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Let it never be said that conservatives aren’t a charitable lot.

Our crazy uncle in the basement (as it were), 9/11 TrutherLord&#153 Ron Paul, got his annual fifteen minutes of fame last night in winning the CPAC straw poll.

(Lest anyone take this poll, y’know, seriously&#160 – Romney (aka Super Captain Mormonman&#153) won this poll the last three years running.&#160 How’d that work out for ya, Romn-bo?&#160


This guy has an idea that has been floated several times over the years. Only those who actually fund the government have any moral claim on the right to vote, while allowing those who are net recipients of government money to vote is a proven recipe for disaster.

The problem with this idea in our nation today is one of practicality. There is no way we will ever again be able to limit the vote to the net taxpayers, using peaceful means. The rabble and their self serving leaders would not stand for it.

This leaves only revolution, and revolutions do not have a record of putting rational, believers in limited government into power. Most often after a revolution, what you have is some blood thirsty tin pot despot in charge. Not the sort of environment to foster liberty.

In other words, the cure might well be worse than the disease.

The answer? Unfortunately, I don’t believe there to be one in the secular world. Ultimately the answer is to return to the foot of the cross, to repent, and to place our faith in him who gave his life for our sins, that we might have eternal life.

Faith in our Lord will not solve the problems with the world, it will not straighten out the lunkhead in the White House. Christian faith will not even guarantee you a nice pleasant earthly life. What it will do is to give you the strength to deal with whatever the world will throw your way, and it will give you the assurance of eternal life with Him.


Many years ago, an young man was having a great deal of trouble keeping himself and his family afloat financially. It seemed that he simply was unable to make enough to support his family, and was always going to friends and family asking for help. It was not until his friends and family got tired of always bailing him out, and simply cut him off, that the young man began to actually take care of business.

Folks, I was that young man, and I still am not the world’s best in the realm of money management. I have however learned that one must spend no more than one makes. I also learned that often generosity can hurt more than it helps.

All this came to mind last evening when I read this piece by Vox Day.

Once again the USA is demonstrating that we are the most generous of nations, but are we truly helping the people of Haiti, or are we simply enabling them to remain a charity case.

I do not have the answer to this thorny question, I simply throw it out for folks to consider.


The following comments have been attributed to Thomas Jefferson. I haven’t had the opportunity to verify them all, but that does not change the fact that they ring very true.

1. When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.

2. The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

3. It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.

4. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

5. My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

6. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

7. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

8. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

9. To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

10. Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”


…in a time-honored end-of-year tradition…IOW, go get drunk.

Okay, guys, I’m about to go off and give it the Good Ol’ College Try&#153 at inducing the Mother Of All Hangovers&#153&#160

Thus, I leave you to your New Year’s celebrations with…fireworks!

Be safe tonight, Denizens – whereever you may be.&#160 (And no, I’m not driving tonight, so neener neener, libtards.)


Its the day after Christmas, all the presents are exchanged, the dinners eaten, and relatives are heading home. Now comes the cleanup! This year my better half and I are in the “going home” crowd, and we can leave the cleanup to others! Life is indeed good. 🙂


Yet another holiday tradition hits us here at the Realm&#153, Denizens – the annual visit by everyone’s favorite General, the fat guy who wears all the red.&#160

Usually it’s a round-robin between Supreme General Rayegun, David Hartung and myself, each of us taking turns posting it, and the other two linking to it.&#160 However, given that (even though each of them still have their own little corner of cyberspace still intact) we’re all in one place now, it seems fitting that I tack the bulletin to the board.&#160 Raise the flag and see who salutes, as it were.

Besides – it’s my turn, anyway.&#160

(And, wonder of wonders – this year, it’ll even be formatted properly.&#160 Well – mostly, anyway.&#160 &#160 )

General Claus’ Visit

To: All Personnel

_1._ An official visit by MG Santa (NMI) Claus is expected at this headquarters 25 December 1998. The following instructions will be in effect and govern the activities of all personnel during the visit:

_a._ Not a creature will stir without official permission. This will include indigenous mice. Special stirring permits for necessary administrative actions will be obtained through normal command channels. Mice stirring permits will be obtained through the office of OSURG, Veterinary Services.

_b._ Personnel will settle their brains for a long winter nap prior to 2200 hours, 24 December 2009. Uniform for the nap will be: Pajamas, cotton, light, drowsing, with kerchief, general purpose, camouflage; and Cap, camouflage w/ear flaps. Equipment will be drawn from CIF prior to 1900 hours, 24 December 2009.

_c._ Personnel will utilize standard ration sugar plums for visions to dance through their heads. This item will be drawn from the servicing dining facility.

