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Back In The Day&#153 – which, in this case, is to say the Pre-Atkins Era – the Sibling Unit&#153 and I used to purchase homemade whole-wheat bread from some friends of ours.&#160 Good ingredients, improved our friends’ financial situation – and the bread tasted pretty damned good, too.

Naturally, the Imperial Socialists in the Al-Obambi excuse-for-a-government can’t stand anything like that, so they’re going to do what Nazis always do – crack down on it.

Attorneys for the federal government have argued in a lawsuit pending in federal court in Iowa that individuals have no “fundamental right” to obtain what food they choose.

The brief was filed April 26 in support of a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund over the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ban on the interstate sale of raw milk.

“There is no ‘deeply rooted’ historical tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds,” states the document signed by U.S. Attorney Stephanie Rose, assistant Martha Fagg and Roger Gural, trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Would you just like to bet your sweet asses on that, Steffi, honey?&#160 I tend to think that you might find a lot of farmers – not to mention folks who grow tomatoes in their backyards – who might see things a little differently

Hell – Her Irascibleness&#153 once tried to grow a mini-garden out in our backyard Back In The Day&#153 – and I’d just have loved&#160 to see your little jackboots come try to do something about that.

“Plaintiffs’ assertion of a ‘fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families’ is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish,” the government has argued.

And the counter-argument goes up:&#160 BULLSHIT.

I’ll eat what I want, as much as I want, when&#160 I want, and just what do you food nazis think you’re going to fucking do&#160 about it?

Bring it on, Steffie, Marfie & Roggie.

Make sure your HMO is paid up first.&#160 Because I’ll probably have a few million folks with me on this one


They’ll try to pound it through your head that today’s the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.&#160 That’s because they’re still trying to link Timmy McVeigh to the conservative movement.&#160 Ideal for these bastards would be to find evidence that a Tea Partier has him for an ancestor, or something.

What they’re not&#160 telling you – hoping, of course, you’ll forget – is that today is also&#160 the seventeenth&#160 anniversary of Waco – when they&#160 were the direct cause of the deaths of some 50 men, women & children in a C4-ignited fire.

“They”, of course, is Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister and his fellow pussified douchebags in Das Klintonreich&#153.

Never let it be forgotten that it was von der CitizenMurderer who gave the approval for Janet El Reño and her minions to torch the Branch Davidian safe house on this date in 1993 – and have been trying to blame the Right for “hate-this”, “hate-that” and “hate-the-other” ever-fucking-since.

Not to worry, motherfuckers.&#160 Justice will prevail at some point.

I just hope I’m around to see it.


Item:&#160 A Gallup poll taken the day after the Imperial Socialist Congress™ passed BambiCare seemed to suggest a majority was close to favoring it.

Nearly half of Americans give a thumbs-up to Congress’ passage of a healthcare reform bill last weekend, with 49% calling it “a good thing.” Republicans and Democrats have polar opposite reactions, with independents evenly split.

Item:&#160 Maybe it’s the way they phrased the original question – or perhaps it’s now starting to sink into the minds of the American people just what a PigInAPoke&#153 this is gonna turn out to be.&#160 But they don’t seem to be too enthusiastic about it today.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the health care overhaul signed into law last week costs too much and expands the government’s role in health care too far, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, underscoring an uphill selling job ahead for President Obama and congressional Democrats.

Those surveyed are inclined to fear that the massive legislation will increase their costs and hurt the quality of health care their families receive, although they are more positive about its impact on the nation’s health care system overall.

The GOP still needs to play this right, but the Donks – assuming&#160 there will be elections in November (which is still a ginormous if), are beginning to realize they may have just signed their death warrant.

Schweet.&#160 Just.&#160 Effin’.&#160 Schweet.&#160


The beautiful & talented Michelle is reporting that the lower chamber of the Imperial Socialist Congress has authorized Shrieker Of The House&#153 San Fran Nan Piglousi to finish ripping the United States Constitution to shreds by employing the Slaughter Solution, aka Demon Pass Deem-and-Pass Demon Pass, to ram the upper chamber’s version of HealthScare down the American People’s collective throat, should it be necessary.

For my part, I do hereby declare, here and now, that I will not comply with this 2,000-page piece-of-excrement excuse-for-a-bill, should Bambi sign it.

But congratulations, Demoscum bastards.&#160 You have just taken one giant step towards the Point Of No Return&#153.

The Can&#153 has been grasped by the handle.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


Hate to say it, but tactics like this doesn’t help the IRS’ case against Joseph Stack any.

It was every businessperson’s nightmare.

Arriving at Harv’s Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” says Harv’s owner, Aaron Zeff.

The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff’s on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was … 4 cents.

We sit in our easy chairs and condemn the actions of Stack, who – as you’ll recall – flew a plane into the IRS building in Austin a few weeks back.

