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Elena Kagan, back when she was one of the minions of Das Klintonreich&#153, back before The Entire Civilized World&#153 was told that she’s eminently qualified for the Supreme Court because she plays softball, bah Gawd!!!!&#160 (a little Jim Ross lingo, there), wrote a memo directly opposing the American College of Obstreticians & Gynecologists when they said there was no medical reason for a woman to have a partial-birth abortion:

During the heat of the debate in the 1990s, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said an expert panel it commissioned could find no medical reason why the partial-birth abortion procedure would ever be used to protect a woman’s life or health.

Still, Clinton said he would not sign a ban on the three-day-long abortion procedure that involves the partial birth of an unborn child and the gruesome destruction of the baby’s life by jabbing medical scissors into its skull unless it contained a health exception for women.

Kagan, in a December 14, 1996 memo, appeared to be upset that ACOG couldn’t find any justification for Clinton’s position.

“This, of course, would be disaster — not the less so (in fact, the more so) because ACOG continues to oppose the legislation,” she said of the inability to discern a medical reason for the second-trimester abortion procedure.

Kagan also appears to suggest manipulating ACOG’s statement to support Clinton’s position.

Notes in Kagan’s handwriting list “suggested options” for modifying the ACOG position statement including having the Clinton administration claiming a partial-birth abortion “may be the best or most appropriate” option.

That language made its way in the final version of the ACOG statement released about the ban along with the original language found by the panel of medical experts.

Read the whole thing, then come back here.&#160 I’ll wait.

Okay.&#160 During confirmation hearings today to decide on the nomination of this little fat Klintonista toadie to the highest court in the land, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) questioned her on the memo (hat tip:&#160 Patterico).&#160 Here’s that part of the questioning:

“Did you write that memo?” Hatch asked.

“Senator, with respect,” Kagan began, “I don’t think that that’s what happened — ”

“Did you write that memo?”

“I’m sorry — the memo which is?”

“The memo that caused them to go back to the language of ‘medically necessary,’ which was the big issue to begin with — ”

“Yes, well, I’ve seen the document — ”

“But did you write it?”

“The document is certainly in my handwriting.”

Oh, Great Honkin’ Cthulu.&#160 “The document is certainly in my handwriting”?!?!?!&#160 Hell, why not just say, “And yes, Senator, the pen that wrote it certainly has my fingerprints on it.&#160 But I think it was the butler in the drawing room with the hammer.”

Thanks, but I think I would’ve rather had Harriet Miers.


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