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[SCENE:&#160 Deep space.&#160 Pegasus&#160 has traversed a sizable portion of the quadrant, and now finds itself in Shelliak Corporate space.&#160 A warship blocks her path.

On the bridge, Captain Korrioth is engaged in…ah…a discussion&#160 with the representative from the Shelliak over the parts & materials they need for the new Battlehawk-class dreadnaught.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 You will&#160 trade with us or our Master will deal with you!!!

SHELLIAK:&#160 We have heard of your Lord Spatula.&#160 He does not impress us.

KORRIOTH:&#160 (to McManx) Close channel!!!

T-BONE MCMANX:&#160 (toggles three switches, nods back to Korrioth) Channel closed, Captain.

KORRIOTH:&#160 I’ll be in the Admiral’s quarters.&#160 (to K’hadibak’h) Conn!

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 (grunt)

[SCENE:&#160 Our Hero‘s quarters.&#160 Korrioth holds an unidentified bundle of what appears to be clothing in his arms.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 M’lord, they remain…unconvinced.

LSIK&T:&#160 We’re about out of tricks here, my friend.&#160 We need those supplies & materials.

KORRIOTH:&#160 I think it may be time, my lord.

[Korrioth holds forth the bundle.&#160 It is a long charcoal-gray robe with a cloak & hood.&#160 Our Hero&#153 looks at it, then incredulously back at his exec.]

LSIK&T:&#160 No.&#160 You cannot be serious.

KORRIOTH:&#160 I see no other way, Admiral.&#160 You do not approve…?

LSIK&T:&#160 (sighs) It’s not that, Kor.&#160 It’s just that…well…when I exercise those powers to any sizable degree…(gets a pained expression)…I get this huge honkin’ three-week headache.

KORRIOTH:&#160 A headache?&#160 Is that&#160 all?

LSIK&T:&#160 Hey, Terran headaches ain’t picnics, Bumpy.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Say no more, my friend.

[Korrioth walks over and addresses the replicator.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 Theragen deriviative, formula PT-Spatula284, 34 ounces, three units of sweetener.

[An oversized Spatula City beer stein – replicas of which can be found here (grin) – materializes in the replicator bay.&#160 Korrioth takes it to Spats.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 The solution, m’lord.

LSIK&T:&#160 Theragen derivative???&#160 (makes a face – he’s tasted Theragen derivative, and nearly lost his lunch over it)

KORRIOTH:&#160 Just try it.&#160 I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

[Spats warily sniffs at it, catches a whiff of something definitely familiar, takes a cautions sip.&#160 His eyebrows arch in major surprise.]

LSIK&T:&#160 Peach tea???&#160 How’d you come across this, Captain?

KORRIOTH:&#160 (nodding) I made a wager with K’hadibak’h that I could make him throw up using anything that came out of the replicator.

LSIK&T:&#160 And this is what you used…?

[Korrioth just stands there and offers a faint Cheshire-cat grin.]

LSIK&T:&#160 Gimme that cloak and let’s go to the bridge.

(To be continued…)

Denizens, work continues on the IV project.&#160 Slowly, but it continues nonetheless.

Watch this space.&#160

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One response to “IV project update”

  1. Incoming Communique

    Supreme General Rayegun REQUIRES that the ship commander of Pegasus to contact same on subspace channel 1488 within one standard Stardate.

    Same REQUIRES update and immediate plans for Project IV.

    End Communique

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