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Did Al-Qaida really&#160 have to fly those planes into the World Trade Center?&#160 Couldn’t they have flown them into the Meadowlands and taken out the New York Football Pussies Douchebags instead?&#160

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16 responses to “Idle thought”

  1. [Mr. Hartung, do you remember a little thing called “Cragerization”?

    I’m really not in the best of moods right now, mkay?&#160 -S.]

  2. Nice touch, Spats.

    Ima an awful human being. And a pussy, to. WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

  3. wassup says:

    So … How’s my little needle-sized bacon-dick doin’ this season Spats ?

  4. wassup says:

    im your little bitchy tonight eh diddums ?

  5. I see I’m still trying to bloviate in your comments like the whiny little wanking-to-Scott Beauchamp pussy i am.

    That is why NOBODY respects me.

    Ima Pussy.

  6. [Oh, wow.&#160 Am I supposed to be shaking in my boots at your threat of SCREEN CAPS?!?!?!?!?!1~, needle-dick?

    Go right ahead, douchebag.&#160 Distribute your SCREEN CAPS!!!!!!!!!1 for all I give a royal shit.&#160 It’s not like you’d have the balls to come say it to my face, y’know

    Just like your butt-buddy Mykki, eh, motherfucker?&#160 -S.]


    I’ve noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you’ve just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I’ve wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they’d throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

    Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn’t received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it’s there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me “asshole” at every opportunity.

    Gee, you’re a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to tossers like me who don’t have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of wanker pricks like me really is.

    That’s right, anyone who has my IQ is a silly fuckface just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny’s colostomy bag and wet my bed every night. But that’s not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a goat-humper like me.

    This intolerance isn’t limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it’s ’cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it’s because I’m a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

    You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

    It’s clear that I’ll never be much of a man, seeing as I’m a little nancy boy that can’t stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.

  7. wassup says:

    [(click, click) G’bye, pussy.&#160 Shame you have to hide behind daddy’s skirt, but at least he’s getting a good rim job from you, isn’t he?&#160 -S.]

  8. Anthony L. says:

    The GIANTS?!? I agree, Spats. Meadowlands should be toast. At least T.O. showed some class for a change. Go Pats;->

  9. Looks like the Cragerization software was in fine fettle last evening! 🙂

    I am actually a little disappointed in the results of the Dallas game. As you know I am not much of a football fan, but I did see the possibility of an “Ice Bowl” II. The only thing I remember about the first “Ice Bowl” is that My Grandfather was at our house and I watched it with him. Grandpa has long since been called to the Church Triumphant, and I treasure those memories.

  10. wassup.2 says:

    [I can dump ’em as fast as you can post ’em, pussy.

    Sucks to be you, huh, douchebag?

    And now that I know you’re spoofing IPs like a little script kiddie eating your Cheesy Poofs while wanking to Pee Wee Herman, we can really have some fun with you. (snicker)&#160 -LSI]

  11. Dropped passes, lousy defense, lousy secondary. None of which can be blamed on partying in Mexico.

    Maybe the next Dallas coach should draft some illegal aliens to Do The Jobs Americans Won’t Do. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    In case his other job prospects don’t work out, I’ll throw out this idea: Coach Fred Thompson.

  12. tragain says:

    Come on Spats ya know ima big pussy, cant you tell im sitting on my daddys face ?.

    im really a big disappointment even for someone that cant cum out from behind daddys skirt.

    First The Rev™ wanted to break it off in me but the DJ was already pumping in my ass, now im hiding behind my daddys fat ass like the little coward i am.

    As for IP “spoofing”, I’d think that a big bad IT guru like you would have thought to block the really common free proxy servers out there

    [Why, that’s an excellent idea, dipshit.&#160 See, even a hopeless mongoloid faggot like you can have a good idea once in a while.

    And I think we’ll start with this proxy you’re on right now, in fact.

    Still sucks to be you, doesn’t it?&#160 (guffaw)&#160 -LSI]

  13. Why would I come say it to your face? I’d only get my ass kicked like the reverend would have if he’d had the balls to show up on your doorstep. That episode was one of the saddest on the whole interweb, ‘cuz I always pull hard for my butt-buddys.

    Only cowards and fags like me hide behind the internet, and the worst among us whine, piss & moan when we get our asses handed to us.

    Hope you enjoyed watching the Cowboys in the bowl, ‘cuz my Pussydelphia Beagles didn’t make it and ima big fat pussy.

    And i wish i wasnt such an awful human being. Maybe if I quit fantaz…fantasyz…having wet dreams about Jesse MacBeth…

  14. Ragin' Dave says:

    At least you get the satisfaction of watching Little Manning get pounded into the tundra next week. Me, I’ll be at home, cursing the Seahawks and screaming “THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN HELD IN SEATTLE!”

  15. Robert Huntingdon says:

    I hate to say it, but both Indy and Dallas played like crap. Would I have liked to see them pull it out anyway? Yeah. But they didn’t deserve to win either.

    On the plus side, with all the injuries the NY Tinies took we should be pretty well guaranteed of seeing the Packers in the Super Bowl now. Unless Brett’s receivers drop as many balls as Tony’s did.


  16. TripleLinguiniDick says:

    [Goodbye, Bacon-dick.&#160 Tosser pussies like you don’t get to play in this sandbox.&#160 -LSI]

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