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Beginning about 6 months before my fiftieth birthday, AARP sent me numerous invitations to join their organization. I have consistently refused because the AARP has the habit of taking political positions which I find to be unacceptable. In this article Joseph Farah tells us that our old Friend John McCain has urged AARP members to tear up their membership cards.

It seems that the good senator can do some things right.


One step closer to socialism.

One step closer to civil war.


Denizens, the time-honored Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153 has once again draped over the eyes of your obdt. svt. (a little Blackie Sherrod lingo, there – and since tomorrow is his 90th birthday, it seemed fitting to make note).

This time…are you sitting down?…at the pro-life movement.&#160 Or rather, at the sheer idiocy thereof.

Specifically, towards one Marjorie Dannenfelser and the dumbshits over at something called the Susan B. Anthony List, which can be found here.

Some background:&#160 Yesterday, during San Fran Nan Piglousi’s chickenshit attempt to ram socialized health care down the American people’s throats while no one was looking (really, who would be paying attention to shit like that on a Saturday, right?), an amendment was offered to HR 3962 by Bart Stupak (Demoscum-MI) and Joey Pitts (RINO-PA).&#160 The amendment

would bar the new government insurance plan from covering abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is in danger. The Democrats’ original health care bill would have allowed the government plan to cover abortions.

The amendment passed, 240-194.

And I got this rah-rah email early this morning from the aforementioned shit-for-brains Dannenfelser.&#160 It, and my response, are below the fold.&#160 It’s gonna be long – continue at yer own risk.

Dear Steve,

All of your letters and calls paid off!

Tonight the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Stupak-Pitts Amendment to H.R. 3962, by a vote of 240 to 194, with 64 Democratic members voting in favor of the amendment to ban federal funding of abortion in the health care bill.

This is a great victory for the pro-life movement and for all SBA List members who so diligently contacted their Representatives leading up to the vote. With the adoption of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, the House of Representatives made a principled and sound decision to continue our nation’s longstanding policy of protecting taxpayers’ conscience in the area of abortion funding.

In the coming weeks, we will remain vigilant and shift our efforts to the Senate to ensure that these same pro-life protections are included in the Senate bill. We fully expect that pro-abortion leaders will still try to find ways to sneak abortion funding into health care.

For now though, let’s celebrate this great victory for unborn children and women. Thank you for all of your efforts in defense of Life. Together we can save countless unborn lives.

God bless,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

After which, she (and they) had the ummitigated gall&#160 to ask me for money:

P.S. Tonight we had a great victory for the pro-life movement, but we still have much work to do to keep abortion of health care reform. Please go here if you can give a small gift to support our efforts.

Okay, for those of you who haven’t the foggiest idea where I’m going with this, stick with me.&#160 It’ll become sickeningly clear in moments.

Normally, I would be the first one to cheer for anything prolife-based passing any legislative body – even that of the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153.&#160 And I do subscribe to a theory I heard many years ago when I was first starting out in the online world – you can get a good handle on a politician’s worldview by how he treats the abortion issue.&#160 While this isn’t true for every politician on every issue, it does encompass a great many of them – find out what they think about life, and you can make a good educated guess as to what they think on other issues.

If you think that makes me a single-issue voter, so be it.&#160 Your problem, not mine.

But what the pro-life movement has done – if it has anywhere near&#160 the influence it claims to have – is to hand over one-sixth of the economy to Jugears McHopenchange and the rest of the Al-Obambi Amer-Islamic Communist regime.

Here’s the thing:&#160 By passing the Stupid Stupak amendment, Republicans – no doubt under at least some pressure from Majorie Dannenfelser and the bimbos at SFA – and 64 supposedly pro-life Demoscum gave enough Imperial Socialist Congresscritters sufficient cover to justify voting for the entire HR3962 package.

The bill’s final House margin:&#160 Five votes (220-215).

The kicker:&#160 Without the Stupak amendment, HR3962 most likely goes down to defeat…and there are some in the know who were of the opinion that had that been the case, socialized medicine would have been dead for the next ten (10) years.

Chew on that for a second.&#160 Ten years&#160 of not having to put up with this socialist bullshit.&#160 And probably longer, given this:&#160 The rathole that is the Al-Obambi excuse-for-government will very likely kill Demoscummic chances for anything remotely resembling power for at least the next generation, as no Demoscum will be able to win the White House for the next five election cycles, assuming Bambi stays on his current destructive course (and there’s nothing right now to suggest he won’t).

Thus, it would have been a very&#160 long time before we had to dick around with the concept of government-run healthcare.&#160 A very&#160 long time.

And the pro-life movement just handed it back to them on a fucking silver platter.

In grabbing hold of the good, we on the pro-life side have sacrificed, probably forever, the great.&#160 We have grabbed the all-day sucker that the Left offered us, without bothering to realize that the damned thing was laced chock-full of strychnine.

