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This is getting to be a weekly thing with Dr. YEEEARRRRRGH!!!!! – open mouth, insert feet.

Yeah, feet.&#160&#160 Seems one foot isn’t quite enough for ol’ Howeird.

In comments that offended even members of his own party, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean blasted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Saturday as a criminal, saying that the top Republican belongs in jail.

“I think Tom Delay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there,” Dean told Massachusetts Democrats at their state convention.

The Head Jackass&#153 is saying this about a man who hasn’t even been indicted,&#160 much less convicted.&#160 That, more than anything else, should give you a clear indication of where the Demoscum want all of us right-thinkers who have more brains than to fall for their bullshit:&#160 In the slammer, locked up with the key thrown away.

Incredibly, in the next breath the top Democrat complained about “this ugly, nasty dialogue that is coming from the right wing of the American Republican Party.”

And you’re surprised by this, NewsMax?&#160 We out here in Flyover Country&#153 are quite accustomed to it, after all.&#160 It’s another classic case of the Donks pointing the finger at us for things of which they’re&#160 actually guilty.

Dean’s comments drew a sharp rebuke from Rep. Barney Frank, who told the Boston Globe, “That’s just wrong.”

Translation:&#160 “Oh, it’th too early in the morning for me to get righteouthly angry.&#160 I haven’t had my morning cabana boy yet!!!

“I think Howard Dean was out of line talking about DeLay,” the House Democrat complained. “The man has not been indicted. I don’t like him, I disagree with some of what he does, but I don’t think you, in a political speech, talk about a man as a criminal or his jail sentence.”

Oh, spare us, Barney Fag.&#160 (Yeah, I called you “Barney Fag”, a la&#160 Dick Armey a few years ago.&#160 Deal with it.)

The fact is that you bastards put Dr. YEEEEAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! right where he is, when you could have deep-sixed his candidacy before it had ever gotten off the ground.&#160 You can fake&#160 angst all you want, but we right-thinkers know better.

The top Republican has been targeted for what Democrats say is an abuse of congressional travel privileges.

A study released last week by the web site PoliticalMoneyLine.com, however, found that the top ten trip-takers in Congress are all Democrats, with DeLay ranking 121st on the list.

And this is supposed to come as what kind of surprise, again?

PotKettleBlack&#153 much, Asses?

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