanks to Ike and a freak hail storm in July during our honeymoon) finally. After that is the required annual “cleaning of the ducts and chimney”, but thankfully that’s also being handled by the professional contractors. Then the Generalette gets to go ga-ga with her favorite season of the year. Yes, she has plans to turn the front yard into somethig akin to Clark W. Griswold’s effort in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation!! Pray I don’t end up in the hospital with broken somethings….

Well, it looks like the computer core upgrade, episode 1 is ready for demolition. Off I go.

Standby for more soon. I hope.


Well, your General and the Generalette are now officially known as “un-patriotic”, “angry right-wing protesters”, and all those other bravo sierra labels the MSM wants to put on town hall attendees. We attended the town hall meeting that our US House Representative was holding at the local high skrewl (gotta put that “Rush-ism” in there for consistency). Considering that our House Rep is an outspoken Jeffersonian Constitutional conservative, the crowd was largely those of us who are of similar beliefs.

This town hall was a Q&A session rather than a single-topic event. Which of course, made for some lively discourse as the evening progressed. Both your General and the Generalette were impressed with how our congressman handled himself and some of the more outspoken critics that were there as obvious ACORN and Obamanik plants. It was as clear as the nose on my face when the donktards got up to ask a question. Problem was, nearly all of them COULDN’T form a substantive question to save their life! The insisted on tactics like “We’re in control now.” “Obama is the President so get used to it!” and other tripe of the same color. One thing that was rather interesting is that our congressman pointed out that the Constutition states that representatives and senators do not have ANY rights, only DUTIES. {Nancy “SanFran Piglosi” and Harry “Sleaze” Reid, please call your office} He also pointed out that if he or any other representative or senator (State or Federal) that doesn’t or can’t follow the edicts of the Constitution, then WE THE PEOPLE have a DUTY to see that they are removed from office by voting them OUT!

Folks, if you haven’t attended a town hall event in your area. DO SO. As responsible, informed CITIZENS it is our duty to know what our government is up to. One of the final comments that our congressman made was that because of all the town halls that have happened, it literally has certain senior officials scared silly of WE THE PEOPLE. And well they should be. As can be imagined, if Al-Obambi and his harem continue on the present path then the 2010 elections are going to be a resounding referendum on what WE THE PEOPLE think needs to be done.

As Glenn beck points out this week, question authority boldly. Get out to a town hall and ask questions.



As our cameras fade in from back, we see the scene is the Southern Command Battlestaff War Room.

Supreme General Rayegun and his XO are clearly discussing something of high level importance and it appears that it also is something that has a shortish deadline that is rapidly approaching. As we zoom in closer, the XO, Major Picardy is speaking:

[XO]: Are you sure about this General? You would be going out in public with relatively little visible protection. Has the Generalette agreed with this?

[SG Rayegun]: Yes XO, I’m very certain about this and it was the Generalette’s idea to do this in the first place!

[XO]: Understood sir. What are your orders?

[SG Rayegun]: Get Venomous on the horn, he’ll want in on this and anyways it’s in his sector.

[XO]: Yessir. I will advise once he is on the comm.

Our cameras fade to black again.

So what is this mysterious semi-covert operation being planned? Why would the General need Darth Venomous’ assistance on this? And what could be going on in Darth’s own backyard that he hasn’t said anything about?

Stay tuned next week, as we learn more about the mysterious meeting.


All is well and kicking down here at Southern HQ. Just been extremely busy with post-wedding/post-honeymoon/post move-in chores. I do have some things that need to be posted, but every time I have something it seems that Darth has already gotten his skull horns sunk deep into the subject already.

Look for something soon, and don’t be surprised if the timestamp is an odd one.



I would like to take this brief moment to thank all of you here for perusing my rants and raves posted here. With my impending nuptials, I will be out-of-pocket and intentionally avoiding the Blogosphere (you understand and all) while the General and his new Generalette do a little celebrating at an undisclosed location somewhere west of the West Coast.

Don’t worry, the Southern Command will be in good hands and a select unit of my black, unmarked, stealth helicopters (okay so we “borrowed” some unreleased UH-66s from the Army Proving Grounds) will be on patrol at said undisclosed location so your General will not be THAT far away from contact with the real world.

For those interested, the wedding is Saturday night, the 25th. We will then be flying out early the next morning for said honeymoon. I will be back at my desk bright and early on August 3rd.

One final thought. Folks, it’s getting really farking stoopid out there with Al-Obambi and his Congr…errr, Harem……ummm I mean cronies….yeah, that’s the ticket. With Biden gaffing that government HAS to spend in order to avoid bankruptcy on one day and Al-Obambi The MESSIAH cackling “It’s not about me” the next….seriously, how far away can a true meltdown be? Between ACORN and their cohorts at the union SEIU and their only slightly-veiled attempt to utterly overwhelm the welfare and entitlement establishment in order to topple capitalism, and the “change” of forcing socialism left and right and nearly everywhere else you turn….unless us folks with an ounce of common sense left speak up, what Revelations predicts in that the USA will not be a major player in the world will indeed become a shocking reality. In OUR TIME no less. I certainly don’t want that to happen now, but it IS going to happen none the less. That is not for us to decide.