So, to Marjorie Dannenfelser and the rest of the bimboids at SFA, I have only this to say:

You fools.&#160 You.&#160 Fucking.&#160 IDIOTS!!!!!

FUCK&#160 each and every last one of you Dithering Dumbassed Dolts&#153!!!!!&#160 Because you bastards couldn’t see the forest for the fuckin’ trees, 300 million Americans are gonna eventually be stuck with government-run healthcare!&#160 Multiple millions of Americans stand to lose their jobs over this disasterous piece-of-shit proposed law; many may even go to fuckin’ jail&#160 for it if San Fran Nan Piglousi gets her fuckin’ way, AND FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!&#160 So you shitheads could have your little “no federal funding of abortions” lollipop and go home from the dentist thinking you’d actually gotten&#160 something?!?!?!


I never thought I would hear myself say this – but for the first time in my life I’m actually sorry to be associated with the pro-life movement.&#160 If it, as a whole, is not smart enough to figure out that we could have had our cake and eaten it too, had we played our cards right – that we could have resisted the poison-pill amendment and killed the abortion bill outright on the House floor, likely for years to come – then the leaders of this so-called “movement” need to get the fuck out of the way and let more intelligent people take their places.

The fact is, we just got suckered by the Demoscum, big time – and pro-life “leaders” should be exceedingly embarrassed and ashamed at this moment.

With “intelligence” like this on the Right, no fucking wonder&#160 we’re in the minority.


Called my congresscritter’s office today and let them know that if the congressman votes in favor of any of the healthcare bills currently before Congress, he will not have my vote next year.

I don’t expect it to do any good, this guy is a big time liberal Democrat who believes that he knows better than I what is good for me.

UPDATE:&#160 The House passed the bill by a very slim margin. My Demonrat Congresscritter voted in favor of the Bill. I have informed him that his vote insured that I will never vote for him. I urge everyone who reads this to do the same.


Item:&#160 The Ayatollah delivers his “pweeze, pweeze, give’ums us summa BambiCare, pweeeeeeeeeeze?!?!” song ‘n dance routine to a joint session of the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 – and, according to the AP, didn’t do that good a job of it (hat tip:&#160 Ed Driscoll, via Michelle).

Item:&#160 South Carolina freshman congresscritter Joe Wilson shouts out “You liar!” after ol’ Jugears does, in fact, lie about BambiCare not covering illegal aliens.

Bill Jacobson at Legal Insurrection parses things a bit, but the bottom line is that Bambi’s a liar, plain & simple.

So does anyone wanna take a crack at telling me what exactly it was that Joe Wilson said that wasn’t true?

UPDATE:&#160 On the other hand, if he doesn’t rescind the apology – and, as of this update, it doesn’t look as if he has – he’s a spineless weasel who deserves all the vitriol he’s gonna get.

Seriously.&#160 Say something, especially on a national stage, and be prepared to back it up – or don’t say it.&#160 Had that been me, Rahmbo Emmanuel would have been the recipient of a follow-up middle finger.

And you can effin’ quote me.


Interesting blurb on Drudge about the proposed BambiCare package.&#160 As it stands right now, the Demoscum are, to employ an aphorism, “betwixt the devil & the deep blue sea”.&#160 If they go with public option, 44 Donk congresscritters oppose it – but it’ll likely die in the Senate.&#160 If not, 57 congresscritters on the left oppose it, which’ll kill it outright.

But what caught my eye was this particular background piece on one of the potentially recalcitrant Dems:

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA): “We Cannot Support Any Health Care Reform Proposal Unless It Explicitly Excludes Abortion From The Scope Of Any Government-Defined Or Subsidized Health Insurance Plan.” “We believe in a culture that supports and respects the right to life and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of families. Therefore, we cannot support any health care reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan. We believe that a government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan, should not be used to fund abortion.” (Letter To Speaker Pelosi, 6/25/09)

John Murthafucker.&#160 Ex-Marine (in this case, yeah – ex-Marine), enemy of the war, enemy of all troops – champion of the unborn.

The Chinese curse holds firm:&#160 We live in interesting times.


(Via Gateway Pundit).

This is absolute bullshit:

As you folks well know, I’m not a fan of the Catholics, and haven’t been for a while.&#160 But this takes the effin’ cake.

“Lord, fry the freakin’ cretin who put that poor boy up to that.&#160 Lord, hear our prayer.”


