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Item:&#160 Senator Hair-Butt-Plugs told “Meet the Depressed” on Sunday that he thinks life begins at conception:

Senator Joseph Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee for vice president, departed from party doctrine on abortion rights, declaring that as a Catholic, he believes life begins at conception.


While he said he did not often talk about his faith, he said of those who disagree with him: “They believe in their faith, and they believe in human life, and they have differing views as to when life – I’m prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception.”

How very nice.&#160 We seem to have added another to our ever-increasing number of pro-life advocates.

Except for one, very minor, even trivial, detail:&#160 Either it’s a deathbed conversion or the son-of-a-bitch is lying through his teeth.

Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, Sen. Barack Obama’s choice for his vice presidential running mate, is a Roman Catholic with a long record of supporting pro-abortion causes and legislation.

Biden did repeatedly support enactment of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, but when the ban came up for a Senate vote in 1999 he voted for an amendment by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) that said the Supreme Court had acted correctly in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that declared abortion a constitutional right.

Biden has never wavered in defending Roe.

At a Democratic presidential primary debate in Las Vegas last November, he said that if he were elected president he would impose a pro-Roe test on anyone he appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would not appoint anyone who did not understand that Section 5 of the 14th Amendment and the Liberty Clause of the 14th Amendment provided a right to privacy,” Biden said. “That’s the question I’d ask them. If that is answered correctly, that that is the case, then it answers the question, which means they would support Roe v. Wade.”

Bullshit.&#160 One hundred percent pure, natural, unvarnished, unadulterated, non-biodegradeable bullshit.

Joseph L. Biden’s pro-life epiphany is about as authentic as that Obambi three-dollar bill down there on the sidebar.&#160 It is nothing but crap, crap, crap.

And you can quote me.

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