I and the Generalette-to-be would like to extend our blessings and prayers to all of you. We both hope each of you are safe and well, and thank those who have prayed for us.



We all know that the Al-Obambi guvmint “really doesn’t want to be in the car business” as Jugears McHopenchange Messiah himself bespoke some few days ago. Wellllll, the crack super-duper secret intelligentsia folks here at the Southern Command have unearthed some spy shots of just what we’ll all be FORCED to drive soon.

You HAVE been warned.

SPEW warnings that is.

It seems they have reported that this “new” lineup of cars really isn’t all that new. The new cars seem to be based on this chassis and frame:

I know, I know. You’re over there on the other side of the monitor screaming “WHAT ABOUT CHOICE GENERAL!!!” Fear not denizen, Guvmint Motors got choice. Check out these FANTASTIC picks:


The Smorvette

The Smorvette


The Smaudi A3 AWD

The Smaudi A3 AWD


The Smamborghini

The Smamborghini


The Smorsche

The Smorsche


The Smerrari

The Smerrari


And last, but certainly not the least:

The Smustang

The Smustang

Stay tuned for more new cars from *YOUR* Guvmint Motors!

H/T for this goes to the Southern Command distinguished visitor Markie Mark.

Reminder: You HAVE been warned.


Okay denizens, the Generalette-to-be and I had one of those weekends were Mr. Murphy decided to visit us and STAY. First off, I tried running the wiring for the home theater system at her house and proceed to only accomplish loosing my temper and about 12 pounds of sweat while up in the attic. Unfortunately, that is a job that will have to wait.

Then Mr. Murphy insisted on finishing off the weekend by deciding her A/C system needed some servicing. From what the a/c tech can figure, there was a power surge that proceeded to fry the system board on the attic unit and the step-up transformer as well. We were also told that our system was the third of the weekend that a power surge BBQ’d the system board. So the TOTD (tip of the day) is consider getting surge protection for your A/C system (we ALL have surge protection on our “toys”, right?). Save yourself a bit of trouble tomorrow.

Because of all this “madness”, I’ve not got anything for today. Be back tomorrow, hopefully.



As the cameras fade in from black, we find ourselves on the Comm section of the local stardock. The lone figure seen is one Wizard Merlin, relegated to the graveyard shift of Comm Station duty…..remember, the rest of the crew is either dead or still on medical leave trying to mend from the recent devastation.

We can see where Merlin’s eyelids are very heavy, obviously he’s been hitting the Romulan Ale again…and possibly the late hour as well…….

Just as his chin hits the desk the comm speaker SCREAMS to life. The Wizard flings awake so violently he flips the chair he’s sitting in backwards and nearly passes out from the concussion of hitting his head on the floor of the station. The voice we can hear emanating from the now nearly non-functional speaker is that of Supreme General Rayegun.

Let’s join the conversion……

[RAYEGUN]: Damnit, who the hell is manning Comms!!! Answer me you sleaze ball or you’ll be scooping shit at the Democratic Convention from now till eternity!

[MERLIN]: Ummm, ummm….{shakes his head to try and clear his addled brain} Merlin here General. Ummm, uhhhh….Can I assist you with something?

[RAYEGUN]: MERLIN!! What the hell are YOU doing on Comms? And have you been hitting the Romulan Ale AGAIN????

[MERLIN]: Ummm, ummm….uhhhh, No sir. {prays that is the correct answer}
And after the little war as well as the fall of the Pegasus it’s been a bit scarce to find qualified comm techs to watch the subspace channels and all.

[RAYEGUN]: Fine. {Merlin wipes his sweat-ridden brow} Where’s Darth? He needs to be made aware that I’ve finally returned from my extended TDY in the Gamma Quadrant.

[MERLIN]: Ummm, he’s unavailable at this time General, sir.

[RAYEGUN]:WHATTTT!!!!!! {the comm speaker nearly explodes from the console}
Well be sure he gets the message as soon as he is AVAILABLE!! I’ll be in my office if anything comes in.

[MERLIN]: Ummm, {hic} yessir.

[RAYEGUN]: MERLINNNNNNNNN!!!!!! {cameras and sound fades to black}

Yes folks, I’m back from a rather unplanned extended absence. There’s been quite a bit going on down here at the Southern HQ. First of which is that much like Darth, the General’s residence is in the process of changing locations. This is due to the impending nuptials next month (kinda also the reason for my disappearance). I won’t go into too many details here, but the General is a very happy camper again. The big day is July 25, 2009. The new Generalette-to-be is like-minded and would happily laugh at any of the “52 percenters” and their so-called “change”. She is also an elementary school teacher of almost 20 years who absolutely hates what the federal guvmint has done to ruin the education system.

After a week-long honeymoon in Hawaii, I will be posting much more frequently. For now, be on the lookout for some stuff that has been annoying the crap out of me. I’m sure you can guess what it concerns.

