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What with the economy supposedly&#160 making something resembling a rebound – the resizing of the last quarter from +3.5% to +2.8% down to +2.2% notwithstanding – one suppoes the Demoscum are feeling Pretty Damned Good&#153 about themselves at the moment – at least, with respect to the economy.&#160 They’re even consider a second welfare package, anywhere from $50 billion to upwards of $150 billion.

They might want to take another look from that crow’s nest of this economic Titanic they’re sailing.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned the U.S. faces a double-dip recession because of the taxes and regulations under consideration by the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Congress, the administration and states must recognize that our weak economy simply could not sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration. It’s a sure-fire recipe for a double-dip recession, or worse,” Donohue said in a speech providing the Chamber’s outlook for 2010.

Rush has theorized that Al-Obambi is doing this in a deliberate attempt to destroy the American economy.&#160 And to look at things, there’s evidence that Jugears McHopenchange has not only seen the iceberg, but has ordered a collision course, full speed ahead.

Bambi should have a care about what he wishes for.&#160 He just might get it.

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5 responses to “US Chamber:&#160 Economy headed towards double-dipper”

  1. David Hartung says:

    Hey, you stole my rant! 🙂

    I say fire the lot of them!

  2. HDD says:


    If Americans would ever learn to crack open some books every now and then (the average American doesn’t read 1 book a year!), and managed to accidentally have 1 or 2 of those books be books on just absolute basic economics, they would know that our wonderful government is repeating, almost in the exact same order, every single action that caused the Great Depression. And, funny enough, the exact same justifications are being used for those exact same actions. And, funny enough, they’re getting the exact same results.

    Look, I know it’s hard for even Republicans to understand, but, the ONLY thing the government should do in a recession is NOTHING! Absolutely fucking nothing. A government can only do 1 of 4 things to an economy:
    1) Print currency. This leads to inflation, as the actual VALUE of items doesn’t change, only the amount of currency it takes to purchase those items. A Big Mac will still have the same value no matter how much currency is printed, it will just take a LOT more currency units to purchase that Big Mac.
    2) Remove wealth. Taxation, fees, surcharges, tariffs…all these things do is remove actual wealth from the economy.
    3) Both 1 and 2. Bonds, borrowing, deferring payments…all these things do is put more currency into the market NOW, for a larger reduction in wealth LATER.
    4) Nothing, or, do less of the first 3. If the first 3 are that bad, either doing less of them, or doing nothing at all, is the preferred, and only practical, thing to do.

    Until politicians of both parties get it out of their damn heads that government can fix ANYTHING, we’re headed for another Great Depression.

    For the record, the stock market crash of 1929 wasn’t the first crash. Nor was it even the first crash of the 20th Century. Heck, it wasn’t even the first, or worst, crash in the previous 100 years. The recession that happened right after the War of Northern Aggression was FAR worse than the Crash of ’29, and it lasted a whopping 2 years or so. Why? Because the government didn’t do anything. In fact, up until the Great Depression, NO recession had lasted longer than 5 years, IN HISTORY! That’s because, until the Crash of ’29, and the advent of Keynesian economics, governments understood that they were powerless to do anything to the economy. It was Keynes, and his Communist-influenced economic theory, that opened the floodgates of government influence into economies.

    Obama campaigned on the idea of stopping the boom/bust cycle of economics. The only way to do that is to put the economy in a constant state of “bust”, and Obama all but admitted it. Every Demonrat president of our lifetime has campaigned on stopping the “boom” part of the cycle, because that’s the only way to control the economy: make everyone (relatively) equally miserable.

  3. Hey, you stole my rant! 🙂

    Hey, there’s no law in the Realm&#153 says we can’t all talk about the same thing at once.&#160

    I am, though, going to push yours back a few hours so we can have a post for tomorrow.&#160 (Also gonna tweak the formatting a bit for better readability, if that’s okay.)

  4. David Hartung says:

    “I am, though, going to push yours back a few hours so we can have a post for tomorrow. (Also gonna tweak the formatting a bit for better readability, if that’s okay.)”

    You are, after all, the King and Tyrant! 8)

    I am still having challenges with WordPress. Sometimes I just can’t get it to do what I want, and I lack the knowledge of HTML coding to do much.

  5. I am still having challenges with WordPress. Sometimes I just can’t get it to do what I want, and I lack the knowledge of HTML coding to do much.

    Shoot me an email and lemme know some specifics, and I’ll help you work on ’em.

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