And then we see that, yeah…Stack did, indeed, have a point about the taxmen.&#160 I mean, I’m sure that that four cents would’ve been all we needed&#160 to cure our one-point-five trillion dollar deficit.



It would appear as if the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 is poised to give FINGER.TXT to the American people.&#160 (And yes, I’m already experiencing an RCOB&#153 over it.)

Two good articles on possible responses thereto can be found here and here.

That’s your homework assignment for today.&#160 Go.&#160 Shoo.


Nah, I didn’t watch it.&#160 The replay aired on FNC while I was busy working a helluva lotta Unpaid Overtime&#153 working on two client machines, as well as prepping my “new” shuttlecraft laptop.

And I had no desire to watch it, either.&#160 Everything Bambi spews out of his mouth is bullshit, so what’s the point?

OTOH, I can do something that actually relaxes&#160 me – working on computers – and actually have a little bit of fun.

So, let’s see:&#160 Letting Bambi spike my blood pressure…work on my hobby.&#160 Spiked blood pressure…hobby.

Hmm.&#160 Decisions, decisions.

MERLIN:&#160 You’re weird, y’know that?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Tell ‘im something he doesn’t&#160 know.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Believe it or not, that’s the nicest thing that’s been said to me all day.&#160 How’d you like to be Fleet Captain?

KORRIOTH:&#160 I’m already&#160 Fleet Captain.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah, well, go have Madfish Willie make you a prune juice smoothie.&#160 Tell him to put it on my tab.

MERLIN:&#160 Didn’t he say how you were already 10,000 credits past maxxed out on that?

VENOMOUS:&#160 He grouses about it.&#160 Then he remembers I have a verteron array pointed at his bar.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 That would&#160 explain all the benevolence.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Oh, and Kor – grab me a peach-tea Theragen float while yer over there.&#160 Headaches have been pretty bad lately.

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

One thing I did&#160 find interesting, however, is something about which the Right Side of the Blogosphere&#153 is buzzing this morning:&#160 He Who Has Surrendered His Testicles To The Wookiee&#153 dared disrespect the Supreme Court after they swatted down McRINO-FrankenFeingold last week.

Oh, did I mention the Supremes were in the audience?

Here’s Samuel Alito right as Bambi was spewing out his skanky piehole:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Good luck arguing anything before these guys going forward, Ayatollah.&#160 You just made Erica Holder’s job that much harder.

Gotta love it.&#160


One step closer to socialism.

One step closer to civil war.


Item:&#160 A pair of enterprising young conservatives, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, along with conservative Internet news site Breitbart.com, secretly tape ACORN employees in multiple cities offering tips on how to set up a brothel and lie to the IRS about claiming the underage South American girls this brothel would ostensibly employ as “dependants”.&#160 The videos are subsequently aired on the BigGovernment.com site, as well as certain other conservative outlets like the Fox program Hannity.

Item:&#160 As a result, the Census Bureau, planning on subcontracting its function out to ACORN, decides not to.&#160 The IRS also severs ties with the group, and the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153, in a surprising fit of good sense (for once), votes to defund them.

Item:&#160 Acorn today filed suit against O’Keefe, Giles and Breitbart.com, thereby officially throwing the tar baby smack dab into the briar patch.

Much hilarity is about to ensue as the O’Keefe/Giles/Breitbart team move to engage in a little process known as “discovery”, whereby all of ACORN’s dirty little secrets run the risk of being painfully (for them) exposed.

To quote old Bond nemesis Kamir Khan:&#160 “Let the sport…commence!!!”

I for one can’t wait.&#160


Looks like San Fran Nan Piglousi is starting to realize that, uhhhhh, those very mad-type people over there, uhhhhhh, are kinda, y’know, uhhhhhhhhhhh, armed…”

This is the same Shrieker Of The House&#153 that accused us (in a roundabout way) of being Nazis because we were supposedly “carrying swastikas”.&#160 This is the same San Fran Nan Piglousi that claims that the CIA “lies to everyone, duh”.&#160 Same Piglousi that loudly proclaimed that she was a “fan of ‘disruptors'”.&#160 Y’know, back then when they were on her&#160 side.

Now?&#160 Not so much.

PotKettleBlackMuch&#153, O Shrieker?

Methinks she is starting to finally realize that this is not going to end well for her, her supporters or her party.&#160 Methinks she is finally starting to realize that, one way or another, her 15 Minutes Of Fame&#153 are about to be up, and that the Dustbin of History&#153 is straight ahead.

Aaaaaaaah, who’m I kidding?&#160 This is Piglousi, remember?

It is&#160 fun to dream, though.&#160

At least, about her realizing it.&#160 The other part about those 15 minutes of hers being up is actually true.

Especially&#160 the “one way or another” part.


