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(cheerleaders)Say Gang,
Are the Wildcats gonna win this game
(everyone)HELLLLLLLLLL, NO!!!!
(cheerleaders)So who is it, say yell it, spell it…

-From “Say Gang”, a very popular cheer back in the 60s/70s/80s

Okay, Denizens, here’s yet another clue into how Absolutely Friggin’ Ancient&#153 your King & Tyrant is.&#160 This was the Numero Uno cheer which started off every pep rally and football game back when I was growing up.&#160 And it was interactive, to a certain degree; while the cheerleaders were busy spelling the name of our school mascot, we in the crowd would alternate with them by yelling “HELLLLLLL, NO!!!” at the top of our lungs.

Well, from what I understand, that particular cheer was phased out shortly after I left “hah skrewl” (a little Rush lingo, there), to be replaced by more generic, vanilla, boring&#160 chants.&#160 You know, stuff like “Win the game.&#160 Rah.”

Well, as the legend goes, to try to spice things up a bit, the cheerleaders started incorporating some…ah…routines&#160 into the act.&#160 You know…burlesque choreographed step routines.

Well, anyway, if a certain Demoscummic state legislator has his way, then boy howdy, that’s&#160 gonna come to a screeching halt, by gum!

When it comes to cheerleaders and drill teams shimmying on the football field, how low can they go?

The House didn’t answer that question Tuesday, but it did decide who should: The state’s education officials, who aren’t entirely sure about their proposed new role as the moral stewards of Texas high schools.

Oh, lovely.&#160 Just lovely.&#160 The same buffoons who can’t even figure out that evolution should be taught as a theory&#160 rather than as a fact is now charged with gauging the old-style “I know it when I see it” standard of cheerleader pornography sluttiness vulgarity “appeal”.

Edwards argued that bawdy performances are a distraction for students, resulting in pregnancies, dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Oh, I can just see it now:&#160 A high school teenybopper slut does the bump and grind in a midriff-baring sweater and a mini, and the dropout rate immediately goes up 40 percent.&#160 Hell, you’d think that attendance – well, at least on the part of the boys – would approach 100% on that issue.&#160 Get a sexy-enough girl doing it and guys from other&#160 schools would flock to see her, thus raising attendance to 115 or 120 percent!!!

And since the state distributes $$$$ to the districts based on attendance…Hmmm, I wonder if they could recruit from Baby Doll’s?

Ribald performances are not defined in the bill. “Any adult that’s been involved with sex in their lives, they know it when they see it,” he said.

That particular test barely passed Constitutional muster when the Supreme Court was reviewing bona fide&#160 porn – does this dumbass really think it’ll do so this&#160 time around?

Seriously, Denizens.&#160 I’m all for wholesomeness when it comes to cheerleaders – I mean, the Crown Prince&#153 will be dealing with this very issue himself in 15 years or so.&#160 But do we really need a freakin’ law to handle this???

I mean, does the Texas Legislature Not Have Enough To Do&#153 at the moment?&#160 They only meet in session once every two years, and for only 140 days at this, and this&#160 is the best state business they could dredge up?

More to the point, have the parents and the school boards so abdicated their God-given responsibilities that the state has to stick its ugly-assed nose into this?


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5 responses to ““Young lady, put down those assault hi…uh, wait a minute…””

  1. David Hartung says:

    Did you say that this is being puhed by the DEMOCTRATS? You mean the party of Bill ( I did not have sex with that woman), the party of Oval Office fellato, is now trying to regulate suggestiveness at high school ball games? Not, what is wrong with this picture?

  2. David Hartung says:

    Sorry about the typos, I posted without proof-reading.

  3. No worries, David.

    Actually, nothing’s wrong with the picture.&#160 It’s typical liberalism – forcing the populace to live by rules they themselves are not willing to observe.

  4. David Hartung says:

    You do have a point.

    Does this bill have a snowball’s chance of actually becoming law?

  5. Doubtful right now.&#160 It doesn’t even have a sponsor in the Texas Senate, and there’s only a week left in session to churn everything out.


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