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…this time, on a planetary scale.

I can’t remember the last time I was so pleased that “US – Ewe Ess” (a little Paul Harvey lingo, there) lost a competition.

Remember all the pundits, wonks & wags speculating that Shit-cago was about to get the 2016 Summer Olympics?&#160 “Word on the street is that it’s a done deal…” – remember?

And why was that?&#160 Because The Messiah Hisownself&#153, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi was Going(going…going…oing) To(to…to…ooo) Copenhagen(hagen…hagen…agen) to get those selfsame Olympics as a present for all those dead people in Shit-cago who voted for him more than 14 times.

And all the aforementioned pundits, wonks & wags were making GagaEyes&#153 about it all:&#160 “Well, you just know&#160 we’ve got it now.&#160 Why, Obama wouldn’t take such a big entourage with him if he didn’t know he was going to bring the Olympics back with him.&#160 All the heads of state do this, y’know.&#160 Tony Blair did this, y’know.&#160 So did the Chinese premier.&#160 This is just a fait accompli, don’tcha know, yes it is, yum yum yum (smacking lips)…”

All for naught.

And on the first ballot, no less.&#160 Meaning that we wound up tied for last place with whomever else got cut.

What is it Scripture says again about haughty spirits and falls?&#160

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2 responses to “Bambi fails again…”

  1. David Hartung says:

    I seldom get so exorcised over politics that I experience the RCOB, but hearing that our incompetent president had once again bad mouthed the country which he was elected to lead, did it.

  2. Alan K. Henderson says:

    Who in his right mind tries to convince people that Chicago is a better Olympics site than Rio???

    You don’t try something like that unless you have compromising photos of the IOC committee with Letterman staffers.

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