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Y’know, one of these days the Ayatollah B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi’s finally gonna get it through his thick-assed Shit-cago thug head that every time he opens his piehole, the US economy gets just a little bit sicker.

Or maybe that’s his goal.

Whatever, he’s doing a bang-up job.&#160 At destroying the economy, that is.

That Tree of Liberty’s pretty parched by now, I’d think.

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6 responses to “Look out below!!!”

  1. At 11:15 CT it’s down to 6827.81……

    Somebody recall the quartet from the TITANIC, seems they’re needed again….

  2. HDD says:

    Don’t confuse the stock market with the economy. They’re only connected in the loosest of ways.

    President Obama’s damage to the economy will come later, and will be FAR worse than what he’s doing to the stock market.

  3. Don’t confuse the stock market with the economy. They’re only connected in the loosest of ways.

    Oh, to be sure, HDD.&#160 The Dow indicates the level of confidence in what’s going to happen down the road.&#160 Investors, having seen what’s coming, are getting out now.

    Indeed, I think this can be taken as the harbinger, rather than the actual events themselves.&#160 That’s why, despite what they portend for Americans (myself included), I can’t help but feel a little giddy – because Obambi (not to mention the rest of the Demoscum) is going to get all the blame for it.

    Which pleases me no end.

  4. HDD says:

    Indeed, I think this can be taken as the harbinger, rather than the actual events themselves. That’s why, despite what they portend for Americans (myself included), I can’t help but feel a little giddy – because Obambi (not to mention the rest of the Demoscum) is going to get all the blame for it.

    Um…hate to burst your bubble on that one, but, umm….

    Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to ruin the American economy for 12 fucking years! How did he manage that? Easy. He used the results of his horrid decisions to justify his horrid decisions, and the American people kept electing him for it. Here’s a hint of how bad he was for business: the Depression ended the day after he died! World War II, contrary to popular belief, did NOTHING to bring us out of the Depression, because, well, wars don’t bring countries out of depressions. They CAUSE depressions. The unemployment rate (an almost completely useless statistic) dropped during World War II because 1/4 of the working population was suddenly Somewhere Else.

    It’s a real easy equation: If I have $100, Dave has $50, Rayegun has $25, and you have $225, and I take $125 from you (forcibly), and give $75 to Rayegun, and $50 to Dave, Dave and Rayegun are going to like me, a lot, and you’re going to be a touch irate. But, we don’t care, because 1) it was my idea, and I feel real good about helping Dave and Rayegun, and 2) Dave, Rayegun and I outnumber you, and there ain’t a whole lot you can do to stop us. BUT, did you happen to notice that we still only have $400 between us? We didn’t create any wealth, we just ‘spread it around’ a bit. That’s the ‘secret’ to Libtard economic policies: they don’t actually do anything to help the economy, they just shuffle the money around to keep the smallest number of people angry at them.

    President Obama will use the horrid results of his horrid decisions to justify his horrid decisions, in a classic case of circular reasoning. And there are plenty of ignorant Americans who have no clue what they’re talking about (like, say, conservatives who think the US economy is based on energy, instead of supply and demand) who will re-elect him in 2012, because he’ll be the only one with ‘answers’ to the problems he’s trying to ‘fix’, while causing the problems in the first place.

    Standard Demonrat tactics: invent a ‘crisis’, pass legislation to ‘fix’ the non-existent crisis, wait ten years, pass legislation to ‘fix’ the REAL crisis caused by ‘fixing’ the non-crisis from 10 years ago. Anyone ELSE notice that Ted “Proof That God Has A Sense of Humor” Kennedy wrote the legislation the created HMOs…the very entities that Ted blamed for causing a ‘crisis’ in the 90s, requiring legislation, written, of course, by Ted “Three Dead Kennedy Sons, and We’re Left With THIS One?” Kennedy?

  5. sdj says:

    ha ha..

    how’s your 401k looking now dipshit…
    guess those foodstamps will fill the void when your job get’s outsourced to india or china.
    just go stock up on ammo, get another couple of 9mm’s and a m15..
    better start groving those veggies in the back yard.
    you have no idea how much i am laughing….
    sukkkkkers…. heh heh….. your paying for it…

  6. sdj says:

    guess you wont post these comments will you dipshit..
    fucking redneck..


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