_d._ Stockings, wool, cushion sole, will be hung by the chimney with care. Necessary safety precautions will be taken to avoid fire hazards caused by carelessly hung stockings. Unit Safety Officers will submit stocking hanging plans to this headquarters prior to 0800 hours, 24 December 1996, ATTN: AEAGA-S, for approval.

_e._ At the first sign of clatter from the lawn, all troops will spring from their beds to evaluate noise and cause. Immediate action will be taken to tear open the shutters and throw open the window sashes. ODCSOPS Plan (Saint Nick), Reference LO No. 3, paragraph 6c, this headquarters, 2 February 1995, will be in effect to facilitate shutter tearing and sash throwing. Division chiefs will familiarize all personnel with procedures and are responsible for ensuring that no shutters are torn open nor window sashes thrown prior to start of official clatter.

_f._ Prior to 2400, 24 December 2009, all personnel will be assigned “Wondering Eye” stations. After shutters are thrown and sashes are torn, these stations will be manned.

_g. _ODCSLOG will assign one each Sleigh, miniature, M-66, and eight (8) deer, rein, tiny, for use of MG Claus’ driver who, in accordance with current directives and other applicable regulations, must have a valid SF 56 properly annotated by Driver Testing; be authorized rooftop parking and be able to shout “On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen, up Comet, up Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen.”

_2._ MG Claus will enter quarters through standard chimneys. All units without chimneys will draw Chimney Simulator, M-6, for use during ceremonies. Chimney simulator units will be requested on Engineer Job Order Request Form submitted to the Furniture Warehouse prior to 19 December 2009, and issued on DA Form 3161, Request for Issue or Turn-In.

_3._ Personnel will be rehearsed on shouting “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.” This shout will be given on termination of General Claus’ visit. Uniformity of shouting is the responsibility of division chiefs.

Colonel, US
OIC, Special Services

At ease, troops.&#160


This is late primarily because I spent Thanksgiving week with children and grand children.

Fellow denizens and visitors, The first Thanksgiving celebration was held as a means of celebrating the fact that the Pilgrims had made it through their first year and could now feed themselves. I have no doubt that during that first year in the New World, the Plymouth settlers did much wrong, and probably would have had much to complain about. That has been the way of the world since Adam and Eve got drop-kicked out of the Garden.

Instead of complaining, on this one day, they took time out to celebrate the ways in which our Lord had blessed them. In many ways, we are in the same situation today.

There is much wrong with our nation, and for the first time in many years, our survival as a free people is in doubt. However despite our problems, despite the actions of some bone headed politicians, we, in the USA still have much for which to be thankful.

In the last thirteen months, we changed governments peacefully. There are many places in the world in which that is not possible. We have more individual liberty and wealth than virtually any nation on the globe. We are so well off that the biggest health problem among our poverty class is obesity. Our poverty class have lifestyles that many in the third world can only dream of. Every individual in our nation has the opportunity to succeed, or fail. It is a personal choice. We can travel throughout the nation, without fear of being arrested because our “papers” are not in order. We have a constitutionally protected freedom to express ourselves, and to worship as we see fit, (by way of comparison, try to proclaim Christ in Jerusalem).

We are truly a blessed people, and that is something which we need to keep in mind far more than one day a year.

I could say much more, but you should get the idea, and I have a sermon(actually two) to write. 🙂

Have a blessed Advent and Christmas.


Beginning about 6 months before my fiftieth birthday, AARP sent me numerous invitations to join their organization. I have consistently refused because the AARP has the habit of taking political positions which I find to be unacceptable. In this article Joseph Farah tells us that our old Friend John McCain has urged AARP members to tear up their membership cards.

It seems that the good senator can do some things right.


This has been making the email rounds. Looks like it just might have possibilities:

What a clever idea! Yes, Christmas cards. This is coming early so that you can get
ready to include an important address to your list.

Want to have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.

As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, CHRISTIAN card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world.

Make sure it says “Merry Christmas” on it.

Here’s the address, just don’t be rude or crude. (It’s not the Christian way, you know.)

125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York , NY 10004

Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn’t know if any were regular mail containing contributions.

So spend 44 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone.

Also tell them that there is no such thing as a “Holiday Tree”. . . It’s always been called a CHRISTMAS TREE!

And pass this on to your email lists. We really want to communicate with the ACLU! They really DESERVE us!!

For those of you who aren’t aware of them, the ACLU, (the American Civil Liberties Union) is the one suing the U.S. Government to take God, Christmas or anything Christian away from us. They represent the atheists and others in this war.

Help put Christ back in Christmas!


[SCENE:&#160 Onboard Titanic, outside Transporter Room 1. The same crew that pulled this stunt off has congregated close to the doorway.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 Okay, we’re set on the plan, right?&#160 We’ll beam in, hide in a strategic location, and wait on His Rudeness’ return.

