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Misha has four good missives on Cindy “Shitcan” Sheehan, the traitorous bitch who thinks that because her&#160 son – WHO NOT ONLY VOLUNTEERED FOR DUTY, BUT RE-ENLISTED KNOWING&#160 HE’D BE GOING BACK TO IRAQ, DO YOU UNDERSTAND, SHITCAN?!?!?! – was killed in action…well, she’s just entitled&#160 to a second meeting with the President, when the hundreds of families who lost their&#160 loved ones and do&#160 support the President haven’t even so much as had a first&#160 meeting with him.

It is worth your time to “read them all”, as “Straight Up With” Sherri is so fond of saying.

As for Shitcan, if she wants to know what the “noble cause” is, she should probably take time out from being the latest Leftard media darling and read this.

Not that she’ll care – she won’t like the answer, and she’s already gone over the cliff, started blaming Israel for all this and vowed not to pay her taxes (oh, and where are&#160 those IRS agents when you need them, eh?) – but there it is, in black-and-white electrons.

Oh, and Little Green Footballs reports that Shitcan has a new best friend:&#160 David Duke.&#160 Birds of a feather…

Game, set and match, Shitcan.&#160 “Grieving mother”, my ass.

UPDATE:&#160 Oh, this&#160 is a choice cut.

That “threat” of hers not to pay her 2004 taxes, because she (sobbbbbb!!!!) lost her widdle Casey in 2004???

Get this:&#160 She hasn’t paid her taxes for six years.

That “thwock thwock thwock” sound you hear is the IRS coming to get you, Shitcan… (guffaw)

(Hat tip LC PJB.)

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One response to “Here’s your answer, “Shitcan””

  1. I actually sent this email to that Iraqi.

    Someone has to explain this woman’s motivations to people.


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