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Hard to keep the RCOB&#153 off my eyes tonight, Denizens.

For Maxi-pad Waters has seen fit to open her skanky piehole yet again.

“I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed,” Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. “I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers.”

How about you set the example, skank ho?&#160 How about you come to Texas and say that to my face, you filthy little bitch?

Anytime you want, trollop.&#160 I’ll show you “no justice, no peace”, you stupid little asshole-ette.

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2 responses to “Fuck that slimy tramp Maxi-pad Waters”

  1. Alan K. Henderson says:

    Actually she’s got the right idea. The press should be doing its job. What would you rather see on TV – interviews with protesters, or interviews with liberal pundits spouting their spin on the protesters?

    Journalists, go directly to the source, not to Maureen Dowd. And don’t be too disappointed if none of them talk about birtherism. They care less about the Obama birth certificate than they care about the ObamaCare death certificate.

  2. Actually she’s got the right idea. The press should be doing its job. What would you rather see on TV – interviews with protesters, or interviews with liberal pundits spouting their spin on the protesters?

    Actually, I’d rather see the press grilling Congresscritters, demanding answers as to how they expect to reform health care insurance when they can’t even get Cash For Clunkers&#153 right.

    What Maxi-pad’s looking for is to entrap one of the Tea Partiers into doing or saying something embarrassing, so that the Demoscum will have some actual grist for their mill.

    AFAIC, if Maxi-pad Waters wants to give someone a “talkin’ to”, she can come try to give me&#160 one – assuming she had the cojones&#160 to do so, which I seriously doubt.

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