Hard to keep the RCOB&#153 off my eyes tonight, Denizens.

For Maxi-pad Waters has seen fit to open her skanky piehole yet again.

“I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed,” Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. “I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers.”

How about you set the example, skank ho?&#160 How about you come to Texas and say that to my face, you filthy little bitch?

Anytime you want, trollop.&#160 I’ll show you “no justice, no peace”, you stupid little asshole-ette.


(And credit for the post title goes to Riehl commenter Ran.)

Self-avowed Communist, exposed 9/11 Twoofer and producer of something remotely resembling records Van Jones has resigned as the Ayatollah’s “green jobs czar”.

Reports that Jugears McHopenchange was quoted as saying, “This is not the Van Jones I thought I knew” were unsubstantiated at press time.&#160

UPDATE:&#160 According to Ed Driscoll, CommieBoy is blaming (via Twitter)…

“…lies and ‘vicious smear campaign’ against him.”

Translation:&#160 We exposed him for the asshole he is.

Update the Twoth:&#160 Line of the Day&#153 goes to Redstate commenter “discerningconservative” who, referencing Jonesie’s ridiculous claim that he wasn’t, in fact, a Twoofer and didn’t know how&#160 his signature got on that nasty little twoofer petition*, notes thusly:

Did he READ his resignation letter, or did he THINK it was a “truther” petition and just sign it?

Oh, SNAP.&#160

* Available at http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633 – sorry, I’m not giving these moonbats linkage; you’ll have to cut ‘n paste if you wanna see it.


To amplify on what my esteemed colleague General Rayegun said yesterday, Chris Muir, not to put too&#160 fine a point on it, says it thusly:

A commenter over at Dr. Rusty’s site said yesterday:

…Shutting down the Internet is one of the things that WOULD start the rebellion/revolution that would bring the reforms which would sweep Obama and other freedom/liberty stealers from existance

…and I can’t help but agree.

If the Al-Obambi minions & sycophants thought we were “unruly mobs” before, watch what happens when you take away what has become one of our tools of Article I of the Bill of Rights.&#160 What came before will seem like a picnic in comparison.

You are One Step Closer&#153 to the Line That You Dare Not Cross&#153, leftards – and you don’t have many steps left.&#160 You cannot possibly&#160 comprehend the backlash that awaits you, douchebags, should you cross that line – so, for your own sakes, I tell you here and now that you’d best not cross it.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.





FoxNews and CNET are reporting here and here that a bill that has been introduced in the Senate by Jay Rockefeller. Senate bill 773, aka the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would:

offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a “kill switch” to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks

Not on my watch!


This piece of shit legislation reeks UNCONSTITUTIONAL all over the place. If this is not a clear attempt at a total power grab by the DEMONSHITTERS and the WHINE HOUSE you obviously are a DEMONSHITTER yourself or are living in a DRUG INDUCED coma.

Attention all SENATORS who even CONSIDER voting yes on this bill. KISS YOUR JOB GOODBYE at the next election. WE THE PEOPLE will not for one iota of a second stand for this overt attempt at turning OUR country into a socialist/marxist oligarchy with Al-Obambi as your puppetmaster.

All Comm channels are to remain open until further notice.



Item:&#160 Beck, on Fox & Friends, called the Ayatollah Obambi a “racist” who had a “hatred for white people”.&#160 Given that he did&#160 call his granny a “typical white woman”, that’s not much of a stretch.

Item:&#160 A gaggle of black racketeers – yeah, I said it, candidates ripe for RICO, look it up – called ColorOfChange.org, launched a boycott of Beck’s show and started extortion procedures agasint against {the Spill Chunker is dead again Darth — SG Rayegun} certain companies who advertised thereupon.&#160 The other day, they were crowing that they had brought companies like ConAgra, Radio Shack and Proctor & Gamble to their collective knees.

OAKLAND, Calif.—ColorOfChange.org this week received confirmation from four more companies – ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice products), Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, and RadioShack – pledging to pull their ads from Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck show. These new defections come on the heels of reports that Men’s Wearhouse, State Farm and Sargento also pulled their ads in recent days. They join LexisNexis-owned Lawyers.com, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, SC Johnson and GEICO, who all pulled their ads from Glenn Beck after the news host called President Obama a “racist” who “has a deep-seated hatred for white people,” on “Fox and Friends.”

Memo to the racketeering bastards:&#160 Two can play that game, motherfuckers. I’ve already written both MagicJack (the folks who were connected with Radio Crack) and ConAgra that I would not, or have stopped considering, purchasing their products.

And while it’s a free country and you’re at liberty to purchase what you want – I encourage you to likewise boycott.

Who knows? If enough of us tell enough of these businesses that we outnumber the racketeers at ColorOfChange.org, we could make a difference.


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