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And the hits (to the portfolio) just keep on coming.

The Dow dropped another 445 points today as investors, knowing what’s coming when Al-Obambi really does&#160 come to power, up and decided they want no part of it.

And make no mistake, Denizens – for all the votes that Jugears McHopenchange and his cronies at ACORN stole on November 4th, this&#160 is the real&#160 election.

The one, that is to say, that is being held by the producers.&#160 The movers & shakers.&#160 The ones who truly&#160 drive the economy.&#160 In other words, you fucking libtards…the rich.

And this is one&#160 election, you leftist Donk cuntmuffins, that neither you nor your pals at ACORN can steal.&#160 Widdle Willie Ayers and his skank Bernabitch Dohrn aren’t going to be able to help you here.&#160 They have seen what the Ayatollah Obambi is going to do, and they’re voting with their feet.

Get a good look, Demoscum – ’cause there’s not a damned thing you can effin’ do&#160 about it.&#160

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One response to “Dow continues its Obambi-era slide”

  1. David Hartung says:

    Okay, so the economy is giving us lemons.

    Why don’t you make lemonade? With your persuasive skills (g), you should be able to create a legend that in bad economic times, the Cowboys do well! If you can convince some folks that this is the case, and then engage them in some friendly betting? (EG)

    of course, you could just hang the whole thing up, and move to Vulcan. Then the problem is that you can only chase chicks every seven years.

    maybe Betazed? Nah, they can read your mind, and for you that may not be a good thing! 🙂

    have a great day Darth old friend!

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