In case you missed it, the Al-Obambi email address “flag@whitehouse.gov”…..that email folks can snitch..errr brown nos….errr….report false information concerning The Great Messiah’s Healthcare plan propagated by non-believers…..right-wing wackos un-American citizens…..has been shutdown. As reported earlier today on the Drudge Report and shortly thereafter by Fox here, or here, it’s clear that Al-Obambi’s regime (or at least somebody with their head OUTSIDE their arse) got a wakeup call from somewhere that spelled it out in small, short, monosyllabic words that their “fishing” trip was just a wee bit UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The Generalette had a good idea. Shoulda sent in an email stating that Al-Obambi and his Healthcare “czar”, and even Hitlary have been passing “fishy” information for YEARS now. Why don’t they quite wasting time (and our tax dollars) on a clearly unconstitutional information grab and get out of the way and let the real people get the job done!

That’s my Generalette!!! She’s got the right idea.


First we were “a mob” (that is, according to Lloyd “Satan” Doggett).

Then we might as well have been called Nazis because we were “carrying swastikas”.

And now&#160 we’re “un-American”.

However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted “Just say no!” drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion.

Just so you know, Piglousi, a “substantive discussion” means that your water-carriers meet with their constituents and they talk with&#160 us, rather than at&#160 us.&#160 And then – and, I might say, even before that – they listen to us.&#160 And then – being our representatives – they do what we tell them to do.

Now, what part of any of that did you not understand, O Shrieker of the House?

These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

No, beeyotch, you “failed” at this task precisely because we heard you loud and clear.

Let’s get one thing straight, bimbo.&#160 Your party won because of the level of derangement amongst 52% of the voting populace towards George W. Bush.&#160 And that&#160 was because of your pussies in the leftard lapdog media and their&#160 hatred of Dubya.&#160 It certainly&#160 didn’t have anything to do with health care, trust me.

Now, because of a narrow four-point victory – in an election that wasn’t exactly above-board, with a candidate who still&#160 hasn’t proven his eligibility, you bastards think you have some sort of mandate???&#160 And that anyone who would dare&#160 raise the slightest objection is labelled “un-American”?&#160 Or worse???&#160 From a party that almost literally squeamed when anyone dared question their patriotism?

I’m not questioning it – I’m challenging it outright.&#160 You little needle-dicked leftist crapweasels don’t fuckin’ have any.&#160 You bastards hate America and all for which it stands, and are trying to impose your twisted morality on the rest of us at the point of a fucking gun.

Looks like it’s just about time to pick up a certain can…

UPDATE:&#160 And once again I’ll defer, Piggly & Dingy, to the Secretary of State of the U.S.:


Item:&#160 Last week, our beloved (?) county hospital, a ragtag Mickey-Mouse outfit known as Parkland Memorial, charged a young lady nursing a broken leg $162 dollars for an emergency room visit.

What did that $162 get her?&#160 About five minutes’ worth of triage.

Oh, and about 19 hours of waiting in emergency room chairs.

Amber Joy Milbrodt limped into Parkland Memorial Hospital’s emergency department at 10 on a Wednesday night, complaining of a fractured bone in her right leg.

She checked in and sat down, wincing with pain as she propped her leg on a chair. She spent all night and the next day in that position, waiting to see a doctor. Finally, she gave up and hobbled out in disgust.

Two weeks after her Sept. 24 visit, she received a bill from Parkland for $162.

“It should have been more like them paying me for having to sit in the emergency room for 19 hours,” she says. “That’s just sad. It’s not proper. It’s almost not moral, what I went through.”

Gee, I wish I could charge that much for some of the PC triage I&#160 do.

Now, Denizens, this came on the heels of another patient waiting another 19 hours for treatment.&#160 Unfortunately, his&#160 condition was a little more serious:

A few days before Ms. Milbrodt’s visit, a 58-year-old man who checked in for stomach pains waited 19 hours and then suffered cardiac arrest. Former restaurateur Mike Herrera died Sept. 20 as his family members looked on.

Who says we don’t have socialized medicine?

Item:&#160 Yesterday, the greedy-assed kind folks at Parkland changed their minds about dunning the poor girl.

“I wanted to make you aware that today, Parkland’s senior leadership eliminated the charge assessed to patients who are triaged in the Emergency Department and leave without being seen by a physician,” said the letter from a Parkland vice president. “Patients will now be charged a fee only after they receive treatment.”

Mighty fucking white&#160 of ’em, huh?

Now, it’s by sheer force of coincidence that bonds for a new Parkland Hospital are going up for a vote in November.

Heh.&#160 Or is it?

The letter also said Ms. Milbrodt’s debt had been canceled, adding, “We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.”

Had they said that to me, I’d have sued, anyway.&#160 And so should Ms. Milbrodt.

Perhaps then they’d realize the folly of apologizing for the inconveninence&#160 rather than FOR THE FUCKIN’ IGNORANT ACT THAT CAUSED THE INCONVENIENCE IN THE FIRST FUCKIN’ PLACE!!!!!!!



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