Keep the comm channels open.


This is about all I got for today from the Southern Command. Going out-of-town for the weekend.

Seems like Annie and a whole bunch of others are doing just that. FoxNews article points out that us folks that got a clue are doing our darnedest to ensure we don’t have our Second Amendment rights taken from us.

Here’s a thought, let’s make sure by enforcing our Second Amendment rights that we also make sure Al Obambi and his SekretPolicia don’t get their slimy fingers on our Fourth Amendment rights in the process.




Via a stable wormhole provided by my team in the Department of Stargate Stuff, this is coming to you from the present into the past….

SG RAYEGUN: No Korrioth, there were not any Klingons used to establish the wormhole…..

On this date and time….at some point in the past….your General was welcomed into the barracks. Yes, it’s the Generals’ birthday. Yes, he’s grumpy and cranky today…..hence the reason the scientists had to open the wormhole to send this post back in time.

And since he has your attention, there are a few announcements needing to be made.

1. The chick-chasing&#153 ways that Darth seems to thrive on are no more for your General. He has found a proper Generalette.

2. Your General has FINALLY completed his latest instance of college education and OFFICIALLY received his diploma on December 23, 2008. For those who are curious, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

3. The Southern Command HQ and all related areas WILL BE relocating to an as-of-yet determined undisclosed location BEFORE the summer. Yes, this to allow the new Generalette proper access to the various Command HQ entities. No date yet, but more information will be forthcoming. Keep comm channels open.



Most of you I’m sure have seen either pictures or video coverage of the devastation that occurred down here due to Hurricane Ike.

Well check out these pictures of the Texas Coast and elsewhere. Sobering in the least, trust me on this one! Yes, we realize it’s a snooty “Bawstun” newspaper website but it’s the pictures we were most impressed with.

Take note, image #11 is quite telling. Small tidbit of information about the house that is pictured. It was rebuilt after Hurricane Rita mowed through the neighborhood back in 2005. The reason it is still standing today is the fact that when it was rebuilt, it was specifically designed and constructed to withstand the wind and water effects of a Category 5 hurricane. I do believe more people will be looking into this once the reconstruction begins in earnest. I’m betting the architect is going to be a very busy person(s) for the next couple of years. Let alone the builder and contractors who put that gem together.

For now though, all is well here at the Southern Command. No buildings were damaged, all aircraft are present and accounted for and ready for combat sorties. Other than the loss of electricity (which was restored on this past Wednesday) and a very minor loss of foodstuffs we’re good to go.

And just as a shot across the libtards bow, Joey-boy Biden is totally phucked in the head if he seriously thinks that “PATRIOTISM” should include paying more in taxes. Hey Joey-boy, you wanna do something REAL to get the economy back on the right track? How about you and all of your buddy donkheads vote to change your “retirement package” to where you’re all on the same one us little people have!!!! Or how about ya’ll start PAYING for the gas those limos and Suburbans guzzle down. Or pay for the jet fuel those G-V Gulfstreams ya’ll use to commit adultery or to go on those infamous “junkets”!!!

Let me guess, that would be too damn much for your audacity to stomach. Well keep it up, us little people will do our part to ensure that one day soon audacity is the only phucking thing you’re gonna have to eat or drink!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and we’ll be sure to have Sarah-Cuda serve it up to ya….and then shove it down your damn throats!!!!!


So Edouard crossed over to land just after 0700 yesterday, dumped about 1.5″ of wet stuff on the Command complex. And then basically wimped out throughout the rest of the day.

As weather events go, it was about as useful as Shrieker of the House Piglosi actually calling for a vote on the continental oil drilling bill before leaving for the August break. For those of you in Rio Linda, that means it was a non-event.

Most everything has dried out by today, so everything at Southern Command is back to normal ops.



Capt. Carter (Base Weapons Officer): General, long-range sensors are tracking an inbound object. Identification computers indicate it is the reconnaissance droid we sent towards the Pegasus some time ago to infiltrate the Shelliak ships attempting to circle the Pegasus.

SG Rayegun: Captain, have the targeting computers on the rail guns been calibrated for long-range objects?

Carter: Sir, they’ve been cleared for short-range operation but we’ve only gotten them to 99.999% on long-range objects.

SG Rayegun: Then I suggest you get them fine tuned that last 0.001% on that recon droid. You have my leave to fire at will Captain.

Carter: Yes sir! Targeting droid with battery #1. Target locked.

{Carter speaks over the base intercom} Prepare for rail gun battery #1 firing.

Firing NOW!!

Carter: Sir, droid has been obliterated. Rail gun targeting is now at 100% accuracy.

SG Rayegun: Thank you Captain, you may cancel the Alert status.

Carter: Yes sir!

Well, with that little problem out of the way the Southern Command stands ready to do the same to any other “targets” that enter our surveillance range. Just as Spats has mentioned, I have for many years now ran the Area5Xp blog and for some…you should remember me from the BBS glory days.

Look for new posts from myself RSN (that’s “Real Soon Now” for those of you in Rio Linda).



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