EMPEROR MISHA:&#160 Assuming he hasn’t already figured out the plan – surprising me & my brood last time was&#160 his idea, y’know.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Trust me – he’s too panicked about the TCU game to have even given it a second thought.

CLAUDIUS:&#160 I s-s-s-sure h-h-h-op-p-p-e s-s-s-s-o, Mr Korrioth sir.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Relax, Claudius.&#160 My people & yours are at peace.

CLAUDIUS:&#160 Oh, okay.

B.C.:&#160 Where’s my damned beer?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Wizard…?

[Chief Engineer Merlin gestures, and the requisite case of beer appears before B.C.’s gaping eyes.&#160 B.C. shakes his head in wonder.]

B.C.:&#160 How the fuck d’ya do that?

MERLIN:&#160 Several decades of school, young’un.&#160 Plus a century or two of apprenticeship.

CALIGULA:&#160 Says the whippersnapper.


KORRIOTH:&#160 Awright, enough!&#160 We only have a few minutes to get down there before they come back with the pizza.&#160 Everyone have their hiding place scoped out?

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 In other words, find a pile of dust and hide behind it?

MERLIN:&#160 Mrs. Venomous would kill you for saying that.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 I’m dead anyway, remember?

T-BONE MCMANX:&#160 He’s got you there, Commander.

MERLIN:&#160 Mheh.

KORRIOTH:&#160 SpatulaGoddess, you have the birthday cake?

THE SPATULAGODDESS:&#160 Angel-food pineapple upside-down cake with Splenda&#169, per your request, Captain.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Excellent, m’lady.&#160 Your service to the Realm&#153 is worthy of song.&#160 Oh, but no Tazmanian clean-up dervishes until later, if you would – Ozy’s right; we need those dust-bunnies for cover.


[The group approches the transporter room door, and it parts silently & obediently…to reveal Lord Darth Venomous at the controls.&#160 There is a smug grin on his face, as if he knew all along this was coming.]

VENOMOUS:&#160 Going somewhere, boys?

[The group collectively gapes in wonder.&#160 Korrioth is the first to find his voice.]

MERLIN:&#160 How…how did you…you…?

VENOMOUS:&#160 It’s in the script.&#160 [He hands a stack of papers to Korrioth.]&#160 Right there on page three, see?

RAYEGUN:&#160 Dammit, I knew&#160 we shoulda used non-union!


Yes, Denizens.&#160 I’m 47 today.&#160 Feel free to tip one or eight (grin) in my honor.


I will leave it to others to discuss more fully, but yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the first internet connection. Read about it here.

Looking at what has happened in the past 40 years makes me wonder what will happen in the next 40.


Martin Luther remained faithful, despite the price on his head. Could we do the same?


Last week, I posted a little blurb on the St. Louis Rams being bid upon to purchase by a group including a fellow named Limbaugh.

This afternoon, in the wake of the biggest pile of bullshit spewed by retarded leftist pussies (outside the Demoscummic Party) in quite some time, Rush was dropped from that group.

And while it’s not quite enough to compel me to tell the NFL to go piss up a rope & pound sand, my estimation for commissioner Roger Goodfella Goodell and the rest of the chickenshits populating that league, ESPN, Fox Sports, et. al, has dropped a minimum of 20 notches.

Not to mention the RCOB&#153 that’s down around my eyes right now at the thought of the aforementioned leftard pussies.

Congratulations, needle-dicked pissweasels.&#160 That’s one more step.&#160 Not too many more to go before your own personal Armageddon of a backlash hits.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, douchebags.

UPDATE:&#160 And welcome to readers of the asshat not-ready-to-make-nice (&#160 &#160 ) blog A Chicken Is Not Pillage.

All two of you.

Poor widdle Poodlegar whines thusly – after admonishing against whining on others’ part in his rules – about having been “threatened” (again, I’m not giving this dipshit the honor – if you want it that bad, lemme know):

‘You’ll get yours, intolerant liberal darky lovers!’

…he bleated, directly linking here.

Not surprising that a libtard dickweed would quote me as saying something I’ve never said.&#160 Guess I know how Rush feels now.

Anyway, Poodleboy, I’d not worry so much about some guy down in Texas.&#160 You have quite a few more problems up there in Montana – or rather, you will&#160 when finally the Shit Hits The Fan&#153 up there.

But who knows?&#160 Maybe you can get one of your moose boyfriends to help shield you.

Just remember:&#160 “Against all enemies, foreign and&#160 domestic”.


Little humor for your Sunday, Denizens:

Separated at birth:&#160 David “Astroturf” Axelrod and Dabney Coleman –

But can you tell which is which?&#160


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